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自考self-taught examination自考本科a/the bachlor degree of self-taught examnination

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自考本科Self-taught undergraduate


美术的英语:fine arts

fine arts,n.美术。

fine arts的用法示例如下:

1.( fine arts) deriving from more than one source or style.


2.The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.


3.I am a third-year student at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts.


4.Painting is one of the fine arts.



fine arts的近义词:

(1)beaux-arts英 ['bəʊz'ɑ:ts]   美 ['boʊz'ɑ:ts]


(2)art英 [ɑ:t]   美 [ɑ:rt]


(3)painting英 [ˈpeɪntɪŋ]   美 [ˈpentɪŋ]


v.绘画( paint的现在分词);涂色于。

The ancient Egyptian art to eternal life to the afterlife, and continue to exist and creation, and has strict rules of procedure and modelling.The ancient Egyptian art, "positive" law of law, figures of the head and torso must remain vertical, the face, must shoulder and chest is positive. The ancient egyptians statue should not only with the real appearance, and have similar characters and identity, social status, adapt to the specific standard. According to figures from different parts of the body and gender differences, the statue had been coated with a different color. As early as in the former dynasty (about 45-31 years before BC), for the materials have carved stone, bones, and the ivory and clay, etc. After a time, into pharaoh with stones as main raw materials, metal and wood, also etc. In the period of ancient Egypt GuZhuo, image lifelike carving. For example, in the fourth dynasty (about 2613 BC - before pharaoh 2498 years), the pyramid hough in the temple, offering found a group of hough pull statue, which a relatively complete hough pull up, on the throne above the knees, hands, eyes, too low, head back to god, is unloading ruthven eagle wings to protect the pharaoh. The statue is a piece of shem long rock with carved, unpretentious, is believed to be the ancient kingdoms period. The highest statue, To pharaoh meng, addressing koala, lifelike carving delicate. In ancient Egypt, the artistic achievement mainly embodied in the great and magnificent buildings in Christ, of which the most typical is the ancient Egyptian pharaoh's mausoleum - maps Carmen mask pyramid. Here is the most famous with three pyramids in Egypt: and ahab his khufu pyramid pyramids and door koala pyramid, the great pyramid of khufu among the highest called "is one of the seven wonders of the world". In ancient Egypt, the lion is the embodiment of Mars, but also the symbol of power, the body of pharaoh hough carved lions, the employer and the beasts of the mixture of authoritative representatives supreme ruler of Egypt, which was created. So pharaoh, his image and its image, is mixed to boast of mysterious power, make oneself become the idol of nations. The great sphinx to thousands of years WoFu aloof in ancient Egypt the vast desert, guarding the pharaohs tomb, through the vicissitudes of the earth.The ancient Egyptian sculptures, experienced in ancient kingdoms, and the new development stage, the kingdom of 3000 years always keeps its main features. Ancient kingdoms period after its basic principle, the sculpture in the period of development through the kingdom, to new kingdoms period reached unprecedented prosperity, new kingdoms late start, gradually declined. Greek and Roman rule Egypt era, facing the impact of foreign culture and infiltration, has a long tradition of Egyptian art is not so, and the ancient Egyptian art is still in its unique national style influenced Greek, Roman art development.

