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今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考高级英语教材下册,自考高级英语真题的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考高级英语什么辅导书最好?0600高级英语教材是分上下册的。一考通的辅导是上下册一起出在一本辅导的,不够详尽。燕园是分开的。自考通也是分开上下册的。但是自考通试卷赠送串讲小本,燕园没有的。自考通的辅导每一课都是名师讲解归纳重点,然后是每一课的历年真题精选讲解,再之后是每一课的课后练习,还有复习思考题详解。答案标明在哪一页。试卷是历年考题加上预测模拟试题。试卷命中率特高。试卷还赠送串讲小本密押题。本科了应该下重点本钱了,建议辅导和试卷一起买吧,祝你早日拿到学士位哦。我也是自考生!多多交流,共同进步!关于自考本科的高级英语高级英语上册就是你在考试表上看到的“一”,高级英语下册就是你在考试表上看到的“二”,高级英语这门课程是分两次考的,正像你说的那样高级英语考试是第一次考上,第二次考下的,不用两本书一起复习。八年级下册英语教材哪里有卖北京版小学五年级下册语文课本 联系出版社的销售网点就可以,一般出版社的门口都有自己的门店哪里有全套自考英语教材音频买啊!谢啦我是在北京网校买的英语自考语音教程,由北京航空航天大学胥国红教授等主讲,主讲教材就是自考生必考的英语。一共150多课,每课45分钟,讲解非常全面,完全结合教材课程。逐课讲解。如有需要,可以单课试听。我的邮箱:wangjunsheng6688@sina.电话:地址:辽宁朝阳东风朝柴公司自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:




高级英语自考真题可以登录查找。作为专门的在线教育平台,的备考指导栏目就专门收录有自考的历年真题和模拟练习题,还有备考的知识点指导。点击底部咨询官网。 自考学习 1全面提升学习兴趣,比机械记忆强太多 学习兴趣是最关键的,我们在复习的时候,对于刚接触的学习材料抱有新鲜感,利用好这心态,进行最全面的学习备考材料,圈要点、查资料、做笔记。全面学习的趣味性非常高,考生也能基本掌握考试内容。 兴趣是学习最大的动力。 2深入学习,发掘重点 当我们对所学内容有了基本的了解后,就要开始深入学习,对照考纲挖掘所学内容里的重点,最后将书里的重点内容,反复记忆、消化。 因为自考试题是从题库中出来的,往往会反复考到,只要把这些题目都牢记于心,及格率大大增加。 3熟能生巧,量化试题 根据大纲复习,要求识记和掌握的重点背下来,就可以有好的成绩。 在复习的时候,也不仅仅看书、做笔记这么简单,要知道我们是自考生!在读书复习的时候,大量做考卷做试题,才能让我们自己发现不足之处重点突破。 4知识有共性,举一反三 在我们不断进行学习、做习题的时候,还要学会总结,易错的地方马上纠正,并发现这些所学知识的共性,学会举一反三。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

