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Part B

52. Directions:

Write an essay based on chart below .Inyourwriting. you should(1) interpret the chart, and

(2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET ( 15 points)


According to a survey on different ways for residents to do their physical exercises in a certain city, "doing exercise alone"accounts for more than half, namely 54.3%,which is followed by"exercising with friends"(47.7%).In comparison,fewer people (23.9%)choose to do exercise with families or join group activities (15.8%).

A number of factors may account for the phenomenon.On one hand,with the increasing pressure people face in their work and life,most adults are occupied with loads of duties at work and piles of chores at home,thus it is quite diflicult to make an appoinment with friends or join a group to do physical exercise.Instead, they have to do it alone at any time suited to themselves. On the other, nowadays many young adults opt for working and living in a metropoliswhen they grow up or graduate,far away from their hometown,which makesit almost imposble to do any exercises with families.

From the analysis above,a conclusion can be drawn that the trend of people doing physical exercise soliarily may become more prevalent in the future.







表示增减的动词∶ increase,go up.rise,soar up/decrease, decline,dwindlereduce开头的句子∶

1.the number data show-used at the beginning of the introduction orbody paragaph 2.the first.shows …. while the second..shows --used at the begiing of the introduction when there are two sets of data

3.the number of. follows aremarkably similar trend--sedat the beginning ofabody paragraph to provide an overview when two ore moresets of data display similr trends描述趋势的句子∶

4.increased through out the period from.to.implies that the graphis linear 5.the number /amount ofvaried form

2021年考研英语二大作文真题的内容小编就说到这里了, 更多关于考研备考技巧,报名入口,考研报名时间,考研成绩查询,考研报名费用,准考证打印入口及时间等问题,小编会及时更新。希望各位考生都能进入自己的理想考研院校。希望大家能好好复习。取得佳绩。

167 评论(9)



Directions: Suppose you have just participated in a school proj-ect of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim,organiz-ers,participants and activities.You will have 30 minutes to write the report.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


A school project of collecting used books was held on campus last Friday. More than 300 students were involved in this activ-ity and almost all of them took it a fairly meaningful way to impart knowledge,according to a survey conducted yesterday.

The project was organized by the Student Union of our School of Business Administration.Its main aim was to teach students to treasure knowledge and realize the importance of recycling. It also focused on cultivating students'notion of sustainable development. The activity was first launched last Monday to make sure that students that were willing to give away their books had enough time to prepare for the project.Last Friday, students who applied for the project brought their books to Professor Liu's office and signed their names on the activity list, after which a certificate would be awarded.

All of the books collected have been displayed in the Recycling Reading Area in the library. Welcome all students to the library to enjoy the specially offered intellectual feast. See you there!










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