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Unit7(第20讲—第22讲) 本课主要构词法 affixation (词缀法) 1. 名词后缀 -iondefinition 2. 名词后缀 -agemarriage 3. 名词后缀 -itysecurity 4. 形容词后缀 -alagricultural,industrial,traditional,social 5. 动词后缀 -izeindustrialize 本课简介 在Families这篇课文中,作者首先告诉我们对于不同的人来说“家庭”有不同的含义,但是家庭意味着某种归属这一点是所有人的共识。作者还对核心家庭和大家庭的演变进行了分析,从中我们更可以看出家庭成员在家庭中的角色和作用的变化。 本课语言点 1. …a group of people related by blood or marriage, … 句子中的by常可与某些名词连用,在名词前面不加定冠词the,意思相当于“with regard to”,“according to”。请看下面的例句: 1) He is an Englishman by birth. (他祖籍英国。) 2) He is a teacher by profession. (他以医生为职业。) 3) By birth and by education Thomas Jefferson belonged to the highest social class, but he never looked down upon the working-class people. (按其出生和所受的教育,托马斯·杰弗逊都属于社会的了阶层,但他从来不轻视劳动人民。) relate是一个动词,在句子中的意思是“使联系”。请看例句: 1)It is not difficult for people to relate the result to the cause. (人们要把结果和原因联系起来并不困难。) 2)It might be more helpful to you if you can relate theory to practice.(如果你能把理论和实践联系起来,对你的帮助也许会更大。) relate还可解释为叙述;有关,涉及;相处得好 1) He related us a story vividly. (他生动地给我们讲述了一个故事。) 2) His talk related to the international situation. (他的讲话涉及国际形势。) 3) He relates very well to his classmates. (他和同学们相处得很好。) related可以做形容词用,意思是“有联系的,相关的。” 1) These four people are closely related to each other. (这四个人联系紧密。) 2) He is very much interesting in painting and the related arts. (他对绘画及其有关的艺术很感兴趣。) 2. …all those people descended from a common ancestor, …所有来自同一祖先的人们。 “descended from a common ancestor”是一个省略了that的定语从句,修饰people.descended from的意思是“传下,遗传”,如: 1) His family were descended from an Indian tribe. (他的家庭是印第安部落的后裔。) 2) Darwin concluded that men were descended from apes. (达尔文断定人由猿进化而来。) descend to 的意思是“屈尊,降低;转而说到” 1) The firm had descended to using nude pictures for advertising. (那家公司堕落到用*照做广告。) 2)Mr. Lee then descended to the details we had to be careful about.(李先生转而谈到了我们必须注意的细节问题。) common是一个形容词,意思是“共有的,共同的;普通的”,请看例句: 1)No doubt, this is a grammatical mistake common to beginners in English. (毫无疑问,这是英语初学者常犯的语法错误。) 2)How could you have no idea about this common knowledge? (对这个普通常识你怎么会一无所知。) 3)They have no common interests. (他们没有共同的爱好。) 3. Some people thank of a family as a mother, a father, and their children, … think of …as …是一个很常用的词组,意思是“把…看作…”,如: 1) He often thinks of himself as a genius. (他常把自己看作为天才。) 2) The Yellow River is thought of as the cradle of the Chinese nation. (黄河被看作为中华民族的摇篮。) 与think of…as…意思相近的词组在英语中还有很多。如: regard…aslook upon…as… see…as…view…as… consider…as… 4. For others, having a family simply means having children. 本句中,having a family做主语,mean为谓语动词,having children 做宾语。mean在句中的意思是“意味着”。当mean作“意味着”解释时,在它的后面应该跟名词或者动名词,如: 1)Accepting the job would mean moving to another city. (接受这份工作将意味着我得搬到另一个城市去。) 2)A raise in the worker's salary will mean a cut in the profit. (增加工人的工资意味着利润的降低。) 当mean作“意欲,打算”解释时,在它的后面通常跟不定式,如: 1)I didn't mean to offend you. (我无意冒犯你。) 2)I meant to give you the book yesterday, but I forgot it. (我原打算昨天把书给你的,但我忘了。) 5. Some families have long histories, while others know very little about their ancestors. 请注意while的用法,在本句中while是一个表示转折意味的连词,意思是“然而”。如:Fred gambled all his money away while Jane saved every penny for her son's schooling. (弗雷德赌输了他所有的钱,而珍妮却为儿子的教育攒下每一分钱。) while在不同的语境中有不同的意思,请翻译下面的句子,注意while的词义。 1)They decided to find a less expensive place to stay while in Paris.(在巴黎期间,他们打算找个更便宜的地方住。) 2)He looked at his watch several times while talking to her. (在跟她交谈时,他看了几次表。) 3)One group of children are quiet, while the second group was very active. (一组孩子很安静,而第二组孩子非常活跃。) 4)While I have sympathy for these people, I think they are guilty. (尽管我同情这些人,但我觉得他们有罪。) 5)We will succeed while we don't lose hope. (只要我们不失去希望,我们就会成功。) 6. No matter if it is young or old, large or small traditional or modern, every family has a sense of what a family is. no matter if 连接让步状语从句,更常见的是用no matter whether.除了no matter whether以外,no matter wh-引导的让步状语从句还有:no matter what, no matter who, no matter whose, no matter which, no matter when, no matter where, no matter how等等。而用wh-ever引导让步从句也是十分常见的。请看下面的例句: 1) No matter what happens, please let me know. (无论发生什么事,请让我知道。) 2) No matter who telephones, tell him I'm out. (无论谁来电话,告诉他我出去了。) 3) No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. (无论我多努力,我总不能成功。) 4) No matter whether you believe it or not, it's truth. (无论你信不信,那总是事实。) 5) No matter where you go, I will follow you. (无论你去哪里,我都跟着你。) 6) No matter which book you like you can have it. (无论你喜欢哪本书,你都可以拿去。) 7) No matter whose money it is, we can't spend it so carelessly. (无论是谁的钱,我们都不能这样随意地花) 上述某些句子可以用wh-ever表述如下: 1) Whatever happens, please let me know. 2) Whoever telephones, tell him I'm out. 3) However hard I tried, I couldn't succeed. 4) Wherever you go, I will follow you. 5) Whichever book you like, you can have it. 7. It is that feeling of belonging, of love and security that comes from living together, helping and sharing. 本句中的it代指课文前一句中的a sense of what a family is. feeling of belonging 意思为“归属感”。 security 是一个名词,意思是“安全”。 that comes from living together, helping and sharing 是定语从句,修饰that feeling of belonging, of love and security. 8. However, with the change from an agricultural to an industrial society, many nuclear families moved away from the family home in order to find work. 本句中的however是一个表示转折意味的副词,有承接上文的作用,可以使这个句子和前面的句子连接得更紧密,有些接近连词。请看例句: 1) This, however, is not your fault. (但这不是你的错。) 2) I'd like to go with you, however, my hands are full. (我很想和你一起去,可是我忙不过来。) 句中的with是一个介词,意思是“随着”,请看例句: 1)With the change of the economic foundation, the superstructure has to be transformed too.(随着经济基础的改变,上层建筑也必须改造。) 2)With the development of science and technology, the society is changing rapidly.(随着科学技术的发展,社会在迅速地改变。) with是一个十分常用的介词,请看下面的句子,注意with的用法和词意: 1)Who will go with you? (谁和你一起去?) 2)The teacher is very strict with us. (老师对我们很严格。) 3)At the news we all jumped with joy. (听了这个消息,我们都高兴得跳了起来。With表示原因。) 4)He wanted to kill two birds with one stone. (他想一举两得。With意为“用,以”,译法可灵活。) 5)China is a country with a large population. (中国是一个有众多人口的国家。With表示“有,带有”) 6)He finished this work with great difficulty. (他好不容易才完成了这项工作。With引起短语作方式状语。) 7)He was sitting in a chair with his hands folded. (他双手交叉在胸前坐在椅子上。With引导独立结构:with+名词+过去分词,做方式状语。) 8)What's wrong with you? (你怎么了?with意为“就…来说”) 9)With your knowledge and experience, you are sure to find a good job. (以(凭)你的知识和经验,你肯定会找到一份好工作。) 10)With all his shortcomings, he was a nice person. (尽管他有缺点,他还是个不错的人。) 句子中的in order to find work做目的状语,除了用in order to 以外,还可以用so as to,也可以把in order,so as省去,只用不定式。请看例句: 1)He decided to study harder (so as ) to catch up with the others. (他决定加紧学习好赶上别人。) 2)He ran out in a hurry (in order) to catch the last bus. (为了赶上末班车,他匆匆向外跑去。) 9. Therefore we can say that the nuclear family becomes more important than the extended family as the society industrializes. 句子中的therefore是一个副词,通常用来表示后面将要表述的内容是前面已经表述的内容的结果,也可以用来引导一个结论。类似的表达还有:so,consequently,as a result 等等。请看例句: 1)It rained, therefore the football match was put off. (天下雨,所以足球比赛延期了。) 2)He is too careless, as a result he failed the exam. (他太粗心,所以考试没及格。) 3)He was ill for about a month, consequently he lagged behind his classmates.(他病了一个月,因此落在了同学后面。) as the society industrializes随着社会的工业化。as是一个连词,表示“当…时”。请看例句: 1)As time goes on, you'll like this place better. (随着时间的推移,你会更喜欢这个地方。) 2)As he talked on he got more and more excited. (他谈着的时候,越来越兴奋。) 本课中还有: 1)The nuclear family is becoming smaller as parents want fewer children. 2)As social scientists study these two new family forms, they will be able to tell us more about the future of the nuclear family in the post-industrial age. 10. social scientists now talk of two new family forms… 本句中的talk是一个不及物动词,在表达“谈论某人(某事)”时,talk后面应该用介词of或者about.请看例句: 1)What are you talking about? (你们在谈什么?) 2)They are talking of visiting Mr. Zhang. (他们正谈论去看张先生的事。) 3) What do you mean when you talk about culture? (你谈论文化时指的是什么?) Text B The Changing American Family 短语表达 1. all over We have friends all over the world. I have been looking all over for him. 2. provide for Father had to work very hard to provide food and clothes for the family. They are trying to provide some guidance for the newcomers. 3. be expected to Parents are expected to provide for their children. You are expected to be here before eight. 4. take care of The nurse took care of the old lady when her daughter was away. The cat and the dog were taken good care of. 5. on the other hand I don't think this proposal is workable. On one hand we don't have so much money, on the other hand time is too limited. 6. be considered to be He is considered to be the best candidate for the job. Father is considered to be a humorous and responsible person. 7. in addition (to) In addition, there are some magazines on the table. In addition to bread, we had some milk and eggs for breakfast. 8. make decision You have to make an immediate decision about the project. It is difficult for me to make a decision right now. 9. help with He hoped that his brother would help him with his math. At weekends I often help my mother with the housework. 10. in contrast In contrast with the low grade I got, Paul got a full mark on the biology test. Their club, in contrast, reached a membership of 2000 last year. 11. give up You will amount to nothing if you always give up easily. The doctor persuaded my father to give up smoking. 12. get ready for He got up early in the morning in order to get ready for the exam. I haven't got ready for the interview yet. 13. be busy doing Mother is busy cooking in the kitchen. The teacher is busy distributing the test papers. 14. in conclusion She will say a few words about the arrangement in conclusion. In conclusion, the old people are happy in most of the Asian countries. 15. instead of Instead of getting the bike repaired he bought a new one. Who is going to the meeting instead of you?

