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lesson5 宁为黑人不为女子 Lesson Five I'd Rather Be Black than Female 我是第一位当选国会议员的黑人妇女,这使我不同凡响。 Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon. 国会中还有九位黑人议员和十位妇女议员,但我是第一位同时克服两个不利因素的人。 There are nine other blacks in Congress; there are ten other women. I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once. 在这两种不利因素中,是个女人比是黑人更糟。 Of the two handicaps, being black is much less of a drawback than being female. 如果我说做黑人比做妇女更糟糕,也许没有人会对我的说法提出质疑。 If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would question me. 为什么呢?因为“众所周知”,美国存在着对黑人的歧视。 Why? Because “we all know” there is prejudice against black people in America. 说美国存在着对妇女的歧视对于几乎所有男人——还有大多数女人来说——却是不可思议的。 That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men – and, I am afraid, most women – as bizarre. 许多年以来,多数人看不到社会存在着对黑人的歧视。 Prejudice against blacks was invisible to most white Americans for many years. 当黑人终于通过静坐*、联合抵制和自由乘车*的方式以示*,来提及这个问题时,他们觉得简直难以置信。 When blacks finally started to “mention” it, with sit-ins, boycotts, and freedom rides, Americans were incredulous. “谁,我们?”他们委屈地问道。 “Who, us?” they asked in injured tones. “我们歧视黑人?”对美国白人来说,这是漫长而痛苦的再教育的开始。 “We're prejudiced?” It was the start of a long, painful reeducation for white America. 他们,包括那些自认为是自由主义者的白人——还需要许多年才能发现并消除他们实际上都持有的种族主义态度。 It will take years for whites – including those who think of themselves as liberals – to discover and eliminate the racist attitudes they all actually have. 消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。 How much harder will it be to eliminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle. 部分问题在于比起黑人来美国妇女被洗脑的程度更深,且更满足于她们次等公民的角色。 Part of the problem is that women in America are much more brainwashed and content with their roles as second – class citizens than blacks ever were. 我来解释一下。 Let me explain. 二十多年来我一直积极参与政治活动。 I have been active in politics for more than twenty years. 除了最后的那六年,其余那些年干活的是我,我干的是所有无聊琐碎但对竞选胜负至关重要的工作——可得到好处的却是男人,这几乎就是政界妇女一直以来的命运。 For all but the last six, I have done the work – all the tedious details that make the difference between victory and defeat on election day – while men reaped the rewards, which is almost invariably the lot of women in politics. 在美国政界,大部分的工作仍然是由妇女来做——大约300万志愿者。 It is still women – about three million volunteers – who do most of this work in the American political world. 她们中任何人所能期待的结果是有幸当选为区或县的副主席,这是一个隔离却平等的职位,是给那些多年来一直忠实从事装信封和组织牌局工作的妇女的奖赏。 The best any of them can hope for is the honor of being district or county vice-chairman, a kind of separate-but-equal position with which a woman is rewarded for years of faithful envelope stuffing and card-party organizing. 在这种职位上,她可以享受公费出差去参加州或全国性的会议或代表大会,在这些场合她的作用就是和她单位的男主席投一样的票。 I n such a job, she gets a number of free trips to state and sometimes national meetings and conventions, where her role is supposed to be to vote the way her male chairman votes. 1963年,当我企图摆脱这一角色代表布鲁克林的贝德富锡—斯图维桑特参加竞选纽约州众议院的席位时,遇到了极大的阻力。 When I tried to break out of that role in 1963 and run for the New York State Assembly seat from Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant, the resistance was bitter. 从竞选一开始,我就要面对他们毫不掩饰的对女性的敌意。 From the start of that campaign, I faced undisguised hostility because of my sex. 但是在四年以后,当我竞选国会议员时,性别问题才成了一个主要争端。 But it was four years later, when I ran for Congress, that the question of my sex became a major issue. 我所在党派的党员召开秘密会议讨论如何阻止我参加竞选。 Among members of my own party, closed meetings were held to discuss ways of stopping me. 我的对手,的人权运动领袖詹姆士?法默竭力把自己塑造成一个具有男子汉气概的黑人形象;他坐着带有扩音器的卡车在附近地区巡回,车上满载着留着非洲发式、穿颜色花哨的宽袍和蓄胡子的年轻人。 My opponent, the famous civil-rights leader James Farmer, tried to project a black, masculine image; he toured the neighborhood with sound trucks filled with young men wearing Afro haircuts, dashikis, and beards. 电视台记者对我不屑一顾,他们忽略了一个非常重要的数据,而对此我和我的竞选经纪人韦斯利?麦克唐纳?霍尔德却很清楚。 