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自考英语--浙江英语本科英语写作试卷Ⅰ. Supply the missing conclusion. (20%)Directions: Study the following passage carefully and write a conclusion in no more than 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.Americans Are Friendly to Strangers I came to the United States one year ago and I had no idea about life in the United States and American traditions, except that life was complicated and people are strange. At the time I arrived at J. F. Kennedy Airport, I felt very happy because I am fond of traveling around the world. Coming to America had been one of my dreams. A few minutes later, however, I felt afraid. I asked myself why I had come to this strange world and what I was doing here. I remembered what my friends at home said about Americans treating strangers. After I attended college, however, I discovered the opposite of what I had expected. Even though American social relations are complex, hard to form, and hard to maintain, I managed to bridge the gap and I was able to have close friendships with some Americans. For example, the first semester I attended college, I became friends with one of the American students who used to attend math class with me. We used to study together, go to parties together, and he used to help me a lot with my English. Even though he transferred to another university, we always keep in touch with each other. From my experience, I have come to understand that Americans are generally verbal, and long, silent periods are uncomfortable to them. So, when I sit with Americans, I start a conversation with them by talking about the weather, sports, or about teachers’ skills in the classroom. I think conversations make a friendly atmosphere among people. My experience of traveling across the country from New Orleans to San Diego also proved to me that I had the wrong idea about Americans. When I told my friends that my brother and I were going to drive across the United States and if they wanted to join me, they said, “It is dangerous to drive across America. You might get killed by one of the truck drivers or get robbed.”However, we didn’t pay attention to them because we wanted to find out what America is really like and how people treat strangers. On the way from San Antonio to EL Paso, our car stopped because it ran out of fuel. We got out of the car and waited for anyone to give us a ride. Ten minutes later, a truck pulled off the road. I approached him carefully and I asked him, “Could you please give us a ride to the nearest gas station?” He said, “The nearest station is thirty-five miles away and you might not find anyone who can drive you back to your car. ” Then he came up with a solution to our problem. He towed our car to the nearest station. When we reached it, I took a fifty-dollar bill from my pocket and handed it to him, but he wouldn’t accept it. He told me that he helped me because we needed help.Ⅱ. Write an outline. (20%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and try to compose an outline for the passage provided.The Necessity of English Writing for English Majors English writing is generally the most difficult one in the language competence required for the students majoring in English, considering the great pains student writers take and the slight progress they make in their practice. Most of the beginners think there is no need to practice writing English compositions since their writing skills in Chinese is quite sufficient, and English writing is after all not quite practical for their future work. However, English writing, as a very important part of students’ general language competence and as a means of expressing oneself and of spreading knowledge and information, is necessary and essential for English majors. The difficulty of English writing frustrates many students so much that they turn to their Chinese writing skills for help. That is natural. In fact, their Chinese writing skills do help their English writing, especially in generating and organizing ideas and details. Meanwhile, Chinese writing is different from English writing in sentence structures and paragraph organizations and their differences in expressions are certainly even bigger. Simply translating Chinese word for word into English cannot make good English writing. Other students hold a wrong view of learning English. They think to learn English is just to memorize a large vocabulary, to master the grammar and to speak fluent English. Once they are proficient in those areas of English, they can naturally handle English writing well. To correct