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第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.The famous quotation from Shakespeare‘s play “Romeo and Juliet” ’A rose by any other name would smell as sweet‘ well illustrates _______.( ) A.the conventional nature of language B.the creative nature of language C.the universality of language D.the big difference between human language and animal communication 2.Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( ) A.kibl B.bkil C.ilkb D.ilbk 3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula “S→NP VP”。( ) A.hierarchical B.linear C.tree diagram D.vertical 4.It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( ) A.Case Condition B.parameter C.Adjacent Condition D.Adjacent Parameter 5.Predication analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning. A.phoneme B.word C.phrase D.sentence 6.According to Searle,those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.( ) A.commisives B.directives C.expressives D.declaratives 7.The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages. A.synchronic B.diachronic C.comparative D.historical comparative 8.The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term. A.title+first name B.title+title C.title alone D.first name+last name+title 9.Language and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as “subvocal speech,” and speech as “_______”。( ) A.vocal thought B.subvocal thought C.covert thought D.overt thought 10.Whcih of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition _______.( ) A.Language acquisition is a process of habit formation B.Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beings C.Children are born with an innate ability to acquire language D.Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use 第二部分 非选择题 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 11.In the course of time, the study of language has come to establish close links with other branches of s________ studies, such as sociology and psychology. 12.Clear [1] and dark[ ]are allophones of the same one phoneme /1/.They never take the same position in sound combinations, thus they are said to be in c________ distribution. 13.A r________ is often seen as part of a word, but it can never stand by itself although it bears clear, definite meaning. 14.A c________ sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated in the other. 15.That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of c________ antonyms. 16.While the meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized, that of an u________ is concrete and context-dependent. 17.Phonological rules may move phonemes from one place in the string to another. For example, Modern English verb ask was Old English askian, with the /k/preceding the/s/.Sound change as a result of sound movement is known as m________. 18.In many societies of the world, we find a large number of people who speak more than one language. As a characteristic of societies, b________ inevitably results from the coming into contact of people with different cultures and different languages. 19.The brain‘s neurological specialization for language is called linguistic I ________, which is specific to human beings. 20.In order to acquire a second language, learners will subconsciously use their first language knowledge in learning a second language. This is know as language t________. 三、判断说明题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。)判断下列各题正误,正者在括号内写“T”,误者在括号内写“F”,并说明理由。 ( )21.In the history of any language the writing system always came into being before the spoken form. ( )22.In English, long vowels are also tense vowels because when we pronounce a long vowel such as/i:/,the larynx is in a state of tension. ( )23.A compound is the combination of only two words. ( )24.“The student” in the sentence “The student liked the linguistic lecture.”,and “The linguistic lecture” in the sentence “The linguistic lecture liked the student.”belong to the same syntactic category. ( )25.Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense. ( )26.An important difference between presupposition and entailment is that presupposition, unlike entailment, is not vulnerable to negation. That is to say, if a sentence is negated, the original presupposition is still true. ( )27.The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is nonconventional and not arbitrary. ( )28.Language reflects sexism in society. Language itself is not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist attitudes as well as attitudes about social taboos or racism. ( )29.If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on. ( )30.When children learn to distinguish between the sounds of their language and the sounds that are not part of the language, they can acquire any sounds in their native language once their parents teach them. 四、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分。) 31.cultural transmission (as a defining feature of human language) 32.phonic medium of language 33.voicing 34.inflectional morphemes 35.reference 36.locutionary act 37.protolanguage 38.ethnic dialect 39.registers 40.acculturation 五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分。) 