While the television crews ignored me, they were not aware of a very important statistic, which both I and my campaign manager, Wesley MacD. Holder, knew. 在我这个区内,登记参加投票选举的人中男女的比例是1∶2.5.而且那些妇女是有组织的——是教师家长协会、教会社团、牌局俱乐部以及其他社会服务性团体的成员。我去找她们寻求帮助。 n my district there are 2.5 women for every man registered to vote. And those women are organized – in PTAs, church societies, card clubs, and other social and service groups I went to them and asked their help. 法默先生到现在仍然不知道他是如何被击败的。 Mr. Farmer still doesn't quite know what hit him. 当一位聪明的年轻女大学生开始找工作时,为什么第一个问题总是“你会打字吗?” When a bright young woman graduate starts looking for a job, why is the first question always: “Can you type?” 在这个问题背后是一整部妇女受歧视的历史。 A history of prejudice lies behind that question. 为什么被看成是秘书而不是管理者?为什么被看成是图书管理员和教师而不是律师? Why are women thought of as secretaries, not administrators?Librarians and teachers, but not doctors and lawyers? 因为她们被认为是不一样的,低人一等的。 Because they are thought of as different and inferior. 快乐的家庭主妇和心满意足的黑鬼都是由歧视产生的典型人物。 The happy homemaker and the contented darky are both stereotypes produced by prejudice. 妇女甚至还没有达到黑人所达到的象征性的平等水平。 Women have not even reached the level of tokenism that blacks are reaching. 法院中没有妇女,只有两名妇女曾担任内阁的职位,但现在一个也没有。 No women sit on the Supreme Court. Only two have held Cabinet rank, and none do at present. 只有两位妇女担任大使。 Only two women hold ambassadorial rank. 妇女主要从事工资低、伺候人、没有前途的工作。即使她们获得较好的职位,他们的工资也总是比同样工作的男人低。 But women predominate in the lower-paying, menial, unrewarding, dead-end jobs, and when they do reach better positions, they are invariably paid less than a man for the same job. 这不是歧视又是什么? If that is not prejudice, what would you call it? 几年前,我与一位政治领袖谈论有关一个有前途的青年妇女做候选人的事。 A few years ago, I was talking with a political leader about a promising young woman as a candidate. “为什么要花费时间和精力去树立这个女孩的威信?”他问道,“你很清楚她只会在我们打算让她竞选市长时退出竞选去而生孩子。” “Why invest time and effort to build the girl up?” he asked me. “You know she'll only drop out of the game to have a couple of kids just about the time we're ready to run her for mayor.” 对于我,许多人说了类似的话。 Plenty of people have said similar things about me. 每次当我试图向上迈一步时,许多人劝我回去教书,说那才是妇女的职业,把政治留给男人。 Plenty of others have advised me, every time, I tried to take another upward step, that I should go back to teaching, a woman's vocation and leave politics to the men. 我热爱教书,只要我确信这个国家再也不需要女人作贡献时,我就会去教书。 I love teaching, and I am ready to go back to it as soon as I am convinced that this country no longer needs a women's contribution. 当在这个富足的国家里,当没有孩子饿着肚子上床睡觉时,我可能会回去教书。 When there are no children going to bed hungry in this rich nation, I may be ready to go back to teaching. 当每一个孩子都能上好学校时,我也许会回去教书。 When there is a good school for every child, I may be ready. 当我们不再将钱财耗费在武器装备上来杀人时,当我们不再容忍对少数民族的歧视时,当惩治住房和雇佣不公行为的法律得以实施而不是被束之高阁时,那么我在政治上也就再没什么可做的了 When we do not spend our wealth on hardware to murder people, when we no longer tolerate prejudice against minorities, and when the laws against unfair housing and unfair employment practices are enforced instead of evaded, then there may be nothing more for me to do in politics. 但是在那以前——我们都知道那不是今年或是明年——我们需要的是更多的妇女投身于政治,因为妇女可以作出特殊的贡献。 But until that happens – and we all know it will not be this year or next – what we need is more women in politics, because we have a very special contribution to make. 我希望自己成功的例子能使其他的妇女愿意参与政治活动——不仅仅是装信封,而是竞选政府职位。 I hope that the example of my success will convince other women to get into politics – and not just to stuff envelopes, but to run for office. 妇女能将同情、宽容、远见、忍耐和毅力带到政府中——这是我们与生俱有的品质或是在男人的压制下不得不培养出来的品质。 It is women who can bring empathy, tolerance, insight, patience, and persistence to government – the qualities we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by men. 一个国家的妇女通过她们在生活中的行为来塑造这个国家的道德、宗教和政治。 The women of a nation mold its morals, its religion, and its politics by the lives they live. 目前, 我们国家在政治上也许比其他任何方面更需要妇女的理想主义和决心。 At present,our country needs women's idealism and determination,perhaps more in politics than anywhere else.