such a one-sided view, one thing must be kept in mind, that is, spoken English is not equal to written English. Oral speech is often rather loose and flexible without precise and proper arrangement. Oral English uses simple everyday language while written English comprises complicated words and sentence structures. Therefore, written English is more demanding, and it requires intentional and intensive practice. English writing course can serve this purpose. The students’ laziness in observing and thinking partly accounts for their reluctance to practice writing. Writing sharpens and improves thinking. English writing can help students develop the habit and ability of thinking in English and become generally more competent in English. Composition topics can be varied yet close to life. If students have a good habit of observing life and thinking constantly, they won’t bump into topics with empty heads. Keen observation and deep thoughts are necessary for good English writing, and they are also signs for well-educated people. Writing can also strengthen students’ abilities in comprehension and oral English. Writing is creative work. After brainstorming, various ideas and pictures may pop into their minds and some beautiful sentences may be written down on a piece of paper, which will last long in their memory. Their written English skills may help to polish and beautify their spoken English and make their oral expression precise and elegant. Writing involves lots of reading. When reading others’ writing, they will be sensitive to various styles and that will quicken their reading speed and comprehension. Furthermore, English writing is in fact a most practical tool in students’ future career. It will be used in writing telexes, business letters, research papers and public speeches. Every kind of writing has its special style, which needs a careful study and strenuous practice. Yet all those are based on essential skills in English writing that will be covered in an English writing course. Finally, the required competence for English majors differs from other English learners. English majors are not limited to the command of any particular sphere of the English language, but they must have all-round competence in terms of listening and reading comprehension, spoken ability and writing skills in English, so that they can adopt themselves to various situations in their future work. No one is born capable of everything. Hard work is the premise of success. To be able to use English freely, we do not only have to read a lot, speak a lot, but also write a lot. English writing practice consolidates students’ overall English competence and enables them to express their ideas and feelings in a more precise, graceful and permanent form.Ⅲ. Composition (60%)Directions: Write an example paper on the given topic.We Are Entering a Computer Age












今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语二教材及答案,自考英语二教材答案 百度网盘的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!2010年10月自考英语二答案2010年10月自考英语(二)试题及答案第一大题:1A:protect2D:reference3C:span4B:otherwise5A:superior6C:from7D:afford8B:addto9D:adapt10A:necessarily第二大题:Cloze(完型填空)主要讲述图书馆经费的问题11.B(at)thesametime同时12.A(risen)13.Cnumberofhours14Bprovide15Cexample16Adependon依靠17Bthereis18Ccostly花费大的19Ddisgree不同意20Dbut但是第三大题:ReadingComprehension(阅读理解)主要讲述人工智能的发展在将来可能给人们带来的便利以及对人们工作的影响21.itispossiblethatinthefuture…….选择Dtheneedforserviceforworkerswillberuduced22.themainaimofthesecondparagraphistoshowthat….Aaiwillmakeservicesmoreefficient23.airlinereservationsareearlyexampleof….AAIapplication24.itisimplicatedinthelastparagarphthatinthe21世纪后半叶。。。。。Cniumerousworkerswereforcedtoretireearlier(得早退休)25。这篇文章的态度是。。。Cobjective客观的这篇摘录自苹果公司总裁乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,讲述他一生被dropout(可理解为抛弃)的经历,26.biologcalmother的意思是:。。。。Bone’smotherthroughbirth(生物学母亲的意思是出生他的母亲)27.作者的父母…itistruethattheauthors’parents…Dhadnocollegedegrees(没有大学学位的)28.theauthorquiteschoolmainlybecause作者退学的原因是:Chedidnotthinkhiscollegetuitionworthwhile他觉得大学学费花的不值得29.作者退学后Ccontinuedtopursuehisinterests继续追求她的兴趣30.作者认为他的dropout是…Drewarding有回报的讲述电子垃圾的毒性,第一世界国家开始处理但是相当部分转移到第三世界国家危害环境31.toxins的意思是….Cpoisonoussubstances有毒物质32.lawsaboute-wastehavebeenpassedbecause…通过电子垃圾相关法律是因为…Be-wastecontainstoxinsandbiodegradeslowly(有毒并且难以降解)33.第三段暗示….B大部分第一世界的电子垃圾得到妥善处理34.theauthorbelievesthattheunwantedelectronicshippedtothethirdworld…Adoesmoreharmthangoodinfact意思:运往第三世界国家的电子产品坏处大于好处35.这篇文章主要讨论thepassagemainlydealwithAthedangerouscausedbye-waste第四大题:WordSpelling(单词拼写)36.Slipping37.physically38.impact39.ongoing40.musician41.gravity42.tempt43.suspect44.publication45.routine46.thirtieth47.senseless48.voluntary49.improvise50.honestly51.undertake52.initial53.interval54.location55.Wednesday.