自考问答 自考本科自考百科
自考问答 > 自考百科 > 自考的学历怎么写英语简历






最高学历 大专 所学专业 汉语言文学 毕业学校 山东师范大学第二学历 中专 所学专业 机电专业 毕业学校 ***************备注不备注自考都可以

self-taught examinationFor example: School: University of Shenzhen (Self-taught examination to Bachelor ) Professional: Logistics Management Time: 2007.4 so far


问题一:自考本科毕业,求职简历上,学历这一栏怎么填?? 是这样的,如果你自考本科毕业了的话,那么你的简历上是学历是填本科,但是呢你要注意的是自考本科是第二学历,你的第一学历仍然是大专,如果你参加普通专升本考上的本科的话,那么毕业的第一学历就是本科,大专学历随之注销!这样你明白了鼎,有些单位招聘有第一学历限制请注意!! 问题二:自考生如何填写求职简历?? 最高学历 大专 所学专业 汉语言文学 毕业学校 山亥师范大学 第二学历 中专 所学专业 机电专业 毕业学校 *************** 备注不备注自考都可以 问题三:本科自考生简历中怎么写教育背景. 是求职简历吗?你可以直接写你本科学校,也可以先写你的专科院校再写本科院校!如:2004年――2007年***学校 会计专业;2007年――2009年****学校 会计学专业 问题四:自考本科在简历中怎么写? 最简单的方法是插入,WORD软件可以插入图片,再简单点,你打开QQ,然后打开你的照片,然后截屏,然后粘贴到文档上也可以。 问题五:自考本过了的,简历上的学历怎么写 如果是自考专科, 那么就填专科就可以, 如果是自考本科, 就填本科就可以, 自考国家承认的, 公司、企业也承认, 所以如实填写即可。 问题六:自考本科在简历中怎么写? 你自考本科拿到学士学位证书的话学历一栏完全可以写本科 毕业院校也就可以写本科学校 问题七:公务员考试,自考本科怎么填个人简历 您好,中公教育为您服务。 2016年国家公务员考试时间预计11月中下旬,具体考试公告和时间还未发布,可以参照锭 2015国家公务员考试时间安排表: 公告发布时间:2014年10月13日 大纲发布时间:2014年10月14日 职位表发布时间:2014年10月14日 国考报名时间:2014年10月15日8:00至24日18:00 查询资格审查:2014年10月15日至26日期间 查询报名序号:2014年10月28日8:00后 报考确认缴费时间:2014年11月2日9:00至7日16:00 准考证打印时间:2014年11月24日10:00至29日12:00 国考笔试时间:2014年11月30日 更多信息请点击:hlj.off/...xinxi/ 如有疑问,欢迎向中公教育企业知道提问。 问题八:在简历中自考本应该怎么写? 我特地咨询过,你填的时候就填自考本科就行! 毕竟你取的的是本科学历,现在不同了,我哥在海关上班,据他讲,自考学历很厉害! 问题九:自考本科后简历上应该怎么写 您好呀。学而好为您解答。 简历上有明确要求要写是统招还是非统招的时候可以写清楚一下,没有特别要求的个人认为可以不用写。但是也不用避讳 问题十:有自考经历的在简历中怎么写 你读的是哪个学校的自考啊? 写上日期+结束日期+学院名称 像你这种情况,比如:2010年6月至今 湖南农业大学自考专科


education background/ educational background

你是本科吧:可以说:ungraduate degree,也可以说bachelor degreebachelor degree 学士学位(本科)ungraduated degree 学士学位(本科)master degree 硕士学位doctor degree 博士学位还在学校,就用ungraduated 吧这儿degree 是XX学位中的“学位”的意思

外语中没有本科专科,只有college,university,一般来说,我们的本科就写university 就可以了,如果有学士学位,就写上bachelor's degree of xxx(专业)

不知楼上的是在哪查的?我今年参加了很多招聘会,也做了不少英文简历,但我所知的最地道的表达是:学历:本科Degree : Undergraduate


简历是求职应聘的第一道门槛,在有限的空间内传递更多的有效信息,是简历成功与否的评价标准。下面就是我给大家整理的英语 个人简历 范文 ,希望对你有用!


nationality: China

At present location: guangzhou national: han

Seat of registered permanent residence: guangzhou figure: 163 cm 58 kg

Marital status: single age: 26 years old

Education background

Graduate school: guangzhou medical college

The highest degree: bachelor degree: bachelor's graduation-2006-09-01

A major: clinical medical major 2:

Objective and work experience

Talent type: ordinary applying for a job

Applied position: medical treatment: nutrition division hospital medical/care / / beauty care kind medical consultation

Term: 2 titles: no title

Job types: full-time available-a week

Monthly salary requirements: 2000-3500 hope work areas: guangzhou

Work experience: the company name: guangdong huizhou huiyang district people's hospital start-stop years: 2006-12 ~ 2008-04

The company properties: the institution belongs to industry: health care, health

In the position of: doctor

Job description: successively in medicine, surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatric cycle, familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases clinical departments, currently in gynecology and obstetrics directional training, master of the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases obstetrics and gynecology, accumulated certain clinical experience

Leaving reason:

Company name: guangzhou Ellie shi cosmetics research and test center start-stop years: 2006-09 ~ 2006-12

The company properties: sino-foreign joint venture by sector: information consultation, firm, talent exchange

In the position of: technicians

Job description: participation in clinical inspection work plan cosmetics, implementation and results processing

Leaving reason:

Name: Mr

nationality: China

At present location: guangzhou national: han

Seat of registered permanent residence: guangdong province figure: 168 cm to 63 kg

Marital status: married age: 28

Education background

Graduate school: guangdong financial institute

The highest degree: college graduation date: 2010-06-01

A major: business English major 2:

Language ability

Language: good English

Mandarin level: excellent cantonese level: good

Work ability

1, English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability is strong, often with foreign customers through E-mail and face to face communication; Familiar with a complete set of foreign trade export processes.

2, skillfully using office software and B2B online platform, etc.

3 the vision, strong, good at full work the organization as a whole.

4, the minds, careful, careful, responsible for work.

5, market development and communication ability.

Self assessment

As a foreign trade professional graduates, in order to broaden their horizons, I've been trying different industries. This is in a different industry of experience, has enriched my life experience, let my personal comprehensive ability to get a lot of ascension. Next, I hope I can you like and good at areas to be accumulated, realize the qualitative leap.

Work experience

Company name: guangzhou hannstar ink think advertising Co., LTD.

Start-stop years: 2010- 2012-07

The company properties: private enterprise by sector: advertising

In the position of: business manager

Job description: the company undertake corporate image planning design, activity planning, enterprise the picture album design printing business.

In this period, responsible for work are as follows:

1, business development and documentary. In addition to the business development of domestic customers, I according to their own foreign trade advantage, path, pioneering guangzhou foreign companies and foreign clients related business. And achievements have been made. Now with Canada, Spain, dubai and other countries customers have a business associate.

2, large organizations planning activities. Many times as one of the main activities planning, planning organization to around 500 convention activities, such as guangdong computer chamber of commerce in 2011 and 2012, the annual meeting, etc.

3 and writing activities project. Phase ii stores such as China city promotion projects, etc.


Gender: female

Date of birth: 1 January 1988

Height: 164 cm

Native: yichang

Residence: yichang

Ethnic composition: han

Political outlook: member

Job types: fresh graduates

Graduate school: hubei university of Chinese medicine

Professional: clinical medicine and medical technology

Mobile phone:

2007 September 2010 to July enrolled in hubei university of Chinese medicine

Work practice experience

2009.7.1-2010.03.30 practice in yichang second people's hospital.

During the internship, successively in heart medicine, digestion, pediatric, endocrine, breathing, kidney inside, outside general, the brain outside, bone, such as maternity department practice. After nearly a year of serious practice, accumulated a lot of clinical experience,

Self assessment

My firm faith, willpower, strong, honest sincere, can bear hardships and stand hard work, calm and steady personality, steadfast, have a strong sense of responsibility and motivation. The work of conscientious and responsible, things careful meticulous, consider the comprehensive thorough; Can respect teachers, unite classmates, and a strong collective sense of honor; Positive attitude to life, optimistic upward, pay attention to a dull boy; To own request strictly, dare to play dare spelling, and improve their self-cultivation and virtue, wisdom, body, and other comprehensive quality.

self-taught examinationFor example: School: University of Shenzhen (Self-taught examination to Bachelor ) Professional: Logistics Management Time: 2007.4 so far



