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参考范文:Arts students employment has its own unique advantages, liberal arts students should learn to use in the job. For example, liberal arts students have good writing is an advantage of employment. Many units have stressed the need to "write", and not only to write documents, but also to be able to write a summary report and other large pieces of paper. Of course, liberal arts students through multi-disciplinary minor enhance their core competitiveness, job market information shows that more and more employers favor of arts and science complex talent.

自考英语作文在试题中所占的比重逐渐加大,报考自学考试那么如何写好英语作文呢,下面小编为大家整理自考英语作文范文。自考英语二优秀范文篇1Making friends is a skill like many other skills. It improves with practice. If you want tomeet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some actions. You must first gowhere there are people. You won’t make friends staying home alone. Join a club or a group.Taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier. Or join someone insome activities. Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all meetingstrangers means facing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortableabout the unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubtsabout ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short,too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to acceptyourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease. You’ll both feel morecomfortable.If you see someone you like to speak to, say something . don’t wait for the otherperson to start a conversation.Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that personfriendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”. It takes time and effort todevelop.交朋友是一种技巧,像许多其他的技能一样。它能改善与实践。如果你想满足和人交朋友,你必须愿意采取一些行动。你必须首先去有人的地方。你不会让朋友独自呆在家里。加入一个俱乐部或一个队。带着那些喜欢同样的事情像你要容易得多。或参加一些活动的人。新人们说话的时候,很多人都很紧张。毕竟会议陌生人意味着面对未知的问题。这是人的本性,对未知的感觉有点不舒服。我们大多数的担心处理新朋友来自怀疑自己。我们想象别人评判我们找到我们太高或短,太这个或那个。但不要忘记,他们必须有同样的.感觉。试着接受你自己和你,试着把另一个人自在。你会感到更舒适。尽量自信,即使你没有这样的感觉。当你进入一个满是陌生人的地方,比如一个新教室,走挺拔,直视他人和微笑。如果你看到你喜欢的人说话,说几句。不要等到对方开始谈话时才说。刚刚遇见一个新的人并不意味着你会交朋友,个人友谊是基于相互喜欢和“给予和获得”。这需要时间和精力来培养。篇2Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thingagain and again, he will be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Once ahabit is formed, it's difficult or even impossible to change or get rid of it. Therefore, it's ofgreat importance that we should pay attention to the formation of habits.不管是好习惯还是坏习惯都是逐渐形成的。当一个人周而复始地重复做某一件事的时候,由于某种看不见的力量他不得不以同样的方式做这件事。一旦习惯养成就很难甚至不可能改变或者戒除。因此,注意养成习惯很重要。Good habits have many advantages. For example, going to bed early and rising earlyhelp us build a healthy body. Diligence helps to success. Honesty helps to win the respectand trust of others.好习惯有很多优点。比如,早睡早起帮助我们建立健康的.身体。勤劳有助于成功。城市有助于赢得他人的尊敬和信任。If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mindby these habits.如果我们养成坏习惯,比如粗鲁、懒惰、说谎和偷窃,我们可能被这些习惯困扰。In short, good habits helps us be better and bad habits make us worse, so we should tryhard to form good habits and keep far from bad habits.Children's day is coming soon,all the children are very happy.But now all the childrenhave too much homework to do.They hardly have space time to play with their friends.儿童节快到了,所有的孩子都很高兴.但现在,所有的孩子都有太多的作业要做.他们几乎没有时间和朋友一起玩.First of allThat day we will get up early,came to the school,because we now is a juniorhigh school student,so the school won't for us as the primary that give us after 61,althoughjust top junior high school of time,but a little habits,half year after will probably alreadyaccustomed to junior middle school life.61 will be here soon,and now we are facing testssports add try.Also is in the June 1 day,I hope we can take an examination of teenager yearsis a good grades第一天我们都会早早起床,来到学校,因为我们现在是一个初中学生,所以学校不会为我们的主给我们61后,虽然时间刚上初中了,但一个小习惯,半年后将可能已经习惯了初中中学生活.61将在这里很快,现在我们正面临考试体育加试.也是在六月一日的'一天,我希望我们能能把青少年年考试的好成绩。篇4I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future wewill have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go it takes only a shorttime. With the development of science and technology we can travel to the moon Mars orsomewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word isconvenient. Because of the fast development of our society many work can be done bycomputers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.