浙江省2009年4月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:100051. If this method doesn’t ______, we’ll have to think of another way.A. come down B. come to C. come across D. come off2. The patient ______ eating anything for five days.A. went through B. went without C. went on D. went in for3. The plane ______ so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.A. took off B. took on C. took down D. took up4. ______ friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France.A. Efficient B. Influential C. Impressive D. Effective5. It’s a great pity that those fine old houses had to be ______ to make way for the new road.A. pulled up B. pulled together C. pulled down D. pulled on6. He was on the point of slipping down the slope when he heard someone shouting to him to ______ the rope.A. hang about B. hang together C. hang up D. hang on to7. Before he went to Europe on a business trip, Mr. Ford ______ the day-to-day management of his company to his brother.A. turned over B. turned out C. turned in D. turned up8. It’s shameful to ______ in face of danger.A. hold in B. hold back C. hold up D. hold out9. He ______ freedom of speech for everyone, regardless of color, race or creed.A. stood for B. stood up to C. stood out D. stood by10. When Alfred Nobel died, an annual peace prize was established ______.A. at his service B. with his consentC. in his memory D. on his part11. It’s hard to ______ the knowledge that he is a failure.A. live up to B. live by C. live out D. live with12. She has such a distinctive appearance that I could ______ her ______ anywhere.A. pick … up B. pick … out C. pick … at D. pick … on13. You have been ______ since the early hours of this morning, and I think you should stop for the good of your health.A. working up B. working on C. working away D. working off14. Our representative, Mr. Brown, ______ an important customer on the West coast last week and renewed a contract.A. called for B. called forth C. called on D. called up15. Mother hasn’t ______ you for quite some time. She is beginning to think you must be ill.A. heard about B. heard out C. heard of D. heard from16. Examinations are not the only means of ______ a student’s ability.A. assessing B. assuming C. asserting D. assigning17. Sam wanted to quit his job, but when he ______ the matter he decided not to.A. thought ahead B. thought outC. thought about D. thought back18. The applause ______ and the actors were able to continue.A. died down B. died out C. died off D. died away19. In evaluating applicants some colleges ______ heavily ______



请说一下课程的名称(不是教材名称,考试试题的命题)便于给你了历年的真题你看一下。这是这本教材的【目录信息】:Unit OneText A Universities and Their FunctionText B The College Is for Everyone CultUnit TwoText A Mother TongueText B Doctor TalkUnit ThreeText A The Problem of HappinessText B My Father\'s LifeUnit FourText A Remembering the FarmText B My WoodUnit FiveText A Speaking of PicturesText B Television:The Plug-in DrugUnit SixText A How Does a Poem Mean?Text B Reading:From Many Rules to One HabitUnit SevenText A WomenText B Women\'s BusinessUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenReference Key to the Exercises

1.generation. 2.broken 3.nearly 4.likely. 5.against. 6.activists 7.stairs 8.there 9.that 10.on 11.without 12.lid 13.both 14.it 15.no 16.exception 17.notion 18.ghetto. 19. most 20.lie 21.educational 22.than 23,past 24.absent



请说一下课程的名称(不是教材名称,考试试题的命题)便于给你了历年的真题你看一下。这是这本教材的【目录信息】:Unit OneText A Universities and Their FunctionText B The College Is for Everyone CultUnit TwoText A Mother TongueText B Doctor TalkUnit ThreeText A The Problem of HappinessText B My Father\'s LifeUnit FourText A Remembering the FarmText B My WoodUnit FiveText A Speaking of PicturesText B Television:The Plug-in DrugUnit SixText A How Does a Poem Mean?Text B Reading:From Many Rules to One HabitUnit SevenText A WomenText B Women\'s BusinessUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenUnit ElevenUnit TwelveUnit ThirteenUnit FourteenUnit FifteenUnit SixteenReference Key to the Exercises

1.generation. 2.broken 3.nearly 4.likely. 5.against. 6.activists 7.stairs 8.there 9.that 10.on 11.without 12.lid 13.both 14.it 15.no 16.exception 17.notion 18.ghetto. 19. most 20.lie 21.educational 22.than 23,past 24.absent


2022年10月考期英语(二)试题答案仅供参考第一部分:阅读判断(每题1分)1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5. B6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10. A第二部分:阅读选择(每题2分)11. C 12. A 13.D 14.D 15. B第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(每题1分)16.D 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. F21. A 22. D 23. F 24.E 25. C第四部分:填句补文(每题2分)26.E 27.C 28. D 29.F 30.B第五部分:填词补文(每题1.5分)31.G 32. F 33. A 34.I 35. C 36. E37.B 38. K 39. H 40.L第六部分:完形补文(每题1.5分)41 .shown/showed 42. greater 43. playmates 44. morally 45. social 46. controlling 47. ability 48. affects 49. performances 50. necessity第七部分:短文写作(每题30分)参考范文:我们作文库原题上述内容来源网络,不是最终答案,仅供参考祝同学们10月考试必过!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

2020年自考备考已经开始,自考历年真题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道真题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。网给大家整理了 2019年4月自考《英语(二)》真题及答案解析 ,一起来试试吧!


