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China has a vast land and a large population. Eventhough the Chinese language is spoken all over thecountry, people in different areas speak it in differentways, which are called dialects. Generally called locallanguages, dialects are branches of the Chineselanguage in different regions, and are only used in certain areas. Dialects of the Chineselanguage are very complicated. They differ from each other in three aspects: pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar. And the difference in pronunciation is the most outstanding. Over2,000 years ago, Chinese people realized that a common language should be used in socialactivities. Compared with dialects,mandarin can be understood by all people. It is beneficialto information transmission and cultural exchange between ethnic groups and people indifferent places..



As part of local culture, Chinese dialects are an indispensable part of Chinese national culture. China is a multi-ethnic and multi-lingual country. In the process of its development, the Han Chinese society went through divisions at different levels, so the Chinese language was gradually mixed with dialects. Modern Chinese language comprises various dialects from widely distributed areas. One of the few major dialects in modern Chinese is the northern dialect which was derived from the ancient Chinese language after thousands of years of development in the vast northern region. The differences of various dialects in modern Chinese can be seen in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, especially pronunciation, but none is a separate language independent of Chinese.



As Chinese ban society experienced various degrees of division and unification in the process of development,the dialects gradually emerged.Modem Chinese has numerous dialects spreading widely among various regions.The differences among dialects are apparent,which are shown in three aspects,that is pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar,and the most notable difference lies in pronunciation. However,the dialects follow the same rules correspondingly with the Chinese language,also have similarities in vocabulary and grammar with it.so none of which truly exists as a unique language.Nowadays,the linguist experts have not reached a consensus as to how to categorize these modem Chinese dialects,but the majority of people argue that there are seven major dialects.

215 评论(12)


I. 翻译的原则:准确、通顺、完整 Ⅱ.翻译步骤: 逐字翻译 词语调整(词本无意,意由境生) 顺序调整 Ⅲ.长难句翻译“三步法” 拆:连词、关系词、标点符 译: 合:按意思逐层组合成理解通顺的汉语译文 我买了好几套真题卷,每套的翻译参考答案都有些不同,这再次说明像翻译这样的主观题没有标答。我们写真题时只要抓住准确、通顺的原则就好。用“信、达、雅”的标准看只需要做到信(忠实原文)、达(通顺,即符合汉语表达习惯)。 为了做到准确完整,可以先逐字翻译(就是原文字字对译) 为了做到通顺,根据全文语篇来词语调整、顺序调整。 翻译课上大家学的句子分析,有两个目的:1.为了看懂的意思(这一点我们考英语二的同学不用害怕,150词的小短文中真正很难的复杂句最多就1-2句)2.知道如何来语序调整,比如大家常说的定语从句前置、后置,被动语态进行不要出现“被”字。 看书听课了解这些常见的翻译处理方法只是第一步有awareness,最后还要落实到“亲自动手写”上,不然容易漏掉很多细节。 ![翻译评分标准.png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/655703-93983f448e7fc6cc.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) 2018年 ①A fifth grader gets a homework assignment to select his future career path from a list of occupations. ②He ticks “astronaut” but quickly adds “scientist” to the list and selects it as well. ③The boy is convinced that if he reads enough, he can explore as many career paths as he likes. ④And so he reads—everything from encyclopedias to science fiction novels. ⑤He reads so passionately that his parents have to institute a “no reading policy” at the dinner table. ⑥That boy was Bill Gates, and he hasn’t stopped reading yet--not even after becoming one of the most successful people on the planet. ⑦Nowadays, his reading material has changed from science fiction and reference books:  recently, he revealed that he reads at least 50 nonfiction books a year. ⑧Gates chooses nonfiction titles because they explain how the world works. ⑨“Each book opens up new avenues of knowledge,” Gates says. 逐字翻译: ①一个第五年级的学生得到一份家庭作业去选择他的未来职业路径从一个职业清单中。 ②他勾选“宇航员”但很快增加“科学家”到清单上,并也选择它。 ③这个男孩被信服只要他读得够多,他可以探索和他喜欢的一样多。 ④所以他读——每件从百科全书到科幻小说。 ⑤他读如此激情以至于他的父母不得不制定“禁止读书政策”在餐桌旁。 ⑥那个男孩就是比尔盖茨,然而他还没有停止读书——没有甚至在成为这个星球上最成功的一个人。 ⑦现如今,他的阅读材料已经改变从科幻和参考书:近期,他表明他读至少50本非科幻书一年。 ⑧盖茨选择非科幻标题因为它们解释如何世界运行。 ⑨“每本书打开新的知识大道”,盖茨说。 词语、顺序调整: ①一个五年级学生的家庭作业是从一张列表中选择他未来的职业道路。 ②他勾选了“宇航员”但很快又把“科学家”加到列表上,并也勾选了它。 ③这个男孩相信,只要他读得足够多,他就可以尽情探索他喜欢的职业。 ④所以他从百科全书读到科幻小说。 ⑤他读得如此痴迷以至于他的父母不得不规定在吃饭时“禁止读书”。 ⑥那个男孩就是比尔盖茨,即便在他成为世界上最成功的人后,他也没有停止读书。 ⑦现如今,他的阅读材料已经不再是科幻小说和参考书:近期,他透露他每年至少读50本非虚幻类书籍。 ⑧盖茨选择非虚幻类书籍是因为它们能解释世界是如何运行的。 ⑨盖茨说:“每本书开辟探索新知识的大道”。 参考译文: ①一名五年级的学生拿到一份家庭作业,要求他从一系列职业列表中选出他未来的职业道路。 ②他选择了“宇航员”,但很快又将“科学家”加入名单,并将它也选上。 ③这个男孩确信如果他读的书足够多,他就能想探索多少条职业道路,就探索多少条。 ④因此他读书——从百科全书到科幻小说。 ⑤他如此狂热地阅读以致于他的父母不得不制定一条“吃饭时不许读书”的规矩。 ⑥这个男孩就是比尔盖茨,他从未停止过阅读——即便他已成为世界上最成功的人士之一。 ⑦如今,比尔盖茨的读物已经不再是科幻小说和参考书目了:最近,他透露自己每年至少阅读50本非小说类书籍。 ⑧盖茨选择非小说类书籍,是因为这些书解释了世界是如何运作的。 ⑨盖茨说:“每本书都开辟了探索知识的新路径。”

155 评论(9)


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