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第十个人 Lesson Ten The Tenth Man 就在第二天下午3点(闹钟上的时间),一个军官走进了牢房。这是他们几星期以来见到的第一位军官。他非常年轻,甚至小胡子的形状也显示出他不够老练,左边的胡子剃得重了点。 It was at three the next afternoon (alarm clock time) that an officer entered the cell; the first officer they had seen for weeks – and this one was very young, with inexperience even in the shape of his mustache which he had shaved too much on the left side. 他就像一个初次登台领奖的小学生一样窘迫不安,他说起话来粗鲁无礼,似乎要显示一种他并不具备的力量。 He was as embarrassed as a schoolboy making his first entry on a stage at a prize-giving, and he spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he did not possess. 他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”他又说道:“我们不在乎女孩的死。法国男人杀死法国女人不关我们的事。” He said, “There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle.” He added, “We don't complain about the girl. Frenchmen have our permission to kill Frenchwomen.” 很明显他事先仔细斟酌了他的讲话,但他的嘲弄做过了头,他的表演也很业余。 He had obviously thought up his speech carefully beforehand, but the irony was overdone and the delivery that of an amateur actor: 整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。 the whole scene was as unreal as a charade. 他接着说道:“你们知道自己为什么来这里,你们在这里好吃好喝,过着舒适的日子,而我们的人却在工作和战斗。不过现在你们必须付出代价了。不要怪我们,要怪你们自己的杀人凶手。我的命令是集中营里每十个人要有一个被枪决。你们有多少人?”“报数。”他厉声喝道人们闷闷不乐地照办了。“28,29,30.”人们知道不用数他也知道人数,这不过是他玩的把戏中不可省略的一句台词…… He said, “You know what you are here for, living comfortably, on fine rations, while our men work and fight. Well, now you've got to pay the hotel bill. Don't blame us. Blame your own murderers. My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot in this camp. How many of you are there?” He shouted sharply, “Number off,” and sullenly they obeyed, “…… twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.” They knew he knew without counting. This was just a line in his charade he couldn't sacrifice. 他说道:“那么,你们的名额是三个,我们并不关心是哪三个人。你们可以自己选择。死刑于明天早上7点执行。” He said, “Your allotment then is three. We are quite indifferent as to which three. You can choose for yourselves. The funeral rites will begin at seven tomorrow morning.” 他玩的把戏结束了,人们可以听到他的脚步响亮地敲击着沥青路渐渐远去。 The charade was over: they could hear his feet striking sharply on the asphalt going away. 查维尔忽然很想知道他打的手势是什么字。要他们猜的是不是“夜间”,“姑娘”,“旁边”或“30”。不,不是。谜底肯定是“人质”。 Chavel wondered for a moment what syllable had been acted —“night,”“girl,”“aside,” or perhaps “thirty,” but it was of course the whole word—“hostage. ” 牢房里很长时间没人说话。后来一个叫克拉夫的阿尔萨斯人开口道:“好了,我们有人自愿吗?” The silence went on a long time, and then a man called Krogh, an Alsatian, said, “Well, do we have to volunteer?” “废话。”一个职员说道。他是一个上了年纪的戴着夹鼻眼镜的老头。他接着说道:“没人会自愿,我们必须抽签。除非有人认为应按年龄决定——最老的先死。” “Rubbish,” said one of the clerks, a thin elderly man in pince-nez, “nobody will volunteer. We must draw lots.” He added, “Un-less it is thought that we should go by ages —the oldest first. ” “不,不行。”另一个人说道,“那不公平。” “No, no,” one of the others said, “that would be unjust. ” “这是自然规律。” “It's the way of nature.” “那算什么自然规律。”又一个人说道,“我有个女儿,5岁时就死了。” “Not even the way of nature,” another said. “1 had a child who died when she was five……” “我们必须抽签。”市长坚定地说。 “We must draw lots,” the mayor said firmly. “只有这样才公正。”他坐在那里,双手依然紧贴在肚子上,遮挡着他的怀表,但是整个牢房里都能听见怀表清脆的滴答声。 “It is the only fair thing.” He sat with his hands still pressed over his stomach, hiding his watch, but all through the cell you could hear its blunt tick lock tick. 他接着又说道:“由未婚者抽签,已婚者除外,他们有责任。” He added, “On the unmarried. The married should not be included. They have responsibilities… “哈,哈!”皮埃尔说道,“我们明白了。为什么已婚者就应逃脱?他们的事儿已经做完了。当然,你结婚了吧?” “Ha, ha,” Pierre said, “we see through that. Why should the married get off? Their work's finished. You, of course, are married?” “我的妻子不在了。”市长说,“我现在是未婚,你呢?” “I have lost my wife,” the mayor said, “I am not married now. And you…” “结了。”皮埃尔答道。 “Married,” Pierre said. 市长开始解下怀表。发现皮埃尔处境安全,他似乎更坚信作为怀表的主人自己必定是下一个牺牲者。 The mayor began to undo his watch; the discovery that his rival was safe seemed to confirm his belief that as the owner of time he was bound to be the next victim. 他环顾了每一个人,然后选择了查维尔。也许是因为只有他穿着西服背心适合戴表链。他说道:“查维尔先生,我想让你替我拿着怀表,万一……” He looked from face to face and chose Chavel, perhaps because he was the only man with a waistcoat fit to take the chain. He said, “Monsieur Chavel, I want you to hold this watch for me in case…” “你找别人吧!”查维尔说,“我还没结婚呢。” “you'd better choose someone else,” Chavel said. “I am not married.” 那个老职员又开口了,“我结婚了,我有权说话。 The elderly clerk spoke again. He said, “I'm married. I've got the right to speak. 我们正把一切引向歧途。这不是我们最后一次抽签。如果这儿有一个特权阶层——那些最终将活着的人,大家想想,牢房里会是什么样子。你们其他人很快就会痛恨我们。你们害怕,而我们将不再担心。“ We are going the wrong way about all this. Everyone must draw lots. This isn't the last draw we shall have, and picture to yourselves what it will be like in this cell if we have a privileged class —the ones who are left to the end. The rest of you will soon begin to hate us. We shall be left out of your fear. . . “ “他说得对。”皮埃尔说。 “He's right,” Pierre said. 市长重新握紧了怀表,说道:“就照你们的主意办。要是能够这样征税的话……”他做了个绝望的手势。 The mayor refastened his watch. “Have it your own way,” he said. “But if the taxes were levied like this…” He gave a gesture of despair. “我们如何抽签?”克拉夫问道。 “How do we draw?” Krogh asked. 查维尔答道:“最快的办法就是从一只鞋里抽出画有记号的纸条。” Chavel said, “The quickest way would be to draw marked papers out of a shoe. . .” 克拉夫轻蔑地说:“那么快干吗?对于我们当中几个人来说这可是最后一次赌博了。我们蛮可以享受一番。我提议赌抛硬币。” Krogh said contemptuously, “Why the quickest way? This is the last gamble some of us will have. We may as well enjoy it. I say a coin.” “这不好。”那个职员说,“抛硬币不是一个公平、合理的办法。” “It won't work,” the clerk said. “You can't get a even chance with a coin.” “惟一的办法就是抽签。”市长说道。 “The only way is to draw,” the mayor said. 职员开始为抽签做准备,为此他牺牲了一封家信。 The clerk prepared the draw, sacrificing for it one of his letters from home. 他很快地看了一遍信,然后把它撕成30张小纸条。 He read it rapidly for the last time, and then tore it into thirty pieces. 他用铅笔在其中三张上画上十字,然后把每张纸条都叠上。 On three pieces he made a cross in pencil, and then folded each piece. 他接着说:“克拉夫的鞋。”大家把纸条放在地下搅乱,然后装进了鞋子里。 “Krogh's got the biggest shoe,” he said. They shuffled the pieces on the floor and then dropped them into the shoe. “我们按姓氏的字母顺序抽签。”市长说。 “We'll draw in alphabetical order,” the mayor said. “从Z开始抽。”查维尔说道。