我对未来生活充满了想象。我认为可以用两个词来概括我的想象。第一个词是快速。将来,我们会拥有更快的.交通方式。不管我们去得多远,它总能在短时间内把我们带到目的地。随着科学技术的发展,我们可以到月球,火星或者其他外太空旅游。人们也许可以在其他星球居住。第二个词是便利。由于社会的快速发展,很多工作可以用电脑或者机器人来完成。很多东西都是全自动的。人们只需要提供一些简单的指令来完成复杂的任务。篇5Smilehow warm the word is!It can make anyone happy.And this happiness is from thebottom of heart.It’s not like enthusiastic laughterbut just warmmakes your heart warm.Solet us Learn to smile to ourselves.Because when you failit can make you stand up and workhard again;And we should t learn to smile to others Smileso easybut also so useful.|Solet’slearn to smile.Everyone needs others’ smile.When we give others a smilewe will feelsunshine.微笑,多么温暖的一句话!它能使人幸福。这幸福是从心底。它不喜欢热烈的笑声,只是温暖,让你的心温暖,让我们学会微笑,给自己。因为当你失败的`时候,它会使你站起来,再努力;我们应该学会微笑对别人微笑,那么容易,但是也很有用。|所以,让我们学会微笑,每个人都需要别人的微笑,当我们给别人一个微笑,我们就会感到快乐,还有微笑是一种既丰富又有价值的语言,让我们学会微笑,我相信它可以更温暖。微笑着生活,每天都会是阳光。篇6My Chinese TeacherOf all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Thoughshe has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office.She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. Butshe is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she isone of the most popular teachers in our school.我的语文老师在所有的科目中,我最喜欢语文,因为我有一个好的语文老师。虽然她只教了我们三年,我很爱她。我的语文老师是三十六岁,她既不高也不低。孙女士工作很努力。她总是第一个来,最后一个离开办公室。她努力使她的课生动有趣。我们都非常喜欢她的课。孙女士很善良,对我们很友好。我们'重新相处。但她对我们的`学习要求很严格。孙老师教我们这么好,我们都喜欢学习汉语。所有的学生都认为她是我们学校最受欢迎的老师。篇7Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more thantwenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak andread more English. She often tells us that "practice makes perfect."She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting.She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short Englishplays.She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher butalso our good friend. We all respect and love her.我们的`英语老师是一位中年妇女。她教英语二十年多了。她工作很努力,多次被评为模范教师。她很擅长教学,力图把课上得生动有趣。她经常给我们放幻灯片,教我们唱英语歌曲,帮助我们排演英语小话剧。她爱我们,总是愿意帮助我们。事实上,她不仅是我们的好老师,也是我们的好朋友。我们都尊敬和爱戴她。篇8The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean andbeautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from theirhomes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns whichare usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eatingmoon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past andlook forward to the future together.中秋节是一个非常重要的中国节日。它落在了第十五天的8月。节日前几天,家里的每个人都会有助于使房子干净漂亮。在房子前面挂着灯笼。晚上会有一个大家庭聚餐。那些离家很远的'人会试图重新回到联邦。晚餐后,人们会点亮通常是红色和圆形的灯笼。孩子们会愉快地玩他们自己的玩具灯笼。晚上,月亮通常是圆的,明亮的。人们可以在吃月饼的同时,也能享受到中秋节的月饼。他们可以回顾过去,并期待未来一起。篇9今天爸爸给我买了一个漂亮的新书包,我非常高兴。Today, my father bought me a beautiful new book bag. I'm very happy.它是粉色的,上边有个美丽的小公主,她好像在与蝴蝶在游玩。左边是两个活波可爱的小海马,它们在澄清的大海里嬉戏打闹着。右边有两个形状特异的'小贝壳。里面有四个珍珠。上面还有花边,特别的漂亮。It's pink. There's a beautiful little princess on it. She seems to be playing with butterflies.On the left are two lovely seahorses, playing in the clear sea. There are two small shells withspecial shapes on the right. There are four pearls in it. It also has lace on it. It's very beautiful.小公主非常漂亮,有雪一样的皮肤,水汪汪的大眼睛,柳叶细眉,樱桃小嘴,我太喜欢她了。 The little princess is very beautiful. She has snow like skin, big eyes, willow leaf eyebrowsand cherry mouth. I like her so much.我想:爸爸妈妈辛辛苦苦把钱挣来,给我买了这个书包,我应该保护它,用心去爱它。I think: Mom and dad worked hard to earn money, bought this bag for me, I shouldprotect it, love it with my heart.我爱我的新书包!I love my new book bag!篇10天气酷热难忍,火热热的太阳晒得人筋疲力尽,人们上街都走树荫下,太阳晒不到,人行道上的这种树叫樟树。It's so hot that people are exhausted by the hot sun. People walk in the street under theshade of trees, which can't be exposed to the sun. This kind of tree on the sidewalk is calledcamphor tree.人行道一排排整整齐齐的'樟树,一年四季春夏秋冬,都是碧绿碧绿的树叶。乌褐色的树杆,枝繁叶茂,真像一把大雨伞。那羞答答一串串樟子躲在树叶下,夏天像绿色的珍珠,秋天像紫色的小葡萄,美丽极了。There are rows of camphor trees on the sidewalk. They are all green leaves in spring,summer, autumn and winter. Dark brown tree pole, luxuriant foliage, really like a bigumbrella. That shy string of camphor hiding under the leaves, summer like green pearls,autumn like purple grapes, beautiful.我爱美丽的樟树,它不分春夏秋冬,一年四季郁郁葱葱,给人看后流连忘返。I love the beautiful camphor tree. It is not divided into spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is lush all the year round. It will linger after being shown.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:





Does Outlook Be Important? People always attach great importance on the soul, as the saying that beautiful soul overweighs everything, so in the movie, the everlasting theme is that an ugly girl wins the true love at last. Recently, a hot topic of discussing whether the girls’ outlook is important, the fact is that people reach their agreement that outlook really matters, if a person looks terrible, no one will like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him. In my opinion, beautiful soul is of great importance, but if people don’t make themselves look comfortable outside, no one wants to know his inside. We need to clear ourselves, it doesn’t mean we must make up, we should make ourselves look comfortable and confident, we should dress the tidy clothes and make our hair in order. People say outlook is not important, but it doesn’t mean we give up our outlook and let it look terrible.



Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.



People will make a lot of friends during their lifetime, the more friends they make, the more capable they are. Some young people are proud of having many friends, but only the true friends deserve us to care about. The person we make must be positive to life. He will set the good example to you and help you to be a better man. The bad friends will make you perverted, especially for the teenagers, they can’t make the right judgement and are easy to follow others, so the friends are very important part of their lives. Once they make the wrong friends, they will do the bad thing. So we don’t need more friends, just the right one.




Im Jim,I come from England.I am learning Chinese in BeiJing now.And my parents works in BeiJing.I have many friends here,and they often eat together.Chinas food is very delicious,I very like it.



Today and friends of foreign travel,outside air is very good,people feel very comfortable.We all appreciate the fine girls bicycles.We enjoyed the beautiful nature brought.We happily spent a happy day.



It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.



英语作文虽然没有语文作文分值那么大,但是也很重要。下面整理了一些英语作文优秀范文,供大家参考。一.My Favorite Animal 我最喜爱的动物 My favorite animal is dolphin. They live in the ocean and good at swimming. Dolphins are cute and beautiful. They not only swim fast, but are also smart. Most of dolphins’ color is gray, only a small number of it are white. Though they look like fish, they are mammals. Because of their high IQ, dolphins can be trained by people. They can learn things very quickly and do all the actions accurate. They are very friendly, so I love them very much. 我最喜欢的动物是海豚。他们住在海里,擅长游泳。海豚既可爱又美丽。他们不仅游得快,而且很聪明。大多数海豚的颜色是灰色的,只有少数是白色的。虽然它们看起来像鱼,但它们是哺乳动物。由于海豚的智商很高,人们可以训练它们。他们能很快地学会事情,并能准确地做所有的动作。他们很友好,所以我非常爱他们。 二.My best friend 我最好的朋友 Li Jing is my best friend. She is slim and beautiful with a pair of glasses. She is friendly and generous. She is good at English and I am good at maths so we often help each other. Her interests similar to mine, she likes traveling, reading and playing table tennis. She is the most knowledgeable person I have ever known. No matter what you ask,she can always find a perfect answer in her brilliant brain. We often play table tennis on weekend and sometimes we go to movies on Sundays.We had a great time together. 李静是我最好的朋友。她苗条、漂亮,带眼镜。 她很友善、大度。她擅长英语而我擅长数学,因此我们彼此互相帮助。她和我有相同的兴趣:喜欢旅游、看书和打乒乓球。她是我认识的知识最渊博的人。无论你问什么都会得到完美的回答。我们经常周末打乒乓球,有时周日去看电影。我们在一起很开心。 三.My dream 我的梦想 Since I was a child I dream to be a scientist. I think a good scientist can make the world change a lot. If I become a scientist, I will make the desert cover with green trees, make the war never take places and make disaster get far away from people. Now, although I am only a student and lack of creativity. I will study science harder and harder. Because I believe that "There is a will, there is a way! " 从小我就梦想成为一名科学家。我认为一个好科学家能使世界发生很大变化。如果我成为一名科学家,我会让沙漠长满绿树,让战争永不发生,让灾难远离人们。现在,虽然我只是一个学生,缺乏创造力。我会越来越努力地学习科学。因为我相信“有志者事竟成!”



The ancients said: when have we reported wrongs and wrongs, we must forgive people and forgive others. We all know that this is a kind of tolerance, a broad mind, a kind of unrestrained chic, a great kind. So what is tolerance?


Since ancient times, tolerance has been respected by sages and even the common people as the principle and belief of life, which has become a part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and a glorious canon of educating people and self-discipline.



In one year, withers and thrives once each year, the grass is adorable. Grateful for the blue sky and white clouds, the eagle flies high in the cold jade world; Thanks for the towering mountains, the stream flows down from the mountain stream; With gratitude for the vast land, the soil sends out a refreshing fragrance in the fields.


Gratitude is the source of strength: the root of love: the root of courage. Be grateful to your parents, you will never let them down; Grateful to the society, you will gently lift up the elderly who fall to the ground; Appreciate life, you will smile to the storm, smile to the horizon that a beautiful rainbow.