41.Why do we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure in analyzing the constituent relationship among linguistic elements Support your statement with examples. 42.Describe the process of language perception, comprehension and production. 全国2001年10月高等教育自学考试 现代语言学试题参考答案 课程代码:00830 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.A 二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 11.social 12.complementary 13.root 14.complex 15.complementary 16.utterance 17.metathesis 18.bilingualism 19.lateralization 20.transfer 三、判断改错题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) 21.F The contrary is true. The writing system is always a later invention. 22.T 23.F Some compounds contain more than two words. 24.T 25.F It is false because linguistic forms with the same reference might differ in sense. A case in point is the two expressions “morning star” and “ evening star.” They refer to the same star but differ in sense. 26.T 27.F The division of English into Old English, Middle English, and Modern English is conventional and somewhat arbitrary. 28.T 29.T 30.F Children first acquire the sounds found in all languages of the world, no matter what language they are exposed to ,and in later stages acquire the “ more difficult” sounds. 四、名词解释题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 31.One of the major defining features of human language.Humans are born with the ability to acquire a language, but different from animals, the actual use of human language is not genetically transmitted, rather it is culturally transmitted, i.e.it has to be taught and learnt. 32.The limited range of sounds that are used in human language communication, i.e.the speech sounds. 33.Voicing is a phonetic feature of some sounds.It is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords. 34.Inflectional morphemes are morphemes that are used to indicate the grammatrcal relations and categories,such as-ed,-(e)s,-est in English. 35.Reference is what a linguistic form refers to in the real world; it is a matter of the relationship between the form and the reality.For example ,if we say, “The dog is barking,” we must be talking about a certain dog known to both the speaker and the hearer in the situation.The actual dog the word “dog” refers to in this particular situation is the reference of the word “dog”。 36.Locutionary act refers to the act of uttering words, phrases, and clauses.It is the act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax, lexicon and phonology. For example, by saying “You have left the door wide open”,the locutionary act performed by the speaker is that he has uttered all the words and expressed what the words literally mean. 37.A protolanguage is the original form of a language family that has ceased to exist.The proto form can be reconstructed by identifying and comparing similar linguistic forms with similar meanings across related languages. 38.An ethnic dialect is a social dialect of a language,often cutting across regional differences. It is spoken mainly by a less privileged population that has experienced some form of social isolation, such as racial discrimination or segregation. 39.Registers are language varieties appropriate for use in particular speech situations,in contrast to language varieties that are associated with the social or regional grouping of their customary users. For this reason, registers are also known as situational dialects. 40.Acculturation refers to a process of adapting to the culture and value system of the second language community. 五、论述题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 41.In addition to revealing a linear order, a constituent structure tree has a hierarchical structure that groups words into structural constituents and shows the syntactic category of each structural constituent, and consequently is believed to most truthfully illustrate the constituent relationship among linguistic elements. For example, the phrase “ the old men and women” may have two interpretations, i.e.the adjective “old”may modify the noun “men”, or the following two nouns “men and women”。Linear order analysis cannot tell this difference, so it is ambiguous.Whereas,the constituent or tree diagrams analysis can make this difference clear.So,we say tree diagrams are more advantageous and informative than linear structure analysis. NP NP NP NP NP NP The old men and the women the old men and the old women 42.From the perspective of psycholinguistic analysis,language use in terms of perception,comprehension and production follows a certain pattern which involves the coordination of various language centers. When we speak,words are drawn from Wernicke‘s area and transferred to Broca’s area, which determines the details of their form and pronunciation.The appropriate instructions are then sent to the motor area which controls the vocal tract to physically articulate the words. When we hear something and try to comprehend it,t he stimulus from the auditory cortex is transmitted to Wernicke‘s area,where it is then interpreted. When we perceive a visual image,a message is sent to the angular gyrus,where it is converted into a visual pattern.