他的安全感开始动摇了。他急切想喝点什么,用手指从嘴唇上撕下一小块干皮。 “Z first,” Chavel said. His feeling of security was shaken. He wanted a drink badly. He picked at a dry piece of skin on his lip. “就按你说的办。”卡车司机说道,“有人排在维尔森前面吗?我先抽。” “As you wish,” the lorry driver said. “Anybody beat Voisin? Here goes. 他用手在鞋子里小心地掏,就像是要掏到他心里想要的那张。 “He thrust his hand into the shoe and made careful excavations as though he had one particular scrap of paper in mind. 他抽出一张,打开,怔怔地看着,然后说了声:“完了。”他坐下来,摸出一支香烟放到嘴里,却忘了点火。 He drew one out, opened it, and gazed at it with astonishment. He said, “This is it.” He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when he got it between his lips he forgot to light it. 查维尔心中充满了巨大而又令他感到羞耻的快乐。 Chavel was filled with a huge and shameful joy. 看来自己得救了。剩下二十九个人抽签,而只有两张带有记号的纸条。 It seemed to him that already he was saved —twenty - nine men to draw and only two marked papers left. 抽中死签的可能性突然变得对他有利,从10比1变成了14比1.经营蔬菜水果的商人也抽了一张,然后漫不经心、毫无表情地示意自己平安无事。 The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten to one to—fourteen to one: the greengrocer had drawn a slip and indicated carelessly and without pleasure that he was safe. 的确,从抽第一张签时人们就忌讳任何喜形于色的表现,一个人不能以任何宽慰的举动去嘲弄注定要死的人。 Indeed from the first draw any mark of pleasure was taboo: one couldn't mock the condemned man by any sign of relief. 查维尔胸中有一种隐隐约约的不安——还不是恐惧,像是一种压抑感。 Again a dull disquiet —ii couldn't yet be described as a fear—exended its empire over Chavel's chest. 当第六个人抽到空白纸条时,他发现自己在打哈欠;当第十个人——就是大家称作雅维耶的那个人抽完签后,他的心中又充满了某中怨愤的情绪。现在抽中死签的机会同开始时一样了。 It was like a constriction: he found himself yawning as the sixth man drew a blank slip, and a sense of grievance nagged at his mind when the tenth man bad drawn—it was the one they called Janvier—and the chances were once again the same as when the draw started. 有的人抽出他们手指碰到的第一张纸条;有的人似乎怀疑命运企图将某一张纸条强加于他们,所以他们刚刚从鞋里抽出一张,就又扔回去,再另换一张。 Some men drew the first slip which touched their fingers; others seemed to suspect tha t fate was trying to force on them a particular slip and when they bad drawn one a little way from the shoe would let it drop again and choose another. 时间过得很慢,令人难以置信。那个叫做维尔森的人靠墙坐着,嘴里叼着仍未点燃的香烟,对一切都不再在意。 Time passed with incredible slowness, and the man called Voisin sat against the wall with the unlighted cigarette in his mouth paying them no attention at all. 就在生存的机会逐渐变小,抽中死签的可能性达到八分之一时,一个叫做勒诺特的上年纪的职员抽中了第二张死签。 The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk —his name was Lenotre—drew the second slip. 他清了清喉咙,戴上夹鼻眼镜,好像要确认自己没有看错。“喂,维尔森先生,我能加入吗?”他带着淡淡的微笑说道。 He cleared his throat and put on his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not mistaken. “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a thin undecided smile, “May I join you?” 令人难以琢磨的机会再次以绝对对查维尔有利的优势朝他走来,抽中死签的可能性只有十五分之一,可他这次却没有丝毫欣慰,他被普通百姓所具有的勇气所震撼,他想让这一切尽快结束,就像一副扑克玩得太久了,他只希望有人离开牌桌,结束牌局。 This time Chavel felt no joy even though the elusive odds were back again overwhelmingly in his favor at fifteen to one; he was daunted by the courage of common men. He wanted the whole thing to be over as quickly as possible: like a game of cards which has gone on too long, he only wanted someone to make a move and break up the table. 勒诺特在维尔森身边靠墙坐下,他翻过纸条,背面是信中的一点内容,“是你妻子的?”维尔森问道。“是我女儿的。”勒诺特答道,“请原谅。”他起身走到自己的铺盖处,抽出一本便笺,回到维尔森身边开始写起来。他不慌不忙,认认真真地写下一串纤细而清晰的字迹。 。 Lenotre, sitting down against the wall next to Voisin, turned the slip over: on the back was a scrap of writing. Your-wife?“ Voisin said. “My daughter,” Lenotre said. “Excuse me.” He went over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad. Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write, carefully, without hurry, a thin legible hand. 这时中死签的概率又回到了10比1. The odds were back to ten to one. 从那时起,对查维尔来说,抽中死签的可能性似乎以一种不可避免的可怕趋势发生着变化。 From that point the odds seemed to move toward Chavel with a dreadful inevitability: 9比1,8比1,抽中死签的可能性好像指向了他。 nine to one, eight to one; they were like a pointing finger. 剩下的人抽得越来越快,越来越随便。 The men who were left drew more quickly and more carelessly: 在查维尔看来,他们似乎都知道了某种秘密,知道他会抽到死签。 they seemed to Chavel to have some inner information —to know that he was the one. 轮到他抽签时,只剩下了3张纸,留给他的机会这么少,在他看来真是不公平。 When his time came to draw there were only three slips left , and it appeared to Chavel a monstrous injustice that there were so few choices left for him. 他从鞋中抽出一张,接着又认定这是同伴的意志强加给他的,一定有十字。于是他把它放回去,另抽了一张。 He drew one out of the shoe and then feeling certain that this one had been willed on him by his companions and contained the penciled cross he threw it back and snatched another. “律师,你偷看了。”剩下的两个人中有一个大声说道,但另一个让他安静下来。 “You looked, lawyer,” one of the two men exclaimed, but the other quieted him. “他没有偷看,他抽到的是有记号的。” “He didn't look. He's got the marked one now.” “不,不。”查维尔把纸条扔到地上,开始大叫:“我从来就没有同意,你们不能让我替别人去死。” “No,” Chavel said, “no.” He threw the slip upon the ground and cried, “I never consented to the draw. You can't make me die for the rest of you. . . ” 大家惊讶地看着他,但并没有敌意。 They watched him with astonishment but without enmity. 他是一个出身高贵的人。人们没有用自己的标准去衡量他,因为他属于一个别人难以理解的阶层。人们甚至没有把他的行为与胆怯联系起来。 He was a gentleman. They didn't judge him by their own standards: he belonged to an unaccountable class and they didn't at first even attach the idea of cowardice to his actions. “听我说,”查维尔一边哀求,一边举起那张纸条。大家既惊奇又好奇地看着他。“谁接受这张纸条,我就给他10万法郎。” “Listen,” Chavel implored them. He held out the slip of paper and they all watched him with compassionate curiosity. “I'll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who'll take this.” 他快速移动着小步地从一个人面前走到另一个人面前,朝每一个人展示那张小纸条,好像是拍卖会上的服务员。 He took little rapid steps from one man to another, showing each man the bit of paper as if he were an attendant at an auction. “10万法郎。”他恳求道。人们感到震惊,同样又感到一丝怜悯:他是他们之中惟一的有钱人,这是与众不同之处。 “A hundred thousand francs,” he implored, and they watched him with a kind of shocked pity: he was the only rich man among them and this was a unique situation. 人们无法去比较,只能认定这就是他那个阶层的特点,这犹如一个在异国港口下船就餐的旅游者能从一个碰巧与他同桌的狡猾商人身上总结出该国的国民性格。 They had no means of comparison and assumed that this was a characteristic of his class, just as a traveler stepping off the liner at a foreign port for luncheon sums up a nation's character forever in the wily businessman who happens to share the table with him.