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语写作教材解析,自考英语写作万能句子的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!如何备考自考英语写作00603?备考方法如下:1.注重过程,勤写多改。2.布局谋篇,分析范文。3.广泛阅读,多想善思。英语写作不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。英语写作重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。英语写作还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。英语写作是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为英语写作和英语写作阶段的是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此英语写作学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。英语写作重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。英语写作考核重点英语写作的考核目标和出题原则在考试大纲中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1.应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文。2.要熟练掌握提纲及提要。3.写作速度每小时250-300词。关于自考英语本科英语写作这门课一、《英语写作》课程简介《英语写作》是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为《英语写作》和《英语写作阶段的》是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此《英语写作》学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。《英语写作》重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。《英语写作》考核重点《英语写作》的考核目标和出题原则在《考试大纲》中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1. 应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文;2. 要熟练掌握提纲及提要;3. 写作速度每小时250-300词。《英语写作》备考方法1. 注重过程,勤写多改2. 布局谋篇,分析范文3. 广泛阅读,多想善思《英语写作》不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。《英语写作》重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。《英语写作》还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。二、考试题型及分析高等教育自学考试《英语写作》考试满分100分,考试时间为150分钟。全部题目用英文做答。其形式相对固定,大题有三项:I. 补充段落Supplying the missing paragraph The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph missing paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.II. 撰写大纲Write an outline Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it. Sometimes the passage is from the textbook.III.文章写作Composition 从考察的内容看,考察的核心是英语的篇章结构,无论是补齐段落还是撰写大纲都不是孤立进行的,补齐的段落要和整篇文章衔接,做到整体如一;撰写的大纲是对篇章结构的直接考察,即考察考生从文章中抽象出结构的能力;文章写作考察整篇文章写作的综合能力。从考试形式上看,既考察学生句子,段落写作能力,也考察篇章写作能力。补齐对话考察段落写作,撰写提纲考察句子写作,文章写作考察篇章写作能力。因此,对《英语写作》的学习要牢牢把握一条红线,那就是要熟悉英语文章的篇章结构。具体的解题技巧我们将在课程讲解后给大家做详细的指导。三、《英语写作》课程讲解写作格式要求 有一句话,大家可能都知道,叫“文如其人”,英文是“The style is the man himself”。从一个人的行文就能看出他的品德,品性。整洁的文风不仅是对读者的尊重,更是对自己的尊重。这从一个侧面说明了写作格式的重要性,它是写作的“面子”,马虎不的。一些考生认为,作文注重内容,不注重形式。这是一种误解,干净整洁的文章使人耳目一新,急于阅读,使人对作者产生一种办事认真,思路清晰的第一印象。相反,杂乱无章,急就章式的文字使人觉得作者思维混乱,不知所云。设想一下在阅卷时间紧迫,任务繁重的情况下,给阅卷人留下良好的第一印象是多么的重要啊! 另外,严格的写作格式要求是英语写作不可分割的一部分,学习英语写作就必须遵守英语写作的规范,否则就不成其为英语写作。总体上讲,英语写作格式要给人留下整洁,清晰的印象。具体写作时,要注意以下几点:1. 页边距2. 题目位置:第一行居中。3. 题目中单词的大小写 每个单词的第一个字母要大写,但是下列除外: 冠词,少于四个字母的介词,并列连词如and, or, but, nor, for, to 等。 题目的第一个单词必须大写。4. 题目中的标点题目可以是问句;论文题目,直接引要加引号;书名要用斜体。5. 段落缩进每段第一行要缩进4-5个字母;练习时,隔行写便于教师批阅。考试时,不必要。标点符号后要空格。写作格式要求主要是一个习惯养成问题,考生在写作时要多加注意,养成习惯。撰写大纲的基本要求撰写大纲是英语写作的重要一步,也是英语写作考试重点考察的内容之一。因此,考生应该给以足够的重视。大纲指的是一篇文章的总体结构。撰写大纲能力的高低反应考生总体把握英语篇章能力的强弱。在《英语写作》考试中,它有两种表现形式:一是根据文章写出其大纲;一是根据题目编写大纲,构思文章。前者是考试直接考察的,既考察大纲的形式也考察其内容。后者是间接考察的,即在文章写作一题中,考生在构思时所用的大纲。它是写好一篇文章的前提和基础。这里我们着重讲解撰写大纲的形式要求,而对如何针对文章撰写大纲的考试技巧和写作过程中的大纲撰写将在后面的章节中加以详细论述。撰写英语大纲要遵循以下基本原则1. 部分若含有分项,则分项不能少于两个。即有“1”必有“2”,有“A”必有“B”,依次类推。处于同一地位的分项要具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑。分项要用相同的语法结构来表达。2. 不要将话题大纲和句子大纲相混淆。英语大纲有两种形式:话题大纲和句子大纲。顾名思义,话题大纲由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成。句子大纲由完整的句子构成。两者泾渭分明,不得混用。3. 话题大纲的第一个字母要大写,短语后不必点句号;句子大纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。但是在序列号中每一个罗马字母,大写字母,阿拉伯数字或是小写字母后要加句号,加了括号后不再加句号。4. 大纲序列号如下:I.罗马字母A.大写字母1.阿拉伯数字a.小写字母1) 带括号的阿拉伯数字a) 带括号的小写字母5.大纲实例话题大纲:I. Kindness to MumA. Warm languageB. Help with houseworkII. Kindness to childrenA. My own experienceB. His talk to my classmateIII. Kindness to our neighboursA. His help of the Wangs1. Quilts2. Dinner3. ConsolidationB. His help of the Changs1. Renting a car for the troubled2. Borrowing money for them句子大纲I. Father loves mother most kindly.A. He never hurts Mom with harsh wordsB. He tries his best to help Mom with the homework.II. Father reasons with us children when we do things wrong.A. He reasoned with me when I took his favorite record of music out to show off and damaged itB. He reasoned with my classmate Hong when we quarreled.III. Father kept helping our neighbors out of trouble.A. He helped the Wangs when their house caught fire.1. He gave them our new quilts.2. He invited them to eat in our home.3. He comforted them.B. He helped the Changs when their baby was terribly ill.1. He stopped a car and went to the hospital with the baby and mother.2. He borrowed money from friends to cover the hospital expenses.看一下这个网站吧,有你想要的资料的.自考英语专科资料导航 :?boardID=2&ID=862&page=1自考英语本科资料导航:?boardID=2&ID=861&page=1参考资料:英语易bbs.yingyuyi.com我也正好在找英语写作方面的资料,觉得这个讲的挺好,给你帖下他那里的第一页。如果你觉得好的话点这个网址看看后面的内容吧。自考《英语写作》开头和结尾万能公式及句型1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…2.开头万能公式二:数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。Youth根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …你只管做 管它对不对 会打多少分 那是老师的问题.你要做的是准备好.然后自信的迎接考试.我也是读英语的.我现在在学法语.因为我喜欢法国.法语刚刚学起来会很难 但到最后很容易.日语相反.还有如果你只想过二外 其他的不管,那学日语.这科有那么难吗?我都没看书就过了。自考英语大专的有网上课堂吗?请问哪里有自自考英语大专的视频教材呀?对。明年一月有招生。全名:北京外国语大学网络教育学院。电话:010-88817912/13010-88811106邮箱:support@如果决定了,就赶快准备吧!求英语自考教材所有书名求英语自考教材所有书名还有在哪里可以买?求自考书店/新华书店/大型书市/淘宝网/专业网校书店。 上述书店一般有历年自考真题以及针对性的模拟题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

1.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.[参考译文]在过去的30 年中,公共教育中显示的对残疾儿童的巨大关注表明了我们社会中的一种中强烈的情绪,那就是所有的公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会。2.The Corporation will survive as a publicly funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a nation wide debate in Britain.[参考译文]英国广播公司将作为一个公共基金支持的广播组织存在下来,至少目前会这样,但是它的角色、它的规模和它的节目现在在英国成了全国上下的讨论话题。3.The American economic system is. organized around a basically private-enterprise, marketor iented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.[参考译文]美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。4.In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.[参考译文]在美国经济中,私有财产的概念不仅包含对生产资源的所有权,也指其他一些特定的权利,如确定一个产品价格和与另一个私人个体(经济单位)自由签定合同的权利。