My Brother

My brother is off at college, and at 14, I miss him terribly. My brother is a rare kind of guy. He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely. But it’s how he handles things and how he treats his friends and his family that make me feel more proud.

He applied to 14 colleges. He was accepted by all but one, the one he wanted, Brown University. So he took his second choice, and off he went to a first year. When he came home for summer vacation, he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job, and do whatever he could to bee known in the area. He’d work his heart out and do his best at everything. Someone,he was sure,would notice. This was a big deal for my parents as it meant agreeing to a year without college. But they trusted him and encouraged him to do whatever he thought it would take to realize his dream.

It wasn’t long before he was hired as an *** (业余的)play director at Brown. Now was his chance to shine, and shine he did. He put every bit of himself into the job. He met teachers and school officials, talked to everyone about his dream and never hesitated to tell them what he was after.

And, sure enough, at the end of the year, when he reapplied to Brown, he was accepted.

We were all happy, but for me the happiness went very deep. I had learned an important lesson-a lesson no one could have taught me with words. If I work hard for what I want, and if I keep trying after I’ve been turned down, my dreams can also e true. This is a gift I still hold in my heart.


1.  My brother had many good qualities.

2. Only one university accepted my brother.

3. My brother’s first year at college was terrible.

4. My brother would like to find a job in Rhode Island.

5. My parents disagreed with my brother’s plan.

6. My brother took every opportunity to promote himself.

7. My brother never told anyone what he was after.

8. My brother applied to Brown University three times.

9. My brother set a good example for me.

10. I wanted to go to college, too.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

1 .  A

2 .  B

3 .  C

4 .  A

5 .  B

6 .  A

7 .  B

8 .  B

9 .  A

10 .  C

1 .  由“He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely.”可以得出答案。

4 .  由“he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job”可以得出答案。