1)It is+形容词+that

It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.


2)It is+形容词+to do/ doing

She had said what it was necessary to say.


3)祈使句/名词+and/ or

Work hard, and you will finally be able to reach your destination.


4)as+many/ much+名词+as

It is said that visitors spend only half as much money in a day in Leeds as in Lon-don.



The reservoir is three times as big as it was ten years ago.


6) 倍数词+ more +名词/形容词十than

Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills seven times more people each year than automobile accidents.


7)(not)as/ so...as(和……(不)一样)

The environmental problems are not as serious as they suggested in their report.

环境问题没有他们在 报告 中说得那么严重。

8)no more...than(与……一样不)

She is no more fit to be a manager than a schoolgirl would be.


9)Nothing is more...than(没有比……更……的;……是最……的)

Nothing is more important thanto receive education.

没有比接受 教育 更重要的事。


They hurriedly escaped into a cave that smelt of terror.


11)without/ not so much as(甚至没有)

Disappointed with her husband,Mary left home without so much as looking back at him.


12)may/ might as well(…as)(与其……还不如……)

One may as well not know a thing at all as know but imperfectly.



It was not too bright of them to settle in an area where earthquakes frequently occur.


14)only to find/ see(结果却;没想到会)

He spent almost all his money to buy the hen which was said to be able to lay gold eggs, only to find it could not lay eggs at all.


15)It is undoubted that/ There is no doubt that(毫无疑问,……)

There is no doubt that war can be avoided if we get down to peace talk.


16)rather than(而不是……)

Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement of ourselves.


17)not... until(直到……才)

We can’t release the film until we have the approval from the authority concerned.


18)so/ such(…)that(如此……以至于)

With the rumor spreading fast, their anxiety was such that they could not sleep/they became so anxious that they could not sleep.


19)(The) chances are that(很可能……)

Chances are thatshe has already known it, and there is no need for us to keep the secret.


20)It occurred to sb. that(突然想到……)

It had never occurred to Cinderella she would become a princess someday.



To our disappointment, the plan caused not development but destruction.


22)It is taken for granted that(……被认为是理所当然的)

It has been taken for granted that women should take on all the housework.


23)It is/ was said that(据说)

It is said that man is the least biologically determined species of all because he possesses features absent in other natural species.


24)When it comes to...(提及,当提到……的时候)

When it comes to physics, I know nothing.


25)be not much of a...(是个不太好的……)

Mike is not much of a teacher for he often skips from one subject to another.


26)As far as sb./sth. is concerned(就……而言,在……看来)

As far as I am concerned, fashion belongs to women.


27)not only...but also(不但……而且……)

Shakespeare is not only a great playwright but also a brilliant poet.


28)(n) either...(n) or...(既不……也不……;或者……或者……)

Liking neither the story nor the background music, he fell asleep in the cinema.

他既不喜欢 故事 情节也不喜欢背景音乐, 所以在电影院里睡着了。

29)no sooner than/ hardly when/ scarcely when(刚……就……)

I had hardly opened the door when he rushed in.


30)the more…the more(越……越……)

The fastera country’s economy develops, the slower its population grows.



1.…as soon as… 一……就……

(1) Peter一听到消息就兴奋地喊起来。 As soon as Peter heard it,he cried out excitedly.

2. as…as 和……一样 & (not) as/ so…as ……不如……


Listening to tapes is as important as watching English-language movies.

3. as … as possible 尽可能地……

(1) 当你感冒的时候,你应该喝尽可能多的水。

When you have a cold, you should drink as much water as possible.

4. ask sb for sth…… 向某人要……

(1) 当你不知道问题的答案时,你可以向你的老师寻求帮助。

When you don‘t know the answer to any questions, you can ask your teacher for help.

5、ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth.请/告诉某人(如何)做……

(1) Tom的爸爸经常告诉Tom应该如何正确面对问题。

Tom‘s father often tells Tom how to deal with the problems in the correct way.

6. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. 请/告诉某人不做某事

(1) 我妈妈经常告诉我不要花费太多时间玩电脑游戏。

My mother often tells me not to spend so much time in playing computer games.

7. be afraid of doing sth. / that+从句 担心(某事可能产生的后果)

(1) 学生们为考试担心不足为奇。

It‘s no surprise that students are afraid of having exams.

8. be afraid to do sth. 害怕去/不敢去做某事

(1) Peter害怕在别人面前说话。 Peter is afraid to speak in front of other people.

9. be busy doing sth./be busy with sth. 忙于做某事/忙于某事

(1) 他正忙着通过听磁带来 学习英语 。 He is busy studying English by listening to tapes.

11…为……准备/……迟到了/对……感到歉意get ready for sth.

(1) 我们已经准备好聚会了。 We have got ready for the party.

12 高兴……be glad to

(1) 你应该高兴你能去美国旅游。You should be glad you will travel to America..


(1) 他是他们班最高的孩子之一。 He is one of the tallest children in his class.

(2) 纸是最有用的发明之一。 Paper is one of the most useful inventions.

(3) 故宫是北京最有名的风景名胜之一。

The Palace Museum is one of the most famous places of interest in Beijing.

(4)北京是中国最大的城市之一。 Beijing is one of the largest cities in China.

(5)他是跑的最快的学生之一。 He is one of the students who runs fastest.


(1) 请递给我那支笔。 Please pass me that pen.

(3) 到达美国后请立刻给我寄一封信。Please send me a letter as soon as you get to America.

(4)他给我带来一支玫瑰。 He brought me a rose.

(5)我借给他10元钱。 I lent him 10yuan.




主 谓(不及物动词)

I see.


主 谓 宾

I love you


主 谓 间接宾语 直接宾语

I gave you my love.


主 谓 宾 宾语补足语

I’ll make you happy.


主 系 表

You are beautiful.










示例1:Would you please speak louder to make everyone hear you?

示例2:Would you please raise your voice so as to be heard?


示例1:The parents did not expect that their child’s question was too hard to answer.

示例2:The parents did not expect that it was so difficult to answer their child’s question.

示例3:The parents did not expect it so difficult to answer their child’s question.

第三句:中国是一个历史悠久、 文化 灿烂的多民族国家。

示例:China is a multi-national country with a long history and splendid culture.

第四句:中国 传统文化 底蕴深厚,博大精深。

示例:The traditional Chinese culture is rich,extensive and profound.

四级翻译常用词汇句型大全相关 文章 :

★ 6月英语四级翻译复习必备句型

★ 2020大学英语四级翻译句型

★ 大学英语四级常用的短语合集

★ 英语四级4000必考词汇有哪些?有哪些必背短语搭配

★ 2020年7月英语四级翻译真题大全

★ 全网最齐全的大学英语四级作文万能句型

★ 关于2019年12月大学英英语四级翻译的高频考词汇总

★ 2019年12月最新的大学英语四级翻译核心词组盘点

★ 英语四级必备攻略

★ 大学英语四级写作中的高频固定搭配词组



1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.

1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that …


4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.



what he did have to give,主语从句; that turned out to be far more valuable,定语从句,修饰something,翻译为:他必须献出来的,居然是更加值钱的东西。

教务老师,听见很多自考的同学在问自考高级英语怎么准备(自考高级英语课文)相关问题,那么今天教务老师来告诉同学们这些问题的解答!自考本科英语中的高级英语,该怎么学?先背教材上的精彩文章段落,直到能默写下来的程度,背得越多越好。然后大量的积累单词,单词量需要达到五千以上。英语说白了和汉语差不多,基本的句型记住之后就成往里填单词了,单词也记住了就行了。我自考英语还剩一门高级英语,还有20天时间就考试了,不知道怎么复习,谁考过了,说一下复习方法,谢谢找到或者买高级英语的课本,每天大声朗读并狂背单词200个,其他时间学课本,做习题,做真题,错的改。第二天将学过的200词再复习一遍,然后再学200个新的,如果能坚持练习20天后定能考过。多背吧,买本参考书直接照着复习我英语不好,别指望我了自考高级英语都考什么?要考听力吗?不要考,都是笔试内容自考高级英语,还有一本书没看完,怎么学有感而发,先说点题外话,既然是自考就要坚持下去,有恒心有毅力才行! 本人在学校时,也曾报过自考,但是考了两门就没坚持下去。现在毕业好几年了,想起来都挺后悔当时为什么没有坚持下去。因为能拿下自考来,无论对你以后的深造,还是就业都挺有帮助的。据我所知和我一块报考的同学,也绝大部分没坚持到最后。说这些话,是希望你不要重蹈覆辙哦! 另外,不知你所说的中日交流标准日本语是初级还是中级,不过既然是考试,考点就应该是平均分布的,不会按照上下册来分吧,除非考纲另有标明是考上册还是下册。 再者,就语法和单词的关系问题。个人认为备考时应该是单词优先,兼顾语法。因为单词是基础。语法知道的很多,不明白单词什么意思,你就没法正确选择答案。当然了,这也不是说放下语法不管了。不懂得语法,除了语法考题答不对外,做读解题时也没法正确分析文章的意思。 最后,整张试卷就分值而言,单词占10分左右,语法占的多一点,20分左右吧。我当时自考的日语本科,两门中考了一门日语,印象是这样的。稳妥起见,最好看一下往年的试题,一般自考书店都有卖的。祝你考试成功! 今天去书店时碰巧看到了几份自考日语的模拟真题试卷,感觉上册占的知识点比重大一些,当然下册也不容忽视呦。其实标日上下两册都挺简单的,下册也只达到日语国际能力测试的3级水平;如果你有基础(一点基础没有就另当别论了),上下两册一共48篇文章吧,而且大部分是对话,花两周的时间多看看教材,考60分应该是不成问题的。 如果有时间,2楼的建议可以斟酌一下哦!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