第五大题:WordForm(词汇正确形式)56enlarge57employee58choice59consideration60profitalbe61.coverage62characteristic63inspecting64acquaintance65.strenghten第六大题:TranslationFromEnglishIntoChinese(汉译英)66.hetalkedtomejustlikewekneweachotherformanyyears.67.Whatyouaredoingtodaywillbehelpfultoyouinthefuturn.68.HeandIiscomplelyconsistenttothismatter’sview.69.Itseemsthatthisplanisfeasible.70.Peoplelivedinthatareaareworkinghardtoturnthedeserttothefertileland.第七大题:TranslationfromEnglishintoChinese(英译汉)直到二十世纪初人们才认识到食物和饭菜中含有某种重要的物质,可以抵抗疾病的发生,这些重要的物质对身体发育,健康以及身体的一些正常的功能都有重要的作用。一个良好均衡的饮食习惯应该能够提供我们身体的一些正常的维他命的需要,那些能够幸运的买到充足食物的人不会发生维他命的缺乏,然而,因为多种原因,一些人不能保证一个平衡的饮食习惯,人们经常因为疾病而缺乏食欲,独居的人往往没有正常的饮食习惯,偏食的。答案自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


Ⅰ。用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(每小题1分,共30分) 1. I knew the thing ( )。 A. by accident B. in accident C. with accident D. at accident 2. So they ( ) the bad news gently-her husband was dead. A. broke B. let on C. murmured D. muttered 3. She had changed so much over the years that I hardly ( ) her. A. recreated B. realized C. recognized D. reacted 4. My grandmother was physically ( ) after her tears. A. tired B. exhausted C. fatigued D. tire 5. The new library is equipped with various protections ( ) fire. A. from B. of C. under D. against 6. He gave a good ( ) in the “Sydney 2000”,defeating every opponent in contests. A. amount B. announce C. arouse D. account 7. The old professor ( ) himself to the cause of education. A. influenced B. was devoided C. devolved on D. devoted 8. The meeting is ( )a proposal to construct a new swimming pool. A. in connection with B. in view of C. in comparison D. on account of 9. There are many ( ) between them.Maybe they are twins. A. specimens B. instruments C. differences D. resemblances 10. How did it come ( ) that you made a lot of mistakes in your homework. A. about B. with C. after D. to 11. The medicine had no ( ) on him. A. affection B. effect C. affect D. effective 12. It was 10 o‘clock when the train ( ) into New York. A. drew B. entered C. pulled D. dragged 13. Four days later,a headline about a burglary ( ) his eye. A. caught B. met C. took D. taught 14. A friend of my wife ( ) at her kids one day when they were running out to meet a trash truck. A. yelled B. abandoned C. indulged D. flung 15. If a woman is fat in a pleasant looking way,we say she is ( )。 A. plump B. ugly C. slender D. handsome 16. ( ) with his achievement,mine is not achievement at all. A. When compared B. While comparing C. Compare D. Comparing 17. I should very much like to have gone to the party,but I( )。 A. am not invited B. am not being invited C. shall not be invited D. was not invited 18. I‘ll buy one ( ) it costs. A. whichever B. however C. whateve r D. whenever 19. Nowhere else in the world ( ) more attractive scenery than in Switzerland. A. you can find B. in found C. can you find D. had been found 20. ( ),she went back to her room. A. There was no cause for alarm B. Being no cause for alarm C. Without having cause for alarm D. There being no cause for alarm 21. This is the second time she ( ) improvement in that equipment. A. had made B. made C. is making D. has made 22. She found one excuse after another to postpone ( ) to the doctor. A. to go B. going C. to have gone D. having gone 23. The further this process is allowed to go,( ) it will be to reverse it. A. the more difficult B. the more easier C. the more easy D. more difficult 24. This is the refrigerator ( ) we have had so much trouble. A. with which B. of which C. at which D. to which 25. ( ) you were ill,I wouldn‘t have spoken so rudely. A. If I have realized B. If I had realized C. Did I realize D. Should I realize 26. You ( ) yesterday if you were really serious about the job. A. ought to come B. ought have come C. ought come D. ought to have come 27. Our English teacher is ( )。 A. James and Mary‘s father B. James‘s and Mary’s father C. Jame‘s and Mary’s father D. James‘ and Mary’s father 28. When you ( ) your house,please tell me. A. finish to paint B. will finish paint C. finish paint D. have finished painting 29. ( ) becoming less and less is of great concern to all the people in the world. A. Is water B. Water is C. That water is D. Water 30. Economic goods may take the form ( ) of material things or services. A. either B. because C. as D. or Ⅱ。认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题,根据短文的内容从四个选项中选择一个答案。