276 评论(12)


找到了,已尽数打了出来,回答得有点晚,希望还能帮到你。五四运动The May 4th Movement第一次世界大战后,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。After World War I, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, thus landing China in a grave national crisis.一九一九年“巴黎和会”上中国外交的失败,激起了中国人民的极大愤慨。China’s diplomatic setback at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 aroused strong indignation among the Chinese people.五月四日,北京三千多学生在天安门前集会,他们高呼“外争国权,内惩国贼”、“废除二十一条”等口号,举行示威游行。On May 4, over three thousand Beijing students gathered in front of the Tian An Men, and then held a demonstration, shouting such slogans as “Defend our sovereignty, punish the traitors!”, “Abolish the Twenty-one Demands!”他们要求惩办卖国贼曹汝霖、陆宗舆、章宗祥,并火烧了曹宅,痛打了章宗祥。They called for punishment to be meted out to the traitors Cao RUlin, Lu Zongyu and Zhang Zongxiang. They set fire to Cao’s residence and beat up Zhang.北洋军阀政府出动军警镇压,捕去学生三十多名。They called out troops and policemen to suppress the demonstrators and thirty students were arrested.那时候,各地学生纷纷响应北京学生的反帝爱国斗争。Immediately, the students in one part of the country after another rose in support of the anti-imperialist patriotic struggle launched by the students in Beijing.具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子李大钊、毛泽东、周恩来等同志分别在北京、长沙、天津,指导了这个伟大的反帝运动。Comarades Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other intellectuals who already had some knowledge of communism guided this great movement in Beijing, Changsha, Tianjin respectively.六月三日,北京学生组织演讲队,开展大规模的宣传活动,军阀政府对学生的镇压变本加厉,捕去一百七十多人。On June 3, the students of Beijing formed groups of speakers and carried out extensive publicity work. The government intensified its suppression and arrested over 170 students.“六三”以后,主要是青年学生参加的五四爱国运动,发展成为无产阶级、小资产阶级和民族资产阶级共同参加的全国范围的革命运动。无产阶级成为运动的主力。From this point on, the May 4th patriotic movement, hitherto conducted mainly by the student youth, became a nation-wide revolutionary movement in which the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie all took part, with the proletariat as the mainstay.上海、唐山、长辛店等地工人纷纷罢工示威,中国工人阶级第一次作为觉悟了的独立的政治力量登上政治舞台,显示了它的伟大力量。Large numbers of workers in Shanghai, Tangshan, Changxindian and elsewhere went on strike and held demonstrations. For the first time in Chinese history, the working class appeared as an awakened, independent force in the political arena, demonstrating its tremendous strength.在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下,北洋军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生,撤销三个卖国贼的职务,拒绝在对德“和约”上签字,反帝反封建斗争取得了初步胜利。Under the pressure of the nation-wide anti-imperialist patriotic struggle, the Warlord government had to set free the students it had arrested, dismiss the three traitors from office, and withhold its signature from the “Peace Treaty” with Germany. This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.五四运动是一次彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建的革命运动,它促成了中国工人运动同马克思主义的结合,在思想上和干部上为中国共产党的成立作了准备,是中国新民主主义革命的开端。The May 4th Movement was a thoroughgoing, uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism. It was instrumental in bringing about the integration of Marxism with China’s labor movement, and it paved the way, both in ideology and in the matters of cadres, for the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. It ushered in China’s new-democratic revolution.