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语写作教材解析,自考英语写作万能句子的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!如何备考自考英语写作00603?备考方法如下:1.注重过程,勤写多改。2.布局谋篇,分析范文。3.广泛阅读,多想善思。英语写作不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。英语写作重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。英语写作还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。英语写作是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为英语写作和英语写作阶段的是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此英语写作学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。英语写作重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。英语写作考核重点英语写作的考核目标和出题原则在考试大纲中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1.应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文。2.要熟练掌握提纲及提要。3.写作速度每小时250-300词。关于自考英语本科英语写作这门课一、《英语写作》课程简介《英语写作》是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为《英语写作》和《英语写作阶段的》是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此《英语写作》学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。《英语写作》重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。《英语写作》考核重点《英语写作》的考核目标和出题原则在《考试大纲》中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1. 应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文;2. 要熟练掌握提纲及提要;3. 写作速度每小时250-300词。《英语写作》备考方法1. 注重过程,勤写多改2. 布局谋篇,分析范文3. 广泛阅读,多想善思《英语写作》不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。《英语写作》重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。《英语写作》还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。二、考试题型及分析高等教育自学考试《英语写作》考试满分100分,考试时间为150分钟。全部题目用英文做答。其形式相对固定,大题有三项:I. 补充段落Supplying the missing paragraph The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph missing paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.II. 撰写大纲Write an outline Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it. Sometimes the passage is from the textbook.III.文章写作Composition 从考察的内容看,考察的核心是英语的篇章结构,无论是补齐段落还是撰写大纲都不是孤立进行的,补齐的段落要和整篇文章衔接,做到整体如一;撰写的大纲是对篇章结构的直接考察,即考察考生从文章中抽象出结构的能力;文章写作考察整篇文章写作的综合能力。从考试形式上看,既考察学生句子,段落写作能力,也考察篇章写作能力。补齐对话考察段落写作,撰写提纲考察句子写作,文章写作考察篇章写作能力。因此,对《英语写作》的学习要牢牢把握一条红线,那就是要熟悉英语文章的篇章结构。具体的解题技巧我们将在课程讲解后给大家做详细的指导。三、《英语写作》课程讲解写作格式要求 有一句话,大家可能都知道,叫“文如其人”,英文是“The style is the man himself”。从一个人的行文就能看出他的品德,品性。整洁的文风不仅是对读者的尊重,更是对自己的尊重。这从一个侧面说明了写作格式的重要性,它是写作的“面子”,马虎不的。一些考生认为,作文注重内容,不注重形式。这是一种误解,干净整洁的文章使人耳目一新,急于阅读,使人对作者产生一种办事认真,思路清晰的第一印象。相反,杂乱无章,急就章式的文字使人觉得作者思维混乱,不知所云。设想一下在阅卷时间紧迫,任务繁重的情况下,给阅卷人留下良好的第一印象是多么的重要啊! 另外,严格的写作格式要求是英语写作不可分割的一部分,学习英语写作就必须遵守英语写作的规范,否则就不成其为英语写作。总体上讲,英语写作格式要给人留下整洁,清晰的印象。具体写作时,要注意以下几点:1. 页边距2. 题目位置:第一行居中。3. 题目中单词的大小写 每个单词的第一个字母要大写,但是下列除外: 冠词,少于四个字母的介词,并列连词如and, or, but, nor, for, to 等。 题目的第一个单词必须大写。4. 题目中的标点题目可以是问句;论文题目,直接引要加引号;书名要用斜体。5. 段落缩进每段第一行要缩进4-5个字母;练习时,隔行写便于教师批阅。考试时,不必要。标点符号后要空格。写作格式要求主要是一个习惯养成问题,考生在写作时要多加注意,养成习惯。撰写大纲的基本要求撰写大纲是英语写作的重要一步,也是英语写作考试重点考察的内容之一。因此,考生应该给以足够的重视。大纲指的是一篇文章的总体结构。撰写大纲能力的高低反应考生总体把握英语篇章能力的强弱。在《英语写作》考试中,它有两种表现形式:一是根据文章写出其大纲;一是根据题目编写大纲,构思文章。前者是考试直接考察的,既考察大纲的形式也考察其内容。后者是间接考察的,即在文章写作一题中,考生在构思时所用的大纲。它是写好一篇文章的前提和基础。这里我们着重讲解撰写大纲的形式要求,而对如何针对文章撰写大纲的考试技巧和写作过程中的大纲撰写将在后面的章节中加以详细论述。撰写英语大纲要遵循以下基本原则1. 部分若含有分项,则分项不能少于两个。即有“1”必有“2”,有“A”必有“B”,依次类推。处于同一地位的分项要具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑。分项要用相同的语法结构来表达。2. 不要将话题大纲和句子大纲相混淆。英语大纲有两种形式:话题大纲和句子大纲。顾名思义,话题大纲由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成。句子大纲由完整的句子构成。两者泾渭分明,不得混用。3. 话题大纲的第一个字母要大写,短语后不必点句号;句子大纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。但是在序列号中每一个罗马字母,大写字母,阿拉伯数字或是小写字母后要加句号,加了括号后不再加句号。4. 大纲序列号如下:I.罗马字母A.大写字母1.阿拉伯数字a.小写字母1) 带括号的阿拉伯数字a) 带括号的小写字母5.大纲实例话题大纲:I. Kindness to MumA. Warm languageB. Help with houseworkII. Kindness to childrenA. My own experienceB. His talk to my classmateIII. Kindness to our neighboursA. His help of the Wangs1. Quilts2. Dinner3. ConsolidationB. His help of the Changs1. Renting a car for the troubled2. Borrowing money for them句子大纲I. Father loves mother most kindly.A. He never hurts Mom with harsh wordsB. He tries his best to help Mom with the homework.II. Father reasons with us children when we do things wrong.A. He reasoned with me when I took his favorite record of music out to show off and damaged itB. He reasoned with my classmate Hong when we quarreled.III. Father kept helping our neighbors out of trouble.A. He helped the Wangs when their house caught fire.1. He gave them our new quilts.2. He invited them to eat in our home.3. He comforted them.B. He helped the Changs when their baby was terribly ill.1. He stopped a car and went to the hospital with the baby and mother.2. He borrowed money from friends to cover the hospital expenses.看一下这个网站吧,有你想要的资料的.自考英语专科资料导航 :?boardID=2&ID=862&page=1自考英语本科资料导航:?boardID=2&ID=861&page=1参考资料:英语易bbs.yingyuyi.com我也正好在找英语写作方面的资料,觉得这个讲的挺好,给你帖下他那里的第一页。如果你觉得好的话点这个网址看看后面的内容吧。自考《英语写作》开头和结尾万能公式及句型1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…2.开头万能公式二:数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。Youth根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …你只管做 管它对不对 会打多少分 那是老师的问题.你要做的是准备好.然后自信的迎接考试.我也是读英语的.我现在在学法语.因为我喜欢法国.法语刚刚学起来会很难 但到最后很容易.日语相反.还有如果你只想过二外 其他的不管,那学日语.这科有那么难吗?我都没看书就过了。自考英语大专的有网上课堂吗?请问哪里有自自考英语大专的视频教材呀?对。明年一月有招生。全名:北京外国语大学网络教育学院。电话:010-88817912/13010-88811106邮箱:support@如果决定了,就赶快准备吧!求英语自考教材所有书名求英语自考教材所有书名还有在哪里可以买?求自考书店/新华书店/大型书市/淘宝网/专业网校书店。 上述书店一般有历年自考真题以及针对性的模拟题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

中国文化概论自考重点有哪些? 一、文化:自然就是指人类通过社会实践创造出的物质和精神产品的总和。 二、环境:指人类生存的自然地域空间,有机界和无机界的转化产所。 三、制度:指当时用来治理朝政,约束人们的一系列制度。 四、世界语言九大语系:指世界上包括汉藏的语言,印度欧洲语系,阿尔泰语系,闪一含语言,乌拉尔语言,高加索语言,南岛语言,南亚语言,达罗毗荼语言等九大语系。除此之外,当然除了九大语系之外,还有很多非洲和美洲的语言和一系列属性不明的其他语言系。 五、宗教信仰特点:指多种宗教并存,与外来宗教相互交流,相互融合等特点。 自考复习方法: 1.合理安排时间 早起半小时和晚睡半小时,加起来1个小时,这两段是较佳的记忆时间,各位小伙伴们可以利用这段“黄金时间”来记忆。另外也可以充分利用零碎时间复习。比如说用路上、车上、床上等零碎时间,这样会挤出更多的时间学习。 2.掌握大纲内容 首先我们要学会弄清考试大纲规定的学习内容和考核目标,然后根据考试大纲规定的不同能力层次的要求,结合考纲制定自己的学习规划。 从另一个角度来说,掌握了考试大纲,就相当于掌握了整个考试的走势和难易程度。 另外我们也可以对照考试大纲进行查漏补缺,看看哪些知识点还没有复习扎实,抓紧时间夯实。 3.题量训练,分析考点 自考学习离不开课本,也离不开一定题量的训练。考前3天还要保证每天至少做一套权威模拟题,还要多翻翻先前做的历年真题及练习题,要重点关注当时做错的题目,不要留死角。 自考的考点设置虽然没有固定的规律可循,但从历年的真题中也能分析出一点点考点的分布。我们要以知识点的原理和内在联系为依据,对考点的解决方法中加入自己的想法形成思路。其实最重要的还是理解。 4.将知识点结构化 这个阶段我们在进行复习时应该注意把知识连点成线,连线成网。可以找张白纸,将相关知识点以提纲形式默背书写,再填写各种层次的知识点,类似于脑图的概念,然后再核对书本,重点将漏写或错误的知识点消化和记忆。 5.知识点要联系实际 复习时一定要立足于教科书,将凌乱的、分散的知识点置于具体事例上。从不同的角度进行联想,有利于加深对本质和原因的认知,一举两得。要将理论知识与实践结合起来,才能更好的理解知识点,深化记忆。