Life is picturesque, there are thick ink splashing, there are light pen light description; Life is like a song, there are light chanting and shallow singing, there are also Huang zhongdalu. Don't you see Li Taibai: the life of Du Gongbu was full of thick ink, which created the greatness of life; Pei Duofei: Shelley's life, light pen light description, finally write the true meaning of life.


You can't see Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" and Tan Sitong's "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving my liver and gall in Kunlun".


Life is a mountain, we can't estimate its length, we have to pursue its height. Life is the road, it is composed of small pieces of sand and stone, rather than spreading gold and silver, showing the perfection of life. Life is a boat, sailing in the vast sea, only through the baptism of the storm, will usher in the rising sun on the sea tomorrow.



Youth, is a strange illusion, give me a kind of empty uneasiness. Sometimes, I feel like I'm under the stage; Sometimes, I see myself on the stage in the dark corner. Finally, I learned that the stage is full of drama, no one can stay out of it, the amorous feelings flicker under the eyelashes, taking away the joy of the years, leaving only the surface of the scarred prosperity.


The surface of prosperity is too beautiful, but youth is an emotional carnival, lonely people in the quiet corner of the sad, silent interpretation of all the sad and helpless, lively, eventually return to calm.


Youth is too busy, we are too in a hurry, bustling mirage piled up in a moment with the collapse of memories. Finally, our youth is full of ruins, prosperity is no longer.



People on the journey, earthly flashy, to face depression, in the face of decadence, in the face of irritability, in the face of sadness, we are not like the butterfly, looking for a small flower of our own, settling down, smelling the faint fragrance of chrysanthemum, sleeping peacefully. Tired, holding a book; Tired, looking for a fragrant petal; Tired, full of a quiet eye; Find a resting place for the soul.


A drop of dew is enough to wash and rinse the dusty heart; A meter of sunshine is enough to make the heart full of misery swim and turn. To give the soul a resting place, in fact, it doesn't need to be so spacious. A grain of sand and stone, a clear spring... When the soul has a resting place, the perspective of seeing the world becomes wider, and the mood turns into a pair of invisible wings, flying between heaven and earth!



Helping change me

Helping others is great fun.I volunteered at animal shelter from January 10th to January 26th.I can feed cats and dogs with food.It's intereting.Cleaning up the cat's room and dog's room was also interesting.It's excited for me to take a walk with dogs.

I learned more about how to take care of animals .It's important to protect animals.I like animal than before.



How to keep healthy

If we want to keep our bodies healthy, we must have a good habit. We should get up and go to bed early and sleep at least eight hours every day. Do more exercise, such as walking, swimming, playing balls and so on. We should also eat healthy food——more fruit and vegetables and less meat. If you don’t feel well, you’d better see a doctor at once. And we should wash our hands before meals and drink enough boiled water every day. It’s necessary for our health.

We should not throw litter about, keep long fingernails and smoke etc. It’s also very important.


如果我们想保持我们的身体健康,我们必须有一个良好的习惯。我们应该早早起床,早早上床睡觉,每天至少要睡八小时。多做运动,如散步,游泳,玩球等。我们还应该吃健康食品 - 水果和蔬菜,少吃肉类。如果你觉得不舒服,你最好去看医生。我们应该饭前洗手,每天喝足够的白开水。这对我们的健康很重要。


