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自考的难度在成人教育中是最难的,主要是考试重点无法把握,复习范围比较大,但只要掌握复习方法,通过是没有问题。自考的复习方法: 1、网上下载历年试卷和考试大纲,把答案在教材书上找出来。因为自考试题是从题库中出来的,往往会反复考到,只要把这些题目都背下来,一般及格没有问题。 2、根据大纲复习,要求识记和掌握的重点背下来,就可以有好的成绩。 3、考试时,要把名词解释当简答题回答,凡是能记住的内容只要卷面允许,都写上去。 4、自考的题目范围广,但难度不大,所以要记住的内容比较多。

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考商务英语哪些教材,自考商务英语写作的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!学习商务英语要买哪些书?学习商务英语要买的书列举如下:BEC初级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminaryStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminary)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminaryTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。BEC中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantageStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantage)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantageTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。BEC高级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(高级)(PassCambridgeBECHigherStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(高级)(en211CambridgeBECHigher)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(高级)(PassCambridgeBECHigherTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。想要了解更多关于商务英语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语一对一授课,根据学员能力和成绩针对性定制雅思课程方案跟踪辅导,老师陪伴学员一对一检验结果场景化教学,根据真实情境教学,英语考试实战,六对一辅导,针对性备考,雅思老师讲授考试方法,让学员更快提高自己成绩。【免费领取英语试听课】BEC自学需要什么教材教材和真题集是必不可少的。教材推荐经济科学出版社的《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书》第三版,配套的同步辅导是比较有用的,如果你报了网校班级这本书就不需要买,老师上课会讲到上面的内容。学生用书的答案在教师用书上。真题是人民邮电出版社出版的,《剑桥BEC真题集》第二辑、第三辑、第四辑,没有第一辑。。另外推荐《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册》,有中低级和中高级,是口试备考的必备宝典哦,所谓的口语蓝皮书。里面几乎囊括了BEC口试里的所有常见话题,还给出了参考答案。话题很多,全文背诵什么的是不现实的。建议大家按书上的话题练习,先自己构思,然后用网校的在线录音机工具录下自己的回答,自己听一遍,发现其中的优点和不足,加以琢磨改进,对提高自己的口语水平会很有帮助。也可以参考这本书找个partner一块练习。那就经济科学出版社的《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书》第三版,配套的同步辅导自学~学完以后做真题,用《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册》练习口语~等于是把报班部分删掉就行~o(╯□╰)o高级商务英语考试需要哪些教材啊?我自学没有上班,你英语专业大三有底子,自学完全可以。教材:笔试:新东方高口笔试备考精要,上外教的 高口听力教程,高口口译教程,上交大的真题,阅读300题。口试:高口口译教程证书永远有效商务英语初级用哪种教材?商务英语初级用哪种教材,非常感谢!背字典不是好办法新东方口语词汇一招鲜比较偏,,,建议踏实背单词一级一级新东方英文天天背没看过,,,如果你想要背文章的话 建议背nce3&nce4的课文新东方背单词你的英语水平要求多高呢?日常的话6500左右应该够了 地道一点12000 专业一点23000 不过没什么必要新东方DAVID陪你练口语新东方美国口语课堂新东方商务口语新东方英语语音速成新东方语音教练一串口语书啊,,,建议你口语尽量不要自学,,,新东方CNN互动英语可以 英音新东方VOA慢速英语听力可以 美音新东方英语900句我个人不喜欢900系列书,,,什么也学不到,,,疯狂英语口语突破剑桥国际英语教程不好意思,,,这个我没有看过新概念英语没什么必要走遍美国经典教材你列出了许多 新东方的系列书 建议你可以考虑报新东方的口语课程,,,还是不错的,,,毕竟口语自学很容易进入误区,,,我认为学基础的学英语之后,首要就是扩充词汇量,背单词很枯燥但是必须的,,,是你之后学习的前提,,,词汇量6500可以到6级,,,12000基本可以到托福,,,学语言是一个堆时间的过程,,,最忌半途而废,,,一下就达到很高的境界是很难实现的自学的话 从新概念开始吧,,,背完4册单词之后你可以考虑看英文报纸,,,读报学英文是一种很好的方式,,,成本也低,,,同时要注意运用好你手中的字典,,,之后你可以考虑看英文原版书籍,,,要有耐心和毅力~语音的话 多听voa 可以去putclub看看哦~看原版片也很好,,,比如pb~差不多就是这样吧,,,。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