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语写作教材解析,自考英语写作万能句子的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!如何备考自考英语写作00603?备考方法如下:1.注重过程,勤写多改。2.布局谋篇,分析范文。3.广泛阅读,多想善思。英语写作不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。英语写作重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。英语写作还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。英语写作是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为英语写作和英语写作阶段的是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此英语写作学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。英语写作重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。英语写作考核重点英语写作的考核目标和出题原则在考试大纲中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1.应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文。2.要熟练掌握提纲及提要。3.写作速度每小时250-300词。关于自考英语本科英语写作这门课一、《英语写作》课程简介《英语写作》是英语专业本科段一门重要的实践课程,是英语专科阶段英语写作基础的继续。我认为《英语写作》和《英语写作阶段的》是英语写作的两个层次,即遣词造句和布局谋篇两个层次。前者更多地注重语言形式,以句子、段落为写作核心,后者注重整篇文章的结构合理,脉络清晰,强调整体感。因此《英语写作》学习要特别注意英语篇章结构的把握。《英语写作》重点教授的是如何用英语写好记叙文、描写文、说明文以及议论文等,而其中又以说明文和议论文为中心。《英语写作》考核重点《英语写作》的考核目标和出题原则在《考试大纲》中有明确的阐述。根据历年考题看,考核重点有以下三点:1. 应考生能写出内容充实,具有一定广度和深度的说明文和议论文;2. 要熟练掌握提纲及提要;3. 写作速度每小时250-300词。《英语写作》备考方法1. 注重过程,勤写多改2. 布局谋篇,分析范文3. 广泛阅读,多想善思《英语写作》不同于其它像《英语词汇学》、《欧洲文化入门》等知识性课程,它是实践性的,技能性的课程。对于英语写作的学习不能像学习知识性课程那样,只记忆知识脉络,就可以了,它需要考生功在平时,勤写多改,锻炼自己英语基本能力;英语写作有自己的规律性。在有限的时间那,要从一些散乱的、突发的、只言片语的想法发展到一篇结构合理,逻辑清晰的文章谈何容易?因此,考生在平时就要注重写作过程的练习,自觉遵从写作的流程。英语写作是要遵循一定的过程的。并不是信手拈来,或是急就章。一般来讲,一篇英语文章的完成,要经过构思,整理,撰写大纲,一稿,二稿,终稿。学生要遵循英语写作流程,才会有长远的进步。只有把握住了写作流程,才会高屋建瓴,从总体上布局谋篇,而不是“只见树木,不见树林”。一些考生写作不打草稿,随性而致,势必会影响作文的质量,这是不可取的。《英语写作》重视整篇文章的撰写,注意布局谋篇,因此考生要仔细阅读教材相关章节,详细分析范文,把理论和实践相结合,将理论深化,内化为自己的写作指南。能够做到见到文章能抽象出文章的结构,见到题目能理出自己的写作思路,框架和结构。这正是考试撰写大纲和文章写作的考核目的所在。因此,考生们要对英语典型的篇章结构了如指掌,做到心中有数。做题时方能游刃有余。《英语写作》还需要考生善于把握当下热点问题,并能就此发表个人看法,因此广泛阅读,多想善思会对英语写作大有裨益。考生可以从其它英语课程或是英文报刊等英语资源中汲取好的词汇,语句,结构,甚至是好的观点为我所用。其次,写作和阅读密不可分,相辅相成;考试对补齐段落和撰写大纲的考察都需要较强的阅读能力作为后盾,如果文章理解都出现问题,何来对补齐段落和撰写大纲;对英语写作的结构的了解反过来可以帮助考生提高阅读理解能力,特别是把握文章总体思想的能力。考生若能细心研习,必会大受其益。二、考试题型及分析高等教育自学考试《英语写作》考试满分100分,考试时间为150分钟。全部题目用英文做答。其形式相对固定,大题有三项:I. 补充段落Supplying the missing paragraph The following passage is incomplete with one paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph missing paragraph of about 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.II. 撰写大纲Write an outline Read the following passage carefully and compose a “sentence outline” for it. Sometimes the passage is from the textbook.III.文章写作Composition 从考察的内容看,考察的核心是英语的篇章结构,无论是补齐段落还是撰写大纲都不是孤立进行的,补齐的段落要和整篇文章衔接,做到整体如一;撰写的大纲是对篇章结构的直接考察,即考察考生从文章中抽象出结构的能力;文章写作考察整篇文章写作的综合能力。从考试形式上看,既考察学生句子,段落写作能力,也考察篇章写作能力。补齐对话考察段落写作,撰写提纲考察句子写作,文章写作考察篇章写作能力。因此,对《英语写作》的学习要牢牢把握一条红线,那就是要熟悉英语文章的篇章结构。具体的解题技巧我们将在课程讲解后给大家做详细的指导。三、《英语写作》课程讲解写作格式要求 有一句话,大家可能都知道,叫“文如其人”,英文是“The style is the man himself”。从一个人的行文就能看出他的品德,品性。整洁的文风不仅是对读者的尊重,更是对自己的尊重。这从一个侧面说明了写作格式的重要性,它是写作的“面子”,马虎不的。一些考生认为,作文注重内容,不注重形式。这是一种误解,干净整洁的文章使人耳目一新,急于阅读,使人对作者产生一种办事认真,思路清晰的第一印象。相反,杂乱无章,急就章式的文字使人觉得作者思维混乱,不知所云。设想一下在阅卷时间紧迫,任务繁重的情况下,给阅卷人留下良好的第一印象是多么的重要啊! 另外,严格的写作格式要求是英语写作不可分割的一部分,学习英语写作就必须遵守英语写作的规范,否则就不成其为英语写作。总体上讲,英语写作格式要给人留下整洁,清晰的印象。具体写作时,要注意以下几点:1. 页边距2. 题目位置:第一行居中。3. 题目中单词的大小写 每个单词的第一个字母要大写,但是下列除外: 冠词,少于四个字母的介词,并列连词如and, or, but, nor, for, to 等。 题目的第一个单词必须大写。4. 题目中的标点题目可以是问句;论文题目,直接引要加引号;书名要用斜体。5. 段落缩进每段第一行要缩进4-5个字母;练习时,隔行写便于教师批阅。考试时,不必要。标点符号后要空格。写作格式要求主要是一个习惯养成问题,考生在写作时要多加注意,养成习惯。撰写大纲的基本要求撰写大纲是英语写作的重要一步,也是英语写作考试重点考察的内容之一。因此,考生应该给以足够的重视。大纲指的是一篇文章的总体结构。撰写大纲能力的高低反应考生总体把握英语篇章能力的强弱。在《英语写作》考试中,它有两种表现形式:一是根据文章写出其大纲;一是根据题目编写大纲,构思文章。前者是考试直接考察的,既考察大纲的形式也考察其内容。后者是间接考察的,即在文章写作一题中,考生在构思时所用的大纲。它是写好一篇文章的前提和基础。这里我们着重讲解撰写大纲的形式要求,而对如何针对文章撰写大纲的考试技巧和写作过程中的大纲撰写将在后面的章节中加以详细论述。撰写英语大纲要遵循以下基本原则1. 部分若含有分项,则分项不能少于两个。即有“1”必有“2”,有“A”必有“B”,依次类推。处于同一地位的分项要具有同样的重要性,安排要合乎逻辑。分项要用相同的语法结构来表达。2. 不要将话题大纲和句子大纲相混淆。英语大纲有两种形式:话题大纲和句子大纲。顾名思义,话题大纲由名词短语,动名词短语,不定式短语等构成。句子大纲由完整的句子构成。两者泾渭分明,不得混用。3. 话题大纲的第一个字母要大写,短语后不必点句号;句子大纲要遵循英语句子的标点规范。但是在序列号中每一个罗马字母,大写字母,阿拉伯数字或是小写字母后要加句号,加了括号后不再加句号。4. 大纲序列号如下:I.罗马字母A.大写字母1.阿拉伯数字a.小写字母1) 带括号的阿拉伯数字a) 带括号的小写字母5.大纲实例话题大纲:I. Kindness to MumA. Warm languageB. Help with houseworkII. Kindness to childrenA. My own experienceB. His talk to my classmateIII. Kindness to our neighboursA. His help of the Wangs1. Quilts2. Dinner3. ConsolidationB. His help of the Changs1. Renting a car for the troubled2. Borrowing money for them句子大纲I. Father loves mother most kindly.A. He never hurts Mom with harsh wordsB. He tries his best to help Mom with the homework.II. Father reasons with us children when we do things wrong.A. He reasoned with me when I took his favorite record of music out to show off and damaged itB. He reasoned with my classmate Hong when we quarreled.III. Father kept helping our neighbors out of trouble.A. He helped the Wangs when their house caught fire.1. He gave them our new quilts.2. He invited them to eat in our home.3. He comforted them.B. He helped the Changs when their baby was terribly ill.1. He stopped a car and went to the hospital with the baby and mother.2. He borrowed money from friends to cover the hospital expenses.看一下这个网站吧,有你想要的资料的.自考英语专科资料导航 :?boardID=2&ID=862&page=1自考英语本科资料导航:?boardID=2&ID=861&page=1参考资料:英语易bbs.yingyuyi.com我也正好在找英语写作方面的资料,觉得这个讲的挺好,给你帖下他那里的第一页。如果你觉得好的话点这个网址看看后面的内容吧。自考《英语写作》开头和结尾万能公式及句型1. 开头万能公式一:名人名言有人问了,“我没有记住名言,怎么办?尤其是英语名言?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的文章也是,所以尽管编,但是一定要听起来很有道理呦!而且没准将来我们就是名人呢!对吧?经典句型:A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…2.开头万能公式二:数字统计原理:要想更有说服力,就应该用实际的数字来说明。原则上在议论文当中不应该出现虚假数字的,可是在考试的时候哪管那三七二十一,但编无妨,只要我有东西写就万事大吉了。所以不妨试用下面的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字文邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下面随便几个题目我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的一项统计调查显示,大学生向老师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。Travel by Bike根据最近的一项统计调查显示,85%的人在近距离旅行的时候首选的交通工具是自行车。Youth根据最近的一项统计调查显示,在某个大学,学生的课余时间的70%都是在休闲娱乐。Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的一项统计调查显示,98%的人同意每周五天工作日。更多句型:A recent statistics shows that …你只管做 管它对不对 会打多少分 那是老师的问题.你要做的是准备好.然后自信的迎接考试.我也是读英语的.我现在在学法语.因为我喜欢法国.法语刚刚学起来会很难 但到最后很容易.日语相反.还有如果你只想过二外 其他的不管,那学日语.这科有那么难吗?我都没看书就过了。自考英语大专的有网上课堂吗?请问哪里有自自考英语大专的视频教材呀?对。明年一月有招生。全名:北京外国语大学网络教育学院。电话:010-88817912/13010-88811106邮箱:support@如果决定了,就赶快准备吧!求英语自考教材所有书名求英语自考教材所有书名还有在哪里可以买?求自考书店/新华书店/大型书市/淘宝网/专业网校书店。 上述书店一般有历年自考真题以及针对性的模拟题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