首先,是基本个人信息。英文简历在开头要写清楚自己的姓名(name),地址(address),联系方式(phone&email add)等等的基本信息。



a sales management or business development position where my strategic and consultative selling, business management, and organizational insight will be continually challenged.(销售经理职位或者和企业发展有关的职位,可以使我的战略头脑、销售能力、商务管理能力和组织能力都能够进一步的发挥和进步。)


再接着要写教育背景(education)。一般来说,教育背景从大学时段开始写起,学校(college),专业(major),所获得的学位(degree),毕业时间(graduate time)等信息是必须的。除此以外,如果还有较为重大或特殊的荣誉或奖项(honor&award)也可以适当列出。


XXXCompany 2010 – present

sales executive – financial services

just started an exciting new position selling data integration solutions to the insurance and financial services vertical for pervasive. will try to soon.

除了以上这些必要内容,还有一些可以供求职者自由选择的内容。例如:计算机或者外语能力(computer background& language skills),自我评价(personal profile)等等。


Name: Qzzn

Gender: Male

Age :-----------

Health: Excellent

Hobbies: ---------

Personality: Honest , Creative, Cooperative, Dutiful and Dedicated,















——System studied The Circuit Elements, The Simulation Circuit, The Digital Circuit , The Function of Computer Hardware Technology

-------- Software

——Expert in computer programming ,familiar with the software of MATLAB , C , PRO/E , AutoCAD

——Familiar with Windows operation system and relative software


——Passed TEPT-I (English Proficiency Test of Tsinghua University )

Fluent and proficient communication in both spoken and written English

------- speciality

——System studied the courses such as The control Engineering , The Fundamentals of Measurement

Technology, The Machine Design




Address: -----------------

Phone: -------------------

Cell Phone:---------------







自考本科拿到学士学位证书的话学历一栏完全可以写本科。毕业院校也就可以写本科学校。 自考学历被公司认可吗? 自考学历在单位中是被承认的。根据规定,自考专科、本科等学历层次,与普通高等学校的学历层次水平的要求相一致,其学历被国家认可。同时自考学历可以出国留学及参加研究生考试、全国组织的司法考试、公务员考试等,享有与普通高等院校毕业生同等待遇。 自学考试流程是什么 1、新生报名 参加高等教育自学考试的新生须先办理报名手续,新生报名网上报名和现场报名两种。报名可以在各个地区的教育考试官网上进行报名,或者也可以找一些自考大专的报名机构进行报名,通过缴费后就可以完成报名流程。 2、备考 由于自学考试的科目较多,专业学科又有一定的难度,考生应当尽早做好备考的准备,而且经济允许的条件下选择社会助学班对学习有很大帮助。 3、考试 自学考试是没有入学考试的,每年的4月和8月都是自考的考试时间,部分地区会一年有四次的考试时间,每次考试成绩合格后就可以继续等待下一次的考试,直到考完所有的考试科目。 4、申请毕业 通过全部的考试后就可以申请毕业了,专科是没有学士学位的。但若想更进一步,可以报考专升本,本科毕业申请学士学位还需要考学位英语来获得学位。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


简历应写明自考本科即可,由国家认可的文凭发放权力的学校颁发的学历证书为凭证。简历中的学历为人们在教育机构中接受科学、文化知识训练的学习经历。一个人在什么层次的教育机构中学习,接受了何种层次的训练,便具有相应层次的学历,并以经教育行政部门批准、实施学历教育、由国家认可的文凭发放权力的学校及其他教育机构所颁发的学历证书为凭证。 学历证书按阶段由低到高依次为:小学毕业证书、初中毕业证书、技工学校毕业证书、职业高中毕业证书、普通高中毕业证书、中等专业学校毕业证书、大学专科毕业证书、大学本科毕业证书、硕士研究生毕业证书、博士研究生毕业证书或上述相关学历的结业证书。 简历书写要求规定: 1、应列出自己的姓名、性别、年龄、籍贯、政治面貌、学校、系别及专业,婚姻状况、健康状况、身高、爱好与兴趣、家庭住址、电话号码等。 2、若有工作经验,最好详细列明,列出最近的资料,后详述曾工作单位、日期、职位、工作性质。 3、应写明曾在某某学校、某某专业或学科学习,以及起止期间,并列出所学主要课程及学习成绩,在学校和班级所担任的职务,在校期间所获得的各种奖励和荣誉。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:






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