1、名词解释(定义 比如说:resume cover letter :用英语解释这个词)。

2、简答题(比如问什么什么的要素,例如 business writing 的要素? 当然 它是用英文问的) 。

3、中英文配对 写作 翻译。










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内容概述:为了使得我们的段落在表达思想方面有效,通常对段落有四个方面的要求:第一,如上所述,一个段落只能讲述一个主题,即统一性;第二,段落应该讲述作者关于此主题所要讲述的全部内容;第三,段落应该有一个易于被读者所读懂的展开顺序;第四,段落中的句子应该是紧密地衔接在一起的。这就是英语语言专家James M.McCrimmon(Florida State University 1976)对于段落的写作所提出的基本要求,即“unity(统一性),completeness(完整性),order(条理性),and coherence(连贯性)。” BEC 2和BEC3的写作部分里所要求写的文章,从体裁(Genre)上来讲都是说明文(Expository)。而在一篇说明文里,通常一个典型段落一般只能表达一个独立完整的观点。所谓独立完整的含义是指段落里所提出的观点应该是有逻辑判断的,并且是有细节支持的。所以在BEC写作中,或者在一般的英文的说明文写作中,段落是我们表达一个独立完整观点的最小单位。 为了使得我们的段落在表达思想方面有效,通常对段落有四个方面的要求:第一,如上所述,一个段落只能讲述一个主题,即统一性;第二,段落应该讲述作者关于此主题所要讲述的全部内容;第三,段落应该有一个易于被读者所读懂的展开顺序;第四,段落中的句子应该是紧密地衔接在一起的。这就是英语语言专家James M.McCrimmon(Florida State University 1976)对于段落的写作所提出的基本要求,即“unity(统一性),completeness(完整性),order(条理性),and coherence(连贯性)。” 连贯性即语篇的衔接问题,我们在上篇文章里已经作了介绍,在此不再赘述。 统一性的含义是显而易见的。它要求我们写出的段落要紧紧的围绕一个主题来进行写作。应该注意的是,我们在写一个段落并试图通过这个段落来表达我们的某个观点的过程,永远是一个自问自答的过程。我们首先提出一个逻辑命题,然后用为人们所了解的细节来支持这个命题。我们可以想像,在读者刚刚读到我们的这个逻辑判断时,不禁要问“为什么”。一个优秀的作者,永远是在读者们问到“为什么”之前,就回答了自己提出的命题。有时候,我们的段落写得莫名其妙,就是因为我们自己提出了一个命题而自己没有回答。而另一个方面,一个段落只可以也最多只能表达一个命题。否则,阅卷的老师会认为作者有逻辑问题,思路不清晰。会认为我们在说明一个观点时,加入了一些不相关联的东西,从而干扰了读者对该观点的理解,于是该段落在表达观点时是没有效率的。 完整性的要求是相对的。一个观点到底需要多少阐述是视读者的需要而定的,这从很大程度上取决于作者的主观判断。而作者的主观判断又是取决于作者对该观点的理解以及对读者需要的理解。阐述过少当然会妨碍读者的理解,过多则会显得罗嗦。而且前者肯定会比后者问题更大。我们来看一段落。 As is known to all, in our routine work we are very often exposed to new technology. For instance, we need to use new computer software, such as Oracle and statistical tools; manipulate the latest multimedia player to demonstrate information and apply different and effective measures by which we communicate. On all these occasions, a good command of new technology is rather important. 这是从BEC3的同学习作文章中节选出的一个段落。这一段所要写的是为什么要从三门公司提供的培训课程中选择“Changes in Technology”这门课。作者的这个段落如果选择就此结束,那么他所呈现给他的读者们的将是一个没有结论的主题。至此所有的内容只是阐述了“工作中会经常接触到新技术。”而没有向读者们解释为什么要选修这门课程的原因。这显然是不够的。读者们还是想知道为什么工作中经常接触到新技术就非要选择这门课程呢?该交待的没有交待完,这显然违反了段落写作“完整性”的原则。下面的段落是接在上面段落的最后一句之后的。请看添加之后的效果。 Unfortunately all of us are rather weak in this aspect. When we take a course like Changes in Technology, we will have a chance to learn new technology quite systematically, and in class we will have plenty of chances to learn from our teachers, who are experts in new technology. More importantly, as I find from the training programme, all the class activities are job-oriented. So I am sure, after this course, we will be able to better application of the latest technology. 补足以后的段落就比较完整了。它向读者介绍了自己现在所面临的实际情况。正是因为日常的工作中需要接触到大量的新技术,同时自己在这方面又比较薄弱,而且自己在该课程上上又可以学到很多东西,所以才要选修这门课程。这样的理由才是充分的理由。 值得注意的是我们很多的同学的作文得不到理想分数的原因,不是因为自己提出的问题自己没有回答,而是因为自己没有完整的回答自己的问题,有一些东西没有说透,这时可以想像当考官来看我们“点到即止”的文章时,当然就觉得郁闷了,他恨不得帮你写完,你把考官给“憋死了”。这当然是笑话了。 如果说统一性解决的是“说没说到点子上的问题”,那么完整性解决的就是“说没说完的问题”。而接下来我们要谈的“条理性”解决的就是“怎么说的问题”。这就是如何去展开段落的问题(Order of Movement)。 段落的展开规定了我们所写的一个段落的发展方向和发展方式。总的说来,段落的展开有以下几种,1、from general to particular 2、from particular to general3、from the whole topic to its parts 4、from question to answer 5、from effect to cause. 还是以上文中所举的范文为例,这个段落就是一个典型的“from particular to general”的类型。它交代的顺序是层层递进的,主要由三层意思来构成:工作中经常会用到新技术 自己在了解新技术的应用方面不足 该课程有很多好处。最后得出结论,觉得肯定可以在该课程中学到最新技术的应用。前三层关系构成了支持最后结论的三个细节,互为依托,互相照应。结论句干净利落。 进一步的,我们可以根据对段落展开的这几个种类的了解,对这段范文进行改造。比如,如果我们想把原文转换成“from general to particular“的结构,只需在段首加一句Topic Sentence即可。它可以是“ Current situation and our necessity for the knowledge of technology make me to choose Changes in Technology.” 这样,段首一个主题句引领了这个段落接下来的发展方向,清晰明确。请同学们注意,这时,这段范文的展开结构实际上成为了“from general to particular to general”的结构,即通常意味上的“总分总”的结构。这种结构并不是一种独立的段落展开的结构,而只是“from general to particular”结构中的一种变体。因为通常上,“from general to particular”的结构正是始于general statement 然后由details展开,最后终于general statement的。(James M.McCrimmon 1976) “from particular to general” 及 “from general to particular”两种结构的比较分析: 前者结构所规定的文章的进程是和同学们在写文章时思想的进程相一致的。后者则是相逆的。一般的,根据我在BEC写作教学中的感觉,同学们的写作一般还是处于即想即写的自发状态,极少有事先周密计划的。这是可以理解的,因为一来同学们总的写作时间有限,二来同学们的耐心有限,所以从这两个角度讲,“From particular to general”的结构不失为向我们提供了一个针对我们写作的实际,指导我们进行写作的理论根据。它的含义是,同学们原则上可以顺着自己的思绪自然的写,而不必强求段首一定要有主题句。只要在段尾用一个“general statement”来总结一下就可以了。 1、前者结构适合“演绎”的结构,而后者结构适合“归纳”的结构。 2、前者对段落中的每一句的衔接水平要求较高,而后者结构则要求较低。这一点是容易理解的,因为前者结构直到最后读者才知道段落的中心思想。这就要求作者在段落前面的支持性的细节中的每一句话都要能吸引住读者,抓住读者的心直到中心思想出来的最后一刻。它的效果应该是“恍然大悟”。而在后者结构中,反正作者在段首就交待出了中心思想,下面的文字只要能说明它就可以了。它的效果应该是“早已明白”。这实际上也是一种平衡,如前所述,既然采用前者的结构,同学们可以在开始时,相对的在段落结构上不用“操什么心”,当然就要在具体段落的写作过程中“多操一些心了”。后者结构则反之,既然在开头已经计划周详,中间部分则只需按部就班就可以了。 3、前者结构的段落自然清新,容易写出优秀的段落;后者结构较死板和沉闷,段落不容易写得精彩,但也不容易犯“走题”这样的错误。同学们的写作灵感往往是在写的过程中涌现出来的,但灵感这种东西往往主观性较强,容易犯“脚踩西瓜皮”的错误。而把主观性的东西转化为客观可以操作的东西则需要靠段落下笔之前的计划。计划当然是事前的“条条框框”,不容易为以后的文字带来随意性的发挥,但它确实是以牺牲“灵感的创造”为代价的。这当然又是一种平衡了。 在以上总结的基础之上,同学们可以根据自己的写作特点选择采用。 在同学们写作的初级阶段,掌握住这两种段落开展的方法就可以了,因为基本上80%以上的同学们的习作是采用的这两种方式。限于篇幅,其他的几种段落展开的方式在此文中不作介绍了。最后以逻辑学家Roger W. Holmes 在其论述逻辑学的代表作《The Rhyme of Reason》中的段落来结束这篇文章,大家可以领略一下英语表达大师对“from particular to general”结构的运用技巧。 If you enjoy working out the strategy of games, tit-tat-toe or poker or chess; if you are interested in the frog who jumped up three feet and fell back two in getting out of a well, or in the fly buzzing between the noses of two approaching cyclists, or in the farmer who left land to his three sons; if you have been captivated by codes and ciphers or are interested in crossword puzzles; if you like to fool around with numbers; if music appeals to you by the sense of form which it expresses-then you will enjoy logic. You ought to be warmed, perhaps. Those who take up logic get glassy-eyed and absent minded. They join a fanatical cult. But they have a good time. Theirs is one of the most durable, absorbing and inexpensive of pleasures. Logic is fun.