1.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.[参考译文]在过去的30 年中,公共教育中显示的对残疾儿童的巨大关注表明了我们社会中的一种中强烈的情绪,那就是所有的公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会。2.The Corporation will survive as a publicly funded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being, but its role, its size and its programs are now the subject of a nation wide debate in Britain.[参考译文]英国广播公司将作为一个公共基金支持的广播组织存在下来,至少目前会这样,但是它的角色、它的规模和它的节目现在在英国成了全国上下的讨论话题。3.The American economic system is. organized around a basically private-enterprise, marketor iented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.[参考译文]美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。4.In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.[参考译文]在美国经济中,私有财产的概念不仅包含对生产资源的所有权,也指其他一些特定的权利,如确定一个产品价格和与另一个私人个体(经济单位)自由签定合同的权利。


Unit12(第35讲—第37讲) 2. Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say. 句子中的few表示否定,意思是“很少的,几乎没有的”,如果用a few则表示肯定,意思是“有些,几个”。如: 1) Very few people survived the explosion.(在爆炸中幸存的人很少。) 2) Many of us tried but very few succeeded .(我们许多人都试了,但成功者甚少。) 3) He will try it a few more times.(他会再试几次。) 4) A few of my friends speak English.(我的朋友中有几个人能讲英语。) by在本句中的意思相当于according to (根据)。如: 1) Never judge a person by his appearance.(千万别以貌取人。) 2) He would be classified as rich by Chinese standards.(依照中国的标准,他会被归于富有一类。) authority这个词在词汇部分已做过讲解,我们在此再巩固一下。Authorities常指“*,官方”,用作不可数名词时,常指“权力,管辖权”,用作可数名词时,常指“专家,权威”。如: 1)The labor union continued to seek dialogue with the authorities.(工会继续寻求与*对话的机会。) 2)Police have the authority to arrest law-breakers.(警察有权逮捕犯法的人。) 3)He had made efforts to exercise his authority over those young people(他已努力对那些年轻人行使管辖权。) 4)A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.(一本好的词典是词义方面的权威。) 5)He is now an authority on American literature.(现在他成了美国文学方面的专家。) 本句中what是一个关系代词,引导宾语从句,如: 1)We always mean what we say.(我们向来说话算数。) 2)Let him do what he wants to do.(让他去做他想做的事。) 3)I don't know what they know.(他们知道的事我并不知道。) 3.I once got into a dispute with an English woman over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary. once在本句中的意思是“一次,曾经”。在某些语言环境中,once也可以表示:一旦……(就……)。请看下面的例句,注意,once的不同意思: 1)He once lived in Shanghai.(他曾经在上海住过。) 2)Even if you only do it once, you will forever remember it.(即使你只做一次,你会永远记得。) 3)It once belonged to my father.(这个曾经属于我父亲。) 4)Once the sun had set, the air turned cold.(太阳一落,空气就变冷了。) 5)Once you show any fear, he will attack you.(你一直露出恐惧,他就会攻击你。) 6)Once published, the book will be very popular.(这本书一旦出版就会大受欢迎。) get into a dispute with sb. over sth.与某人就某问题进行争论,over 也可用about 替换。如: 1) They had a dispute about where to go.(他们为了去哪里而争论。) 2) The workers and the management got into a dispute over pay.(工人和厂方由于工资问题产生争端。) 3) It was a dispute over economic policy.(这是一场关于经济政策的争论。) 4. …anyone who is willing to quarrel with the dictionary is regarded as either eccentric or mad. who引导的是一个定语从句,修饰anyone. be willing to意思是:愿意做……,如: 1)He is willing to help us.(他愿意帮助我们。) 2)No one is willing to pay so much money for this old bike.(谁也不愿意付这么多钱买这辆旧自行车。) quarrel with sb.意思是“与某人争吵”。如: 1) He quarreled with his brother yesterday.(他昨天跟他兄弟吵架了。) 2) I don't want to quarrel with you about it.(我不想为此事跟你争吵。) regard as 意思是“把……看作为”,在其后可以跟名词(或名词短语,动名词短语);形容词等。如: 1) He regarded the book as one of his masterpieces.(他把这本书看作是他的杰作之一。) 2) He was regarded as an important figure in history.(他被看作为历的重要人物。) 3) Nobody would regard this as important.(没人会认为这件事很重要。) 4) Many people regard parents as being responsible for the control of their children.(许多人认为父母应负责管教子女。) either…or…。意思是为“不是……就是……”,“要么……要么……”。如: 1)He is either drunk or mad.(他不是醉了就是疯了。) 2)Tell them that they can either stay or leave immediately.(告诉他们,他们要么留下,要么现在就离开。) 3)Either my brother or I am going to see my father off.(不是我兄弟就是我去为父亲送行。) 5. The task of writing a dictionary begins with the reading of vast amounts of the literature of the period or subject that the dictionary is to cover. begin with 在本句中的意思是“以……开始;以……为起点”。如: 1)I shall begin with this book today.(我打算今天先读这本书。) 2)The drought began with that dry and hot summer.(干旱是从那个干热的夏季开始的。) 3)The teacher began the class with a story.(老师以一个故事开始了讲课。) amount可以做可数名词用,也可以做不可数名词用,意思是“数量,数额”。amount的谓词动词的数与amount的数一致,而与所修饰的名词的数无关。如: 1) A large amount of money was spent on this project. 2) Large amounts of money were spent on this project. That引导的是一个定语从句,修饰the dictionary 在be动词的后面加动词不定式,表示“安排、命令、职责、目的、用途、可能性等”。如: 1)We are to meet at the station at 5:00 (我们约定5点钟在车站碰头。) 2)You are to be back by 9:00.(你得在9点钟前回来。) 3)The report is to be found in today's papers.(那个报道可在今天的报上找到。) Cover在本句中的意思是“涉及”。如: 1) His researches covered a wide field .(他的研究涉及范围很广。) 2) They covered many topics in their conversation.(他们谈话时讨论了许多问题。) 6. The writing of a dictionary is not a task of setting up authoritative statements about the “true meanings” of words, but a task of recording to the best of one's ability, that various words have meant to authors in the distant or immediate past. Not…but在本句中的意思是“不是……而是”。如: 1)What he needs is not money but some understanding. (他所需要的不是钱,而是一些理解。) 2)The story I have read is not a comedy but a tragedy.(我读的那个故事不是个喜剧而是个悲剧。) To the best of one's ability 意思是“尽某人的努力”。如: 1) I'll put the article into Chinese to the best of my ability.(我将尽努力把这篇文章翻成中文。) 2) He promised to do the work to the best of his ability.(他许诺说他会尽努力做这个工作。) a task of recording what various words have meant to authors…。,what引导宾语从句,做recording 的宾语。Mean意思是“表示……的意思”,“意指”等。如: 1) What he said means nothing to me.(他所说的对我来说毫无意义。) 2) What does this word mean?(这个词的意思是什么?) 我们曾经对mean这个单词做详细讲解,再请看几个例句: 1)What do you mean by saying that to him?(你对他说那话的意思是什么?) 2)I didn't mean to make you unhappy.(我不是故事要使你不开心的。) 3)You know what I meant to say.(你知道我想说的是什么。) 4)He criticism is meant for all of us.(他的批评是针对我们大家的。) 7. … but we cannot be bound by it…。 Bound是动词bind是过去分词,be bound by sth.意思是“受……束缚”,也可用be bound to sth. 1) We should not be bound by conventions.(我们不应该受习俗的束缚。) 2) Housework kept her bound to the house.