[考核目标] 1.能认知10,000英语词汇,要熟练掌握其中 4,000个词及其最常用的搭配和短语,并能够在□语和写作中正确使用这些词汇;2.能借助词典和其他工具书基本读懂英语指刊和非专业技的英语书籍,能看出文章的基本观点和论点并能对文章进行简单地分析和评论;3.能用英语回答课文问题,解释课文的难句,在半小时内写出150—200词的有关课文的短文;4.能在半小时内将与课文难度相近的150—200词的英文短文译成汉语或将汉语短文译成英语。 [考核内客] 《高级英语》考试考核的内容包括:(1)语法;(2)词汇;(3)阅读;(4)翻译;(5)写作。 语法 在题中有所体现,原则上不作为考核重点。 词汇 指定教材占60%左右,教材以外占40%左右。主要考核词汇的运用能力,要求(1)掌握所学词汇及用法;(2)区分同义词和近义词;(3)理解词语在上下文中的确切含义。 阅读 考核对课文内容的理解和对词汇的掌握。考核的阅读内容分为两类:课内与课外。对所学课文考核的内容体现在词汇、问答、翻译等题型中。 课外文章的难度与所学课文相当,长度在600—800词之间。对课外文章理解程度的考核体现在综合理解选择填空、词语理解选择填空、难句理解和问答题之中。课外文章的生词如果超过规定的认知词汇量有注释说明,考试中不许查词典。 翻译 翻译分为英译汉和汉译英,英译汉考核学生对课文内外文章难句的理解及用汉语正确表达的能力;汉译英则考核学生运用英语的能力。 写作 写作能力的考核体现在问答题之中。问答题一方面考核学生对课程内容的熟悉理解程度以及对难度与课文相近的课外文章的综合理解程度,另一方面考核用英语回答涉及课文大意、背景、故事内容、人物、课文理解、解释、归纳主题思想及对文章内容进行简单分析评论的笔头表述能力。对涉及课外短文问题的回答字数要求在80~100字。[考核题型、内容与说明] A. Text-related Part 1. Fill in the following blanks in each sentence with 考查对词汇的掌握情况 the best word or expression from the list below 2. Tick the square in front of the right word or 考查对词汇词义的正确 expression 理解 3. Choose the best answer for the underlined 考查课文重点词组或短语 part 的掌握 4. Answer the following questions 考查对课文的熟悉和理解in English 程度;考查笔头表达能力 5. Translate the following from English 考查对课文难句的理解及into Chinese 汉语表达能力 6. Translate the following from Chinese 考查笔头运用英语的能力into English该部分占百分之六十。 B. Proficiency Part 1. Choose the correct answer according 考查对短文的综合理解to the content 情况 2. Choose the best answer for the underlined 考查词语在上下文中确切 part 词义的理解 3. Translate from English into Chinese 考查对短文难句的理解 4. Answer the following question in English 考查对短文的理解和within 80—100 words 写作表达水平该部分占百分之四十。


1.或许爱上的不是你,而是恋爱的感觉罢了. Maybe I didin't fall in love with you, it is just the feeling of being in love2.许多人都这样对我说 Many people told me this.3.我很想保护你,但是又无法在你身边,或许我们只是有缘无份. I want to protect you, but I can't stay beside you. Maybe we are not destine to be.4.爱情对我来说,只是麻醉剂. To me, love is just Anesthetic5.感谢你曾经给我的回忆和快乐. Thank you for all the memories and happiness that you brought to me6.我有了很多朋友,缺少了爱情我想我也可以活得很快乐. I have many friends, even without love I think I can also be happy.7.我想你会对我说:对不起,我不是有意伤害你的. 不,在爱情上不存在谁对得起谁,谁对不起谁,更没有对错. I think you will say to me: I am sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you.No, in love there is no such thing as who is not sorry for who, who is sorry for who, there is no wrong or right.8.你知道么?我可以因为你的一句话,一个动作.开心一整天,、. Do you know? Because of you every word and every movement I can be happy all day9.爱得死去活来,反而把自己变得渺小. When fall in love too deeply, oneself will seem insignificant10.放过你,也就是放过自己..Maybe letting you go is also letting myself go...

因为知识,我们进入太空,我们延长了预期寿命。更多的是因为知识,我们超越生死,不再怀疑。下面我给大家分享一些高中英语翻译知识点 总结 大全,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读!






1. 挨家挨户from door to door

例:医生挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了许多老年人去医院的麻烦. (save)

Doctors’ door-to-door visits save many old people’s trouble of going to hospital.

2. 爱不释手

can’t bear standing part with / putting it down / leaving it aside

例:这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so … that)

The historical novel about / describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can’t bear (to do …) / stand parting with it / putting it down (back, aside ) / leaving it aside .

3. 安于现状

be satisfied with reality / present situation


We senior high students should have great ambition and (should) not be satisfied with reality / present situation.

4. 摆脱烦恼

get rid of / to be free from worries


Knowing (that) he is in a bad mood, I suggest his chatting with friends to get rid of / to be free from worries.

5. 彼此埋怨be to blame each other

例:遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助。(not …but)

When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.

6. 别无选择have no choice but to do


At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist / traveler (for help).

7. 不得而知remain unknown


It remains unknown whether Mary will attend the English Evening.

8. 不辞而别 leave without saying good-bye


We were greatly surprised that he has left without saying goodbye.

9. 不可估量beyond measure


Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people / the whole nation feel very proud / full of pride.

10. 不甚感激appreciate it very much

例:如果你一收到消息就能给我答复的话,我将不胜感激。(the moment)

I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me / give me a reply the moment you receive the message.

11. 不懈努力great effort

例:尽管各国政府已做出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球性气候变暖问题还需制定更有效的 措施 。(despite)

Despite the great effort made by governments, more effective measures should be made to deal with the ever worsening problem of global warming.

12. 不假思索 without hesitation


Jim answered his teacher’s question(s) without (any) hesitation. Jim answered the question(s) asked by his teacher with no hesitation.

13. 不尽如人意be far from satisfactory


The economy of this area develops very fast but some citizens’ qualities are far from satisfactory.

14. 不容忽视should not be ignored / neglected


This accident made us realize that safety problems should not be ignored.


(The sense of) Fire protection should not be neglected (We should not neglect fire protection), or great damage might be caused to the lives and property.

15. 不知所措be / feel at a loss

例:网络在我们日常生活中起了举足轻重的作用,以至于当 不能上网 时人们感到无所适从。(loss)

Internet plays such an important role in our daily life that people feel at a loss when they can’t go online / surf the Internet / don’t have access to the Internet.


The fact that consumers have lost confidence in frozen food makes the manufacturers at a loss.

16. 彻夜未眠

didn’t fall asleep last night / be awake all night


Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.

例:昨晚听到他喜欢的 足球 队获胜的消息,他兴奋得彻夜未眠。(too … to …)

Hearing the news that his favorite team won the match, he was too excited to fall asleep last night.

17. 催人泪下people are moved to tears

例:昨晚残疾人的演出非常成功,让观众们感动得流下了眼泪。(so … that…)

The performance put up by the disabled / The disabled people’s performance last night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.

18. 寸步难行can do nothing without

例:电脑已触及到每个人的日常生活,难怪有人说当今世界不懂电脑,就寸步难行。(no wonder)

The computer has touched on everyone’s daily life. No wonder someone says that you can do nothing without the knowledge of computer / its knowledge.

19. 大为惊叹be greatly amazed / impressed

例:这些十八世纪的油画保存得这样好, 使参观者大为惊叹。(so … that)

These eighteenth-century oil paintings have been / are preserved so well that the visitors are greatly amazed / impressed.

20. 放任自流let him be


Parents often faced the choice that either they did what they felt was good for the development of the child or they just let him be.



the more ~ the more~

A good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply.


It is ~ that ~

It is not just books that can't be judged by their covers,and so it is with presents.


too ~ to ~

Our boss is too narrow-minded to endure different opinions.


not ~enough to do ~

She is not old enough to make sense of the real meaning of the proverb- Time and tide wait for no man.

她太小,无法理解岁月不等人这句 谚语 的真正含义。

not ~ but ~

A masterpiece is not something that can conform into an expectation but something that has to be an expression from the heart.


rather than

Ducks can swim by instinct rather than intelligence.