live alone

It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。

【篇1】Today, Korean TV series is very popular in China, people are attractive by the beautiful girls and handsome boys, they want to be one of them.Korea is famous by the plastic surgery, it is said that most Koreans have done the surgery. Out of the purpose of pursuing perfect outlook, people want to imitate Korean stars to fix their outlooks. While people always overlook the risks.今天,韩剧风靡全中国,人们被剧中的俊男美女所吸引,想要成为他们中的一员。韩国因整形手术而出名,据说大部分的韩国人都整过容。出于追求完美外貌,人们想要模仿韩国明星整容。然而人们总是忽视其中的风险。One of the main risks of undergoing plastic surgery is that there is no guarantee of the results. Plastic surgery needs to be cooperated in many times, because the customers are always not satisfied with the outcome, so they want to fix and get more ideal result. But the bad thing is people get disfigured after so many surgeries, they will have psychological problem, they will suffer from anxiety and desperation.进行整容手术的一个主要风险是无法保证结果。整容手术需要进行很多次,因为顾客总是不满结果,因此他们想要修正以达到更加理性的效果。但是坏事就是人们在经过了这么多次的手术后毁容了,他们会有心里问题,遭受焦虑和绝望的煎熬。The other main risk of plastic surgery is people need to cost a lot of money to pursue the perfect outlook. As the mention above, we know that people often need to do the surgery many times, so they need to pay many times, which means the large amount of money. People even will get personal bankruptcy.整容手术的另外一个主要风险就是人们需要花很多钱来追求完美的外表。正如上面提到的,完我们知道整容手术需要分很多次来完成,因此人们需要支付很多次,这意味着一大笔的金钱。人们甚至面临破产。In conclusion, people want to make their faces more charming by plastic surgery, but we must have to remember the risks. If you want to do the surgery, you must measure all the factors.总的来说,人们想要通过整容手术来让他们的脸蛋看起来更加的迷人,但是我们必须记住风险。如果你想要做手术,必须衡量所有的因素。【篇2】As the world gets globalized, the communication between countries has been enhanced, studying abroad has become a dream for countless young students. As a college student who is majoring in English, I would like to keep my further study in a foreign county after graduation, so that I can improve my knowledge and my ability to live.随着世界变得全球化,国家间的交流得到了加强,出国学习已经成为了无数青少年的梦想。作为一名学习英语专业的学生来说,我喜欢毕业后出国学习,这样我就可以提高我的知识和生活的能力。As for me, learning English in a native speaking environment is very important. I would choose to continue my further study in Britain orAmerica, both are good for my major. The English-speaking countries can provide me a good chance for me to gain my knowledge. I can know more about the culture and conventions, it helps me to do some translation work.对于我来说,在一个讲本土语言的国家学习英语很重要。我会选择在英语或者美国继续我的学业,这两个国家都对我的专业有好处。讲英语的国家能给我提供学习知识的好机会。我可以学到更多的文化和习俗,这有助于我做一些翻译方面的工作。Overseas study would also provide a good opportunity to learn how to live by myself. In china, I have been living with my parents all my life, my mother takes care of me all the time, but now, I am an adult, it is time for me to be independent. I can learn how to communicate with others, how to take care of myself and so on. All these abilities are vital for my future career.出国学习也能提供一个学习如何独立生活的好机会。在中国,我一直都和父母生活在一起,我的妈妈一直在照顾我,但是现在,我已经是一个成年人了,该是时候自立了。我可以学着如何与人交流,如何照顾自己等待。所有的这些能力对于我将来的职业很重要。With the constant interaction between nations, it is necessary for us to learn more about the world. Studying abroad provides such chance, at the same time, we could also learn to be independent.随着国家之间的交流日益频繁,更多的了解世界对我们来说是很必要地。出国留学提供了这样的机会,同时,我们也能学着自立。【篇3】On March 8th, 1975, the United Nation started to celebrate the International Women’s Day. In China, the women’s day also called “March 8th”day. Why we celebrate women’s day? There is a long story. 在1975年的3月8日,联合国开始庆祝国际妇女节。在中国,这个节日又被称之为“三八妇女节”。为什么我们要庆祝妇女节呢?这里有个故事要说: On March 8th, 1909, the Women’s Union of Chicago demonstrated against the inequality between men and women. They demanded that they should have the same payments, the same working hours as men had, and they should have the rights to vote. They even put forward a slogan: Bread and Rose, which stood for equal payment and a better living standard. This demonstrated had caused international attention to the women’s rights. A year later, a critical meeting was held in Demark, in order to promote the women’s liberation and equal rights, the council members decided to establish the Women’s Day on March 8th. Then March 8th, 1911 just became the first Women’s day. 在1090年3月8日,芝加哥妇女公会为了反对男女之间的不平等而举行了**。在**中,她们要求男女应该同工同酬,并拥有选举权。她们还提出了“面包和玫瑰”口号。其中,“面包”代表平等的报酬,“玫瑰”则表示更好的生活品质。一年之后,在丹麦召开了至关重要的会议,会议宣布为了促进妇女的解放运动和推进平等权利,理事会成员把每年的3月8日定为妇女节。随后,在1911年的3月8日,第一届妇女节就这样诞生了。In our country, during the women’s day, the women usually have a day-off holiday. The communities or companies will organize the recreational activities such as a spring outing, a nice dinner and some extra welfare. On this special day, the women can really realize that a woman’s value is not only giving birth to a child, doing endless housework, but also find her own status in the modern society. That is she can make a different. She can do everything that a man can do. When you look around, you will find that more and more women are acting as scientists, doctors, lawyers, even leaders. Just try to remember, women rule half of this world. The life could quite different without their wisdom and beauty. 在我国,在妇女节这天,女人们通常不用上班。妇女所在的社区或者是公司会组织娱乐活动。比如春游、节日聚餐和发放额外的奖金。在这特别的一天里,女人会意识到:作为一个女人,不仅仅是生孩子,做家务,而是在社会中找到自己的地位。女人也可以有所作为。男人能做的事情,女人也能做。当你环顾四周,就会发现越来越多的女人从事着各类工作,如教授、医生、律师、甚至领导。要记住这一点,这个世界的一半由女人来统治。少了女人的智慧和美丽,这个世界将大有不同。 Happy International Women’s Day! 国际妇女节快乐!



The ancients said: when have we reported wrongs and wrongs, we must forgive people and forgive others. We all know that this is a kind of tolerance, a broad mind, a kind of unrestrained chic, a great kind. So what is tolerance?


Since ancient times, tolerance has been respected by sages and even the common people as the principle and belief of life, which has become a part of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and a glorious canon of educating people and self-discipline.