(家务把她束缚在家里。) 3) The term papers kept him bound to his desk.(学期论文使他终日厌案。) 本课主要词组 1. learn…。from 2. in matters of 3. get into a dispute 4. dispute over 5. offer to do sth. 6. look up 7. be willing to 8. quarrel with 9. be regarded as 10. arrive at 11. apply to 12. go on 13. begin with 14. vast amounts of 15. a large number of 16. along with 17. such as 18. from…to… 19. stack of 20. sccording to 21. hard-and-fast rule 22. be based on 23. in front of 24. be influenced by 25. ought to 26. not at all 27. set up 28. to the best of one's ability 29. in the past 30. send out 31. force sb. to do sth. 32. be bound by Text B reading provides necessary survival skills 短语表达 1. emphasis on The emphasis on education would certainly bring great changes to the people and the country. 2. be the case He said he was the best tennis player in his school, but it was not the case. 3. involve sth. / doing sth. Accepting the job would involve working at weekends. 4. get an idea about sth. Have you got any idea about the whole incident? 5. expect from Don't expect too much from others. You have to learn to depend on yourself. 6. cue in Remember to cue in the headmaster on what happened during his absence. 7. apply to It will be great if we can apply what we have learned in books to practical work. 8. out of The boy opened his sister's mail out of curiosity. 9. keep up with What do you think a scientist has to do to keep up with the latest development in his field? 10. at top speed If you run at top speed, you may get there in 10 minutes. 11. concentrate on You will find it easier to concentrate on the reading material if you read in a quiet place. 12. be familiar with I am mot familiar with the person you mentioned just now. 13. be aware of He was not aware of the danger when he was walking toward the building. 14. look up If you look up the word in the dictionary you will find it has two different pronunciations. 15. slow down You have to slow down or you may get a fine. 16. be alert to Be alert to new words and you will enlarge your vocabulary. 17. add to His explanation added to my confusion.

Unit4(第11讲—第13讲) 3. Meaningfulness affects memory at all levels. affect 是动词,意思是“影响”。常常会有一些英语学习者把动词affect和名词effect混淆,请注意下面的句子: 1) The drought would surely affect the harvest.(这场干旱肯定会影响到收成。) 2) Excessive smoking affected his health, bad coughs often made it difficult to breathe.(过度吸烟影响了他的健康,严重的咳嗽使他难以呼吸。) 3) Psychologists believe that colors have a definite effect on people.(心理学家认为颜色对人肯定有影响。) 4) We could all see the effects of the illness on him.(我们都能看出那场病在的身上的影响。) 5) 职务的变化使他的收入大受影响。(The change in position greatly affected his income.) 6) 他的话对听众没有任何影响作用。(What he said had little effect on the audience.) 4. Information that doesn't make any sense to you is difficult to remember. that引导的定语从句修饰information; 主句是Information is difficult to remember. 不定式to remember 用在做表语用的形容词后面作状语。请看下面的句子: 1) Einstein was easy to get along with.(爱因斯坦很容易相处。) 2) To many foreigners, Chinese is hard to learn.(对许多外国人来说汉语很难学。) 3) The water in this river is not fit to drink.(这条河里的水不适合饮用。) 4) This question is very difficult to answer.(这个问题很难回答。) make sense 的意思是“有意义;可理解”。请看下面的句子: 1) No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn't make any sense to me.(无论你怎么读,我都不理解这个句子。) 2) What the writer wanted to express in his book doesn't make any sense to the readers.(读者们无法理解作者在书中所要表达的意思。) 3) His explanation makes no sense to his students.(学生们不理解他的解释。) 5. Organization also makes a difference in our ability to remember. 动词不定式to remember在句中做定语,修饰名词ability.请看下面的句子: 1) You should have confidence in your ability to fulfill the task.(你们应对自己完成认务的能力有信心。) 2) He has kept the promise to come early in the morning.(他遵守了一大早来的诺言。) 3) They have the determination to overcome all the difficulties.(他们有克服所有困难的决心。) 4) We could see her anxiety to solve the problem.(我们能看出她急于解决这个问题。) make a difference 的意思是“有关系;有影响;起作用”。请看下面的句子: 1) What he said would not make any difference in my decision-making.(他说的话不会对我做决定产生任何影响。) 2) Your participation in the work will make a great difference.(你参与我们的工作,情况就不一样了。) 3) Money won't make much difference to him.(钱对他起不了多大作用。) 4) I didn't like the appearance of the house, but the location and price made all the difference.(我不喜欢那房子的外观,但它的位置和价格起了重要作用。) 6. Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information. 句中的better是副词well的比较级形式,意思是“更好地”。请看下面的句子: 1) This story is better written than that one.(这个故事写得比那个好。) 2) This room is better furnished than that one.(这间屋子装饰得比那间好。) 3) This team is better trained than that one.(这个队训练得比那个队好。) 4) This job is better paid than that one.(这份工作的报酬比那份高。) information是一个不可数名词,不能在其后加“-s”。请看例句: 1) There are many ways of obtaining information.(获得信息的途径很多。) 2) So far I haven't got any information about the game.(我至今还没有得到有关比赛的任何消息。) 3) I am sure this piece of information will be of great value to them.(我肯定这一消息对他们会很有价值。) 7. Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information. 在第一单元的Text B中我们已经对consist of有所了解。这一词组的意思是“由…组成”,它与be made up of;be composed of 的意思相近,但consist of 不用被动语态。请看例句: 1) The United States consists of 50 states.(美国由50个州组成。) 2) The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.(英国由大不立颠和北爱尔兰组成。) 3) Their team is made up of 6 team members.(他们队由6名队员组成。) 4) Our class is made up of 45 students.(我们班由45名同学组成。) a bit在句中的意思是“一点,一些”,它可以用在形容词的前面, 但是不能用在名词的前面。在名词前面必须用a bit of.请看下面的例句: 1) I am a bit tired today.(我今天有点累。) 2) He said he was bit hungry.(他说他有点饿。) 3) Your article is a bit long for our paper. (你的文章对我们的报纸来说有点长了。) 4) He gave the bird a bit of water. (他给了鸟儿一点水。) 5) I would appreciate it if you could give me a bit of good advice.(如果你能给我一点宝贵建议我会很感激的。) 6) I only know a bit of Spanish. (我只懂一点点西班牙语。) 8. Categorizing is another means of organization. 句中的means是一个名词,意思是“方式;手段”,它不是动词mean的第三人称单数。请看下面的例句: 1) The quickest means of travel is by plane. (最快的旅行方式是乘飞机。) 2) Bicycle is the most convenient means of transport. (自行车是最方便的交通工具。) 3) Email is a modern means of communication. (电子邮件是一种现代通讯方式。) 4) He means what he says. (他说话算数。) 5) Forgetting the past means betrayal. (忘记过去就意味着背叛。) 