鸭会 游泳 ,不是靠聪明,而是靠本能。

Not until~

Not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor.


unless ~

You will have difficulty in understanding the problem unless it is explained and analyzed from the historical perspective.


It has never occurred to/struck me that~

It has never occurred to me that a person who has experienced ups and downs of life should believe such a ridiculous trick.


the moment ~/ the instant ~

The contract will come into effect the instant it is signed.


It won't be long before ~

It won't be long before you know that having a good attitude is half the battle.


once ~

Once promised, he will surely be given a remote-controlled car as a birthday present.


only when ~

Only when the test-oriented education is switched into the quality-oriented education are the chances that the students will develop their versatile abilities.

只有应试 教育 转变成了素质教育,学生们才有可能发展多方面的能力。

so ~ as to do ~

Will you be so kind as to pull me through the difficult time?

你这样善良, 能帮我渡过难关吗?

so ~ that ~

The book is so instructive that it has become a must-read.

So instructive is the book that it has become a must-read.


~ as ~

Lose money as he did, he got a lot of experience, which contributed to his success in life.

虽然他失去了钱,但他得到了许多 经验 ,这促成了他人生的成功。

It must be pointed out that~

It must be pointed out that difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities.

必须指出,困难能显示一个人的最佳素质。(bring out a person's best qualities)

be just about to do ~ when~/ be close to doing ~ when~/ be on the point of doing ~ when~

I was on the point of buying that piano when my wife reminded me that this amount of money was for my son's tuition.

I was close to buying that piano when my wife reminded me that this sum of money was for my son's tuition.

I was just about to buy that piano when my wife reminded me that this sum of money was for my son's tuition.


not so much ~ as ~

It is not so much with their wishes as with their actions that they can shape the future.


prefer to do~ rather than do~

To face whatever you might prefer to hide rather than acknowledge requires courage


more ~ than ~

Being obliged to leave the stage due to his illness, he has an emotion, which is more of regret than attachment.

因病得离开舞台时,他有着一种情感, 这种情感与其说是留恋,还不如说是遗憾。

There is no doing ~

There is no denying that bad things do happen to us sometimes.


It can't be denied that~

It can't be denied that he has a gift for music however lazy he is.


There is no doubt that~

There is no doubt that he will win the election by a large majority


so long as ~/as long as~

However inharmonious they look in other people's eye, they can enjoy life so long as they love each other.


It is no wonder that ~

It is no wonder that children love to visit museums.


It is +adj. +of sb. to do~

It is mean of you to tip so little.


It is +adj./现在分词+for sb. to do~

As a doctor, it is necessary for you to pay a regular visit to your patients, assuring them that your attention is still focused on them.


There is no use/point (in) doing~ / It's no good/use doing~

It's no good helping him since he doesn't help himself.

There is no use helping him now that he doesn't help himself.


Not only ~ but also ~

Not only can knowledge help you conquer fear but also it can bring you real power.


It must be admitted that ~

It must be admitted that online study is another effective way of self-improvement.

必须承认网上学习是另一种自我完善的有效 方法 。

in spite of the fact that

In spite of the fact that the old man doesn't know much, he is warm-hearted and friendly.






建议先掌握高中英语词汇(包括音标、近 反义词 、单词用法等),同时学习语法(包括语态、语句和语词等);在此基础上,先针对词汇和语法的考察做专项练习。等到前2步完成之后,最后开始全方位的训练,在此过程中依然要狠抓每一个知识点。
















高中英语翻译知识点总结大全相关 文章 :

★ 2021人教版高中英语知识点

★ 高中英语学习基础知识总结归纳(2)

★ 人教版高中英语知识点总结最新

★ 高中英语翻译知识点

★ 高中英语复习知识点:高频单词/词组总结

★ 高中英语作文范文及翻译

★ 最新高中英语学习方法技巧归纳

★ 高中英语必修 课文完整翻译(人教新课标)(2)

★ 高考英语知识点总结归纳

★ 高中英语语法知识点总结


一 、定语从句的回顾


关系代词:that、which、who 关系副词:when、where、why(一般不可省略)

eg. Fruit that contains vitamin C can relieve a cold.(that充当主语)

eg. The man who we met yesterday is a famous psychologist. (who充当宾语)

eg. This is the right/very() book that you are looking for. (that充当宾语)





eg. Fruit that contains vitamin C can relieve a cold.= Fruit containing vitamin C can relieve a cold.

eg. I have a dog which is called King.= I have a dog called King.

(2)谓语结构为be + 名词:可将be动词同时省略,将后面的名词和前面从句所修饰的名词构成同位语结构。

eg. I know YU Minhong who is the president of New Oriental School.

= I know YU Minhong, the president of New Oriental School.

四、先行词为the way,后边的关系代词可以使that,in which或者不加任何关系代词。

eg. I like the way you talk.





(一)时间状语从句:when、after、as soon as

eg. When the mouse saw the cat, it ran off = (when) Seeing the cat , the mouse ran off.


eg. As she was very weak, she couldn’t move. = Being very weak , she couldn’t move.


eg. If you work hard, you will succeed. = Working hard , you will succeed.

eg. If we are united, we stand; if we divided, we fall. = United, we stand; divided, we fall.


eg. Although he lived miles away, he attended the course. = Although living miles away=Living miles away


eg. He sat in the chair reading a newspaper.

eg. He came in, followed by his wife.


eg. He came as we expected. =He came as (he was) expected.

(七)结果状语从句 eg. He fired and killed one of the passers-by. = He fired, killing one of the passers-by.




eg. The boy ran quickly, his father following.(表伴随情况,父亲主动跟随)

eg. He lay on his back, his hands acrossed under his head.(one’s hands be acrossed)


eg. They started home, theirs minds full of plans for increasing production.

eg. He was silent for a moment, his lips tight.


eg. He put on his socks, wrong side out.(表示补充说明)

eg. The war over, all the Chinese people’s volunteers came back to China.


eg. She came in, a baby in her arms.

eg. He went off, gun in hand.



eg. His homework done, Jim decided to go and see the play.

= After his homework was done, he decided to go and see the play.


eg. The last bus having gone, we had to walk home.

=Because the last bus having gone, we had to walk home.


eg. (with) Weather permitting, we’ll go for outing tomorrow.

=If weather permitting, we’ll go for outing tomorrow.


eg. They walked though the forest, (with) an old hunter leading the way.


eg. He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one being a bedroom and the other being an office.

=He lived in a wooden house with two rooms, one was a bedroom, the other was an office.




【1】if 引导的虚拟语气(与事实相反,过去&现在&将来)


If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.(主将从现)

(1)表示与过去事实相反时,从句中应使用had+过去分词,主句中用would,could,might +have+过去分词

eg. If you had got there earlier, you would have caught the bus.

(2)表示与现在事实相反时,从句中所有的be都有were,动词都要用过去式,主句中用would,could,might +动词原形 eg. If there were no air, people would die.

eg. If I had wings, I would fly over the sea to see you.

(3)表示与将来事实相反时,从句中be变成were,动词变成should+动词原形,主句中用would,could,might +动词原形 eg. If it were Sunday tomorrow, we would not have an examination.

错综虚拟语气:eg. If you had followed my advice yesterday, you would know how to do it now.


eg. Had you got there earlier yesterday(=if you had got…), you could have caught the bus.

eg. Were I you(=if I were you), I would help him.




常见表示建议、命令、要求的单词:advice, suggest, propose, recommend; order, command; demand, require, insist, urge

eg. He suggested that we (should) go to tomorrow’s exhibition together.

eg. Mike’s uncle insisted that he (should) not live in this hotel.


eg. Her face suggested that she was ill. So I suggested that she (should) be sent to the nearest hospital immediately.


1、It is time that ...

It is time that sb. did sth.早该做某事了

It is (high/about) time that…

eg. It is time that you worked hard on English.

eg. It is already 5 o’clock now, don’t you think it is time we went home?

eg. I think it is high time that she made up her mind.

2、Would rather that .....


eg. I would rather he came tomorrow than today.

eg.John would rather that she had not gone to the party yesterday evening.

eg. I would rather everything hadn' t happened in the past.

3、“It is (was)+形容词(或过去分词)+that+ (should) do……”结构中的虚拟语气

eg. It is necessary that we (should)have a walk now.

eg. It was necessary that we (should) make everything ready ahead of time.

eg. It is required that nobody (should) smoke here.

eg. It is important that every pupil (should) be able to understand the rule of school.

4、as if,wish等后使用虚拟语气

Although it is summer, it seems as if it were spring.