In one year, withers and thrives once each year, the grass is adorable. Grateful for the blue sky and white clouds, the eagle flies high in the cold jade world; Thanks for the towering mountains, the stream flows down from the mountain stream; With gratitude for the vast land, the soil sends out a refreshing fragrance in the fields.


Gratitude is the source of strength: the root of love: the root of courage. Be grateful to your parents, you will never let them down; Grateful to the society, you will gently lift up the elderly who fall to the ground; Appreciate life, you will smile to the storm, smile to the horizon that a beautiful rainbow.



Life is picturesque, there are thick ink splashing, there are light pen light description; Life is like a song, there are light chanting and shallow singing, there are also Huang zhongdalu. Don't you see Li Taibai: the life of Du Gongbu was full of thick ink, which created the greatness of life; Pei Duofei: Shelley's life, light pen light description, finally write the true meaning of life.


You can't see Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan" and Tan Sitong's "I smile from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving my liver and gall in Kunlun".


Life is a mountain, we can't estimate its length, we have to pursue its height. Life is the road, it is composed of small pieces of sand and stone, rather than spreading gold and silver, showing the perfection of life. Life is a boat, sailing in the vast sea, only through the baptism of the storm, will usher in the rising sun on the sea tomorrow.



Youth, is a strange illusion, give me a kind of empty uneasiness. Sometimes, I feel like I'm under the stage; Sometimes, I see myself on the stage in the dark corner. Finally, I learned that the stage is full of drama, no one can stay out of it, the amorous feelings flicker under the eyelashes, taking away the joy of the years, leaving only the surface of the scarred prosperity.


The surface of prosperity is too beautiful, but youth is an emotional carnival, lonely people in the quiet corner of the sad, silent interpretation of all the sad and helpless, lively, eventually return to calm.


Youth is too busy, we are too in a hurry, bustling mirage piled up in a moment with the collapse of memories. Finally, our youth is full of ruins, prosperity is no longer.



People on the journey, earthly flashy, to face depression, in the face of decadence, in the face of irritability, in the face of sadness, we are not like the butterfly, looking for a small flower of our own, settling down, smelling the faint fragrance of chrysanthemum, sleeping peacefully. Tired, holding a book; Tired, looking for a fragrant petal; Tired, full of a quiet eye; Find a resting place for the soul.


A drop of dew is enough to wash and rinse the dusty heart; A meter of sunshine is enough to make the heart full of misery swim and turn. To give the soul a resting place, in fact, it doesn't need to be so spacious. A grain of sand and stone, a clear spring... When the soul has a resting place, the perspective of seeing the world becomes wider, and the mood turns into a pair of invisible wings, flying between heaven and earth!