(每小题1分,共10分) Passage 1 Reading is the key to school success and,like any skill,it takes practice.A child learns to walk by practicing until he no longer has to think about how to put one foot in front of the other.A great athlete practices until he can play quickly and accurately without thinking.Tennis players call that “being in the zone.” Educators call it “automaticity”。 A child learns to read by sounding out the letters and decoding(辨识)the words.With practice,he stumbles less and less,reading by the phrase.With automaticity,he doesn‘t have to think about decoding the words,so he can concentrate on the meaning of the text. It can begin as early as first grade.In a recent study of children in Illinois schools,Alan Rossman of Northwestern University found automatic readers in the first grade who were reading almost three times as fast as the other children and scoring twice as high on comprehension tests.At fifth grade,the automatic readers were reading twice as fast as the others,and still outscoring them on accuracy,comprehension and vocabulary. “It‘s not I.Q.(智商) but the amount of time a child spends reading that is the key to automaticity,”according to Rossman.Any child who spends at least 3.5 to 4 hours a week reading books,magazines or newspapers will in all likelihood reach automaticity.At home,where the average child spends 25 hours a week watching television,it can happen by turning off the set just one night in favor of reading. You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud-something unfamiliar but appropriate to his age.If he reads aloud with expression,with a sense of the meaning of the sentences,he probably is an automatic reader.If he reads haltingly,one word at a time,without expression or meaning,he needs more practice. 31. The first paragraph tells us ( )。 A. what automaticity is B. how accuracy is acquired C. how a child learns to walk D. how an athlete is trained 32. The Illinois study shows that the automatic reader‘s high speed ( )。 A. costs him a lot of work B. affects his comprehension C. leads to his future success D. doesn‘t affect his comprehension 33. The word outscoring in paragraph 3 means ( )。 A. scoring higher than B. scoring lower than C. scoring as high as D. scoring unfavorably in 34. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?( ) A. Practice can make people learn quickly and accurately. B. A child always learns to read by sounding out the letters and decoding the words. C. The amount of time a child spends reading is the key to automaticity. D. If a child reads slowly without expressions or meaning,most probably he is not an automatic reader. 35. What is the main idea of the passage?( ) A. Automaticity is important for efficient reading. B. Reading is the key to school success. C. The way to children‘s success. D. Children‘s I.Q. and their success. Passage 2 The world celebrated International Labor Day on the first of this month and,as the territory‘s best known labor representative,the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions feels the time is right to reassess priorities and restate the conditions necessary to improve the lot of workers.We also have to reassess our own role in terms of the successes and failures of trade union activity and how we can further serve the needs of workers and society.In this manner,we can give due recognition to those who have fought for workers’ rights and understand the balance of interest among different social groups. First of all,we must recognize that people need to work to earn a livelihood.In a capitalist society,however,workers are only employed when the value they produce by labor exceeds the input by the investor-that is,when they are exploited.But when employer‘s profits fall,when labor skills are a little outdated or devalued,or because of the need to increase competitive power,workers may be sacked. Union duty:A labor union,therefore,has to fight for the rights of workers.After demands by workers for legislation against unfair dismissal,the Hong Kong Government finally changed its attitude slightly at the beginning of this year by proposing legislation against unreasonable job termination or amendments of employment contracts. This is a positive move,given the relationship between employers and employees in Hong Kong.It plugs(堵,塞) loopholes(漏洞) in existing labor ordinances(法令) and reinforces the various ordinances that forbid unfair dismissal of workers.It also shows a breakthrough in bureaucratic(官僚政治的) thinking.We hope that this is a good start.The strengthening of career counseling by the Labor Department is also a positive move. 36. In order to further serve the needs of workers and society,the Trade Unions need to do the following things except ( )。 