9. Many people will group them into similar categories and remember them as follows: group into在句中的意思是“把…分组;把…归类”。请看例句: 1) We can group the animals into several types. (我们可以把这些动物归成几类。) 2) Group the words into similar categories and they will be more easily to remember.(把类型相似的单词归类,记起来就更容易了。) as follows 的意思是“如下”,请看例句: 1) The full text reads as follows: (全文如下:) 2) The results are as follows: (结果如下:) 10. Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it tosomething we remember accurately. refer to这一词组的意思很多,我们在单词部分已做过讲解。该词组在本句中的意思是“涉及;指”。请看下面的句子: 1) In the second chapter I will refer to this point again.(在第二章中,我还会提到这一点的。) 2) The numbers in my article refer to the footnotes.(我文章中的数目字指的是注脚。) 3) The author referred to his grandfather several times in his story.(作者在他的故事中几次提到他的祖父。) we want to remember 和we remember accurately都是省略了that的定语从句,前者修饰material,后者修饰something.请看例句: 1) The book you gave me is very interesting.(你给我的那本书很有趣。) 2) The news he told me disturbed all of us greatly.(他告诉我的那个消息使我们大家深感不安。) 3) The information you gathered is of great help to me.(你收集的那些信息对我很有帮助。) 句子中的it指的是the material.relate…to 在句子中的意思是“与…有关系”,请看例句: 1) His talk mainly related to environmental protection.(他的讲话主要是关于环境保护的。) 2) This regulation relates only to children under 12.(这一规则仅适用于12岁以下儿童。) 11. Research has shown striking improvements in many types of memory tasks when people are asked to visualize the items to be remembered. striking在句子中做形容词用,意思是“显著的,引人注目的”,请看例句: 1) They made a striking commercial success within 5 years.(在5年的时间里,他们在商业上取得了惊人的成功。) 2) Helen's facial features bore a striking resemblance to her mother's.(海伦的面部特征与她的母亲十分相像。) 3) I am not sure whether he can make it this time. I just feel he has a striking lack of confidence.(我不能确定他这次能否成功,其只是觉得他明显信心不足。) to be remembered不定式的被动形式做定语,修饰the items.请看例句: 1) There are a lot of things to be done.(有很多事要做。) 2) Are you going to the press conference to be held this weekend?(你准备参加本周末举行的记者招待会吗?) 3) This was the first project to be designed John's brother. (这是约翰的哥哥设计的第一个工程。) 12. In one study, subjects in one group were asked to learn some words using imagery, while the second group used repetition to learn the words. subject在本句中做名词用,意思是“受试者,实验对象”。Subject这个词的词义很多,请看例句,注意subject的词义: 1) The subject of today's discussion is “Population and Education”。(今天讨论的题目是“人口与教育”。) 2) The teacher explained in details the subject of the story to the whole class.(老师把故事的主题详细讲给全班同学听。) 3) How many subjects are you taking this semester?(这学期你选几门课?) 4) He became the subject for ridicule.(他成了人们取笑的对象。) 5) Rabbits and mice are often subjects for medical experiments.(兔和鼠常被用作医学实验的对象。) 6) He is a Chinese subject.(他是中国国民。) 7) This sentence doesn't have a subject.(这个句子没有主语。) subject还常常做动词或形容词用,请看例句: 1) The country was once subjected to foreign rule.(这个国家曾一度受外国统治。) 2) Taipei was subjected to serious earthquakes last year.(台北去年遭受了严重的地震灾害。) 3) We are all subject to the laws of nature.(我们都要受自然规律的支配。) 4) The child is very subject to coughs.(这孩子动不动就咳嗽。) 5) All men are subject to death.(人总有一死。) while 在句子中做连词用,意思是“而,然而”。while也是一个多义词,请注意下面例句中while 的意思: 1) Strike while the iron is hot.(趁热打铁。) 2) He listened to the radio while he was doing his homework.(他一边听收音机,一边做作业。) 3) He is talkative while his twin brother is of few words.(他很健谈,而他的孪生兄弟则少言寡语。) 4) While the old man is respected, he is not well liked.(这个老人很受尊敬,但不太受喜欢。) 5) You will succeed sooner or later while you don't lose heart.(只要你不失去信心,你迟早会成功。) using imagery分词做状语,表示方式,请看例句: 1) They stood there waiting for the bus. 2) She had to work standing up. 13. Thus forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental picture can help us to preserve a memory. 划线部分是该句的主要成分,forming an integrated image动名词短语做主语,can help做谓语,us to preserve a memory做复合宾语。 斜体部分是一个“with + 名词 + 过去分词”的独立结构,做方式状语,修饰动名词短语forming an integrated image. 不定式与名词或代词构成复合结构,做动词宾语的现象在英语中很常见,在前几讲中我们也遇到过。再请看几个例句: 1) Would you like Tom to go with you?(你愿意汤姆和你一起去吗?) 2) He wants you to see him in the afternoon.(他想让你下午去见他。) 3) Father encouraged him to study harder.(父亲鼓励他更加努力学习。) 4) I will get someone to help you.(我去找个人来帮你。) “with + 名词 + 过去分词”的独立结构在英语中也很常见,请看例句: 1) With the problem solved, the plan is going on smoothly.(随着这个问题的解决,计划正顺利进行。) 2) Standing there is a torture to her, with so many eyes fixed on her.(这么多人注视着她,于她而言,站在那儿是一种折磨。) 本课主要词组及句型 词组: 1. focus on 2. a number of 3. at all levels 4. make sense 5. make a difference 6. in random order 7. consist of 8. group into 9. as follows 10. needless to say 11. refer to 12. relate…to 13. associate with 14. compare with 句型: A.定语从句 1) Psychological research has focused on a number of basic principles that helps memory. 2) Information that does not make any sense to you is difficult to remember 3) There are several ways in which we can make material more meaningful. 4) Material that is organized is better remembered than jumbled information. 5) Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately. B. 动名词做主语 1) Chunking consists of grouping separate bits of information. 2) Categorizing is another means of organization. 3) Forming an integrated image with all the information placed in a single mental picture can help us to preserve a memory. Text B Short-term Memory 短语表达 1. at a later time Go ahead with your work, I will give you a call at a later time. I am not sure if I can remember all this at a later time. 2. in contrast (with / to) Helen is very talkative. In contrast, her elder sister is silent. His rudeness was in striking contrast with Jack's thoughtfulness. 3. look up I don't remember Tom's telephone number, will you please look it up in the telephone book for me? Look up the dictionary for the meaning of this new word. 4. be unable to I am really sorry that I was unable to give you a call beforehand. He was unable to provide us with more information. 5. be released from He was released from prison after he had been kept there for 5 years. He was released from a hospital last week after treatment for a disease. 6. be rewarded with The winner was rewarded with gift of fruit and flowers. If the rat could find the right door, it would be rewarded with food.