国际商务英语学科考试复习要点Lesson 1 International Business商务术语:FDI GDP BOT patent copyright value chain franchising (紫色书10-11页)考点:国际商务贸易的主要类型(major types of international business) A.Trade(贸易): a. commodity trade (商品贸易,也叫有形贸易visible trade ) b. service trade (服务贸易, 也叫无形贸易invisible trade) B. Investment (投资): a. foreign direct investment (FDI 外国直接投资) b. portfolio investment (证券投资) C. Other types (其他类型): a. licensing and franchising (国际许可与特许经营) b. management contract and contract manufacturing (管理合同和承包生产)翻译练习:1. 随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries2. BOT是 “交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey projectLesson 2 Income Level and the World Market商务术语:GNP PPP ( purchasing power parity 购买力平价) Staple goods (大路货) creditor country ( 债权国) (紫色书25页)考点:国民生产总值和国内生产总值 (GNP 和GDP)GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economyGDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Per capita income (人均收入): It is calculated by dividing its national income by its populationTriad and Quad (三方组合和四方组合): A. United States B. Western Europe C. Japan D. Canada翻译练习:1. 国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用。GNP and GDP indicate a country’s total income. They can be used interchangeably to measure the level of its national income.2. 欧盟作为三方组合的一个分支,在使我们的市场多元化方面起着相当重要的作用EU, as one leg of Triad, plays an important role in the respect of diversifying our marketLesson 3 Regional Economic Integration商务术语: tariff rates(关税率) settlement (协议) cartel (卡特尔) free trade area NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定) 紫色书41页考点:1. 地区一体化的主要目标 (Major objectives of regional integration)To better enjoy the benefit of free flow of goods, services, capital, labor and other resources, at the same time possibly put up barriers to economic activities with non-members2. 地区经济一体化的四个层次( Four levels of regional economic integration)A. Free trade area (自由贸易区)----经济一体化程度低,内部团结,但各成员对外采用各自的贸易政策B. Customs Union (关税同盟)---所有成员对外都实行相同的贸易政策C. Common market (共同市场)---共同的对外政策,生产要素也在各成员国间流动D. Economic union( 经济联盟)----经济一体化程度最高, 共同的对外政策,生产要素也 . 在各成员国间流动, 统一协调各国在经济金融领域的 国内政策,统一货币 3. 掌握EU (欧洲联盟) , APEC(亚太经济合作组织). OPEC (石油输出国组织) 翻译练习:1. 共同市场具有使商品, 服务,劳动力甚至资本,技术在各成员国之间自由流通的特点.The common market is characterized by the free flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labor.2. 欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可以追溯到1952年.The European Union is a full-fledged entity, whose history dates back to 1952.Lesson 4 Economic Globalization商务术语:Shareholders(股东), board of directors(董事会), parent company(母公司), affiliate(子公司), day-to-day running(日常管理), multinational corporation(跨国公司), home country(母公司所在国), host country(东道国)紫色书63-64页考点:1. 经济全球化的基本特征和优劣势:A. Basic feature:a. free flow of commodity,capital, technology,service and information b. optimized allocation of resources(资源优化配置)B. Advantages and negative impacts:Advantages: a. new impetus and opportunities to world economic development b. mutual benefits from economic boomsNegative impacts: a. make countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the global b. not balanced benefits3. 跨国公司 (multinational corporations)A. organization---parent and affiliates (组织----母公司与子公司)B. features: a. enormous size b. wide geographical spread (广阔的地域分布) c. needs ,goals and roles (需要, 目标和作用): profits, securityC. four types: a. multi-domestic corporation b. global corporation c. transnational corporation d. world company4. 翻译:a. 经济全球化使得各国经济更容易受到全球各地不利事件的伤害。Economic globalization is making the various economies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.b. 安全对任何一个跨国企业而言都极为重要,因为没有安全,跨国企业组织的生存便无法保证。Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it, an MNE’s survival can never be assured.Lesson 5-6 International Trade (1) (2)商务术语: services(劳务), primary commodities(初级产品), absolute advantage(绝对利益), comparative advantage(比较利益), quota(配额), customs union(关税同盟), ad valorem duty(从价税), specific duties(从量税), drawback(退税), MFN(最惠国待遇), non-tariff barrier(非关税壁垒).紫色书: 90页 110页考点:1. 国际贸易的定义(definition):It refers to the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another2. 国际贸易的两个缘由( Two reasons for international trade)a. the uneven distribution of natural resources among countriesb. international specialization(国际专业化)3. 国际专门化的两个理论(Two theories for international specialization)a. The theory of absolute advantage(绝对利益理论):a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land, and labour)b. The theory of comparative advantage(相对对利益理论):Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of producing both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.4. 关税壁垒和非关税壁垒( tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers)a. tariff barriers: export duty(进口税), import duty(出口税), ----specific duties 从量税 ad valorem duty. 从价税 Compound duty 混合税b. non-tariff barriers: quotas----the most common form of non-tariff barriers5. 翻译练习a. 比较优势理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石Comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international tradeb.关税壁垒是限制贸易最常见的形式 Tariff barriers are the most common forms of trade restriction.Lesson 7 Incoterms 2000商务术语:EDI (电子数据交换),customers clearance (结关),dispatch (发运),ICC(国际商会)Roll-on-roll-off(滚装滚卸), incoterms (国际贸易通则),FOB(起运港船上交货价), CFR (成本加运费价),CIF (成本加运费加保险费价) 紫色书132-133页考点:1.《国际贸易术语解释通则》的必要性和目的 The necessity and purpose of having IncotermsThe purpose of INCOTERMS is to provide a set of international rules for the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade and avoid uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries.3. 三个最常用术语 (The three most commonly used terms)FOB: Free on Board 装运港船上交货CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费CIR: Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费,加运费翻译练习:a. 折扣是指卖方按照商品的原价给买方以一定比率的价格减让Discount means that sellers offer to buyers a certain percentage of reduction on the original price.b. 买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定能简单可靠地确定各自的责任If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.Lesson 8 Business Contract商务术语:Inquiry(询盘,询价), quotation(报价单), validity period(有效期), offer(发盘), counter-offer(还盘), offeree(收盘人), sales confirmation(销售确认书), Consignment(寄售), fore majeure(不可抗力), business line(业务范围), contract proper(合同正文), article number(货号).紫书150-151页考点:1.合同的定义(definition)A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties2.谈判过程及签定合同(the process of negotiation and the conclusion of the contract)inquiry--quotation---> offer and acceptance-counter-offer3.合同的种类(The types of contracts)a. sales contractb.purchase contractc.sales confirmation4. 合同的构成(the setting up of a contract)a. the title (合同名称)b. the contract proper(合同正文)c. The signature of the contracting parties(缔约双方签字)d. The stipulations on the back of the contract(合同背面的规定)翻译练习:a. 在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天 In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for three daysLesson 9 Modes of Trade商务术语:Counter trade(对销贸易), hyperinflation(极度通货膨胀), Reichstock(德国国家银行),protectionism(贸易保护主义),Clearing system(票据交换制度), net positions(净头寸), compensation trade(补偿贸易), barter(易货贸易), counter purchase(互购贸易)Buyback(回购贸易), centrally planned economies(中央计划经济国家), processing trade(加工贸易), consignment(寄售贸易), leasing trade(租赁贸易),aution(竞卖/拍卖), agency(代理) 174-175页考点:1.对销贸易的主要优点(major advantages of counter trade)a. helping to deal with foreign exchange shortagesb. promoting exportsc, reducing uncertainty regarding export receiptsd.bypassing international price agreemente. helping countries with debt problems to import goods3. 对销贸易的缺点(the drawbacks of counter trade)a. very risky business (conceal the real prices and costs of transactions)b. Companies may suffer losses because they could not get rid of products of poor qualityc. a form of proctectionism翻译练习a. “互相捆绑”是易货贸易,回购贸易和互惠贸易的共同特征“Bundling” is the feature common to barter, counter purchase and buyback.b. 作为一种捆绑贸易,对销贸易一般是在成熟市场经济国家和市场机制不完善的国家间发生的贸易As a type of bundled trade, counter trade generally takes place between mature market economies and economies with imperfect market institution..Lesson10 International Payment商务词汇: debtor(债务人), debit(收方/借方), financial standing(财务状况), credit worthiness(信誉), periodic payment(分期付款), cash in advance(预付现金),usance draft(远期汇票), documentary draft(跟单汇票), clean draft(光票), documentary collection(跟单托收), D/P(付款交单), D/A(承兑交单).194-195页考点:1. 国际贸易支付的复杂性(the complexity of payment in international trade):Mutual trust is hard to build. Both the exporter and the importer face various political risks, commercial risks etc.2. 在一定条件下的两种支付方法:a. cash in advance or partial cash in advance (预付现金和部分预付现金) b.open account(记账交易) 3. 汇票(the draft/ bill of exchange)a. definition: an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the futureb. sign draft and usance draft (即期汇票和远期汇票)c. clean draft (光票:汇票不附单据) and documentary draft (跟单汇票:随同汇票一起的有相关的单据,如提单,发票,保险单)4. 跟单拖收 (documentary collection)a. D/P: 付款交单: documents will not be released to the importer until payment is effectedb. D/A: 承兑交单: documents handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter翻译练习:a. 许多国际交易是通过汇票支付的,汇票是对银行或顾客的支付命令A lot of international transactions are paid for by means of the draft that is an order to a bank or a customer to payb. 即期汇票要求受票人见到汇票后立即付款A sight draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.Lesson11-12 Credit (1),(2)商务术语:Applicant (申请人), opening bank(开证行), corresponding bank(关系行), advising bank(通知行), confirming bank(保兑行). Reimburse(付款), unit price(单价), partial shipment(分批装运). Clean credit(光票信用证), revocable credit(可撤消信用证), irrevocable credit(不可撤消信用证). Maturity(到期日,偿还日), capital turnover(资金周转率), face value(面值), discount(贴现), deferred payment(延期付款), revolving credit(循环信用证). 紫色书220页 345页考点:1.信用证独特的具有代表性的特征 The bilateral security—双边保证2.信用证的相关当事人及其在信用证业务中的作用---联系淘宝的例子 A. the applicant (开证) B. the opening bank(开证行) C. the advising bank(通知行) D. the negotiating bank(议付行) E. the confirming bank(保兑行)4. 信用证的局限性(limitation)a. inability to provide absolute securityb. being more expensive than other forms of payment翻译练习1. 信用证的目的是通过银行信誉为国际支付提供便利The objective of an L/C is to facilitate international payment by means of the creditworthness of the bank.2. 信用证极大地方便并促进了国际贸易,然而它并不能给缔约双方提供绝对安全The letter of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted international trade. However, it can not provide absolute security for the contracting parties.Lesson13 Major Documents Required in World Trade商务术语:Documents(单据), take delivery of (提货), bill of lading(提单). Consignee(收获人), air bill(空运提单), cargo receipt(铁路运单), commercial invoice(商业发票), certificate of quality(品质证书). Insurance policy(保险单) 紫色书上269页考点:1,主要单据 (major types of documents)a. commercial invoice 商业发票b. packing list 装相单c. the bill of lading 提单d.insurance policy and insurance certificate 保险单和保险证书e.various certificate 其它各种证书翻译练习:1. 提单的签发日期绝不能晚于信用证所规定的时间The date when the bill of lading is issued can by no means be later than that stipulated in the credit2. 货物一装上船,请即电告收发人You are requested to notify the consignee by cable as soon as the goods are shipped.Lesson14 International Transportation商务术语:Finished products (制成品), deregulation(撤消管制规定), productivity(生产率), cost economies(成本节约), intermediate products(中间产品), natural product provinces(产品自然领域), Inventory(存货,库存), freight transportation(货物运输) 紫色书292页考点:1.五种主要运输方式 The five major modes of transportation Water ,rail, truck, pipeline, and air2.改变运输业的四大因素 The four factors that are substantially changing transportationa. transportation deregulationb. just-in-time inventory systemsc. competition based on high level of customer serviced. globalization of business翻译练习:a.在当前市场竞争十分激烈的情况下,出口商必须加快货运,以快取胜At a time when competition is fierce, exporters can beat their competitors by speeding up shipment.b.运输对工业社会的发展和运行起着至关重要的作用Transportation is fundamental to the development and operation of an industrial society.Lesson15-16 Insurance (1), (2)商务术语:Insured(保户), Insurer(承保人), margin(保险金), underwriter(保险商), pool(共同款项), cargo insurance(运输保险), marine insurance(海上保险), indemnity(赔偿), ruin(损失), insurable interests(可保险权), principle of utmost faith(最大诚信原则), forwarding charge(远期费用) 紫色书 307,322页考点:1.保险的定义(definition)’It can be defined as a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk 2.保险的三个主要原则(Three main principles of insurance)a. insurable interestb. utmost good faithc. indemnity两个辅助原则(two sub-principle of insurance)a. contributionb. suborgation翻译练习:a. 货物保险通常有火险, 海上保险和意外事故保险 Cargo insurance includes fire, marine and accident insurance.b. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的所赔都不会受理An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertainedLesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate商务术语:Change of rate(汇率),gold standard(金本位),reserve currency(储备货币), clean float(自由浮动),dirty float(有干预浮动),discount(贴现),medial rate(中间价)考点:1汇率(exchange rate)A. fixed exchange rateB. flexible exchange rateC. major factors influencing exchange rate: a international balance of payment b.inflation c.interest rateD. Common measures for intervention in exchange rate a. buying or selling foreign currency b. raising or lowering discount rate c. foreign exchange control翻译练习: 尽管国际收支账面平衡,但在有错误与遗漏项目时,差额是非常庞大的,每一项都会有盈余或赤字,如果在3年或5年期间盈余抵消了亏损.则仍然认为国际收支是平衡的。While the balance of payment is always in accounting balance,the odds are astronomical that it would be so without the statistical discrepancy item. There would be a surplus or a deficit in almost every case, but the balance of payment would nevertheless be considered in equilibrium if over three-to-five year period the surpluses more or less canceled out the deficits.从18-20课,商务术语请参照紫色书上每课后面的商务词汇复习,记一些常见的Lesson 18 International Financial Organization重点: 1.The world bank group(世界银行集团)a.组成: IBRD, IDA, IFC, IMF.MIGAb.目标: to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channeling financial resources to them from developed countries2.IBRD(国际复兴开发银行)a. source of capital: member countriesb.financing of its lending operation: from the world capital marketsc.target countries: developing countries at more advanced leveld,basic rules governing its operation: for productive purpose/ repayment3. IDA(国家开发协会): targets: the poorer developing countries, basic rules governing its operation: no interests4. IFC(国际金融公司):Function: to assist the economic development of less-developed countries5. MIGA(多边投资担保机构):Mandate:to encourage equity investment and other direct investment flows to developing countries6.IMF(国际货币基金组织)a.the importance of the quotab.function:providing temporary financing for countries suffering cyclical,seasoned or random shocks that would weaken its currency.翻译练习:不同于世界银行,国际开发协会无法从竞争的资本市场上筹集资金,取而代之的是它靠发达国家和一些欠发达国家捐赠的资金。Unlike the world bank, the IDA cannot raise capital in competitive capital markets and depends instead on subscription donated by the developed countries and some undeveloped countries.Lesson19-22(刚上课不久, 简概)1.对外直接投资的主要因素 major factors for undertaking FDI 紫书3792.对外直接投资的形式 forms of FDI 紫书3823. 政券交易所的作用 the role of stock exchange 紫书401国内普通股市包括的三个市场 Three areas for the Domestic Equity Market紫书402-4034. WTO与 GATT 的区别 紫书4225, WTO与China( achievements and challenges) 紫书424-4266贸发会的目标 objectives of UNCTAD 紫书4537贸发会的组织 organization of UNCTAD紫书454祝发家考试成功!