自考英语作文在试题中所占的比重逐渐加大,报考自学考试那么如何写好英语作文呢,下面小编为大家整理自考英语作文范文。自考英语二优秀范文篇1Making friends is a skill like many other skills. It improves with practice. If you want tomeet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some actions. You must first gowhere there are people. You won’t make friends staying home alone. Join a club or a group.Taking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier. Or join someone insome activities. Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all meetingstrangers means facing the unknown. And it’s human nature to feel a bit uncomfortableabout the unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubtsabout ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us of finding us too tall or to short,too this or too that. But don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to acceptyourself as you are and try to put the other person at ease. You’ll both feel morecomfortable.If you see someone you like to speak to, say something . don’t wait for the otherperson to start a conversation.Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that personfriendship is based on mutual liking and “give and take”. It takes time and effort todevelop.交朋友是一种技巧,像许多其他的技能一样。它能改善与实践。如果你想满足和人交朋友,你必须愿意采取一些行动。你必须首先去有人的地方。你不会让朋友独自呆在家里。加入一个俱乐部或一个队。带着那些喜欢同样的事情像你要容易得多。或参加一些活动的人。新人们说话的时候,很多人都很紧张。毕竟会议陌生人意味着面对未知的问题。这是人的本性,对未知的感觉有点不舒服。我们大多数的担心处理新朋友来自怀疑自己。我们想象别人评判我们找到我们太高或短,太这个或那个。但不要忘记,他们必须有同样的.感觉。试着接受你自己和你,试着把另一个人自在。你会感到更舒适。尽量自信,即使你没有这样的感觉。当你进入一个满是陌生人的地方,比如一个新教室,走挺拔,直视他人和微笑。如果你看到你喜欢的人说话,说几句。不要等到对方开始谈话时才说。刚刚遇见一个新的人并不意味着你会交朋友,个人友谊是基于相互喜欢和“给予和获得”。这需要时间和精力来培养。篇2Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thingagain and again, he will be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Once ahabit is formed, it's difficult or even impossible to change or get rid of it. Therefore, it's ofgreat importance that we should pay attention to the formation of habits.不管是好习惯还是坏习惯都是逐渐形成的。当一个人周而复始地重复做某一件事的时候,由于某种看不见的力量他不得不以同样的方式做这件事。一旦习惯养成就很难甚至不可能改变或者戒除。因此,注意养成习惯很重要。Good habits have many advantages. For example, going to bed early and rising earlyhelp us build a healthy body. Diligence helps to success. Honesty helps to win the respectand trust of others.好习惯有很多优点。比如,早睡早起帮助我们建立健康的.身体。勤劳有助于成功。城市有助于赢得他人的尊敬和信任。If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mindby these habits.如果我们养成坏习惯,比如粗鲁、懒惰、说谎和偷窃,我们可能被这些习惯困扰。In short, good habits helps us be better and bad habits make us worse, so we should tryhard to form good habits and keep far from bad habits.Children's day is coming soon,all the children are very happy.But now all the childrenhave too much homework to do.They hardly have space time to play with their friends.儿童节快到了,所有的孩子都很高兴.但现在,所有的孩子都有太多的作业要做.他们几乎没有时间和朋友一起玩.First of allThat day we will get up early,came to the school,because we now is a juniorhigh school student,so the school won't for us as the primary that give us after 61,althoughjust top junior high school of time,but a little habits,half year after will probably alreadyaccustomed to junior middle school life.61 will be here soon,and now we are facing testssports add try.Also is in the June 1 day,I hope we can take an examination of teenager yearsis a good grades第一天我们都会早早起床,来到学校,因为我们现在是一个初中学生,所以学校不会为我们的主给我们61后,虽然时间刚上初中了,但一个小习惯,半年后将可能已经习惯了初中中学生活.61将在这里很快,现在我们正面临考试体育加试.也是在六月一日的'一天,我希望我们能能把青少年年考试的好成绩。篇4I imagine a lot about lives in the future.I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future wewill have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go it takes only a shorttime. With the development of science and technology we can travel to the moon Mars orsomewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word isconvenient. Because of the fast development of our society many work can be done bycomputers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated.Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.我对未来生活充满了想象。我认为可以用两个词来概括我的想象。第一个词是快速。将来,我们会拥有更快的.交通方式。不管我们去得多远,它总能在短时间内把我们带到目的地。随着科学技术的发展,我们可以到月球,火星或者其他外太空旅游。人们也许可以在其他星球居住。第二个词是便利。由于社会的快速发展,很多工作可以用电脑或者机器人来完成。很多东西都是全自动的。人们只需要提供一些简单的指令来完成复杂的任务。篇5Smilehow warm the word is!It can make anyone happy.And this happiness is from thebottom of heart.It’s not like enthusiastic laughterbut just warmmakes your heart warm.Solet us Learn to smile to ourselves.Because when you failit can make you stand up and workhard again;And we should t learn to smile to others Smileso easybut also so useful.|Solet’slearn to smile.Everyone needs others’ smile.When we give others a smilewe will feelsunshine.微笑,多么温暖的一句话!它能使人幸福。这幸福是从心底。它不喜欢热烈的笑声,只是温暖,让你的心温暖,让我们学会微笑,给自己。因为当你失败的`时候,它会使你站起来,再努力;我们应该学会微笑对别人微笑,那么容易,但是也很有用。|所以,让我们学会微笑,每个人都需要别人的微笑,当我们给别人一个微笑,我们就会感到快乐,还有微笑是一种既丰富又有价值的语言,让我们学会微笑,我相信它可以更温暖。微笑着生活,每天都会是阳光。篇6My Chinese TeacherOf all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Thoughshe has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office.She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. Butshe is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she isone of the most popular teachers in our school.我的语文老师在所有的科目中,我最喜欢语文,因为我有一个好的语文老师。虽然她只教了我们三年,我很爱她。我的语文老师是三十六岁,她既不高也不低。孙女士工作很努力。她总是第一个来,最后一个离开办公室。她努力使她的课生动有趣。我们都非常喜欢她的课。孙女士很善良,对我们很友好。我们'重新相处。但她对我们的`学习要求很严格。孙老师教我们这么好,我们都喜欢学习汉语。所有的学生都认为她是我们学校最受欢迎的老师。篇7Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more thantwenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak andread more English. She often tells us that "practice makes perfect."She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting.She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short Englishplays.She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher butalso our good friend. We all respect and love her.我们的`英语老师是一位中年妇女。她教英语二十年多了。她工作很努力,多次被评为模范教师。她很擅长教学,力图把课上得生动有趣。她经常给我们放幻灯片,教我们唱英语歌曲,帮助我们排演英语小话剧。她爱我们,总是愿意帮助我们。事实上,她不仅是我们的好老师,也是我们的好朋友。我们都尊敬和爱戴她。篇8The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean andbeautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from theirhomes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns whichare usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eatingmoon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past andlook forward to the future together.中秋节是一个非常重要的中国节日。它落在了第十五天的8月。节日前几天,家里的每个人都会有助于使房子干净漂亮。在房子前面挂着灯笼。晚上会有一个大家庭聚餐。那些离家很远的'人会试图重新回到联邦。晚餐后,人们会点亮通常是红色和圆形的灯笼。孩子们会愉快地玩他们自己的玩具灯笼。晚上,月亮通常是圆的,明亮的。人们可以在吃月饼的同时,也能享受到中秋节的月饼。他们可以回顾过去,并期待未来一起。篇9今天爸爸给我买了一个漂亮的新书包,我非常高兴。Today, my father bought me a beautiful new book bag. I'm very happy.它是粉色的,上边有个美丽的小公主,她好像在与蝴蝶在游玩。左边是两个活波可爱的小海马,它们在澄清的大海里嬉戏打闹着。右边有两个形状特异的'小贝壳。里面有四个珍珠。上面还有花边,特别的漂亮。It's pink. There's a beautiful little princess on it. She seems to be playing with butterflies.On the left are two lovely seahorses, playing in the clear sea. There are two small shells withspecial shapes on the right. There are four pearls in it. It also has lace on it. It's very beautiful.小公主非常漂亮,有雪一样的皮肤,水汪汪的大眼睛,柳叶细眉,樱桃小嘴,我太喜欢她了。 The little princess is very beautiful. She has snow like skin, big eyes, willow leaf eyebrowsand cherry mouth. I like her so much.我想:爸爸妈妈辛辛苦苦把钱挣来,给我买了这个书包,我应该保护它,用心去爱它。I think: Mom and dad worked hard to earn money, bought this bag for me, I shouldprotect it, love it with my heart.我爱我的新书包!I love my new book bag!篇10天气酷热难忍,火热热的太阳晒得人筋疲力尽,人们上街都走树荫下,太阳晒不到,人行道上的这种树叫樟树。It's so hot that people are exhausted by the hot sun. People walk in the street under theshade of trees, which can't be exposed to the sun. This kind of tree on the sidewalk is calledcamphor tree.人行道一排排整整齐齐的'樟树,一年四季春夏秋冬,都是碧绿碧绿的树叶。乌褐色的树杆,枝繁叶茂,真像一把大雨伞。那羞答答一串串樟子躲在树叶下,夏天像绿色的珍珠,秋天像紫色的小葡萄,美丽极了。There are rows of camphor trees on the sidewalk. They are all green leaves in spring,summer, autumn and winter. Dark brown tree pole, luxuriant foliage, really like a bigumbrella. That shy string of camphor hiding under the leaves, summer like green pearls,autumn like purple grapes, beautiful.我爱美丽的樟树,它不分春夏秋冬,一年四季郁郁葱葱,给人看后流连忘返。I love the beautiful camphor tree. It is not divided into spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is lush all the year round. It will linger after being shown.报考考试有疑问、不知道如何考点内容、不清楚报考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