15. intense adj. 强烈的,紧张的;热烈的 1) Because of the intense heat, I slept very little last night. (由于天气酷热,我昨夜没怎么睡。) 2) The intense light dazzled my eyes. (强光使我目眩。) 3) He has intense interest in computer. (他对计算机有极大的兴趣。) 4) Diplomatic activity has been intense recently. (近来外交活动紧张频繁。) 16. brief adj. 简短的,简洁的v. 作简要的介绍,汇报 1) He will go to England for a brief visit. (他将去英国进行短期访问。) 2) She only made a brief statement at the meeting. (她在会上只作了简短的陈述。) 3) They briefed the press about the recent happenings. (他们向报界通报最近发生的事情。) 4) They had been well briefed about the political situation. (对政治形势他们已被简要告知。) 17. volume n. 卷册,书卷;体积;音量 1) The community has a library of 12,000 volumes. (这个社区有一个藏书12,000的图书馆。) 2) The passenger volume this May was not as big last May. (今天五月的客流量没有去年的大。) 3) Turn down the volume please. The baby is sleeping. (宝宝在睡觉,请把音量调低。) 本课简介 谈到人与人之间的交流方式,人们会很自然地想到语言(口头语言或书面语言),而另一种人们在无意识之中常常运用的交流方式(非语言交际或称肢体语言)也正受到越来越多的关注和研究。 一般的欧洲人会对自己所赞同的东西以微笑和点头的方式表示赞许,对自己所不赞同的东西则皱眉和摇头。不用说一句话,人们就可以此来表明自己的态度。肢体语言与文化是密切相关的,比如中国人的微笑不一定表示赞许,倒可能是出于不安。 肢体语言可被分为五类:1)身体姿势和脸部表情 2)目光交流 3)肢体距离 4)服装和外貌 5)语言特性。关于第三点,不同的文化有不同的反映。在某些文化中,人们在交谈时紧挨在一起是很自然的事,而在其他中,如美国,这样做则是不甚妥当的。 有些信号对所有的人来说都很熟悉。比如一个正跟你交谈的人不停地摆弄铅笔或眼镜,这就表明他很紧张。一个用手捂着嘴巴讲话的人则缺少自信。如果你坐在椅子里扭动身体,悄悄看手表,用手掩着嘴巴打哈欠,这就表明你感到倦了。 某些信号可以人为地控制,但眼神不易控制。如果不是想表达心中挚爱,请别长时间地盯着别人的眼睛看,那样会令人尴尬。 本课语言点 1. That isn't a catch question. catch多用作动词,意思是“抓住;赶上;感染到;着(火);领会”。如: 1) The thief was caught by the police on the scene. (小偷被警察当场抓住。) 2) He didn't catch the last train. (他没赶上末班火车。) 3) He caught a bad cold last week. (他上周得了重伤风。) 1)The building caught fire and many people were trapped in it. (大楼着了火,许多人被困在里面。) 2)Sorry, I didn't quite catch you. (对不起,我没听清你的话。) 在本课文的这个句子中,catch用作名词,意思是a hidden problem,difficulty,or obstacle in sth. (难人的问题,诡计)。如: 1)There is a catch in it. (这里面有蹊跷。) 2)Don't worry. There are no catch questions in the paper. (别担心,试卷里没有怪题。) 3)He was taken surprise by the catch question. (那个怪题使他诧异。) 2. It would almost certainly refer to means of communication that involve the use of words. 在第四单元中我们已经学过refer to (提到,涉及)这个短语。再请看几个例句。 1)In his speech he referred to the difficulties they had overcome. (在发言中,他提到了他们所克服的困难。) 2)What he said at the meeting doesn't refer to you. (他在会上所说的不是指你。) 在第二单元和第二十二单元中,我们已学过动词involve和名词involvement,再请看下面的例句, 注意involve在本课文中的意思和用法。 1)If I were you, I wouldn't get myself involved in this problem. (如果我是你,我不会让自己卷进这个问题中。) 2)She didn't want to be involved in trouble. (她不想卷入纠纷。) 以上两例句中,involve都是“卷入,陷入,牵涉”的意思。 3)To accept the job would involve my living in London. (若接受这份工作,我必须得住在伦敦。) 4)Building this road will involve the construction of some tunnels. (造这条路包括建造一些隧洞。) 在例句3)和4)中,involve的意思是“必须包括某种结果”。在involve后面必须用名词或者动名词。 3. NVC for short. 这是一个省略句,补充完整应该是Non-verbal communication is called NVC for short. (非语言交际被简称为/缩写为NVC.) for short是个常用短语,意思是“简称;缩写”。如: 1)Unidentified flying object is called UFO for short. (不明飞行物被简称为UFO) 2)People's Republic of China is ften written as P.R.C. for short. (中华人民共和国常被缩写为P.R.C.) 4. …the average European will smile and nod approval. 在第三单元中我们已经学过average这个词。average可以做形容词、名词和动词用。如: 1)The average driver thinks that accidents only happen to other people. (司机一般都认为事故只发生在其他人身人。) 2) We averaged 70 miles an hour. (我们平均每小时行70公里。) 3)His performance is above the average. (他的成绩在一般水平之上。) 在本课文的这个句子中,average做形容词用,意思是“普通的”。 nod可以用作及物动词、不及物动词和名词。如: 1)They nodded agreement. (他们点头表示同意。) 2)He nodded me a welcome when I went in. (我进去时,他向我点头表示欢迎。) 3)I nodded to him in greeting. (我向他点头打招呼。) 4)Father nodded in approval when he listened. (父亲听着时点头表示赞同。) 5)Homer sometimes nods. (智者千虑,必有一失。) 6)He didn't give our plan the nod. (他没有同意我们的计划。) 5. …because body language is very much tied to culture… 本句中的be tied to sth.意思是be related to, have to do with (与…有关),如: 1)Many diseases are tied to smoking. (许多疾病与吸烟有关。) 2) The misunderstanding was tied to cultural differences. (这个误会与文化差异有关。) be tied to 也可以表示be restricted by (受…约束),如: 1)She was tied to housework and wouldn't be able to come. (她被家务事束缚,无法前来。) 2)If you have small children, you will be tied to your home. (如果你有小孩子,你就会被束缚在家了。) 6. Quite a lot of work is now being done on the subject of NVC, which is obviously important, for instance, to managers, who have to deal every day with their staff, and have to understand what other people are feeling if they are to create good working conditions. 本句中,which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰NVC;who引导的也是非限定性定语从句,修饰managers;what引导的是宾语从句,做understand的宾语。 一般说来,用which引导非限定性定语从句,修饰表物的先地词;用who引导的非限定性定语从句则修饰表人的先行词;也可用关系副词where或when引导非限定性定语从句。非限定性定语从句常用逗号与主句分开,而且引导从句的关系代词which,that和关系副词where, when不能省略。 1)I want to buy the house, which has a garden. (我想买那座房子,它有一个花园。) 2) The students, who wanted to go out on a picnic, were disappointed when it rained. (学生们想出去野餐,天下雨了大家都感到失望。) 3)The football match will be put off till next week, when we can get everything ready. (足球赛将推迟到下周,那时我们能把一切准备就绪。) 4)The place, where we stayed, has changed so much. (那个地方我们住过,那儿的变化很大。) deal with的意思是“对付,打交道”。如: 1)He is not easy to deal with. (他不容易打交道。) 2)I don't know how to deal with this situation. (我不知道如何应付这种局面。)

第八章语言和心理 1. 简答语言与思维的关系。 答:在语言和思维的关系中,思维起主导作用,思维决定语言。语言虽然对思维活动有一定影响,但不能无限度地夸大这种影响,语言也不能最终决定人的思维方式和思维活动。人类生活所在的客观世界是基本一致的,人类的大脑机制可以说是完全一致的,而思维是人类对客观世界的主动的认识过程和认识的成果,所以思维的过程和思维的结果也是基本一致的,思维决定语言。 2. 简答语言和抽象思维的关系。 答:语言和思维是两种不同的社会现象,他们具有不同的功能和范畴。(1)功能上说,思维和语言有各自的内容和形式,各自功能的外延也不完全等同。思维的内容是对客观世界的反映,形式是概念、判断、推理等。而语言的内容是意义,形式是语言的声音和词、词组、句子等。(2)范畴上说,思维要用语言形式来进行,概念和词语、判断与句子、推理和复句等也不完全一一对应。语言是抽象思维最重要的工具,但不是的工具。 3. 什么是临界期? 答:临界期指,不管是大脑的单侧化,大脑左半球的分区,还是语言的遗传机制,都只是提供人具有语言能力的潜在可能性,但这些潜在必须在一定期限内被一定的语言环境激活才可能起作用,否则大脑的语言功能就会失效。 4. 简答语言与民族文化意识的关系。 答:语言与民族文化意识的关系可以从两方面认识:(1)语言是重要的民族标志,可以体现民族的精神;二是语言有鲜明的民族特点,可以反映民族的文化。

自考“英语(二)”重点句型总结 1. 强调句 It was lightening that caused the forest fire last year。正是闪电引起了去年的那场火灾。 2. 虚拟语气 We hurried back to school lest/ for fear that it (should) rain. 我们匆匆忙忙地赶回学校,生怕天会下雨。 3. 比较级the more…the more The more time a person spends on his work, the less time he has to play. 一个人花在工作上的时间越多,花在玩耍上的时间就越少。 4. This subject is far more difficult than everybody has previously expected. 这门课程比每个人以前预料的还要难得多。 5. more than…/rather than… A political figure‘s success depends more on external factors than his own characteristics. 一个政治人物的成功与其取决于他个人的特点,不如说取决于外部因素。 6. 让步状语 Whether you believe him or not, you have to make the decision. 无论你是否相信他,你都必须做出决定。 7. no matter what/ who/when/how…, No matter how hard he tried, he couldn‘t persuade his friends to give up the adventure. 无论他怎么努力,都不能说服他的朋友们放弃冒险。 8. despite/in spite of …, He decided to carry out the plan in spite of the protest from his parents. 他决定不顾父母的反对执行他的计划。 9. 结果状语 I broke my glasses so that I couldn‘t see clearly what happened. 我打破了眼镜,以至于看不清当时发生了什么事。 10. The density of the star has become so great that it may explode at some time. 这颗恒星的密度如此之大,以至于它会在某一时刻爆炸。 11. 非限定性定语从句 As we expected正如我们所预料的那样/ As is well known众所周知, the project was finished successfully on time. 项目成功地提前完成。 12. 形式主语 It‘s no doubt that correct decisions made today will have a good effect on future. 毫无疑问,今天做出的正确决策将对未来有很好的影响。 13. 形式宾语 Many people find it important to keep a good living habit. 很多人认为保持一个良好的生活习惯非常重要。 14. 宾语补足语 The new electronic techniques make possible the effect that has never been created before. 新的电子技术使得一种从未有过的音响效果成为可能。 15. 倒装句 Not until recently did we realize that language was closely related to culture. 直到最近我们才意识到语言与文化密切相关。 16. Under no circumstances should you hesitate to offer your opinion as it is. 在任何情况下你都应毫不犹豫地说出你真实的想法。 17. 比较状语such … as … Such people as you described can hardly succeed in nowadays. 像你描述的那种人在当今社会很难取得成功。 18. 原因状语be different/ similar … in that…Robots are different from automatic machines in that they can be reprogrammed to do another job. 机器人和自动化机器的不同之处在于它能被重新编程完成其它的任务。 19. 宾语从句people hold different attitudes as to… 人们对于是否应该用动物做实验持不同的态度。people hold different attitudes as to whether animals should be used in experiments。 20. 并列句 …not only…but also… Sports can not only benefit our body, but also contribute immensely to mental health. 运动不仅对我们的身体有益,而且还极大地有助于精神健康

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