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考商务英语哪些教材,自考商务英语写作的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!学习商务英语要买哪些书?学习商务英语要买的书列举如下:BEC初级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminaryStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminary)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(初级)(PassCambridgeBECPreliminaryTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。BEC中级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantageStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantage)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(中级)(PassCambridgeBECVantageTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。BEC高级:《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书(高级)(PassCambridgeBECHigherStudentbook)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语(学生用带)(高级)(en211CambridgeBECHigher)(第二版)》;《新编剑桥商务英语教师用书(高级)(PassCambridgeBECHigherTeacher’sGuide)(第二版)》。想要了解更多关于商务英语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语一对一授课,根据学员能力和成绩针对性定制雅思课程方案跟踪辅导,老师陪伴学员一对一检验结果场景化教学,根据真实情境教学,英语考试实战,六对一辅导,针对性备考,雅思老师讲授考试方法,让学员更快提高自己成绩。【免费领取英语试听课】BEC自学需要什么教材教材和真题集是必不可少的。教材推荐经济科学出版社的《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书》第三版,配套的同步辅导是比较有用的,如果你报了网校班级这本书就不需要买,老师上课会讲到上面的内容。学生用书的答案在教师用书上。真题是人民邮电出版社出版的,《剑桥BEC真题集》第二辑、第三辑、第四辑,没有第一辑。。另外推荐《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册》,有中低级和中高级,是口试备考的必备宝典哦,所谓的口语蓝皮书。里面几乎囊括了BEC口试里的所有常见话题,还给出了参考答案。话题很多,全文背诵什么的是不现实的。建议大家按书上的话题练习,先自己构思,然后用网校的在线录音机工具录下自己的回答,自己听一遍,发现其中的优点和不足,加以琢磨改进,对提高自己的口语水平会很有帮助。也可以参考这本书找个partner一块练习。那就经济科学出版社的《新编剑桥商务英语学生用书》第三版,配套的同步辅导自学~学完以后做真题,用《新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册》练习口语~等于是把报班部分删掉就行~o(╯□╰)o高级商务英语考试需要哪些教材啊?我自学没有上班,你英语专业大三有底子,自学完全可以。教材:笔试:新东方高口笔试备考精要,上外教的 高口听力教程,高口口译教程,上交大的真题,阅读300题。口试:高口口译教程证书永远有效商务英语初级用哪种教材?商务英语初级用哪种教材,非常感谢!背字典不是好办法新东方口语词汇一招鲜比较偏,,,建议踏实背单词一级一级新东方英文天天背没看过,,,如果你想要背文章的话 建议背nce3&nce4的课文新东方背单词你的英语水平要求多高呢?日常的话6500左右应该够了 地道一点12000 专业一点23000 不过没什么必要新东方DAVID陪你练口语新东方美国口语课堂新东方商务口语新东方英语语音速成新东方语音教练一串口语书啊,,,建议你口语尽量不要自学,,,新东方CNN互动英语可以 英音新东方VOA慢速英语听力可以 美音新东方英语900句我个人不喜欢900系列书,,,什么也学不到,,,疯狂英语口语突破剑桥国际英语教程不好意思,,,这个我没有看过新概念英语没什么必要走遍美国经典教材你列出了许多 新东方的系列书 建议你可以考虑报新东方的口语课程,,,还是不错的,,,毕竟口语自学很容易进入误区,,,我认为学基础的学英语之后,首要就是扩充词汇量,背单词很枯燥但是必须的,,,是你之后学习的前提,,,词汇量6500可以到6级,,,12000基本可以到托福,,,学语言是一个堆时间的过程,,,最忌半途而废,,,一下就达到很高的境界是很难实现的自学的话 从新概念开始吧,,,背完4册单词之后你可以考虑看英文报纸,,,读报学英文是一种很好的方式,,,成本也低,,,同时要注意运用好你手中的字典,,,之后你可以考虑看英文原版书籍,,,要有耐心和毅力~语音的话 多听voa 可以去putclub看看哦~看原版片也很好,,,比如pb~差不多就是这样吧,,,。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:






insurance 保险

mortgage 抵押

allotment 拨款

short term credit 短期信贷

consolidated debt 合并债务

funded debt 固定债务,长期债务

floating debt 流动债务

drawing 提款,提存

aid 援助

allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

cost 成本,费用

expenditure, outgoings 开支,支出

fixed costs 固定成本

overhead costs 营业间接成本

overheads 杂项开支,间接成本

operating costs 生产费用,营业成本

operating expenses 营业费用

running expenses 日常费用,经营费用

miscellaneous costs 杂项费用

overhead expenses 间接费用,管理费用

upkeep costs, maintenance costs 维修费用,养护费用

transport costs 运输费用

social charges 社会负担费用

contingent expenses, contingencies 或有费用

apportionment of expenses 分摊费用

income 收入,收益

earnings 利润,收益

gross income, gross earnings 总收入,总收益

gross profit, gross benefit 毛利,总利润,利益毛额

net income 纯收益,净收入,收益净额

average income 平均收入

national income 国收入

profitability, profit earning capacity 利润率,赢利率

yield 产量收益,收益率

increase in value, appreciation 增值,升值

duty 税

taxation system 税制

taxation 征税,纳税

fiscal charges 财务税收

progressive taxation 累进税制

graduated tax 累进税

value added tax 增值税

income tax 所得税

land tax 地租,地价税

excise tax 特许权税

basis of assessment 估税标准

taxable income 须纳税的收入

fiscality 检查

tax-free 免税的

tax exemption 免税

taxpayer 纳税人

tax collector 收税员

economist 经济学家

socialist economy 社会主义经济

capitalist economy 资本主义经济

collective economy 集体经济

planned economy 计划经济

controlled economy 管制经济

rural economics 农村经济

liberal economy 经济

mixed economy 混合经济

political economy 政治经济学

protectionism 保护主义

autarchy 闭关自守

primary sector 初级成分

private sector 私营成分,私营部门

public sector 公共部门,公共成分

economic channels 经济渠道

economic balance 经济平衡

economic fluctuation 经济波动

economic depression 经济衰退

economic stability 经济稳定

economic policy 经济政策

economic recovery 经济复原

understanding 约定

concentration 集中

holding company 控股公司

trust 托拉斯

cartel 卡特尔

rate of growth 增长

economic trend 经济趋势

economic situation 经济形势

infrastructure 基本建设

standard of living 生活标准,生活水平

purchasing power, buying power 购买力

scarcity 短缺

stagnation 停滞,萧条,不景气

underdevelopment 不发达

underdeveloped 不发达的`

developing 发展中的

initial capital 创办资本

frozen capital 冻结资金

frozen assets 冻结资产

fixed assets 固定资产

real estate 不动产,房地产

circulating capital, working capital 流动资本

available capital 可用资产

capital goods 资本货物

reserve 准备金,储备金

calling up of capital 催缴资本

allocation of funds 资金分配

contribution of funds 资金捐献

working capital fund 周转基金

revolving fund 循环基金,周转性基金

contingency fund 意外开支,准备金

reserve fund 准备金

buffer fund 缓冲基金,平准基金

sinking fund 偿债基金

investment 投资,资产

investor 投资人

self-financing 自筹经费,经费自给

bank 银行

current account 经常帐户

(美作:checking account)

current-account holder 支票帐户

(美作:checking-account holder)

cheque 支票 (美作:check)

bearer cheque, cheque payable to bearer 无记名支票,来人支票

crossed cheque 划线支票

traveller's cheque 旅行支票

chequebook 支票簿,支票本 (美作:checkbook)

endorsement 背书

transfer 转让,转帐,过户

money 货币

issue 发行

ready money 现钱

cash 现金

ready money business, no credit given 现金交易,概不赊欠

change 零钱

banknote, note 钞票,纸币 (美作:bill)

to pay (in) cash 付现金

domestic currency, local currency] 本国货币

convertibility 可兑换性

convertible currencies 可兑换货币

exchange rate 汇率,兑换率

foreign exchange 外汇

floating exchange rate 浮动汇率

free exchange rates 汇兑市场

foreign exchange certificate 外汇兑换券

hard currency 硬通货

speculation 投机

saving 储装,存款

depreciation 减价,贬值

devaluation (货币)贬值

revaluation 重估价

runaway inflation 无法控制的通货膨胀

deflation 通货紧缩

capital flight 资本外逃

securities business 证券市场

stock exchange 贡市场

stock exchange corporation 证券交易所

stock exchange 证券交易所,贡交易所

quotation 报价,牌价

share 股份,贡

shareholder, stockholder 贡持有人,股东

dividend 股息,红利

cash dividend 现金配股

stock investment 贡投资

investment trust 投资信托

stock-jobber 贡经纪人

stock company, stock brokerage firm 证券公司

securities 有价证券

share, common stock 普通股

preference stock 优先股

income gain 股利收入

issue 发行贡

par value 股面价格, 票面价格

bull 买手, 多头

bear 卖手, 空头

assigned 过户

opening price 开盘

closing price 收盘

hard times 低潮

business recession 景气衰退

doldrums 景气停滞

dull 盘整

ease 松弛

raising limit 涨停板

break 暴跌

bond, debenture 债券

Wall Street 华尔街

short term loan 短期贷款

long term loan 长期贷款

medium term loan 中期贷款

lender 债权人

creditor 债权人

debtor 债务人,借方

borrower 借方,借款人

borrowing 借款

interest 利息

rate of interest 利率

discount 贴现,折扣

rediscount 再贴现

annuity 年金

maturity 到期日,偿还日

amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付

redemption 偿还

insurance 保险

mortgage 抵押

allotment 拨款

short term credit 短期信贷

consolidated debt 合并债务

funded debt 固定债务,长期债务

floating debt 流动债务

drawing 提款,提存

aid 援助

allowance, grant, subsidy 补贴,补助金,津贴

short term loan 短期贷款

long term loan 长期贷款

medium term loan 中期贷款

lender 债权人

creditor 债权人

debtor 债务人,借方

borrower 借方,借款人

borrowing 借款

interest 利息

rate of interest 利率

discount 贴现,折扣

rediscount 再贴现

annuity 年金

maturity 到期日,偿还日

amortization 摊销,摊还,分期偿付

redemption 偿还

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, C.C.P.I.T. 中国国际贸易促进委员会

National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易全国理事会

Japan-China Economic Association 日中经济协会

Association for the Promotion of International Trade,Japan 日本国际贸易促进会

British Council for the Promotion of International Trade 英国国际贸易促进委员会

International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会

International Union of Marine Insurance 国际海洋运输保险协会

International Alumina Association 国际铝矾土协会

Universal Postal Union, UPU 万国邮政联盟

Customs Co-operation Council, CCC 关税合作理事会

United Nations Trade and Development Board 联合国贸易与发展理事会

Organization for Economic cooperation and Development, DECD 经济合作与开发组织

European Economic Community, EEC, European Common Market 欧洲经济共同体

European Free Trade Association, EFTA 欧洲贸易联盟

European Free Trade Area, EFTA 欧洲贸易区

Council for Mutual Economic Aid, CMEA 经济互助委员会

Eurogroup 欧洲集团

Group of Ten 十国集团

Committee of Twenty(Paris Club) 二十国委员会

Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会

Caribbean Common Market, CCM, Caribbean Free-Trade Association, CARIFTA 加勒比共同市场(加勒比贸易同盟)

Andeans Common Market, ACM, Andeans Treaty Organization, ATO 安第斯共同市场

Latin American Free Trade Association, LAFTA 拉丁美洲贸易联盟

Central American Common Market, CACM 中美洲共同市场

African and Malagasy Common Organization, OCAM 非洲与马尔加什共同组织

East African Common Market, EACM 东非共同市场

Central African Customs and Economic Union, CEUCA 中非关税经济同盟

West African Economic Community, WAEC 西非经济共同体

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC 石油输出国组织

Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织

Commonwealth Preference Area 英联邦特惠区

Centre National du Commerce Exterieur, National Center of External Trade 法国对外贸易中心

People's Bank of China 中国人银行

Bank of China 中国银行

International Bank for Reconstruction and development, IBRD 国际复兴开发银行

World Bank 世界银行

International Development association, IDA 国际开发协会

International Monetary Found Agreement 国际货币基金协定

International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织


C/- = case,currency,coupon 箱,通货,息票

c. =cent,centimes,centigrade 分(美),分(法),百分度(寒暑表)

C.A. = Credit Advice 收款报单

C.A.D. = cash against documents on arrival of good货到后凭单付款

c.a.d. = cash against documents 凭单证付现金

c.a.f.= cost and freight 成本加运费

cat. = catalogue 货品目录

C.B. = clean bill 光票

C/B = Clean Bill 光票

C.B.D. = Cash before delivery 付现金后交货

c.c. = carbon copy,cubic centimeter 副本,立方公分

C/C,C.C = Chamber of Commerce 商会

pC/D = cash against document 凭单据付款

C.D. = Collection and Delivery 托交

Cert.= Certificate 证明书

c/f = carried forward 过次页

C&F = cost and freight 运费在内价

C.F.S. = container freight station 集装箱集散场

c.f.& i. = Cost freight and insurance 运费保险费在内价

C.H. = Clearing House 票据交换所

C.I. = Certificate of Insurance 保险单

C&I = Cost and Insurance 货价及保险

c.i.a. = cash in advance 预付现金

cif,c.i.f. = cost,insurance and freight 运费保险费在内价

c.i.f.&c.= cost,insurance,freight and commission 运费,保险费,利息在内价

C.I.F.E. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Exchange 运费,保险费,汇票在内价