全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 现代语言学试题 课程代码:00830 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅰ. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (2% × 10=20%) 1. The fact that different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages well illustrates the ________ nature of language. A. cultural B. dual C. productive D. arbitrary 2. In English the two sounds [p] and [ph] are ________. A. a minimal pair B. allophones C. two phonemes D. in phonemic contrast 3. The word “decentralize” contains ________ morphemes. A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 4. A ________ sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word, such as “and,” “but,” “or.” A. simple B. complicated C. coordinate D. complex 5. The sentence “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously” is a typical example of violation of ________. A. speech act theory B. principles of conversation C. selectional restrictions D. grammatical rules 6. The illocutionary point of the ________ is to commit the speaker to something’s being the case, to the truth of what has been said. A. expressives B. commissives C. declaratives D. representatives 7. ________ separated the period of Middle English from that of Modern English. A. The revival of Latin as a literary language B. Shakespeare’s plays and Milton’s poems C. European military invasion D. European renaissance movement 8. The following are the syntactic features of Black English EXCEPT ________. A. systematic use of “it is” instead of “there is” B. frequent absence of various forms of “be” C. use of double negation constructions D. absence of subject 9. ________ has a strikingly different view from the other three on language and thought. A. Plato B. Aristotle C. Watson D. Bloomfield 10. ________ motivation occurs when the learner desires to learn a second language as a primary means of communication in his or her own community. A. Instrumental B. Functional C. Integrative D. Social 非选择题部分 注意事项: 用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。 Ⅱ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word on the ANSWER SHEET, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10% ) 11. Linguistics studies not any particular language, e.g., English, Chinese, Arabic, and Latin, but it studies l in general. 12. Speech sounds can be initially classified into two broad categories: vowels and c . 13. The suffix -er in the word “taller” is an i morpheme. 14. Apart from sentences and clauses, a syntactic category usually refers to a word or a phrase that performs a particular g________ function. 15. In terms of componential analysis, the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called s ________ features. 16. The u meaning of a sentence varies with the context in which it is said. 17. In general, linguistic change in the sound system and the v of a language is more noticeable than that in other systems of the grammar 18. The non-prestige variety in diglossia is called the l variety. 19. Language functions are believed to be lateralized primarily in the l hemisphere of the brain. 20. In children’s prelinguistic stage, the first recognizable sounds are described as c , with velar consonants such as /k/ and high vowels such as /u/ usually present. Ⅲ. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the ANSWER SHEET for each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and then give the correct version. (2%×10=20%) 21. Human language is not only genetically transmitted, but also culturally transmitted while animal call systems are genetically transmitted. 22. In broad transcription, the word “build” is transcribed as [bild]. 23. Different words have to use the same affix in order to create the same meaning change. 24. Language is a highly structured system of communication. Sentences are both linearly and hierarchically structured. 25. The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its components. 26. Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher John Searle in the late 50’s of the 20th century. 27. Syntactically, the verb of a sentence in Old English precedes, rather than follows, the subject. 28. The term pidgin originated from the pronunciation of the English word “business” in Chinese Pidgin English. 29. The language faculty of an average human degenerates after the critical period and consequently, most linguistic skills cannot develop. 30. The rate and ultimate success in SLA only depend on learners’ experience with optimal input and instruction. Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms and give examples for illustration where appropriate. (3%×10=30%) 31. competence 32. phone 33. stem 34. simple sentence 35. synonymy 36. conversational implicature 37. back-formation 38. language planning 39. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis 40. Krashen’s acquisition V. Directions: Answer the following questions. (10% ×2=20%) 41. Please illustrate with example(s) the difference between compounding and derivation. 42. Please explain dichotic listening tests with example(s).


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【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】2022年下半年自考专升本考试时间为10月22至23日,具体时间为上午9点到11点半,下午两点半到5点。自考专升本是已经获得了专科文凭的学生或者在读大专生,通过自考的方式拿到本科的毕业证。自考本科是我国基本高等教育制度之一,成绩合格后由主考学院和高等教育自学考试委员会联合颁发大学毕业证书,国家承认学历,符合条件者由主考大学授予学士学位。2022年自考专升本考试时间下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年04月自考00604英美文学选读真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:443.48KB 2018年10月自考00830现代语言学真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:269.04KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:




试 2013年4月的要吗?答案

全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试现代汉语试题课程代码:00535一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。1.汉语的方言大体上可以分为( )A.北方方言和南方方言 B.北方官话和西南官话C.官话方言区和非官话方言区 D.长江以北地区方言和长江以南地区方言2.韵头都由( )A.i、u、o充当 B.a、o、e充当C.o、e、u充当 D.i、u、ü充当3.注音为“fù、guī、xī、yín”的一组汉字是( )A.夫、轨、隙、阴 B.肤、瑰、膝、殷C.浮、贵、袭、姻 D.附、龟、夕、吟4.在普通话中,下列韵母都不能和声母h相拼合的一组是( )A.ian、ueng B.a、uoC.en、in D.uang、ong5.在普通话语音系统中,“子”都读轻声的一组是( )A.莲子、虾子 B.桌子、帘子C.瓜子、椅子 D.孙子、棋子6.决定汉语声调的要素主要是( )A.音高 B.音强C.音长 D.音色7.汉字字体中称作“真书”的是( )A.隶书 B.楷书C.草书 D.行书8.下列各组中,每个字都是会意字的是( )A.拳、信、本 B.拿、行、尘C.奴、集、徒 D.丹、泉、价9.下列各组中属于成词语素的是( )A.丽、言、民、伟 B.展、济、基、宏C.火、人、风、大 D.圾、蝠、蛛、朦10.下列各组同义词中,用法(句法功能)不同的一组是( )A.幽静、幽寂 B.突然、忽然C.亲密、亲昵 D.优秀、优异11.下列各组中,属于同音词的一组是( )A.公式、公事、工事 B.公使、宫室、攻势C.工时、共事、公式 D.共视、工时、公使12.下列各组中,属于支配式合成词的是( )A.革新、笔记、图书、纠正 B.眼花、心虚、矛盾、甲鱼C.依靠、解放、眼红、突破 D.建议、司机、冒险、掌柜13.下列各组中,每个成员都带有定位语素的是( )A.条子、带子、瓜子 B.