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全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?

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高自考《大学语文》如何复习 上半年的高等教育自学考试又将开考了,现在想谈一谈公共课之一的《大学语文》如何复习。 《大学语文》是一门文化基础课。文化基础课仿佛很“散漫”,容易满足于一知半解、星星点点。特别是成年人,急于掌握专业,无心留恋于文化基础。其实这种想法是大错特错的。《大学语文》作为文化基础课,很多内容需要认真学习,历史、时代、作家、作品等等,都需要尽可能多多记住,以便于在头脑中绘制一张丰富多彩的文化地图,它不是靠一知半解的。 学习“中国文学史概述” 记住“中国古代历史朝代简表” 为了大致了解中国的文学史,大致了解五十几位作家在历史上的地位,《大学语文》教材在《附录》中撰写了“中国文学史概述”,编制了“中国古代历史朝代简表”。这两篇虽然是《附录》,但还是要学习的(虽然不一定要做笔记)。“中国古代历史朝代简表”、“中国文学史概述”不仅有助于直接深入了解其中编入《大学语文》教材中的作家和作品,对提高考试成绩,提高一般文化素质也是有帮助的。 记住入选作家的生平经历等情况 《大学语文》共收57位作家,65篇作品。其中57位作家都有300字到500字的简要介绍,介绍作家的生平事迹、思想倾向、风格流派、艺术特点、历史地位、作品文集等。它们都是了解作家的必要资料,也是分析作品的参考资料。对于这些资料,考试题中常有,应该强迫自己记住。记住的方法可以用红笔在介绍中划线,也可以花费一点时间做更简要的笔记,要把作者的生平事迹的主要方面,如业绩、贡献、思想倾向、艺术风格流派、影响等记住。 努力学习古代汉语知识 《大学语文》教材共收古文作品(包括诗词、曲赋、小说)43篇,约占全部作品的三分之二。这43篇的字、词、句的注释比较详细,是为了适应自学考生的实际水平和便于“无师自通”而特意编辑的。对这些注释,可以根据自己的陌生程度和试题常见,为阅读常用的字词句进行笔录,便于重点复习。此外还有两个材料值得注意,一个是课文后面《思考与练习》中有关虚词的比较用法,一个是教材后边《附录》中“中国古代汉语语法常识”。这两个材料收词不多,而且举例一般出自《大学语文》,有助于复习。前者可以集中摘录下来,后者不妨用书而不必摘录。 强记名言名句背熟10篇重点诗歌 《大学语文》65篇,几乎篇篇都有名言名句。名言是文章中的一段话,往往语意畅达,说理透彻,言简意赅。名言、名句、名段,考生应该记住,或应该记住大意。考试大纲要求背诵的10篇诗歌,最好抄成卡片,随时随地复习。 认真阅读作品培养理解分析能力 《大学语文》课程的学习目的,主要是下面三个方面:一是重在学习中国语言和文学知识,提高文化素养;二是重在理解作品和分析作品,学习前人优秀思想道德传统和表达技巧;再者是在前述两者的基础上练习写作,提高表达和应用能力。 另外,还要培养对作品的理解分析能力。第一是通过阅读作品来进行;其次是结合作者的思想倾向来进行;再次是联系时代历史背景来进行,等等。这些方法可以综合起来运用。 研究考试大纲和历届试题 提高应查能力 为了《大学语文》的自学和考试,还要仔细研究课程自学考试大纲和揣摸历届的试题。考试大纲概括地叙述了自学考试的方向,具体地例举了课程的自学考试内容,对《大学语文》课程的性质、学习方法、学习内容以及考试内容、考试范围、考试标准等等,都有明确规定,是自学《大学语文》课程的依据。它十年如一日,保持稳定,应该经常放在案前以备随时参考。历届《大学语文》试题是根据考试大纲编制的,形态上也维持不变。考生通过对历届试题的研究,可以揣摸考试的标准、熟悉考试的题型、了解考试的范围、研究考试的内容、掌握答题方式。 根据近几年的试题,大致有如下题型:一、单项选择题。它的内容由三部分组成:作家作品知识、课文分析和文体知识。二、多项选择题。它的内容由四部分组成:作家作品知识、课文分析、文体知识和语言知识。三、填空题。它的内容大致由四部分组成:作家作品知识、课文分析、文体知识和要求背诵的诗词。四、词语解释题。主要是古代文词语,也有近代文词语。五、古文翻译题。六、简答题,一般是考察课文分析。七、简析题,一般也是课文分析,主要是精读课文。八、作文。 了解这些试题,我们就可以掌握学习和考试的主动权。

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