He wished we would go there with him.




1、当首句为方位或时间副词,谓语动词为go,come等时通常用全部倒装。如果是进行时态的话,倒装后要改为一般现在时。 eg. The bus is coming here. Here comes the bus.


eg. Students went away. Away went students.

eg. The boy rushed out. Out rushed the boy.

here/away/out/ 在英语当中称作方位副词或时间副词。

eg. Then came the hour we had been looking forward to. 方位副词或时间副词置于句首


eg. The old man lives in the city center. In the city center lives the old man.

eg. A temple stands on the mountain. On the mountain stands a temple.

3、当句子当中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语联系在一起放在句首,把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。

eg. Lying on the floor was a boy aged about 18. On the floor lies a boy aged about 18.

eg. Sitted on the ground are a group of young people.

eg. 访问北京的是300名日本青年。/ 300名日本青年正在访问北京。

300 Japanese young people are visiting Beijing.

Visiting Beijing are 300 Japanese young people.



这类词语有hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, never, few, little, less, at no time, by no means, in no case, under no circumstance, in no way, on no account, on no consideration, no longer, not only等。

eg. He never smokes. 他从来不抽烟。Never does he smoke.

eg. Not only did the customer complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it.

这位顾客不仅仅 抱怨食物不好,还拒绝付费。

eg. Under no circumstance do I trust you.在任何情况下我都不会相信你。


eg. Only with you can I feel happy.

eg. Only when you come, can we start the meeting.


3、so......that 结构中的so位于句首时,常引起部分倒装

eg. He runs so fast that I can't catch up with him.


So fast does he run that I can't catch up with him.

eg. The moon was so bright that the flowers bright as by day.


So bright was the moon that the flowers bright as by day.

4、句子开头的as 处在第二个单词的位置上,表示虽然的意思。(表让步)

eg. Although I am young, I can live by myself. 虽然我很小但是我却能养活自己了。

Young as I am, I can live by myself.

eg. Although she is a girl, she can support the whole family.


Girl as she is, she can support the whole family.

eg. Although I like music very much,.... Much as I like music,.....


(1)hardly/ scarcely.....when.... 一......就......

hardly,scarcely 后面一定要用过去完成时,when 后面用一般过去时。

eg. Hardly had he seen me when he ran away. 他一看到我就跑开了。

eg. Hardly had the baby cried when his mother rushed to carry him.


(2)no sooner....than..... 一......就......

no sooner 后面一定要用过去完成时,than 的后面用一般过去时。

eg. No sooner had they reached home than it rained more and more heavily. 他们一到家,雨就越下越大起来。

(3)the more ......the more... 越....越....

eg. The harder you work, the happier you feel. 你工作越努力,就越觉得快乐。




② 如果句首出现了地点状语,句子也可以进行全部倒装。 ③ 当句子当中出现分词结构的时候,可以把现在分词或过去分词和地点状语联系在一起放在句首,

把be 动词留在中间当作谓语动词,主语放在后面。


1、当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,这个句子就需要部分倒装 。


3、so......that 结构中的so位于句首时,常引起部分倒装 。

4、句子开头的as 处在第二个单词的位置上,表示虽然的意思。


hardly.....when....; scarcely .....when..... ;no sooner....than.....: hardly,scarcely,no sooner 后面一定要用过去完成时,when 后面用一般过去时;the more ......the more... 越....越.... ;


eg. All the birds can not fly.

Not all the birds can fly. 不是所有的鸟都会飞。

1. 部分否定

eg. All the birds can not fly. 并非所有的鸟都会飞。

None of the birds can fly. 所有的鸟都不会飞。

表示全部意思的代词或副词如all, both, every, everybody, every day, everyone, everything, everywhere等与not搭配使用时,无论not在前还是在后,都表示部分否定,意思为“并非都是"等。

eg. All is not gold that glitters. = Not all is gold that glitters. 发光的并非都是金子。

2. 全部否定

英语中常用not, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等表示全部否定的概念。

eg. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。


1.在一个句子中出现两个否定词:not, never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, few, little, none等,双重否定表示肯定的概念。 eg. No one can command others who cannot command himself.

A person can command others who command himself. 正人先正己。

eg. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they can not fully participate in our democracy.



eg. A man can never have too many ties. 一个男人可以拥有很多的领带。

A woman can never have too many dresses. 一个女人拥有再多的衣服也不为过。

eg. We can hardly praise his achievement too much. 对他的成就我们无论怎样赞扬也不过分。

eg. A mother can never be patient enough with her child. 一个母亲对她的孩子再怎么耐心也不为过。

A teacher can never be strict enough with his students. 一个老师对他的学生再怎么严格也不为过。

3. 形式肯定,意义否定

①more A than B 意思为“A不是B;与其说是B,不如说是A”

eg. The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar. 这本书看起来与其说是一本语法书,不如说是一本词典。

He is more a composer than a singer. 与其说他是一个歌唱家不如说他是一个创作者。

② anything but 意思为“一点都不是,根本不是,绝对不是”

eg. I am anything but a teacher. 我一定不是一个老师。

eg. I will do anything but that. 我决不干那件事。

③ no more ...than 与 not more ....than

no more ...than意为“两者都不....” not more....than 意为“两者都肯定,前者不如后者”

eg. This book is no more interesting than that one. 这本书和那本书一样特别没趣。

eg. This book is not more interesting than that one. 这本书不如那本书有趣。

eg. This boy is not more honest than that one. 这两男孩都很诚实,前面的男孩不如后面的男孩诚实。

This boy is no more honest than that one. 这两个男孩都不诚实。

④ no more than与 not more than

no more than 强调“少”,译作“只有、不过、仅仅” not more than 是客观叙述,意为“不超过”。

eg. He said no more than we had expected. 他只是说了我们所预料的而已。

eg. Though they think it takes no more than three days to fulfill the mission, I believe it takes not less than six days. 虽然他们认为完成这任务只需三天,但我却认为至少需要六天。

eg. He has not more than five dollars on him. 他身上带的钱不超过五美元。

eg. He is not more than 10 years old. 他最多不超过10岁。


1. 部分否定

2. 全部否定

3. 双重否定:①在一个句子中出现两个否定词;②形式否定,意义肯定

4. 形式肯定,意义否定

5. no more .... than与 not more ....than ;no more than与 not more than



1. According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


2. The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


3. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


4. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


5. An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


6. When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


7. Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness.


8. Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


9. An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city. However, this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents, who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


1. 相反,有一些人赞成……,他们相信……,而且,他们认为……。

On the contrary,there are some people in favor of ___.At the same time,they say____.

2. 但是,我认为这不是解决……的好方法,比如……。最糟糕的是……。

But I don"t think it is a very good way to solve ____.For example,____.Worst of all,___.

3. ……对我们国家的发展和建设是必不可少的,(也是)非常重要的。首先,……。而且……,最重要的是……

______is necessary and important to our country"s development and construction. First,______.What"s more, _____.Most important of all,______.

4. 有几个可供我们采纳的方法。首先,我们可以……。

There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can______

5. 面临……,我们应该采取一系列行之有效的方法来……。一方面……,另一方面,

Confronted with______,we should take a series of effective measures to______. For one thing,______For another,______

6. 早就应该拿出行动了。比如说……,另外……。所有这些方法肯定会……。

It is high time that something was done about it. For example. _____.In addition. _____.All these measures will certainly______.

7. 为什么……?第一个原因是……;第二个原因是……;第三个原因是……。总的来说,……的主要原因是由于……

Why______? The first reason is that ______.The second reason is ______.The third is ______.For all this, the main cause of ______due to ______.

8. 然而,正如任何事物都有好坏两个方面一样,……也有它的不利的一面,象……。

However, just like everything has both its good and bad sides, ______also has its own disadvantages, such as ______.

9. 尽管如此,我相信……更有利。

Nonetheless, I believe that ______is more advantageous.

10. 完全同意……这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下:

I fully agree with the statement that ______ because______.

1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…


2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …


3、Hence/Therefore, we'd better come to the conclusion that …


4、There is no doubt that (job-hopping) has its drawbacks as well as merits.