A. to restate the condition B. to reassess priorities C. to rearrange further struggles D. to reassess their role 37. According to the author,why do people need to work?( ) A. To produce value. B. To earn a livelihood. C. To increase competitive power. D. To exceed the input. 38. In the capitalist society,workers are only employed when ( )。 A. employer‘s profits fall B. labor skills are a little outdated C. there is a need to increase competitive power D. they produce more value than the input 39. The Government‘s action has the following results except that ( )。 A. it strengthens the various ordinances that prohibit unfair dismissal B. it plugs the loopholes in existing labor regulations C. it gives due recognition to those who have fought for workers‘ right D. it shows a breakthrough in bureaucratic thinking 40. A labor union can ( )。 A. propose legislation against unreasonable dismissal B. amend the employment to change its attitude C. urge the government to change its attitude D. plug the loopholes in existing labor ordinances Ⅲ。用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音。(每两小题1分,共10分) 41. gentle 42. ghastly 43. specimen 44. exhausted 45. break 46. solve 47. initial 48. philosophy 49. blood 50. extreme 51. finger 52. loyalty 53. familiar 54. wretched 55. powder 56. suede 57. smooth 58. journey 59. value 60. conceit Ⅳ。完形填空(每两小题1分,共10分) A. 从下列单词中选择适当的词填空,每个词只能用一次。 came but sources from factors pure else accurate creativecreated more for A land free __61__ destruction,plus wealth,natural resources,and labor supply……all these were important __62__ in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.__63__ they were not enough. Something __64__ was needed to start the industrial process.That “something special” was me……__65__ individuals who could invent machines,find new __66__ of power,and establish business organizations to reshape society.The men who __67__ the machines of the Industrial Revolution __68__ from many backgrounds and many occupations.Many of them were __69__ inventors than scientists.A man who is a __70__ scientist is primarily interested in doing his research accurately. B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。 __71__ mastered these main issues,I composed ten questions that I‘d ask if I __72__ the professor.I pretended that I was in the room,and I __73__ the next four hours answering my ten questions.I then corrected my __74__ by referring to the lecture and the textbook notes,and much to my __75__,I had discussed all the facts and ideas accurately.__76__ the first time I felt that I had __77__ something.I went to bed at 10∶00 for a good __78__ sleep,having refused to go to a __79__ with the rest of the __80__. Ⅴ。根据所学课文内容完成下列句子。(每小题2分,共20分) 81. In “The Day I Was Fat”,in the past seven years besides losing weight,the greatest change exercise had brought about in her was that ______. 82. According to “The Trashman”,when Dr.Coleman said hello to people on the route,most often the response was ______. 83. In the story “Detective on the Trail”,Bob went to “8,Salem Crescent,North.”after dark on Thursday night.While walking along the street,he saw policemen ______. 84. It happened so quickly,so simply after all the years of waiting and uncertainty,that ______.(From The Letter “A”) 85. In the story “Thank You,Ma‘am”,the boy chose to sit where she could easily see him because ______. 86. One day when the man saw a ship on the sea he didn‘t think the ship was real because he thought ______. 87. Many people believe that when they become rich and successful,happiness will ______. 88. Long-term happiness is based on honesty,productive work,______. 89. People were laughing at themselves as they realized that Henry Ground had led them into his last and the funniest ______. 90. Twelve of Henry‘s closest friends were invited to the funeral breakfast because Henry Ground had asked his brother to ______. Ⅵ。将下列句子译成英语。(每小题2分,共20分) 91. 人人都知道玫瑰花代表什么。 92. 他一旦开始干一件事,不干完就决不罢休。 93. 这个国家的情况在一天天好起来。 94. 在对外关系中,我们遵循国家无论大小都应平等的原则。 95. 那场足球赛推迟了,这使大家感到扫兴。 96. 当他听到这个笑话时,顿时大笑起来。 97. 嘈杂声渐渐消失了。 98. 我们虽然是朋友,但从内心来说我并不喜欢他。 99. 他对我国的教育事业做出了很大贡献。 100. 从长远来看,问题的答案在于现代科技。