168 评论(13)


这是翻译希望可以帮助你  他们对我来说,所有我曾是名称,奥尔森的新病人。请下来就可以,我的女儿是非常虚弱。当我到达时遇见的母亲、大吓了一跳看妇女,很干净,她只是说抱歉,这是医生吗?让我进去。在后面,她补充说。你必须原谅我们,医生,我们让她在厨房里很温暖。它有时非常潮湿在这里。这孩子是穿着完全和坐在她父亲的腿上近在厨房的桌子上。他努力想站起来,但我示意他不要来打扰、 脱掉我的大衣,开始看过的东西。我可以看到他们都很紧张,看着我向上和向下 distrustfully。通常,在这种情况下,他们不告诉我比他们了,就到我告诉他们 ;这就是为什么他们都对我花三美元。儿童相当吃我与她的冷、稳定的眼睛,她脸上的没有任何表情。她动也不动,似乎,内心深处安静;非常有吸引力的小东西,和外观中的母牛一样强大。但她的脸红了,她呼吸急促,和我意识到她发着高烧。她华丽的金色头发,过多的许诺。这些图片儿童之一经常转载广告宣传单张和星期日报凹版部分。她发烧三天开始,父亲,我们不知道它来自。我的妻子给了她的事情,你知道,像人做,但它不做不好。并已大量周围的疾病。所以我们 tho't () 您将更好地看她一遍思想告诉我们什么是这件事。作为医生我经常了射击,作为出发点的审判。她有喉咙痛吗?父母双方一起,回答说 no …不,她说她的嗓子不伤害她。你的喉咙不会伤害你吗?添加到孩子的母亲。但小女孩的表情没有任何变化,也她没有把她的眼睛移动从我的脸。你看过吗?我想,说: 她的母亲,但我看不见。我们一直有的白喉个案数目的学校,这孩子走在该月和我们所有人都,很显然,思考的虽然没有人还曾的事情发生。嗯,我说,假设我们先看看嗓子,我笑了笑我最好的专业态度和问我说:孩子的名字,来吧,玛蒂尔达,张开嘴,让我们看看你的喉咙。什么也不做。哇,来,我哄、 只是张大嘴,让我看一看。你看,我说开双手宽,没有在我的手中。刚打开,让我看看。多好的人,把放在母亲。看起来他是怎么样你。来吧,做他说的做。他不会伤害你。当时我地面我厌恶的牙齿。要是他们不会使用"伤害"一词我可能能有所成就。但我不允许自己匆忙或不安,但说话,慢慢地我再次走近孩子。当我刚将椅子拉近突然有一个猫样运动她的手抓本能地对我的眼睛和她太达成他们。事实上她撞了我的眼镜飞行和他们了,虽然没有碎,离我而去厨房地板上的几脚。母亲和父亲差点把自己里面翻出来的尴尬和歉意。你的坏女孩,说: 妈妈,带她和摇她的一只手臂。看看你做了什么。好 … …在此陈老天爷,打破了。别叫我给她一个好男人。我是来看她的喉咙上的机会她可能有白喉,它很可能会死。但这并没有给她。你看这里,我说:孩子,我们要去看看你的喉咙。你是长大了,知道我在说什么。将打开它现在的自己或须我们已经为你打开它吗?不移动。她的表情也没有改变。然而,她的呼吸来更快和更快。然后开始了战斗。我不得不这样做。我不得不自己保护嗓子。我首先告诉父母,但它完全取决于他们。我说明了其危险性,但说我不会坚持在喉咙里的审查,只要他们会承担责任。If you don’t do what the doctor says you’ll have to go to the hospital, the mother admonished her severely.Oh yeah? I had to smile to myself. After all, I had already fallen in love with the savage brat, the parents were contemptible to me. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.The father tried his best, and he was a big man but the fact that she was his daughter, his shame at her behavior and his dread of hurting her made him release her just at the critical times when I had almost achieved success, till I wanted to kill him. But his dread also that she might have diphtheria made him tell me to go on, go on though he himself was almost fainting, while the mother moved back and forth behind us raising and lowering her hands in an agony of apprehension.Put her in front of you on your lap, I ordered, and hold both her wrists.But as soon as he did the child let out a scream. Don’t, you’re hurting me. Let go of my hands. Let them go I tell you. Then she shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically. Stop it! Stop it! You’re killing me!Do you think she can stand it, doctor? Said the mother.You get out, said the husband to his wife. Do you want her to die of diphtheria?Come on now, hold her, I said.Then I grasped the child’s head with my left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately! But now I also had grown furious- at a child. I tried to hold myself down but I couldn’t. I know how to expose a throat for inspection. And I did my best. When finally I got the wooden spatula behind the last teeth and just the point of it into the mouth cavity, she opened up for an instant but before I could see anything she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between her molars. She reduced it to splinters before I could get it out again.Aren’t you ashamed, the mother yelled at her. Aren’t you ashamed to act like that in front of the doctor?Get me a smooth-handled spoon of some sort, I told the mother. We’re going through with this. The child’s mouth was already bleeding. Her tongue was cut and she was screaming in wild hysterical shrieks. Perhaps I should have desisted and come back in an hour or more. No doubt it  would have been better. But I have seen at least two children lying dead in bed of neglect in such cases, and feeling that I must get a diagnosis now or never I went at it again. But the worst of it was that I too had got beyond reason. I could have torn the child apart in my own fury and enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to attack her. My face was burning with it.The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy, one says to one’s self at such times. Others must be protected against her. It is a social necessity. And all these things are true. But a blind fury, a feeling of adult shame, bred of a longing for muscular release are the operatives. One goes on to the end.In the final unreasoning assault I overpowered the child’s neck and jaws. I forced the heavy silver spoon back of her teeth and down her throat till she gagged. And there it was-both tonsils covered with membrane. She had fought valiantly to keep me from knowing her secret. She had been hiding that sore throat for three days at least and lying to her parents in order to escape just such an outcome as this.Now truly she was furious. She had been on the defensive before but now she attacked. Tried to get off her father’s lap and fly at me while tears of defeat blinded her eyes

316 评论(10)


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