木头、石头、磁头C.老虎、老兄、老话 D.花儿、画儿、头儿14.能受程度副词修饰又能带宾语的词是( )A.心理动词 B.形容词C.助动词 D.不及物动词15.“他在黑板上写字”和“他在干活”中的两个“在”分别是( )A.动词、介词 B.副词、动词C.介词、介词 D.介词、副词16.下列都属于加词性短语的一组是( )A.首都北京、把车开走、远距离 B.看看去、关键时刻、朝南的房子C.为人民服务、想去、不久的将来 D.超大型、高速度、关于孩子17.下列都属于述补短语的一组是( )A.知道错了、不会参加、不去也好 B.说下去、写得潦草、拉他一把C.不很聪明、想不干了、很像老虎 D.请他留下、严肃活泼、认真学习18.下面属于主谓谓语句的是( )A.关于这件事他的心里有数 B.这药的味道真难闻C.他考试成绩很好 D.像这种地方去的人不会多19.下面属于并列复句的是( )A.不是我不愿去,而是实在没有空 B.下午我不是在教室,就是在办公室C.雨不但没有停,反而越下越大了 D.他爱玩保龄球,但不喜欢踢足球20.“芦柴棒着急地要将大锅了里的稀饭烧滚,但是倒出来的青烟引起了她一阵猛烈的咳嗽。”句中加点处运用的修辞格是( )A.借代 B.双关C.比拟 D.借喻二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选、少选或未选均无分。21.下列韵母中属于中响复韵母的是( )A.iao B.ianC.uai D.ueiE.iou22.下列各组中,属于反义词的是( )A.积极、消极;热情、冷淡 B.先进、中间;赞成、弃权C.肯定、否定;化合、分解 D.进攻、防御;左派、中间派E.高尚、蔑视;上方、中间23.下列句子属于正反问句的是( )A.奖金发了多少? B.是发奖金还是不发奖金?C.奖金还发不发? D.是不是发了奖金?E.奖金发了没?24.下列句子属于多重复句的有( )A.或者小王去,或者小李去,或者他们都去。B.如果你的看法正确,你就不怕别人批评;如果你的意见不正确,批评正好能帮助你纠正错误。C.老王有两个孩子,一个在北京上学,一个在本市工作。D.翠竹滑下溪水,转入大河,挤上火车,走上迢迢的征程。E.野花开满山冈,溪水哗哗地流淌,春天迈开大步,庄稼抢着生长。25.“小鸟在欢唱,溪水在奔流,人们在嬉笑。”中运用的修辞格是( )A.比喻 B.对偶C.比拟 D.排比E.夸张三、判断说明题(本大题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)正确的在括号内打“√”,不用说明理由;错误的在括号内打“×”,并说明理由,不说明理由的扣分。26.从语言学的角度看,口语和书面语的差别主要在风格方面。27.“统一”和“一般”中的两个“一”,虽然所处的位置不同,但声调读法应该是一样的,都是阴平字。28.汉字代表的是汉语的语素,所以每一个汉字都记录汉语中的一个语素。29.“天”和“天空”、“静”和“安静”因为音节数不同,所以不能构成同义词。30.以动词、形容词为中心语的句法结构不一定是谓词性句法结构。四、术语解释题(本大题共2小题,每小题3分,共6分)31.声母的发音方法32.关联词语五、分析题(本大题共7小题,每小题4分,共28分)33.拼写下列带点的字:A.步骤 麻痹 B.簇拥 粗犷C.鞭笞 联袂 D.混淆 冗长34.分析下列汉字的音节结构:35.根据表中的提示,把下列汉字填入表中:看、羊、刃、燕、龚、涉、下、演 象形字 指事字 会意字 形声字 36.“稳定”和“稳固”是一组同义词,请辨析它们之间的相同点和不同点。37.将下列各词按下表所示填入表内:但是、毕竟、最近、突然、某、人次、自从、似的 名词 代词 形容词 量词 副词 连词 介词 助词 38.用层次分析法分析下列短语,是多义短语的分别分析:A.做 有 创 新 精 神 的 青 年B.他 们 五 个 人 一 组C.雨 后 的 天 空 显 得 比 平 时 更 晴 朗39.指出下列语句中比拟的类型:(1)什么都看到了的月亮带着永久性的沉默,一次次来,一次次去,那么世故,那么刁滑。(2)我到了自家的房外,我的母新早已迎着出来了,接着便飞出了八岁的侄儿宏儿。(3)解放军把土匪打得夹着尾巴逃跑了。(4)油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。六、改错题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)40.改正下列词语中声调归类的错误:A.供应(去声,去声)B.差别(去声,阳平)C.装载(阴平,上声)D.勉强(上声,阳平)41.下列音节在声韵配合上有错误,请改正并说明原因:A.波 buō B.扉 fī42.改正下列词语中的错别字:忍劳忍怨 手屈一指 相形见拙 置若枉闻43.用波浪线标示下面句子中使用不当的词语,加以改正后说明理由:谈及那段屈辱凄苦、不堪回首的往事,她哽咽不止,流下了心酸的眼泪。44.用波浪线标示下面句子中使用不当的词语,加以改正后说明理由:这栋楼的界限只能划到这里,绝不允许随意侵占耕地。45.修改病句并说明错误的原因:经过这一阶段的整顿,见到了成效,初步改变了这一条街长期以来一直比较混乱。46.修改病句并说明错误的原因:作为一个翻译工作者,一方面要学好外语,一方面要学好本民族语言也是非常重要的。47.修改病句并说明错误的原因:我把这篇小说没有来得及看完,所以很难发表意见。七、论述题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分)48.音高、音强、音长、音色是不是和现代汉语语音都有关系?49.举例说明什么是词义的模糊性?词义为什么具有模糊性?为什么词义的模糊性不会影响交际?50.请谈谈紧缩句和连动谓语句的区别。

【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考学位英语考试主要包括5个部分:1.阅读理解。2.翻译。3.词语与语法。4.完形填空。5.写作。1.阅读理解。要考核学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定的速度。2.翻译。翻译试题由两部分组成,第一部分为英译汉,第二部分为汉译英。评分标准要求译文达意,无重大语言错误。翻译部分主要考核学生词汇、语法、句型等方面综合运用语言的能力。3.词语与语法。词语用法和语法结构部分主要考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。4.完形填空。填空的选项包括结构词和实义词,有些选项会涉及到一些重要的语法内容。完形填空部分主要考核学生综合运用语言的能力。5.写作。在测试学生初步使用英语表达思想的能力,要求能正确表达思想,意思连贯,无重大语法错误,内容会涉及日常生活和一般科技常识。自考学位英语自考学位英语考试题型下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2020年08月自考00721基本乐理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:559.64KB 2019年10月自考00830现代语言学真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:252.75KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:



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