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自考问答 > 自考百科 > 2021年自学考试英语写作真题







Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school proj-ect of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim,organiz-ers,participants and activities.You will have 30 minutes to write the report.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Friday. More than 300 students were involved in this activ-ity and almost all of them took it a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted yesterday.

The project was organized by the Student Union of our School of Business Administration.Its main aim was to teach students to treasure knowledge and realize the importance of recycling. It also focused on cultivating students'notion of sustainable development. The activity was first launched last Monday to make sure that students that were willing to give away their books had enough time to prepare for the project.Last Friday, students who applied for the project brought their books to Professor Liu's office and signed their names on the activity list, after which a certificate would be awarded.

All of the books collected have been displayed in the Recycling Reading Area in the library. Welcome all students to the library to enjoy the specially offered intellectual feast. See you there!














1. 没有足够地方储备;

2. 气体泄露的health risk;

3. 花费太高啦;


1. 高压高温转气体为液体;

2. 研究表明只要不趴地上吸就没事啦,而且可以开发一种探测器;

3. 往地下注入CO2会让另一种可以卖钱的气体跑出来;


Do you agree or disagree with the following view?

Do you agree or disagree with the following view? In many places, it has been typical for teachers of high school students (ages 14-18) to lecture or lead a discussion while the students listen and take notes for most of the school day. However, this is not an effective way to prepare students for careers in the modern workplace. A better way to do that is for teachers to spend most of the school day on student-led discussions (in which students frequently present their ideas and discuss them with the class) and project-based activities (in which students do their own research and work together while the teacher is available to help them as needed).









1. 要与论题相匹配







2021 年6月第1套:城市化 作文题目: Directions:   For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the graph below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China’s achievements in urbanization. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:   The chart above displays the progress of urbanization in China over the last four decades. We can see that, in less than 40 years, the number of people in China who lived in cities had more than tripled. From 1980 to 2010, the share of urban population had grown from 19.39% to 49.96%, which was a record high worldwide.   As far as I am concerned, China’s extraordinary urbanization has gone hand-in-hand with its economic boom. Since its reform and opening-up in 1978, China’s economy has taken off. During the past four decades, China underwent vast changes to its economic system and abundant opportunities emerged in the coastal area. As a result, people living in the rural areas came to big cities in the costal area to pursuit a better life, which speeded up the progress of urbanization.   Urbanization, in return, contributes to the development of China’s fast-growing economy. Take, for example, the basic infrastructures in big cities. The government has invested a lot of money in buildings and facilities, which enables people to live and work in high-density in tall buildings, which greatly improvs efficiency and productivity.   In conclusion, the urbanization in China not only enables people to enjoy a better living condition, but also lays foundations for sustainable economic growth. It is a great achievement and has far-reaching benefits. 参考译文:   上图展示了中国近四十年的城市化进程。我们可以看到,在不到40年的时间里,中国居住在城市的人数增加了两倍多。从1980年到2010年,城市人口的比例从19.39%增长到49.96%,创世界新高。   在我看来,中国非凡的城市化与经济繁荣是同步的。自1978年改革开放以来,中国经济开始腾飞。在过去的40年里,中国的经济体制发生了巨大的变化,沿海地区出现了大量的机遇。因此,生活在农村地区的人们来到大城市在沿海地区追求更好的生活,这加快了城市化的进程。   反过来,城市化有助于中国快速增长的经济的发展。以大城市的基础设施为例。政府在建筑和设施上投入了大量的资金,使得人们可以在高密度的高层建筑中生活和工作,大大提高了效率和生产力。   总之,中国的城市化不仅使人们享有更好的生活条件,也为可持续的经济增长奠定了基础。这是一项伟大的成就,具有深远的意义。 2021 年6月第2套:脱贫 作文题目: Directions:   For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the graph below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China’s achievements in urbanization. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:   We can see clearly from this chart that the rural population in poverty in China has decreased sharply from the year of 2012 to 2020, from around 95 million, consisting of 12 percent population of the whole country in 2012, to almost none. Such achievements in poverty alleviation are marvelous and must have gone beyond the imagination of many.   The cold hard data depicted on the graph might be a little abstract, but the real changes happening in the life of the Chinese people over the past decade are much more eloquent. For example, in the past, people were very much concerned about whether they have enough food to eat most of the time, but now they are more interested in whether the food they eat is healthy enough. What's more, in the last decade, an increasing number of students have had the chance to go to college, which was impossible for them to do in the past.   I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to the central government of China and the whole people of the nation. Had it not been their joint efforts in the past decade, China could never have achieved such a success in poverty elimination. 参考译文:   从这张图中我们可以清楚地看到,从2012年到2020年,中国农村贫困人口从约9500万(占全国总人口的12%)急剧下降到几乎为零。这样的扶贫成就是了不起的,肯定超出了许多人的想象。   图表中描绘的冷冰冰的数据可能有点抽象,但过去十年中国人民生活中发生的真实变化更有说服力。例如,在过去,人们非常关心他们是否有足够的食物吃,但现在他们更感兴趣的是他们吃的食物是否足够健康。更重要的是,在过去的十年中,越来越多的学生有机会上大学,这在过去是不可能的。   在此,我谨向中国中央政府和全国人民表示衷心的感谢!10年来,没有他们的共同努力,中国在消除贫困方面不可能取得这样的成就。 2021 年6月第3套:高等教育 作文题目: Directions:   For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the graph below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China’s achievements in urbanization. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.参考范文:   The bar chart issued by Ministry of Education contains the gross enrolment ratio in higher education in China from 3.4% in the year of 1990 to 51.6% in 2019. Obviously, what it endeavors / tries to convey is that this era has witnessed an enormous increase in China's higher education development.   Firstly, the government has provided a series of beneficial policies and financial investment in ensuring citizens the opportunity of receiving higher education. Students, even poor ones in rural counties will be encouraged to attend universities after middle school. Interest-free loans are provided to students who cannot afford the fees. Secondly, the growing per capita GDP has shifted parents' opinion from earning money as soon as their children grow up to equipping them with more specialized knowledge for long-term development. Last but not least, due to the research achievements and the improvement of education level, China's institutions of higher education are now highly admitted. We can find from the QS World University Ranking list that Qinghua University and Beijing University have peaked in this year.   In a nutshell, China has witnessed a great progress in its higher education, which enables more citizens to achieve a higher degree and provides more specialized knowledge in pursuing a fulfilling life. 参考译文:   该柱状图由教育部发布,包含了中国高等教育毛入学率从1990年的3.4%到2019年的51.6%。显然,它试图传达的是,这个时代见证了中国高等教育的飞速发展。   首先,政府提供了一系列的优惠政策和财政投资,以确保公民接受高等教育的机会。政府将鼓励学生,即使是农村贫困地区的学生,在中学毕业后上大学。无息贷款提供给那些负担不起学费的学生。其次,人均GDP的增长使得父母的观念从孩子长大后就挣钱转变为为孩子的长远发展准备更专业的知识。最后但并非最不重要的是,由于研究成果和教育水平的提高,中国的高等教育机构现在被高度承认。我们可以从QS世界大学排名中发现,清华大学和北京大学在今年达到了顶峰。   简而言之,中国的高等教育取得了巨大的进步,使更多的公民获得更高的学位,提供更专业的知识,以追求充实的生活。 感谢观看,记得点赞收藏哦~~ 点赞的都能过!!!











Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay based on chart below .Inyourwriting. you should(1) interpret the chart, and

(2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET ( 15 points)


According to a survey on different ways for residents to do their physical exercises in a certain city, "doing exercise alone"accounts for more than half, namely 54.3%,which is followed by"exercising with friends"(47.7%).In comparison,fewer people (23.9%)choose to do exercise with families or join group activities (15.8%).

A number of factors may account for the phenomenon.On one hand,with the increasing pressure people face in their work and life,most adults are occupied with loads of duties at work and piles of chores at home,thus it is quite diflicult to make an appoinment with friends or join a group to do physical exercise.Instead, they have to do it alone at any time suited to themselves. On the other, nowadays many young adults opt for working and living in a metropoliswhen they grow up or graduate,far away from their hometown,which makesit almost imposble to do any exercises with families.

From the analysis above,a conclusion can be drawn that the trend of people doing physical exercise soliarily may become more prevalent in the future.







表示增减的动词∶ increase,go up.rise,soar up/decrease, decline,dwindlereduce开头的句子∶

1.the number data show-used at the beginning of the introduction orbody paragaph 2.the first.shows …. while the second..shows --used at the begiing of the introduction when there are two sets of data

3.the number of. follows aremarkably similar trend--sedat the beginning ofabody paragraph to provide an overview when two ore moresets of data display similr trends描述趋势的句子∶

4.increased through out the period from.to.implies that the graphis linear 5.the number /amount ofvaried form

2021年考研英语二大作文真题的内容小编就说到这里了, 更多关于考研备考技巧,报名入口,考研报名时间,考研成绩查询,考研报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好复习。取得佳绩。





Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay based on chart below .Inyourwriting. you should(1) interpret the chart, and

(2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET ( 15 points)


According to a survey on different ways for residents to do their physical exercises in a certain city, "doing exercise alone"accounts for more than half, namely 54.3%,which is followed by"exercising with friends"(47.7%).In comparison,fewer people (23.9%)choose to do exercise with families or join group activities (15.8%).

A number of factors may account for the phenomenon.On one hand,with the increasing pressure people face in their work and life,most adults are occupied with loads of duties at work and piles of chores at home,thus it is quite diflicult to make an appoinment with friends or join a group to do physical exercise.Instead, they have to do it alone at any time suited to themselves. On the other, nowadays many young adults opt for working and living in a metropoliswhen they grow up or graduate,far away from their hometown,which makesit almost imposble to do any exercises with families.

From the analysis above,a conclusion can be drawn that the trend of people doing physical exercise soliarily may become more prevalent in the future.







表示增减的动词∶ increase,go up.rise,soar up/decrease, decline,dwindlereduce开头的句子∶

1.the number data show-used at the beginning of the introduction orbody paragaph 2.the first.shows …. while the second..shows --used at the begiing of the introduction when there are two sets of data

3.the number of. follows aremarkably similar trend--sedat the beginning ofabody paragraph to provide an overview when two ore moresets of data display similr trends描述趋势的句子∶

4.increased through out the period from.to.implies that the graphis linear 5.the number /amount ofvaried form

2021年考研英语二大作文真题的内容小编就说到这里了, 更多关于考研备考技巧,报名入口,考研报名时间,考研成绩查询,考研报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好复习。取得佳绩。


Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school proj-ect of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim,organiz-ers,participants and activities.You will have 30 minutes to write the report.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Friday. More than 300 students were involved in this activ-ity and almost all of them took it a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted yesterday.

The project was organized by the Student Union of our School of Business Administration.Its main aim was to teach students to treasure knowledge and realize the importance of recycling. It also focused on cultivating students'notion of sustainable development. The activity was first launched last Monday to make sure that students that were willing to give away their books had enough time to prepare for the project.Last Friday, students who applied for the project brought their books to Professor Liu's office and signed their names on the activity list, after which a certificate would be awarded.

All of the books collected have been displayed in the Recycling Reading Area in the library. Welcome all students to the library to enjoy the specially offered intellectual feast. See you there!










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