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是,前者是专业的称呼,后者是俗称,因为成 人学位英语考试的难度相当于大学英语-3的水平







报名时间:每年1月 、2月和8月、9月(各校具体报名时间不一)。




成人高等学校招生全国统一考试(Adult university entrance exam)简称成人高考,是我国成人高等学校选拔合格的毕业生以进入更高层次学历教育的入学考试,属于国民教育系列教育,已经列入国家招生计划。










56.Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 1? A、Nowadays most people believe they can have fairly good health. B、Human life involves a great deal of pain and suffering. C、Most of us are aware of the full value of health. D、Ancient people believed that health was more expensive than anything else. 57.The word "authorize" in Paragraph 2 means "___________________". A、make way for B、give power to C、write an order for D、make it possible for 58.In Paragraph 2, we learn that the sociologist regards medicine as ___________________. A、a system whose purpose is to treat disease and keep people healthy B、a universal problem that affects every society C、a social responsibility to treat ill health D、a science that focuses on the treatment of disease 59.According to Paragraph 3, which of the following is NOT true? A、In the past, bones might be used to decide why people fell ill. B、In pre-industrial societies priests sometimes treated patients by singing. C、Modern medicine is so complicated that sociology no longer has a place in it. D、There were only two roles in an elementary medical system, the patient and the one who tried to cure him. 60.The author of this passage is mainly concerned with ___________________. A、sociological aspects in medicine B、medical treatment of diseases C、the development of medical science D、the role of religion in medicine Passage 4 Many visitors finds the fast pace at which American people move very troubling. One's first impression is likely to be that everyone is in a rush .City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going and are very impatient if they are delayed even for a brief moment. At first, this may seem unfriendly to you . But drivers will rush you ; storekeepers will be in a hurry as they serve you ; people will push past you as they walk along the street . You will miss smiles, brief conversations with people as you shop or dine away from home . Do not think that because Americans are in such a hurry they are unfriendly. Often , life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well. Americans who live in cities such as New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, often think that everyone is equally in a hurry to get things done; they expect others to "push back", just as city people do in Tokyo, Singapore or Paris, for example . But when they discover that you are a stranger, most Americans become quite kindly and will take great care to help you. Many of them first came to the city as strangers and they remember how frightening a new city can be .If you need help or want to ask a question , choose a friendly looking person and say," I am a stranger here. Can you help me ?" Most people will stop, smile at you, and help you find you way or answer your questions. But you must let them know that you need help. Otherwise they are likely to pass you by, not noticing that you are new to the city and in need of help. Occasionally, you may find someone too busy or perhaps too rushed to give you aid. If this happens, do not be discouraged; just ask someone else. Most Americans enjoy helping a stranger. 61. Many people who first visit the United States will find that _______. [A] America is a highly developed country [B] American city people seem to be always in a rush [C] the fast pace in American life often causes much trouble [D] Americans are impatient and unfriendly people 62.When the author says " You will miss smile ", he means ___________. [A] you will fail to notice that Americans are pleasant and happy [B] you will be puzzled why Americans do not smile at you [C] you will feel that Americans do not seem very friendly [D] you will find that Americans don't have much sense of humor 63. In the author's opinion, ___________. [A] it is true that life in New York is much faster than that in any other city [B] people living outside big cities are lazy and miserable [C] most American people enjoy living in the suburbs of big cities [D] those who are busy are not necessarily unfriendly 64. The author mentions big cities such as Tokyo, Singapore and Paris ___________. [A] to show that city people all over the world have a lot in common [B] to let his readers be aware that they are some of the world's biggest cities [C] to illustrate their difference from American cities [D] because they are some of the cities that attract visitors most 65. If you say to an American that you are a stranger there, most probably be will _________. [A] offer his help [B] stop smiling at you [C] help you find the way [D] reply that he is pleased to meet you V. Cloze Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs Nanette O’Neil gave an arithmetic test to our class. When the papers were ___ 66___ she discovered that twelve boys had made the same mistakes throughout the test.? There is really nothing new about ___67___ in the exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs O’Neill ___68___ even say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to remain after class. I was one of the twelve.?Mrs O’Neill asked ___69___ questions, and she didn’t __70___ us either. Macaulay, she wrote on the blackboard the ___71___ words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to __72___ these words into our exercise-books one hundred times.? I don’t know about the other eleven boys. Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most important single ___73___ of my life. Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulay’s words, they ___74___ seem to me the best yard-stick(准绳), because they give us a ___75___ to measure ourselves rather than others.?Few of us are asked to make ___76__ decisions about Nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are called ___77___ daily to make a great many personal decisions. __78__ the wallet, found in the street, be put into a pocket or turned over to the policeman? Should the extra change received at the store be forgotten or ___79___? Nobody will know except ___80___. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always better to live with someone you respect.? 66. A. examined B. completed C. marked D. answered? 67. A. lying B. cheating C. guessing D. discussing? 68. A. didn’t B. did C. would D. wouldn’t? 69. A. no B. certain C. many D. more? 70. A. excuse B. reject C. help D. scold? 71. A. above B. common C. following D. unusual? 72. A. repeat B. get C. put D. copy ? 73. A. chance B. incident C. lesson D. memory? 74. A. even B. still C. always D. almost? 75. A. way B. sentence C. choice D. reason? 76. A. quick B. wise C. great D. personal? 77. A. out B. for C. up D. upon? 78. A. Should B. Must C. Would D. Need? 79. A. paid B. remembered C. shared D. returned? 80. A. me B. you C. us D. then? VI. Translation 81. The Greens____________(本来不必担心). 82. All living things_____________(生长靠太阳). 83. In case I forget__________________(请提醒我). 84. (如果这件衣服便宜一点)_______________________I would have brought it。 85. That isn’t__________________(一个难以回答的问题)。 VII. Writing Directions: In this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic. You should write at least 100 words according to the following Chinese outline. 1. 为解决交通难的问题,有人建议多建造马路 2. 有人建议限制私家车的数量 3. 我的看法 答案 1—5 ACDCA 6—10 CACCC 11—15 ADGCE 16—20 ABDAB 21—25 DDACC 26—30 DCACD 31—35 CBDDA 36—40 BCCAC 41—45 BADBA 46—50 CDBCA 51—55 DDCAB 56—60 BBACA 61—65 BCDAA 66—70 CBAAD 71—75 ADCBA 76—80 CDADB 81. needn’t have worried. 82. depend on the sun for their growth. 83., please remind me about that. 84. If the dress had been cheaper,.