自考英语--浙江英语本科英语写作试卷Ⅰ. Supply the missing conclusion. (20%)Directions: Study the following passage carefully and write a conclusion in no more than 100 words. Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you use are in unity with the passage provided.Americans Are Friendly to Strangers I came to the United States one year ago and I had no idea about life in the United States and American traditions, except that life was complicated and people are strange. At the time I arrived at J. F. Kennedy Airport, I felt very happy because I am fond of traveling around the world. Coming to America had been one of my dreams. A few minutes later, however, I felt afraid. I asked myself why I had come to this strange world and what I was doing here. I remembered what my friends at home said about Americans treating strangers. After I attended college, however, I discovered the opposite of what I had expected. Even though American social relations are complex, hard to form, and hard to maintain, I managed to bridge the gap and I was able to have close friendships with some Americans. For example, the first semester I attended college, I became friends with one of the American students who used to attend math class with me. We used to study together, go to parties together, and he used to help me a lot with my English. Even though he transferred to another university, we always keep in touch with each other. From my experience, I have come to understand that Americans are generally verbal, and long, silent periods are uncomfortable to them. So, when I sit with Americans, I start a conversation with them by talking about the weather, sports, or about teachers’ skills in the classroom. I think conversations make a friendly atmosphere among people. My experience of traveling across the country from New Orleans to San Diego also proved to me that I had the wrong idea about Americans. When I told my friends that my brother and I were going to drive across the United States and if they wanted to join me, they said, “It is dangerous to drive across America. You might get killed by one of the truck drivers or get robbed.”However, we didn’t pay attention to them because we wanted to find out what America is really like and how people treat strangers. On the way from San Antonio to EL Paso, our car stopped because it ran out of fuel. We got out of the car and waited for anyone to give us a ride. Ten minutes later, a truck pulled off the road. I approached him carefully and I asked him, “Could you please give us a ride to the nearest gas station?” He said, “The nearest station is thirty-five miles away and you might not find anyone who can drive you back to your car. ” Then he came up with a solution to our problem. He towed our car to the nearest station. When we reached it, I took a fifty-dollar bill from my pocket and handed it to him, but he wouldn’t accept it. He told me that he helped me because we needed help.Ⅱ. Write an outline. (20%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and try to compose an outline for the passage provided.The Necessity of English Writing for English Majors English writing is generally the most difficult one in the language competence required for the students majoring in English, considering the great pains student writers take and the slight progress they make in their practice. Most of the beginners think there is no need to practice writing English compositions since their writing skills in Chinese is quite sufficient, and English writing is after all not quite practical for their future work. However, English writing, as a very important part of students’ general language competence and as a means of expressing oneself and of spreading knowledge and information, is necessary and essential for English majors. The difficulty of English writing frustrates many students so much that they turn to their Chinese writing skills for help. That is natural. In fact, their Chinese writing skills do help their English writing, especially in generating and organizing ideas and details. Meanwhile, Chinese writing is different from English writing in sentence structures and paragraph organizations and their differences in expressions are certainly even bigger. Simply translating Chinese word for word into English cannot make good English writing. Other students hold a wrong view of learning English. They think to learn English is just to memorize a large vocabulary, to master the grammar and to speak fluent English. Once they are proficient in those areas of English, they can naturally handle English writing well. To correct such a one-sided view, one thing must be kept in mind, that is, spoken English is not equal to written English. Oral speech is often rather loose and flexible without precise and proper arrangement. Oral English uses simple everyday language while written English comprises complicated words and sentence structures. Therefore, written English is