工艺美术英语是:arts and crafts


1、Art. Just doing art.艺术,就是艺术而已。

2、Art, art. I like art.艺术,我喜欢艺术

3、The highestartis noart.艺术的最高境界, 无非是返朴归真。

4、Vulgar art or servile art.与粗俗艺术

5、Art lies in concealing art.艺术妙在含而不露。

6、Abstract art and figural art抽象艺术与具象艺术

major in art /fine arts


Ancient Egyptian art is to the eternal afterlife, the deceased's life to the continued existence of creation, with strict procedures and rules modeling.In the sculpture and the arts, the ancient Egyptians follow the "positive law" rule, the characters statue's head and torso must remain vertical, the face, shoulders and chest must be a positive show. The statue of the ancient Egyptians not only life-like appearance, but also to have with the characters identity, social status and meet specific criteria. According to figures of various body parts and sex differences, the statue has been painted a different color. As early as the first Dynasty (about BC 4500 - pre-3100 years), for materials for carving stone, bone, ivory, and clay, etc.; into the Pharaonic era, with its stone as the main raw material, in addition to metal and wood, etc. .Ancient Egyptian sculpture to Guzhuo period, the image is characterized by vivid. For example, in Giza 4th Dynasty (about BC 2613 - the former in 2498) Pharaoh Khafre pyramid subsidiary Ji temple and found a number of Khafre statues, including a more complete, the performance of Khafre sit on the on the throne, his hands on the lap, two head-up, supercilious, head behind the hawk god Horus, is open wings to protect the pharaoh. This statue is a carved block of diorite, unpretentious, is considered during the Old Kingdom the highest example of the statue. To the law during the reign of koala Lao Meng, sculptures become increasingly sophisticated, life-like. The main period of ancient EgyptThe artistic achievement reflected in the huge, magnificent imperial mausoleum architecture, which is the most typical ancient Egyptian pharaoh's tomb - Figure Teka gate mask pyramid. Here has the most famous three pyramids of Egypt: Khufu Pyramid, Khafre pyramid and doors koala pyramid, where the tallest pyramid of Khufu was known as the "seven wonders of the world," one of the. In ancient Egypt, the lion is the embodiment of God of War, but also a symbol of strength, the body of Pharaoh Khafre carved lions, employment, and a mixture of animals on behalf of the supreme ruler of the authority, which is the creation of the Egyptians. Therefore, the image of Pharaoh himself mixed up with its image, is aThe boast of the mysterious power to become the idol of all peoples. Sphinx Snob to lay thousands of years in ancient Egypt volts then the vast expanse of the desert, guarding the tomb of Pharaoh who have gone through the vicissitudes of the earth.Ancient Egyptian sculpture art, through the ancient kingdom, Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom and other development stage, 3000 years, has always maintained its main features. Since ancient times, the period to determine the underlying laws of the Kingdom, the carving art development through the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, to the New Kingdom has reached an unprecedented period of prosperity, the new Kingdom of late, and gradually tends to decline. Greece, Rome ruled Egypt times, faced with the impact and infiltration of foreign culture has a long tradition, have not been devoid of Egyptian art, ancient Egyptian art and its unique national style still affects Greek and Roman art development.

美术的英语:fine arts

fine arts,n.美术。

fine arts的用法示例如下:

1.( fine arts) deriving from more than one source or style.


2.The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.


3.I am a third-year student at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts.


4.Painting is one of the fine arts.



fine arts的近义词:

(1)beaux-arts英 ['bəʊz'ɑ:ts]   美 ['boʊz'ɑ:ts]


(2)art英 [ɑ:t]   美 [ɑ:rt]


(3)painting英 [ˈpeɪntɪŋ]   美 [ˈpentɪŋ]


v.绘画( paint的现在分词);涂色于。

自考本科: Undergraduate Self 自学考试: Self-examination

The ancient Egyptian art to eternal life to the afterlife, and continue to exist and creation, and has strict rules of procedure and modelling.The ancient Egyptian art, "positive" law of law, figures of the head and torso must remain vertical, the face, must shoulder and chest is positive. The ancient egyptians statue should not only with the real appearance, and have similar characters and identity, social status, adapt to the specific standard. According to figures from different parts of the body and gender differences, the statue had been coated with a different color. As early as in the former dynasty (about 45-31 years before BC), for the materials have carved stone, bones, and the ivory and clay, etc. After a time, into pharaoh with stones as main raw materials, metal and wood, also etc. In the period of ancient Egypt GuZhuo, image lifelike carving. For example, in the fourth dynasty (about 2613 BC - before pharaoh 2498 years), the pyramid hough in the temple, offering found a group of hough pull statue, which a relatively complete hough pull up, on the throne above the knees, hands, eyes, too low, head back to god, is unloading ruthven eagle wings to protect the pharaoh. The statue is a piece of shem long rock with carved, unpretentious, is believed to be the ancient kingdoms period. The highest statue, To pharaoh meng, addressing koala, lifelike carving delicate. In ancient Egypt, the artistic achievement mainly embodied in the great and magnificent buildings in Christ, of which the most typical is the ancient Egyptian pharaoh's mausoleum - maps Carmen mask pyramid. Here is the most famous with three pyramids in Egypt: and ahab his khufu pyramid pyramids and door koala pyramid, the great pyramid of khufu among the highest called "is one of the seven wonders of the world". In ancient Egypt, the lion is the embodiment of Mars, but also the symbol of power, the body of pharaoh hough carved lions, the employer and the beasts of the mixture of authoritative representatives supreme ruler of Egypt, which was created. So pharaoh, his image and its image, is mixed to boast of mysterious power, make oneself become the idol of nations. The great sphinx to thousands of years WoFu aloof in ancient Egypt the vast desert, guarding the pharaohs tomb, through the vicissitudes of the earth.The ancient Egyptian sculptures, experienced in ancient kingdoms, and the new development stage, the kingdom of 3000 years always keeps its main features. Ancient kingdoms period after its basic principle, the sculpture in the period of development through the kingdom, to new kingdoms period reached unprecedented prosperity, new kingdoms late start, gradually declined. Greek and Roman rule Egypt era, facing the impact of foreign culture and infiltration, has a long tradition of Egyptian art is not so, and the ancient Egyptian art is still in its unique national style influenced Greek, Roman art development. 不会有什么语法问题!但是你还要修改修改!没有什么是完全正确的!我给的是参考答案啊! 你也可以加我!咱们再讨论讨论呗!