C.I.F.I. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Interest 运费,保险费,利息在内价

C.I.F.C.I.= Cost,Insurance,Freight,Commission and Interest 运费,保险费,佣金,利息在内价

CK = Check 支票

CL = collection 托收

CM = Commission 佣金

C/N.C.N. = credit note,covering note,consignment note 货方通知,保险承保单,发货通知书

C.O. = certificate of origin 产地证明书

c/o = care of carried over 烦转,过次页

Co. = company 公司

c.o.d.= cash on delivery 货到付款

Con.Inv. = Concular Invoice 领事发票

corp. = corporation 法人,公司

C/P = charter party 租船契约

cr. = credit 货方,债权人

cs = case 箱

csk.,ck = cask 樽

C.W.O.= cash with order 现金订货,下定付款

cwt. = hundred weight 衡量名

C.Y. = container yard 集装箱集散场

大家都知道考bec需要积累大量的词汇,下面我就给大家带来bec词汇详 总结 ,希望你们喜欢。

商务英语 高级词汇总结(1)

hostile adjective 敌对的

impatience noun 急躁

polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的

abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外

announce verb 宣布,通告

battery noun 电池

acquaintance noun 熟人

available adjective 可获得的,/可探访的

career noun 事业,生涯,职业

confidential adjective 机密的,秘密的

detail noun 细节,详情

domestic adjective 国内的

exchange verb 交换,兑换

disabled adjective 伤残的

economy noun 经济实惠/节约 措施

line noun (产品的)类型,种别

order book noun 订货簿

outperform verb 做得比…好/胜过

plant noun 设备,工厂

output noun 产量,输出量

quotation noun 报价(单)

range noun 种类

rationalize verb 合理化

redundant adjective 多余的

shape noun 外型,体型

share noun 股份

shipping noun 运送

short-range adjective 短期的/短程的

suppliers plural noun 供应商

specifications plural noun 规格

stock noun 库存

substantial adjective 大量的/可观的


break noun 休息,暂停

frequent adjective 时常发生的/频繁的

improve verb 改善,改进

physiotherapist noun 理疗医师

card noun 卡片,名片

stand noun 摊位,看台

discount noun 折扣

procurement noun 采购,获得

record verb 记录

rely on phrasal verb 依赖,信任

sales representative noun 销售代表

summarize verb 概述,总结

canteen noun 食堂

complain verb 抱怨,控诉

concerning preposition 关于

display verb 陈列,展览

eyesight noun 视力

handle verb 处理,操作

investigate verb 调查,研究

bug noun 小虫,臭虫, 病

old-fashioned adjective 老式的/过时的

procedure noun 程序,手续

raise verb 提出

recommend verb 推荐,介绍

regular adjective 定期的/规则的/经常的

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) noun (肢体的)重复性劳损

replace verb 取代,替换

request noun 请求,要求

screen noun 屏,银幕

symptom noun 症状

union noun 联盟,协会

ventilate verb 使通风


waste noun 废物,浪费

workforce noun 劳动力/职员总数

bill noun 帐单

bonus noun 奖金,红利

dash noun 破折号

deduct verb 扣除

increase verb 增加,增大

instead adverb 代替

invoice noun 发票,发货单

lot noun 许多

postpone verb 推迟,延迟

punctuation mark noun 标点符号

reduce verb 减少

afterthought noun 事后产生的想法/追悔

apostrophe noun 撇号

avoid verb 避免

brackets noun 括弧

carry out phrasal verb 执行/完成/实现

colon noun 冒号

comma noun 逗号

cost noun 成本

quotes noun 引号

doubt noun 怀疑,疑问

exclamation mark noun 感叹号

factory noun 工厂

full stop noun 句号

hyphen noun 连字符

inverted commas noun 引号

oblique noun 斜线符号

parenthesis noun 圆括号

period = full stop noun 句号

primary adjective 第一位的/主要的

damage verb 损害,损坏

repair verb 修理 ,修补

cable noun 电缆

misunderstand verb 误解,误会

mix up noun 混乱,问题

reel noun 卷轴,一卷

attorney US = lawyer noun 律师

clumsy adjective 笨拙的

inefficient adjective效率低/不能胜任的

pressure noun 压力

shortage noun 不足,缺乏

slip-up noun 疏忽,错误

slip someone’s mind 忘记

solicitor UK noun 律师

threat noun 威胁,恐吓

anticipate verb 预期,期望

inconvenience noun 麻烦/不方便之处

database noun 数据库,资料库

format noun 版式,格式

fuss noun 忙乱,大惊小怪

graphics noun 图形

one-stop adjective 一站式的

utility noun 效用,有用

asap abbreviation for 尽快

fault noun 过错,毛病,故障

inadequate adjective 不充分/不恰当的

package noun 包裹,包

withhold verb 使停止,抑制

A4 noun A4(纸)

negative noun (摄影等的)底片/负片

refund noun 偿还额,退款

alloy noun 合金

cost-effective adjective 有成本效益的,划算的

defect noun 过失,缺点

eliminate verb 排除,消除

line manager noun 生产线管理人员

mass-produce verb 大量生产

reject verb 拒绝,抵制,否决


the brunt of 主要压力/正面冲撞

brand name noun 品牌名

coupon noun 商家的优待券

credit card noun 信用卡

bill noun esp. US 钞票

downturn noun 低迷时期

slowdown noun 生产放慢/减速

eurocheque noun 欧洲货币支票

increase verb 增加,增大

interest noun 利息

launch verb 发动/发起/投放市场

letter of credit noun 信用证

list price noun 价目表所列之价格

marginal adjective 少的/微不足道的

net noun 净利/价

oblique adjective 倾斜的

slash noun 斜线

pound noun 英镑

prestige noun 声望,威望

spreadsheet noun 空白表格程序,电子数据表

string noun 线,串

tax noun 税,税款

assess verb 评估,评定

bad debt noun 呆帐(收不回的帐)

disregard noun 漠视,忽视

face value noun 票面价值

owe verb 欠

recover verb 重新获得,恢复

gross adjective, adverb 总的,毛重的

gross noun 一罗

invoice noun 发票,发货单

merchandise noun 商品,货物

remittance noun 汇款,汇款额

inconsistent adjective 不一致/不协调的

irrevocable adjective 不可撤销的

particular adjective 特殊的/特别的

shipment noun 装运,货物

stipulate verb 规定

enclose verb 放入封套,装入

liquidate verb 清算

rectify verb 纠正

aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的

aggression - noun 进攻,侵略

appointment noun 约会,指定

badge noun 徽章,证章

colleague noun 同事,同僚

head of department noun 部门经理

department- noun 部门,科,处

managing director noun 常务懂事

personnel noun 人员,职员

public relations noun 公共关系

sales office noun 营业部,销售部

sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的

small talk noun 闲聊

superior noun 长者,上级

surname noun 姓

vice-chairman noun 副主席

vice - prefix 副的

chairman - noun主席

visitor noun 访问者,来宾

visit - 拜访 ,参观

whereabouts noun 下落,行踪

aperitif noun 开胃酒

apparently 显然地

behaviour noun 行为,举止

chew over noun 考虑,详细讨论

counterpart noun 对等的人或物

demonstration noun 示范,实证

demonstrate – verb 示范,证明

disaster noun 灾难

manners plural noun 礼貌

offence noun 犯罪,冒犯

syllable noun 音节

商务英语高级词汇总结相关 文章 :

1. 2020年高级商务英语高频词汇干货总结!

2. bec商务英语高级词汇

3. 商务英语必备英语词汇总结

4. 2020年高级商务英语高频词汇干货收藏!

5. 120个商务英语常用词汇

6. 商务英语职称词汇

7. bec商务英语高级难度怎样

8. 关于bec中级高频词汇

9. 商务英语常用词汇

10. bec中级词汇


1、Let''s talk about the problem of quantity.     我们谈谈数量的问题吧。

2、You''ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight.     你们必须出具数量和重量证明书。

3、The package number and quantity are identical with each other.     包装号与商品数量相吻合。

4、Quantity matters as much as quality of price, doesn''t it?     数量和价格、质量一样重要,是吗?