自考本科学位英语一般相当于大学英语三级的难度,相对来说是比较简单的,一般来说自考学位英语考试主要包括四个部分:词汇、语法结构, 阅读理解,翻译(英汉互译) 、写作,改错或写说明文。



自考学士学位英语一般相当于大学英语三级的难度,相对来说是比较简单的,一般来说自考学位英语考试主要包括四个部分:词汇、语法结构, 阅读理解,翻译(英汉互译) 、写作,改错或写说明文。






















不是一个考试,但部分院校规定公共英语三级成绩可替代学位英语成绩申请学位。学位英语:成人高等教育非英语专业学士学位英语水平考试(学位英语/学士学位英语/成人英语三级/成人学位英语/自考学位英语/学位外语考试)是由各省级高等教育主管部门组织的统一考试,其目的是为了客观地测试非英语专业成人本科毕业生申请学士学位者的英语语言知识和运用能力,考查其是否达到普通本科教育非英语专业英语教学的一般要求,是各省市成人高等教育本科毕业生获得成人学士学位的必备条件之一。成人高等教育非英语专业学士学位英语水平考试要求考生能够较熟练地掌握英语基本语法和常用词汇,具有较强的阅读能力和综合运用能力。因目前该考试不是全国统考,各省关于考试没有统一规定,各省学位办与考生所在院校规定教材大纲、报名条件、报名及考试时间、成绩有效期、考试次数,请考生以当地学位办或所在院校公布的文件为准。公共英语/全国英语等级考试:全国英语等级考试(Public English Test System,简称PETS)是教育部考试中心设计并负责的全国性英语水平考试体系。作为中、英两国政府的教育交流合作项目,在设计过程中它得到了英国专家的技术支持。全国英语等级考试是面向社会,以全体公民为对象的非学历性英语证书考试,是测试应试者英语交际能力的水平考试。由教育部考试中心主办,各地教育考试院社会考试办公室负责具体实施。英语考试等级根据难度由低到高分为一级B.一级、二级、三级、四级、五级。其中,五级由教育部考试中心选定的高等院校负责,其它级别的考试由各地教育考试院社会考试办公室负责具体实施。PETS-1:一级是初始级,其考试要求略高于初中毕业生的英语水平(PETS-1B是全国英语等级考试的附属级)。PETS-2:二级是中下级,相当于普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平(此级别笔试合格成绩可替代自学考试专科阶段英语(一)、文凭考试基础英语考试成绩)。PETS-3:三级是中间级,相当于我国学生高中毕业后在大专院校又学了两年公共英语或自学了同等程度英语课程的水平。(此级别笔试合格成绩可替代自学考试本科阶段英语(二)考试成绩。)注:部分院校成人本科学士学位英语可用PETS三级成绩替代。PETS-4:四级是中上级,相当于我国学生高中毕业后在大学至少又学习了3-4年的英公共语或自学了同等程度英语课程的水平。PETS-5:五级是最高级,相当于我国大学英语专业二年级结束时的水平。是专为申请公派出国留学的人员设立的英语水平考试。



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