more demanding, and it requires intentional and intensive practice. English writing course can serve this purpose. The students’ laziness in observing and thinking partly accounts for their reluctance to practice writing. Writing sharpens and improves thinking. English writing can help students develop the habit and ability of thinking in English and become generally more competent in English. Composition topics can be varied yet close to life. If students have a good habit of observing life and thinking constantly, they won’t bump into topics with empty heads. Keen observation and deep thoughts are necessary for good English writing, and they are also signs for well-educated people. Writing can also strengthen students’ abilities in comprehension and oral English. Writing is creative work. After brainstorming, various ideas and pictures may pop into their minds and some beautiful sentences may be written down on a piece of paper, which will last long in their memory. Their written English skills may help to polish and beautify their spoken English and make their oral expression precise and elegant. Writing involves lots of reading. When reading others’ writing, they will be sensitive to various styles and that will quicken their reading speed and comprehension. Furthermore, English writing is in fact a most practical tool in students’ future career. It will be used in writing telexes, business letters, research papers and public speeches. Every kind of writing has its special style, which needs a careful study and strenuous practice. Yet all those are based on essential skills in English writing that will be covered in an English writing course. Finally, the required competence for English majors differs from other English learners. English majors are not limited to the command of any particular sphere of the English language, but they must have all-round competence in terms of listening and reading comprehension, spoken ability and writing skills in English, so that they can adopt themselves to various situations in their future work. No one is born capable of everything. Hard work is the premise of success. To be able to use English freely, we do not only have to read a lot, speak a lot, but also write a lot. English writing practice consolidates students’ overall English competence and enables them to express their ideas and feelings in a more precise, graceful and permanent form.Ⅲ. Composition (60%)Directions: Write an example paper on the given topic.We Are Entering a Computer Age


00015英语(二)真题和答案29份:2004年04月,2004年10月,2005年04月,2005年07月2005年10月,2006年04月,2006年07月,2006年10月2007年01月,2007年04月,2007年07月,2007年10月2008年01月,2008年04月,2008年07月,2008年10月2009年01月,2009年04月,2009年07月,2009年10月2010年01月,2010年04月,2010年07月,2010年10月2011年01月,2011年04月,2011年07月,2011年10月2012年01月 我有这些试题及答案


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点击查看: 2019年4月自考大学语文真题及答案解析

A. 为历史的祖国美好希望的失落而遗憾

B. 为祖国的新生和美好未来而振臂欢呼

C. 为历史的祖国艰难地负重缓行而悲伤

D. 决心为祖国的富饶荣光和自由而献身

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现在还没有!我只有英语二的答案,还是自己整理的!具体到6月份才出来!我只有历年的资产评估试题和答案!1 2007 7 2007年7月自考资产评估试题试卷真题 WORD 2 2007 4 2007年4月自考资产评估试题答案 WORD 3 2007 4 2007年4月自学考试自考浙江省资产评估历年试卷试题真题 WORD 4 2007 4 2007年4月自学考试自考全国资产评估历年试卷试题真题 WORD 5 2007 4 资产评估自考试卷答案2007年4月 WORD 6 2006 7 全国2006年7月高等教育自学考试资产评估试题历年试卷 WORD 7 2006 4 全国2006年4月高等教育自学考试资产评估试题历年试卷 WORD 8 2006 4 2006年4月自考自学考试资产评估试题试卷真题答案


全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试资产评估试题课程代码:00158一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.以下表述中不符合资产评估科学性原则的是( )A.必须根据评估的特定目的选择适当的价值类型和方法B.对于特定的资产业务价值类型的选择具有唯一性C.对于特定的资产业务评估方法的选择具有唯一性D.对于特定的资产业务评估方法的选择具有多样性2.狭义的资产评估程序不包括( )A.明确资产评估业务基本事项 B.编制资产评估计划C.评定估算 D.编制和提交资产评估报告书3.复原重置成本与更新重置成本的差额,是一种( )A.实体性贬值 B.功能性贬值C.有形损耗 D.经济性贬值4.由于使用磨损和自然力作用所导致的资产贬值为( )A.实体性贬值 B.功能性贬值C.技术性贬值 D.经济性贬值5.某资产预计纯收益为:前三年分别为5、4、6万元,本金化率和折现率均为10%,采用年等值收益额资本化方法计算的评估值为( )A.49.5万元 B.49.7万元C.49.8万元 D.50万元6.需要安装的设备,且安装调试周期长,其重置成本除考虑正常费用外,还要考虑( )A.安装费 B.运输费C.资金成本 D.调试费7.用物价指数法将设备的历史成本调整为评估基准日的成本,该结果是( )A.超额投资成本 B.超额运营成本C.复原重置成本 D.更新重置成本8.以下是规模经济效益指数法的有关说法,不正确的是( )A.这种方法并不适用于所有的机器设备B.它运用的条件是生产能力与价格存在一定比例关系C.它运用的条件是生产能力与价格呈反比关系D.指数的取值范围一般在0.4~1.2之间9.下列基本参数中,不属于估算设备的成新率的参数是( )A.设备总使用年限 B.设备实际已使用年限C.设备名义使用年限 D.设备剩余使用年限10.不是由政府决定的土地价格是( )A.基准地价 B.标定地价C.土地使用权出让底价 D.转让价格11.土地市场的不完全竞争性决定于土地( )A.稀缺性 B.用途多样性C.位置固定性 D.价值增值性12.某待评估宗地与交易案例相比而言,某地段要好,由此引起待评估宗地的价格比交易案例价格高20%,则地段因素修正系数为( )A.100/120 B.80/100C.120/100 D.100/8013.运用残余估价法评估建筑物价格的主要前提条件是( )A.建筑物用途合理 B.建筑物使用强度合理C.建筑物具有客观收益 D.建筑物使用状态合理14.转让无形资产的机会成本通常表现为以下项目的折现值( )A.员工再培训费用增加 B.销售收入减少C.收益减少和开发支出增加 D.追加科研费用增加15.某发明专利权已使用了4年,剩余使用年限2年,目前该专利权的成新率为( )A.25% B.33.3%C.50% D.66.6%16.