第十个人 Lesson Ten The Tenth Man 就在第二天下午3点(闹钟上的时间),一个军官走进了牢房。这是他们几星期以来见到的第一位军官。他非常年轻,甚至小胡子的形状也显示出他不够老练,左边的胡子剃得重了点。 It was at three the next afternoon (alarm clock time) that an officer entered the cell; the first officer they had seen for weeks – and this one was very young, with inexperience even in the shape of his mustache which he had shaved too much on the left side. 他就像一个初次登台领奖的小学生一样窘迫不安,他说起话来粗鲁无礼,似乎要显示一种他并不具备的力量。 He was as embarrassed as a schoolboy making his first entry on a stage at a prize-giving, and he spoke abruptly so as to give the impression of a strength he did not possess. 他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”他又说道:“我们不在乎女孩的死。法国男人杀死法国女人不关我们的事。” He said, “There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle.” He added, “We don't complain about the girl. Frenchmen have our permission to kill Frenchwomen.” 很明显他事先仔细斟酌了他的讲话,但他的嘲弄做过了头,他的表演也很业余。 He had obviously thought up his speech carefully beforehand, but the irony was overdone and the delivery that of an amateur actor: 整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。 the whole scene was as unreal as a charade. 他接着说道:“你们知道自己为什么来这里,你们在这里好吃好喝,过着舒适的日子,而我们的人却在工作和战斗。不过现在你们必须付出代价了。不要怪我们,要怪你们自己的杀人凶手。我的命令是集中营里每十个人要有一个被枪决。你们有多少人?”“报数。”他厉声喝道人们闷闷不乐地照办了。“28,29,30.”人们知道不用数他也知道人数,这不过是他玩的把戏中不可省略的一句台词…… He said, “You know what you are here for, living comfortably, on fine rations, while our men work and fight. Well, now you've got to pay the hotel bill. Don't blame us. Blame your own murderers. My orders are that one man in every ten shall be shot in this camp. How many of you are there?” He shouted sharply, “Number off,” and sullenly they obeyed, “…… twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.” They knew he knew without counting. This was just a line in his charade he couldn't sacrifice. 他说道:“那么,你们的名额是三个,我们并不关心是哪三个人。你们可以自己选择。死刑于明天早上7点执行。” He said, “Your allotment then is three. We are quite indifferent as to which three. You can choose for yourselves. The funeral rites will begin at seven tomorrow morning.” 他玩的把戏结束了,人们可以听到他的脚步响亮地敲击着沥青路渐渐远去。 The charade was over: they could hear his feet striking sharply on the asphalt going away. 查维尔忽然很想知道他打的手势是什么字。要他们猜的是不是“夜间”,“姑娘”,“旁边”或“30”。不,不是。谜底肯定是“人质”。 Chavel wondered for a moment what syllable had been acted —“night,”“girl,”“aside,” or perhaps “thirty,” but it was of course the whole word—“hostage. ” 牢房里很长时间没人说话。后来一个叫克拉夫的阿尔萨斯人开口道:“好了,我们有人自愿吗?” The silence went on a long time, and then a man called Krogh, an Alsatian, said, “Well, do we have to volunteer?” “废话。”一个职员说道。他是一个上了年纪的戴着夹鼻眼镜的老头。他接着说道:“没人会自愿,我们必须抽签。除非有人认为应按年龄决定——最老的先死。” “Rubbish,” said one of the clerks, a thin elderly man in pince-nez, “nobody will volunteer. We must draw lots.” He added, “Un-less it is thought that we should go by ages —the oldest first. ” “不,不行。”另一个人说道,“那不公平。” “No, no,” one of the others said, “that would be unjust. ” “这是自然规律。” “It's the way of nature.” “那算什么自然规律。”又一个人说道,“我有个女儿,5岁时就死了。” “Not even the way of nature,” another said. “1 had a child who died when she was five……” “我们必须抽签。”市长坚定地说。 “We must draw lots,” the mayor said firmly. “只有这样才公正。”他坐在那里,双手依然紧贴在肚子上,遮挡着他的怀表,但是整个牢房里都能听见怀表清脆的滴答声。 “It is the only fair thing.” He sat with his hands still pressed over his stomach, hiding his watch, but all through the cell you could hear its blunt tick lock tick. 他接着又说道:“由未婚者抽签,已婚者除外,他们有责任。” He added, “On the unmarried. The married should not be included. They have responsibilities… “哈,哈!”皮埃尔说道,“我们明白了。为什么已婚者就应逃脱?他们的事儿已经做完了。当然,你结婚了吧?” “Ha, ha,” Pierre said, “we see through that. Why should the married get off? Their work's finished. You, of course, are married?” “我的妻子不在了。”市长说,“我现在是未婚,你呢?” “I have lost my wife,” the mayor said, “I am not married now. And you…” “结了。”皮埃尔答道。 “Married,” Pierre said. 市长开始解下怀表。发现皮埃尔处境安全,他似乎更坚信作为怀表的主人自己必定是下一个牺牲者。 The mayor began to undo his watch; the discovery that his rival was safe seemed to confirm his belief that as the owner of time he was bound to be the next victim. 他环顾了每一个人,然后选择了查维尔。也许是因为只有他穿着西服背心适合戴表链。他说道:“查维尔先生,我想让你替我拿着怀表,万一……” He looked from face to face and chose Chavel, perhaps because he was the only man with a waistcoat fit to take the chain. He said, “Monsieur Chavel, I want you to hold this watch for me in case…” “你找别人吧!”查维尔说,“我还没结婚呢。” “you'd better choose someone else,” Chavel said. “I am not married.” 那个老职员又开口了,“我结婚了,我有权说话。 The elderly clerk spoke again. He said, “I'm married. I've got the right to speak. 我们正把一切引向歧途。这不是我们最后一次抽签。如果这儿有一个特权阶层——那些最终将活着的人,大家想想,牢房里会是什么样子。你们其他人很快就会痛恨我们。你们害怕,而我们将不再担心。“ We are going the wrong way about all this. Everyone must draw lots. This isn't the last draw we shall have, and picture to yourselves what it will be like in this cell if we have a privileged class —the ones who are left to the end. The rest of you will soon begin to hate us. We shall be left out of your fear. . . “ “他说得对。”皮埃尔说。 “He's right,” Pierre said. 市长重新握紧了怀表,说道:“就照你们的主意办。要是能够这样征税的话……”他做了个绝望的手势。 The mayor refastened his watch. “Have it your own way,” he said. “But if the taxes were levied like this…” He gave a gesture of despair. “我们如何抽签?”克拉夫问道。 “How do we draw?” Krogh asked. 查维尔答道:“最快的办法就是从一只鞋里抽出画有记号的纸条。” Chavel said, “The quickest way would be to draw marked papers out of a shoe. . .” 克拉夫轻蔑地说:“那么快干吗?对于我们当中几个人来说这可是最后一次赌博了。我们蛮可以享受一番。我提议赌抛硬币。” Krogh said contemptuously, “Why the quickest way? This is the last gamble some of us will have. We may as well enjoy it. I say a coin.” “这不好。”那个职员说,“抛硬币不是一个公平、合理的办法。” “It won't work,” the clerk said. “You can't get a even chance with a coin.” “惟一的办法就是抽签。”市长说道。 “The only way is to draw,” the mayor said. 职员开始为抽签做准备,为此他牺牲了一封家信。 The clerk prepared the draw, sacrificing for it one of his letters from home. 他很快地看了一遍信,然后把它撕成30张小纸条。 He read it rapidly for the last time, and then tore it into thirty pieces. 他用铅笔在其中三张上画上十字,然后把每张纸条都叠上。 On three pieces he made a cross in pencil, and then folded each piece. 他接着说:“克拉夫的鞋。”大家把纸条放在地下搅乱,然后装进了鞋子里。 “Krogh's got the biggest shoe,” he said. They shuffled the pieces on the floor and then dropped them into the shoe. “我们按姓氏的字母顺序抽签。”市长说。 “We'll draw in alphabetical order,” the mayor said. “从Z开始抽。”查维尔说道。他的安全感开始动摇了。他急切想喝点什么,用手指从嘴唇上撕下一小块干皮。 “Z first,” Chavel said. His feeling of security was shaken. He wanted a drink badly. He picked at a dry piece of skin on his lip. “就按你说的办。”卡车司机说道,“有人排在维尔森前面吗?我先抽。” “As you wish,” the lorry driver said. “Anybody beat Voisin? Here goes. 他用手在鞋子里小心地掏,就像是要掏到他心里想要的那张。 “He thrust his hand into the shoe and made careful excavations as though he had one particular scrap of paper in mind. 他抽出一张,打开,怔怔地看着,然后说了声:“完了。”他坐下来,摸出一支香烟放到嘴里,却忘了点火。 