10 .  文中没有提到“我也想上大学”。

高考像漫漫人生路上的一道坎,无论成败与否,只有努力过、拼搏过,这段青春也就无悔了,执的是自信之笔,答的是满意之卷,放松心情,去迎接挑战,相信自己一定会很出色,本文为大家介绍关于2020年江苏高考外语卷的点评解析,即外语卷WORD文字高清版,一起了解。 一、2020年江苏高考外语卷真题答案解析 2020年江苏高考外语考试结束后,我们会第一时间免费分享2020年江苏高考外语卷WORD文字版及真题答案解析:可以扫描免费获取: 1、总体评价:英语试卷选材新颖、题材丰富、体裁多样,富有教育性、时代感,语言真实、地道,符合考生的认知水平和心理特点,试题的设计规范、严谨,没有偏题怪题,呈现了语言交际情境的真实性、实用性和合理性,有利于对考生学科核心素养的考查。 2、倡导核心价值、体现真善美:今年的高考英语试卷,在试题选材和立意之中,紧密联系当代社会生活,处处体现生活中的真善美。考生答题时,既要读懂文章内容,也要理解作者字里行间流露出的情感和价值观,这有助于启发考生树立正确的价值观,进行积极的 3、本套试卷凸显了英语在介绍外国文化,推动中外文化交流中所扮演的角色。通过不同话题和体裁的语言材料,小到课堂教学大到历史事件,向考生呈现出丰富多样的西方文化。比如,阅读C篇介绍了一个全球性的图书交流平台,有利于培养考生用英语参与全球文化交流的能力和意识。 二、2020年江苏高考最新新闻分享 2020年全国普通高考将于7月7日至9日进行。江苏省共有34.8万名考生报名参加普通高考,全省共设279个考点、10566个考场,共有3.3万人参加考务工作。目前,各项准备工作已经就绪。 在省委、省政府统一领导下,全省各地相关部门高度重视疫情防控常态化下的高考工作,坚持“健康第一、考生第一、安全第一”的理念,严密部署,细致安排,确保各项措施落到实处。各级招生委员会进一步加强对疫情防控和高考工作的组织领导,以最高标准、最严要求,层层压实疫情防控和高考组织双重责任,确保广大考生和考务人员的身体健康和生命安全。高考应急协调会议各成员单位加强联动、通力协作,深入开展“净化涉考网络环境”“打击替考作弊”“打击销售作弊器材”“净化考点周边环境”等专项整治,对违纪舞弊现象保持持续高压态势。各级教育和考试部门进一步强化责任担当,逐级明确责任主体和工作要求,切实将疫情防控纳入高考工作全局,确保考试组织各项工作扎实有序。根据防疫要求,全省共设1034个备用隔离考场,各考点均增设一名防疫副主考,共安排1076名卫生健康(疾控)专业人员进驻,切实筑牢防疫防线,确保健康高考。 考前,我省对13个设区市高考准备情况进行联合专项督查,着力围绕考试安全、疫情防控、防暑降温、极端天气应对等重点环节和关键部位全面排查风险、消除隐患,确保考试组织各项安全责任措施落实到位。今年我省持续加强考风考纪建设工作力度,通过调查问卷、宣传教育片、诚信考试承诺书、典型违规案例分析、公开举报电话等多种形式,不断加大对考生诚信考试的宣传和教育力度,引导考生自觉自律抵制舞弊、诚信应考。同时,全省各地各部门强化服务意识,树立“以考生为本”的思想,考前用心服务,为考生送上防疫、备考、心理、天气等方面贴心提示,考中精心组织,为考生提供送考、交通、环境、食品、医疗等各项保障服务,积极营造安全、公平、和谐、温馨的考试环境。 今年我省高考所有科目考试均安排在标准化考场内进行。所有考点均设有体温测量通道,考生和考试工作人员进入考点前必须接受体温测量。所有考生进入考场时,都需通过“考务通”进行身份验证,所有科目的考试都不允许提前交卷。 三、江苏高考英语图文推荐 1、2020年江苏高考英语试卷难度系数点评及答案解析(WORD文字版) 2020年江苏高考试卷难度备受大家关注,教育部考试中心党委书记、主任孙海波介绍,今年江苏高考将以“稳”字当头,科学施策、精准施策,高考的命题将保持试卷结构、题型题量,以及考试难度的相对稳定。我们一起来了解关于2020年江苏高考英语试卷的难度系统和点评解析的相关内容。>>> 查看全文 2、江苏高考英语总分 江苏高考英语总分江苏高考英语单科总分为120分,具体分布为具体分布如下:听力20分、单项填空15分、完形填空20分、四篇阅读理解30分、任务型阅读10分、书面表达25分。江苏高考考场答题技巧1、遇事都往好处想考试前一天没睡好,但我一起床就对自己说“昨天睡得很好”,有了积极的心理暗示,一天顺利挺过来了。看大题时,先不想该怎么做,只是看它如何表述,甚至跟自己说“这题我会做”,让自己有一个平和的心态答题。语文是弱项,相对考得最不好,但因为心态保持得很好,考过了就不再去想,并没影响后来几门发挥。2、别看他人做题的速度..>>> 查看全文 3、今年江苏高考英语卷难不难,2020江苏高考英语卷难度系数点评分析 人生一定不是场百米赛跑,一定是场马拉松是个长跑,人生的这场马拉松,高考只是这漫长跑道上的一段征程。即便暂时落后了同伴很多米,但只要我们足够用力,足够有耐心,光着脚也一定可以跑到终点。言归正传,今年江苏高考英语卷难度系数怎么样?江苏高考英语卷和去年相比难不难,江苏高考英语卷评价如何?下面我为你整理了关于江苏高考英语的相关知识。希望对你有帮助。>>> 查看全文 4、2020年江苏高考英语卷难不难 试卷难度点评解析(word文字版下载) 5、2020年江苏高考英语试题难不难,今年江苏英语难易度调查

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