美术的英语:fine arts

fine arts,n.美术。

fine arts的用法示例如下:

1.( fine arts) deriving from more than one source or style.


2.The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.


3.I am a third-year student at Hubei Academy of Fine Arts.


4.Painting is one of the fine arts.



fine arts的近义词:

(1)beaux-arts英 ['bəʊz'ɑ:ts]   美 ['boʊz'ɑ:ts]


(2)art英 [ɑ:t]   美 [ɑ:rt]


(3)painting英 [ˈpeɪntɪŋ]   美 [ˈpentɪŋ]


v.绘画( paint的现在分词);涂色于。

Art professional

art class 英 [ɑ:t klɑ:s]   美 [ɑrt klæs]


英文释义:a class in which you learn to draw or paint  学习绘画或绘画的课程


1、I am auditing the art class simply for pleasure.


2、We sing and draw at the Art lesson.




beaux-arts英 ['bəʊz'ɑːts]   美 ['bəʊz'ɑːts]


英英释义: the study and creation of visual works of art


1、The Fine Arts Exhibition reopened yesterday.


2、He graduated from a school of crafts and arts.


art department


自考本科Self-taught undergraduate

Undergraduate Self自学考试 Self-examination

自考self-taught自考本科self-taught undergraduate course摘自百度翻译!

获得自考本科学历翻译成英语可以这样说:Achievement of undergraduate self-educated,如已经取得学士学位,可以翻译成:Achievement of bachelor self-educated。 自考最短多长时间能拿到毕业证书? 自学考试有严格的程序要求,只要你完成规定的全部课程和实践环节,通过了毕业审核就可以拿到毕业证书,这个时间完全取决于你自己投入学习的时间和精力,以及每次报考几科,成绩是否能合格。因此时间长短不等,无法提前预测。 自考毕业人员的待遇怎样? 高等教育自学考试专科(基础科)或本科毕业证书获得者,在职人员由所在单位或其上级主管部门本着用其所学、发挥所长的原则,根据工作需要,调整他们的工作;非在职人员(包括农民)由省、自治区、直辖市劳动人事部门根据需要,在编制和增人指标范围内有计划地择优录用或聘用。 高等教育自学考试毕业证书获得者的工资待遇:非在职人员录用后,与普通高等学校同类毕业生相同;在职人员的工资待遇低于普通高等学校同类毕业生的,从获得毕业证书之日起,按普通高等学校同类毕业生工资标准执行。 自考的学习形式有哪些?如何选择? 考生进行自学考试的课程学习,可以使用学习资料进行自学,也可以参加由社会助学机构提供的面授或网络辅导教学。考生应根据自身条件和实际情况,权衡考虑选择学习形式。需特别提醒的是,在选择参加社会助学(包括网络助学)时,应选择具有教育行政部门批准的自学考试助学办学许可资质的机构,并仔细了解其教学服务实际情况,切勿轻信个别机构的诱导性不实宣传或承诺。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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