英语是高考中的重要考试科目,其中英语作文的分值占据了高考英语总分值的百分之二十五。因此,高考英语作文的训练非常重要。要想在高考英语作文中取胜,就必须从最基本的字、词、句出发,正确掌握英语作文的用词规则,了解基本的句型特点,这样才能使得句子简洁、连贯且多样化。为了提高大家写作水平的技巧和方法,下面我为大家带来 英语 高考作文经典范文及翻译,欢迎大家学习!

英语 高 考作文经典范文一:

Americans like to go out by car. Although more and more Chinese own

cars,most Chinese still like to ride bicycles, This is determined by a

lot of factors.

As we all know, the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be

placed wherever it is convenient However, as for the car, although it can

run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking places.

Most Americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and

their working places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work.

And they also like traveling far. Thus a car brings them great convenience.

On the contrary, most Chinese live near their working areas and markets.

They don't need a car to go to work or go shopping.

I would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy

to use and won't cause pollution.











英语 高 考作文 经典范文二:

With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays

becoming longer and longer, how to spend the leisure time has become

a hot topic.

The use of free time often discloses much about one's tastes, va

lues, interests and personality. Some may take to the humanities: lit

erature, magic, art, and they might be interested in movies and telev

ision. Others participate in sports, politics, voluntary work or hobb

ies at home. Still others like parties, traveling, .or just loafing.

Obviously, the use of free time is a good means of relaxation, b

ut its benefits go beyond this. All things people do in leisure hours

enable them to gratify their wishes. This can contribute to intellec

tual growth and promote social activities as well.

So the good use of free time will make life rich, colorful and














英语 高 考作文经典 范文三:

Friends can be classified into two kinds, good friends and evil frie

nds. Evil friends lead us astray and may destroy our life, while good

ones drive us towards the right and make our life successful.

Two of them exist in our daily life. However, ideal friends exi

st in people's mind. They should be diligent, successful and loyal. W

hen you need help, they will stand beside you and be delighted to giv

e you a hand. Also you can share your happiness and sorrow together.

In my opinion, friends can share something but they also should kee

p their own secrets. So I wish my friends wouldn't interfere in my pr

ivacy too much. On the other hand, my friends should have Something i

n common with me, at the same time something special. In this way we

can attract each other and learn from each other.









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