He drew one out, opened it, and gazed at it with astonishment. He said, “This is it.” He sat down and felt for a cigarette, but when he got it between his lips he forgot to light it. 查维尔心中充满了巨大而又令他感到羞耻的快乐。 Chavel was filled with a huge and shameful joy. 看来自己得救了。剩下二十九个人抽签,而只有两张带有记号的纸条。 It seemed to him that already he was saved —twenty - nine men to draw and only two marked papers left. 抽中死签的可能性突然变得对他有利,从10比1变成了14比1.经营蔬菜水果的商人也抽了一张,然后漫不经心、毫无表情地示意自己平安无事。 The chances had suddenly grown in his favor from ten to one to—fourteen to one: the greengrocer had drawn a slip and indicated carelessly and without pleasure that he was safe. 的确,从抽第一张签时人们就忌讳任何喜形于色的表现,一个人不能以任何宽慰的举动去嘲弄注定要死的人。 Indeed from the first draw any mark of pleasure was taboo: one couldn't mock the condemned man by any sign of relief. 查维尔胸中有一种隐隐约约的不安——还不是恐惧,像是一种压抑感。 Again a dull disquiet —ii couldn't yet be described as a fear—exended its empire over Chavel's chest. 当第六个人抽到空白纸条时,他发现自己在打哈欠;当第十个人——就是大家称作雅维耶的那个人抽完签后,他的心中又充满了某中怨愤的情绪。现在抽中死签的机会同开始时一样了。 It was like a constriction: he found himself yawning as the sixth man drew a blank slip, and a sense of grievance nagged at his mind when the tenth man bad drawn—it was the one they called Janvier—and the chances were once again the same as when the draw started. 有的人抽出他们手指碰到的第一张纸条;有的人似乎怀疑命运企图将某一张纸条强加于他们,所以他们刚刚从鞋里抽出一张,就又扔回去,再另换一张。 Some men drew the first slip which touched their fingers; others seemed to suspect tha t fate was trying to force on them a particular slip and when they bad drawn one a little way from the shoe would let it drop again and choose another. 时间过得很慢,令人难以置信。那个叫做维尔森的人靠墙坐着,嘴里叼着仍未点燃的香烟,对一切都不再在意。 Time passed with incredible slowness, and the man called Voisin sat against the wall with the unlighted cigarette in his mouth paying them no attention at all. 就在生存的机会逐渐变小,抽中死签的可能性达到八分之一时,一个叫做勒诺特的上年纪的职员抽中了第二张死签。 The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk —his name was Lenotre—drew the second slip. 他清了清喉咙,戴上夹鼻眼镜,好像要确认自己没有看错。“喂,维尔森先生,我能加入吗?”他带着淡淡的微笑说道。 He cleared his throat and put on his pince-nez as though he had to make sure he was not mistaken. “Ah, Monsieur Voisin,” he said with a thin undecided smile, “May I join you?” 令人难以琢磨的机会再次以绝对对查维尔有利的优势朝他走来,抽中死签的可能性只有十五分之一,可他这次却没有丝毫欣慰,他被普通百姓所具有的勇气所震撼,他想让这一切尽快结束,就像一副扑克玩得太久了,他只希望有人离开牌桌,结束牌局。 This time Chavel felt no joy even though the elusive odds were back again overwhelmingly in his favor at fifteen to one; he was daunted by the courage of common men. He wanted the whole thing to be over as quickly as possible: like a game of cards which has gone on too long, he only wanted someone to make a move and break up the table. 勒诺特在维尔森身边靠墙坐下,他翻过纸条,背面是信中的一点内容,“是你妻子的?”维尔森问道。“是我女儿的。”勒诺特答道,“请原谅。”他起身走到自己的铺盖处,抽出一本便笺,回到维尔森身边开始写起来。他不慌不忙,认认真真地写下一串纤细而清晰的字迹。 。 Lenotre, sitting down against the wall next to Voisin, turned the slip over: on the back was a scrap of writing. Your-wife?“ Voisin said. “My daughter,” Lenotre said. “Excuse me.” He went over to his roll of bedding and drew out a writing pad. Then he sat down next to Voisin and began to write, carefully, without hurry, a thin legible hand. 这时中死签的概率又回到了10比1. The odds were back to ten to one. 从那时起,对查维尔来说,抽中死签的可能性似乎以一种不可避免的可怕趋势发生着变化。 From that point the odds seemed to move toward Chavel with a dreadful inevitability: 9比1,8比1,抽中死签的可能性好像指向了他。 nine to one, eight to one; they were like a pointing finger. 剩下的人抽得越来越快,越来越随便。 The men who were left drew more quickly and more carelessly: 在查维尔看来,他们似乎都知道了某种秘密,知道他会抽到死签。 they seemed to Chavel to have some inner information —to know that he was the one. 轮到他抽签时,只剩下了3张纸,留给他的机会这么少,在他看来真是不公平。 When his time came to draw there were only three slips left , and it appeared to Chavel a monstrous injustice that there were so few choices left for him. 他从鞋中抽出一张,接着又认定这是同伴的意志强加给他的,一定有十字。于是他把它放回去,另抽了一张。 He drew one out of the shoe and then feeling certain that this one had been willed on him by his companions and contained the penciled cross he threw it back and snatched another. “律师,你偷看了。”剩下的两个人中有一个大声说道,但另一个让他安静下来。 “You looked, lawyer,” one of the two men exclaimed, but the other quieted him. “他没有偷看,他抽到的是有记号的。” “He didn't look. He's got the marked one now.” “不,不。”查维尔把纸条扔到地上,开始大叫:“我从来就没有同意,你们不能让我替别人去死。” “No,” Chavel said, “no.” He threw the slip upon the ground and cried, “I never consented to the draw. You can't make me die for the rest of you. . . ” 大家惊讶地看着他,但并没有敌意。 They watched him with astonishment but without enmity. 他是一个出身高贵的人。人们没有用自己的标准去衡量他,因为他属于一个别人难以理解的阶层。人们甚至没有把他的行为与胆怯联系起来。 He was a gentleman. They didn't judge him by their own standards: he belonged to an unaccountable class and they didn't at first even attach the idea of cowardice to his actions. “听我说,”查维尔一边哀求,一边举起那张纸条。大家既惊奇又好奇地看着他。“谁接受这张纸条,我就给他10万法郎。” “Listen,” Chavel implored them. He held out the slip of paper and they all watched him with compassionate curiosity. “I'll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who'll take this.” 他快速移动着小步地从一个人面前走到另一个人面前,朝每一个人展示那张小纸条,好像是拍卖会上的服务员。 He took little rapid steps from one man to another, showing each man the bit of paper as if he were an attendant at an auction. “10万法郎。”他恳求道。人们感到震惊,同样又感到一丝怜悯:他是他们之中惟一的有钱人,这是与众不同之处。 “A hundred thousand francs,” he implored, and they watched him with a kind of shocked pity: he was the only rich man among them and this was a unique situation. 人们无法去比较,只能认定这就是他那个阶层的特点,这犹如一个在异国港口下船就餐的旅游者能从一个碰巧与他同桌的狡猾商人身上总结出该国的国民性格。 They had no means of comparison and assumed that this was a characteristic of his class, just as a traveler stepping off the liner at a foreign port for luncheon sums up a nation's character forever in the wily businessman who happens to share the table with him.

1.或许爱上的不是你,而是恋爱的感觉罢了. Maybe I didin't fall in love with you, it is just the feeling of being in love2.许多人都这样对我说 Many people told me this.3.我很想保护你,但是又无法在你身边,或许我们只是有缘无份. I want to protect you, but I can't stay beside you. Maybe we are not destine to be.4.爱情对我来说,只是麻醉剂. To me, love is just Anesthetic5.感谢你曾经给我的回忆和快乐. Thank you for all the memories and happiness that you brought to me6.我有了很多朋友,缺少了爱情我想我也可以活得很快乐. I have many friends, even without love I think I can also be happy.7.我想你会对我说:对不起,我不是有意伤害你的. 不,在爱情上不存在谁对得起谁,谁对不起谁,更没有对错. I think you will say to me: I am sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you.No, in love there is no such thing as who is not sorry for who, who is sorry for who, there is no wrong or right.8.你知道么?我可以因为你的一句话,一个动作.开心一整天,、. Do you know? Because of you every word and every movement I can be happy all day9.爱得死去活来,反而把自己变得渺小. When fall in love too deeply, oneself will seem insignificant10.放过你,也就是放过自己..Maybe letting you go is also letting myself go...

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