5、We believe we shall be able to better satisfy our customers quantitatively.     我们相信能在数量上更好地使客户满意。

6、The quantity you ordered is considerable.     你们订的数量还可以。

7、We can supply any reasonable quantity of this merchandise.     对此商品,我们能提供任何适当的数量。

8、I must advise the farm of the quantity of the wheat as per the contract.     我将按合同规定通知农场小麦的数量。

9、If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract, the importer will refuse to accept the goods.     如果进口商发现货物数量与合同规定不符,他将拒收。


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国际商务英语学科考试复习要点Lesson 1 International Business商务术语:FDI GDP BOT patent copyright value chain franchising (紫色书10-11页)考点:国际商务贸易的主要类型(major types of international business) A.Trade(贸易): a. commodity trade (商品贸易,也叫有形贸易visible trade ) b. service trade (服务贸易, 也叫无形贸易invisible trade) B. Investment (投资): a. foreign direct investment (FDI 外国直接投资) b. portfolio investment (证券投资) C. Other types (其他类型): a. licensing and franchising (国际许可与特许经营) b. management contract and contract manufacturing (管理合同和承包生产)翻译练习:1. 随着经济全球化的发展,无形贸易即使在发展中国家的国际贸易中所占的比例也逐渐增大With the development of economic globalization, invisible trade accounts for an increasing proportion of the world trade even in the developing countries2. BOT是 “交钥匙”工程的一种流行的变通形式BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey projectLesson 2 Income Level and the World Market商务术语:GNP PPP ( purchasing power parity 购买力平价) Staple goods (大路货) creditor country ( 债权国) (紫色书25页)考点:国民生产总值和国内生产总值 (GNP 和GDP)GNP: refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economyGDP: refers to the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.Per capita income (人均收入): It is calculated by dividing its national income by its populationTriad and Quad (三方组合和四方组合): A. United States B. Western Europe C. Japan D. Canada翻译练习:1. 国民生产总值和国内生产总值体现了一个国家的全部收入,在衡量国民收入方面可以互换使用。GNP and GDP indicate a country’s total income. They can be used interchangeably to measure the level of its national income.2. 欧盟作为三方组合的一个分支,在使我们的市场多元化方面起着相当重要的作用EU, as one leg of Triad, plays an important role in the respect of diversifying our marketLesson 3 Regional Economic Integration商务术语: tariff rates(关税率) settlement (协议) cartel (卡特尔) free trade area NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement北美自由贸易协定) 紫色书41页考点:1. 地区一体化的主要目标 (Major objectives of regional integration)To better enjoy the benefit of free flow of goods, services, capital, labor and other resources, at the same time possibly put up barriers to economic activities with non-members2. 地区经济一体化的四个层次( Four levels of regional economic integration)A. Free trade area (自由贸易区)----经济一体化程度低,内部团结,但各成员对外采用各自的贸易政策B. Customs Union (关税同盟)---所有成员对外都实行相同的贸易政策C. Common market (共同市场)---共同的对外政策,生产要素也在各成员国间流动D. Economic union( 经济联盟)----经济一体化程度最高, 共同的对外政策,生产要素也 . 在各成员国间流动, 统一协调各国在经济金融领域的 国内政策,统一货币 3. 掌握EU (欧洲联盟) , APEC(亚太经济合作组织). OPEC (石油输出国组织) 翻译练习:1. 共同市场具有使商品, 服务,劳动力甚至资本,技术在各成员国之间自由流通的特点.The common market is characterized by the free flow of capital and technology besides goods, services and labor.2. 欧盟是一个机构齐全的实体,其历史可以追溯到1952年.The European Union is a full-fledged entity, whose history dates back to 1952.Lesson 4 Economic Globalization商务术语:Shareholders(股东), board of directors(董事会), parent company(母公司), affiliate(子公司), day-to-day running(日常管理), multinational corporation(跨国公司), home country(母公司所在国), host country(东道国)紫色书63-64页考点:1. 经济全球化的基本特征和优劣势:A. Basic feature:a. free flow of commodity,capital, technology,service and information b. optimized allocation of resources(资源优化配置)B. Advantages and negative impacts:Advantages: a. new impetus and opportunities to world economic development b. mutual benefits from economic boomsNegative impacts: a. make countries more vulnerable to the adverse events across the global b. not balanced benefits3. 跨国公司 (multinational corporations)A. organization---parent and affiliates (组织----母公司与子公司)B. features: a. enormous size b. wide geographical spread (广阔的地域分布) c. needs ,goals and roles (需要, 目标和作用): profits, securityC. four types: a. multi-domestic corporation b. global corporation c. transnational corporation d. world company4. 翻译:a. 经济全球化使得各国经济更容易受到全球各地不利事件的伤害。Economic globalization is making the various economies more vulnerable to the adverse events across the globe.b. 安全对任何一个跨国企业而言都极为重要,因为没有安全,跨国企业组织的生存便无法保证。Security is extremely important to any MNE because without it, an MNE’s survival can never be assured.Lesson 5-6 International Trade (1) (2)商务术语: services(劳务), primary commodities(初级产品), absolute advantage(绝对利益), comparative advantage(比较利益), quota(配额), customs union(关税同盟), ad valorem duty(从价税), specific duties(从量税), drawback(退税), MFN(最惠国待遇), non-tariff barrier(非关税壁垒).紫色书: 90页 110页考点:1. 国际贸易的定义(definition):It refers to the exchange of goods and services produced in one country with those produced in another2. 国际贸易的两个缘由( Two reasons for international trade)a. the uneven distribution of natural resources among countriesb. international specialization(国际专业化)3. 国际专门化的两个理论(Two theories for international specialization)a. The theory of absolute advantage(绝对利益理论):a commodity will be produced in the country where it costs least in terms of resources (capital, land, and labour)b. The theory of comparative advantage(相对对利益理论):Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of producing both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade.4. 关税壁垒和非关税壁垒( tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers)a. tariff barriers: export duty(进口税), import duty(出口税), ----specific duties 从量税 ad valorem duty. 从价税 Compound duty 混合税b. non-tariff barriers: quotas----the most common form of non-tariff barriers5. 翻译练习a. 比较优势理论已成为现代国际贸易思想的基石Comparative advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international tradeb.关税壁垒是限制贸易最常见的形式 Tariff barriers are the most common forms of trade restriction.Lesson 7 Incoterms 2000商务术语:EDI (电子数据交换),customers clearance (结关),dispatch (发运),ICC(国际商会)Roll-on-roll-off(滚装滚卸), incoterms (国际贸易通则),FOB(起运港船上交货价), CFR (成本加运费价),CIF (成本加运费加保险费价) 紫色书132-133页考点:1.《国际贸易术语解释通则》的必要性和目的 The necessity and purpose of having IncotermsThe purpose of INCOTERMS is to provide a set of international rules for the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade and avoid uncertainties of different interpretations of such terms in different countries.3. 三个最常用术语 (The three most commonly used terms)FOB: Free on Board 装运港船上交货CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费CIR: Cost, Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费,加运费翻译练习:a. 折扣是指卖方按照商品的原价给买方以一定比率的价格减让Discount means that sellers offer to buyers a certain percentage of reduction on the original price.b. 买卖双方在制定合同时,如果有理解一致的具体规则可供参照,他们就肯定能简单可靠地确定各自的责任If, when drawing up their contract, buyer and seller have some commonly understood rules to specifically refer to, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely.Lesson 8 Business Contract商务术语:Inquiry(询盘,询价), quotation(报价单), validity period(有效期), offer(发盘), counter-offer(还盘), offeree(收盘人), sales confirmation(销售确认书), Consignment(寄售), fore majeure(不可抗力), business line(业务范围), contract proper(合同正文), article number(货号).紫书150-151页考点:1.合同的定义(definition)A contract is an agreement which sets forth binding obligations of the relevant parties2.谈判过程及签定合同(the process of negotiation and the conclusion of the contract)inquiry--quotation---> offer and acceptance-counter-offer3.合同的种类(The types of contracts)a. sales contractb.purchase contractc.sales confirmation4. 合同的构成(the setting up of a contract)a. the title (合同名称)b. the contract proper(合同正文)c. The signature of the contracting parties(缔约双方签字)d. The stipulations on the back of the contract(合同背面的规定)翻译练习:a. 在实盘情况下,我们通常保留有效期三天 In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for three daysLesson 9 Modes of Trade商务术语:Counter trade(对销贸易), hyperinflation(极度通货膨胀), Reichstock(德国国家银行),protectionism(贸易保护主义),Clearing system(票据交换制度), net positions(净头寸), compensation trade(补偿贸易), barter(易货贸易), counter purchase(互购贸易)Buyback(回购贸易), centrally planned economies(中央计划经济国家), processing trade(加工贸易), consignment(寄售贸易), leasing trade(租赁贸易),aution(竞卖/拍卖), agency(代理) 174-175页考点:1.