无形资产的更新周期主要根据以下来判断( )A.产品使用周期 B.经济发展周期C.技术更新周期 D.政策调整周期17.专利权的收益额可以通过利润分成率测算获得。我国理论工作者和评估人员多数认为,利润分成率较合理的取值是( )A.25%~33%之间 B.20%~30%之间C.15%~25%之间 D.10%~20%之间18.与在用低值易耗品评估价值无关的因素是( )A.低值易耗品的现行市价 B.低值易耗品的总使用时间C.低值易耗品的已使用时间 D.低值易耗品的摊销方式19.对于票据和短期证券投资都可以使用的评估方法为( )A.贴现法 B.市场法C.收益法 D.本金加利息法20.某公司拥有一张1年期银行承兑汇票,票面金额200万元,月息0.6%,尚有4个月到期,贴现率为每月0.5%,则该汇票的评估价值约为( )A.196.0万元 B.210.2万元C.210.4万元 D.214.4万元21.应收账款经评估后,账面“坏账准备”科目的余额评估值应该为( )A.0 B.按坏账比例法确定的金额C.按账龄分析法确定的金额 D.按会计核算的金额22.与股票评估没有关系的价格为( )A.账面价格 B.清算价格C.内在价格 D.市场价格23.非上市股票评估,最适合的评估方法是( )A.成本法 B.市场法C.收益法 D.本金加股息24.某公司持有10年期债券1000张,每张面值100元,票面年利率6%,每期付息,到期还本。评估时还有5年到期,市场年利率为5%。该债券上市交易,评估基准日的交易记录显示,当天交易价格最高价为105.2元,最低价为105.0元,收盘价为105.1元。则该批债券的评估值为( )A.105200 B.105100C.105000 D.10433025.对非控股企业的直接投资适用的评估方法为( )A.成本法 B.市场法C.收益法 D.整体企业评估方法26.评估企业价值的首选方法是( )A.收益法 B.资产基础法C.市盈率乘数法 D.成本加和法27.对某A企业采用成本加和法评估,评估初步结果为:设备等有形资产为5000万元,专利等无形资产为3000万元,A企业对B企业投资了100万元,评估时B企业的净资产为-500万元,A企业的负债经审核为1000万元。A企业的评估值应为( )A.6500万元 B.7000万元C.7500万元 D.8000万元28.某被评估企业(即将上市)的净现金流为2000万元,与其相类似的A上市公司的每股净现金流为0.4元,股价为10元,利用市盈率法计算被评估企业的价值应为( )A.5000万元 B.20000万元C.50000万元 D.无法计算29.有权批准企业按评估值对会计帐目进行调整的部门是( )A.国有资产管理部门 B.税务部门C.财政部门 D.资产评估管理机构30.我国第一部对全国的资产评估行业进行政府管理的最高法规是,1991年11月国务院发布的( )A.专业评估执业统一准则 B.资产评估操作规范意见C.国有资产评估管理办法 D.资产评估机构审批管理方法二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。31.下列中可作为资产评估对象的资产是( )A.采矿权 B.失效的专利C.企业所拥有的知名商标 D.城市的公共绿地E.个人拥有的不动产32.在收益法中,关于收益额论述正确的是( )A.收益额必须是预期的 B.收益额必须是实际的C.收益额可以是现金流量 D.收益额可以是净利润E.收益额可以是利润总额33.评估机器设备时,要对其进行必要的核查。按设备核查的方式分,一般包括( )A.账面核查 B.抽样核查C.专项核查 D.实地清查E.逐项清查34.运用建筑物残余估价法的要求是( )A.被估对象可以获得正常收益B.建筑物不能闲置C.建筑物的使用强度与土地的最佳使用不能严重背离D.建筑物的使用状态与土地的最佳使用不能严重背离E.建筑物的用途与土地的最佳使用不能严重背离35.自创无形资产在无账面价格的情况下,其重置成本的估算方法是( )A.财务核算法 B.技术周期法C.物价指数法 D.市场调整法E.历史成本法36.可以作为评估对象的待摊和预付费用有( )A.预付租金 B.预付保险费C.自有机器设备大修理费用 D.租入机器设备大修理费用E.租入店面的装修费用37.在股票评估中,把普通股的类型分为( )A.固定红利模型 B.红利增长模型C.固定股利分配率模型 D.低正常股利加额外股利模型E.分段式模型38.资产重组对资产评估影响的情况主要有( )A.资产范围的变化 B.企业经营管理水平的变化C.企业外部环境的变化 D.资产负债结构的变化E.收益水平的变化39.按照资产评估对象划分,资产评估报告可以分为( )A.正常评估报告 B.现值性评估报告C.单项资产评估报告 D.评估复合报告E.整体资产评估报告40.资产评估业的管理模式主要有以下几种( )A.行业自律管理 B.财政部门管理C.政府管理 D.地方政府管理E.政府监管下行业自律管理�三、名词解释(本大题共2小题,每小题3分,共6分)41.清算(清偿)假设42.资产评估职业道德四、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分)43.简述资产评估方法选择需要考虑的因素。44.简述流动资产评估的特点。五、计算题(本大题共4小题,每小题10分,共40分)45.2006年12月,评估人员对A设备评估时,了解到以下情况:(1)A设备购建于1996年12月,其账面价值20万元,2001年12月和2004年12月进行过两次技术改造,添置自动控制设施,分别支出5万和3万元。(2)A设备经鉴定,尚可使用7年。经调查,A设备购建以来,其每年的价格上升率为10%左右,评估基准日前A设备的实际利用率为90%。要求计算:(1)A设备的重置成本; (2)A设备的加权更新成本; (3)A设备的加权投资年限; (4)A设备的成新率。(复利系数保留两位小数,年限保留一位小数)46.有一待估宗地,总面积为40000平方米,使用年限为50年,土地还原利率为6%,现收集到A、B、C 三个宗地交易实例,具体情况见下表: 宗地 成交价(元/M2) 交易时间 交易情况 容积率 区域因素 个别因素 剩余年限 待估宗地 2006年2月 0 1.7 0 0 50年 A 5150 2005年2月 0 1.6 0 -1% 45年 B 6700 2005年8月 0 1.9 +2% 0 50年 C 5550 2005年12月 -2% 1.6 0 -1% 45年 表中交易情况、区域因素和个别因素都是交易实例与待估宗地相比较,以待估宗地为基准确定的数值。经了解,宗地所在城市容积率每增加0.1,宗地地价比容积率为1时增加9%,从2005年2月份到2006年2月份,地价每月环比上涨1%。试根据上述条件评估待估宗地在2006年2月的价格。(计算结果以元为单位,取整)47.A企业拟向B公司转让其拥有的甲产品的商标使用权。评估人员了解到以下情况:(1)该商标生产的产品,市场售价1000元/台,比其他同类产品净增利润10元/台;(2)双方协商,商标使用许可期限4年。商标使用费按新增利润的30%支付A企业;(3)根据B公司的生产情况,预计前2年的生产量9万台/年;后2年10万台/年;(4)根据相关资料分析,A企业正常投资报酬率为15%,所得税税率为25%。要求:(1)计算该商标权每年新增利润; (2)计算该商标使用权价格。48.某资产评估机构现对ABC公司进行整体评估。评估人员获得的资料如下:(1)预计ABC公司未来5年的销售收入分别为300万元、280万元、300万元、320万元和330万元,假定从第6年起销售收入稳定在320万元;(2)评估时社会无风险报酬率为3%,企业所在行业的平均风险与社会平均风险的比值为1.2,社会平均收益率为8%,资本化率为8%;(3)该企业的销售净利率为10%。要求:运用分段法计算ABC公司的持续经营价值。(计算结果以万元为单位,保留两位小数)


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浙江省2002年4月高等教育自学考试常微分方程试题课程代码:10002一、填空题(每小题3分,共39分)1.常微分方程中的自变量个数是________.2.路程函数S(t)的加速度是常数a,则此路程函数S(t)的一般形式是________.3.微分方程 =g( )中g(u)为u的连续函数,作变量变换________,方程可化为变量分离方程.4.微分方程F(x,y′)=0中令P=y′,若x、P平面上的曲线F(x,P)=0的参数形式为x= (t),P=ψ(t),t为参数,则方程参数形式的通解为________.5.方程 =(x+1)3的通解为________.6.如果函数f(x,y)连续,y= (x)是方程 =f(x,y)的定义于区间x0≤x≤x0+h上,满足初始条件 (x0)=y0的解.则y= (x)是积分方程________定义于x0≤x≤x0+h上的连续解.7.方程 =x2+xy,满足初始条件y(0)=0的第二次近似解是________.8.方程 +a1(t) +…+an-1(t) +an(t)x=0 中ai(t) i=1,2,…,n是〔a,b〕上的连续函数,又x1(t),x2(t),…,xn(t)为方程n个线性无关的解,则其伏朗斯基行列式W(t) 应具有的性质是:________.9.常系数线性方程x(4)(t)-2x″(t)+x(t)=0的通解为________.10.设A(t)是区间a≤t≤b上的连续n×n矩阵,x1(t),x2(t),…,xn(t)是方程组x′=A(t)x的n个线性无关的解向量.则方程组的任一解向量x(t)均可表示为:x(t)=________的形式.11.初值问题 (t)+2x″(t)-tx′(t)+3x(t)=e-t,x(1)=1,x′(1)=2,x″(1)=3 可化为与之等价的一阶方程组________.12.如果A是3×3的常数矩阵,-2为A的三重特征值,则方程组x′=Ax的基解矩阵expAt=________.13.方程组 的奇点类型是________.二、计算题(共45分) 1.(6分)解方程 = .2.(6分)解方程 x″(t)+ =0.3.(6分)解方程 (y-1-xy)dx+xdy=0.4.(6分)解方程 - .5.(7分)求方程: S″(t)-S(t)=t+1 满足S(0)=1, (0)=2的解.6.(7分)求方程组 的基解矩阵Φ(t).7.(7分)验证方程: 有奇点 x1=1, x2=0,并讨论相应驻定方程的解的稳定性.三、证明题(每小题8分,共16分)1.设f(x,y)及 连续, 试证方程 dy-f(x,y)dx=0 为线性方程的充要条件是它有仅依赖于x的积分因子.2.函数f(x)定义于-∞

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