对销贸易的主要优点(major advantages of counter trade)a. helping to deal with foreign exchange shortagesb. promoting exportsc, reducing uncertainty regarding export receiptsd.bypassing international price agreemente. helping countries with debt problems to import goods3. 对销贸易的缺点(the drawbacks of counter trade)a. very risky business (conceal the real prices and costs of transactions)b. Companies may suffer losses because they could not get rid of products of poor qualityc. a form of proctectionism翻译练习a. “互相捆绑”是易货贸易,回购贸易和互惠贸易的共同特征“Bundling” is the feature common to barter, counter purchase and buyback.b. 作为一种捆绑贸易,对销贸易一般是在成熟市场经济国家和市场机制不完善的国家间发生的贸易As a type of bundled trade, counter trade generally takes place between mature market economies and economies with imperfect market institution..Lesson10 International Payment商务词汇: debtor(债务人), debit(收方/借方), financial standing(财务状况), credit worthiness(信誉), periodic payment(分期付款), cash in advance(预付现金),usance draft(远期汇票), documentary draft(跟单汇票), clean draft(光票), documentary collection(跟单托收), D/P(付款交单), D/A(承兑交单).194-195页考点:1. 国际贸易支付的复杂性(the complexity of payment in international trade):Mutual trust is hard to build. Both the exporter and the importer face various political risks, commercial risks etc.2. 在一定条件下的两种支付方法:a. cash in advance or partial cash in advance (预付现金和部分预付现金) b.open account(记账交易) 3. 汇票(the draft/ bill of exchange)a. definition: an unconditional order to a bank or a customer to pay a sum of money to someone on demand or at a fixed time in the futureb. sign draft and usance draft (即期汇票和远期汇票)c. clean draft (光票:汇票不附单据) and documentary draft (跟单汇票:随同汇票一起的有相关的单据,如提单,发票,保险单)4. 跟单拖收 (documentary collection)a. D/P: 付款交单: documents will not be released to the importer until payment is effectedb. D/A: 承兑交单: documents handed over to the importer upon his acceptance of the bill of exchange drawn by the exporter翻译练习:a. 许多国际交易是通过汇票支付的,汇票是对银行或顾客的支付命令A lot of international transactions are paid for by means of the draft that is an order to a bank or a customer to payb. 即期汇票要求受票人见到汇票后立即付款A sight draft calls for immediate payment on presentation to the drawee.Lesson11-12 Credit (1),(2)商务术语:Applicant (申请人), opening bank(开证行), corresponding bank(关系行), advising bank(通知行), confirming bank(保兑行). Reimburse(付款), unit price(单价), partial shipment(分批装运). Clean credit(光票信用证), revocable credit(可撤消信用证), irrevocable credit(不可撤消信用证). Maturity(到期日,偿还日), capital turnover(资金周转率), face value(面值), discount(贴现), deferred payment(延期付款), revolving credit(循环信用证). 紫色书220页 345页考点:1.信用证独特的具有代表性的特征 The bilateral security—双边保证2.信用证的相关当事人及其在信用证业务中的作用---联系淘宝的例子 A. the applicant (开证) B. the opening bank(开证行) C. the advising bank(通知行) D. the negotiating bank(议付行) E. the confirming bank(保兑行)4. 信用证的局限性(limitation)a. inability to provide absolute securityb. being more expensive than other forms of payment翻译练习1. 信用证的目的是通过银行信誉为国际支付提供便利The objective of an L/C is to facilitate international payment by means of the creditworthness of the bank.2. 信用证极大地方便并促进了国际贸易,然而它并不能给缔约双方提供绝对安全The letter of credit has greatly facilitated and promoted international trade. However, it can not provide absolute security for the contracting parties.Lesson13 Major Documents Required in World Trade商务术语:Documents(单据), take delivery of (提货), bill of lading(提单). Consignee(收获人), air bill(空运提单), cargo receipt(铁路运单), commercial invoice(商业发票), certificate of quality(品质证书). Insurance policy(保险单) 紫色书上269页考点:1,主要单据 (major types of documents)a. commercial invoice 商业发票b. packing list 装相单c. the bill of lading 提单d.insurance policy and insurance certificate 保险单和保险证书e.various certificate 其它各种证书翻译练习:1. 提单的签发日期绝不能晚于信用证所规定的时间The date when the bill of lading is issued can by no means be later than that stipulated in the credit2. 货物一装上船,请即电告收发人You are requested to notify the consignee by cable as soon as the goods are shipped.Lesson14 International Transportation商务术语:Finished products (制成品), deregulation(撤消管制规定), productivity(生产率), cost economies(成本节约), intermediate products(中间产品), natural product provinces(产品自然领域), Inventory(存货,库存), freight transportation(货物运输) 紫色书292页考点:1.五种主要运输方式 The five major modes of transportation Water ,rail, truck, pipeline, and air2.改变运输业的四大因素 The four factors that are substantially changing transportationa. transportation deregulationb. just-in-time inventory systemsc. competition based on high level of customer serviced. globalization of business翻译练习:a.在当前市场竞争十分激烈的情况下,出口商必须加快货运,以快取胜At a time when competition is fierce, exporters can beat their competitors by speeding up shipment.b.运输对工业社会的发展和运行起着至关重要的作用Transportation is fundamental to the development and operation of an industrial society.Lesson15-16 Insurance (1), (2)商务术语:Insured(保户), Insurer(承保人), margin(保险金), underwriter(保险商), pool(共同款项), cargo insurance(运输保险), marine insurance(海上保险), indemnity(赔偿), ruin(损失), insurable interests(可保险权), principle of utmost faith(最大诚信原则), forwarding charge(远期费用) 紫色书 307,322页考点:1.保险的定义(definition)’It can be defined as a social device in which a group of individuals transfer risk and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk 2.保险的三个主要原则(Three main principles of insurance)a. insurable interestb. utmost good faithc. indemnity两个辅助原则(two sub-principle of insurance)a. contributionb. suborgation翻译练习:a. 货物保险通常有火险, 海上保险和意外事故保险 Cargo insurance includes fire, marine and accident insurance.b. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的所赔都不会受理An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertainedLesson 17 The International Monetary System and Exchange Rate商务术语:Change of rate(汇率),gold standard(金本位),reserve currency(储备货币), clean float(自由浮动),dirty float(有干预浮动),discount(贴现),medial rate(中间价)考点:1汇率(exchange rate)A. fixed exchange rateB. flexible exchange rateC. major factors influencing exchange rate: a international balance of payment b.inflation c.interest rateD. Common measures for intervention in exchange rate a. buying or selling foreign currency b. raising or lowering discount rate c. foreign exchange control翻译练习: 尽管国际收支账面平衡,但在有错误与遗漏项目时,差额是非常庞大的,每一项都会有盈余或赤字,如果在3年或5年期间盈余抵消了亏损.则仍然认为国际收支是平衡的。While the balance of payment is always in accounting balance,the odds are astronomical that it would be so without the statistical discrepancy item. There would be a surplus or a deficit in almost every case, but the balance of payment would nevertheless be considered in equilibrium if over three-to-five year period the surpluses more or less canceled out the deficits.从18-20课,商务术语请参照紫色书上每课后面的商务词汇复习,记一些常见的Lesson 18 International Financial Organization重点: 1.The world bank group(世界银行集团)a.组成: IBRD, IDA, IFC, IMF.MIGAb.目标: to help raise standards of living in developing countries by channeling financial resources to them from developed countries2.IBRD(国际复兴开发银行)a. source of capital: member countriesb.financing of its lending operation: from the world capital marketsc.target countries: developing countries at more advanced leveld,basic rules governing its operation: for productive purpose/ repayment3. IDA(国家开发协会): targets: the poorer developing countries, basic rules governing its operation: no interests4. IFC(国际金融公司):Function: to assist the economic development of less-developed countries5. MIGA(多边投资担保机构):Mandate:to encourage equity investment and other direct investment flows to developing countries6.IMF(国际货币基金组织)a.the importance of the quotab.function:providing temporary financing for countries suffering cyclical,seasoned or random shocks that would weaken its currency.翻译练习:不同于世界银行,国际开发协会无法从竞争的资本市场上筹集资金,取而代之的是它靠发达国家和一些欠发达国家捐赠的资金。Unlike the world bank, the IDA cannot raise capital in competitive capital markets and depends instead on subscription donated by the developed countries and some undeveloped countries.Lesson19-22(刚上课不久, 简概)1.对外直接投资的主要因素 major factors for undertaking FDI 紫书3792.对外直接投资的形式 forms of FDI 紫书3823. 政券交易所的作用 the role of stock exchange 紫书401国内普通股市包括的三个市场 Three areas for the Domestic Equity Market紫书402-4034. WTO与 GATT 的区别 紫书4225, WTO与China( achievements and challenges) 紫书424-4266贸发会的目标 objectives of UNCTAD 紫书4537贸发会的组织 organization of UNCTAD紫书454祝发家考试成功!


1、名词解释(定义 比如说:resume cover letter :用英语解释这个词)。

2、简答题(比如问什么什么的要素,例如 business writing 的要素? 当然 它是用英文问的) 。

3、中英文配对 写作 翻译。









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