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一单选1 routine --habit2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A2、 It is ……A3、 Unexpectedly ……C4、 A good manager ……C5、 Everything ……C6、 Besides ……B7、 The biologist ……B8、 Scientists ……A9、 ——,jane is ……D10、——I admire ……D二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in、learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCB, ABDCB三、阅读段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。……26------30 AABCD段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。……31-----35 AAABD四、单词翻译36、古代的、古老的ancient37、生涯、经历career38、毁坏、损伤damage39、特别、尤其especially40、渐渐的、逐步的gradually41、车库garage42、诚实的、正直的honest43、保险、保险金insurance44、汁、液juice45、商人merchant46、谈判、协商negotiate47、发生、出现occur48、停止、放弃quit49、包围、环绕surround50、薪金、薪水salary51、治疗、对待treatment52、技术、技巧technique53、美德virtue54、值得做的worth55、屈服、屈从yield五、变换格式56、(become)become57、(curious)curiosity58、(watch)watching59、(be)was60、(expect)expectation61、(agree)agreeable62、(crowd)crowded63、(rich)Enrich64、(praise) has been praised65、(appear) appeared五、翻译66、我们都被大自然的美深深的吸引住了we are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature67、如果想省钱,你就不要买那块昂贵的表。If you want to save money ,do not buy the expensive watch68、那篇小说是她创作时心情的真实反映。The novel really reflects his mood when he wrote it69、应歌迷要求,年轻歌手又唱了一首民歌。The young singer sang a folk song again at the fans request70、一些科学家认为需要有更多的数据才能证明这一事实。Some scientists believe that more data car prove the reality.六、翻译短文每种文化都有自已的理想行为,美国也不例外。在那里,孩子们被鼓励要开放、直接。美国人认为开放是诚实的表现,他们对于沉默和保守提出怀疑。他们觉得你一定在隐藏什么如果你没说出来。他们觉得由于沉默而受威胁,这一点他们不相信也不理解。然而,许多其它文化并不看重开放和直接。事实上,他们不喜欢这些品质因为对它们而言,开放和直接孩子好像很粗鲁。在它信眼里不像成人的行为。那么并不令人吃惊的是许多种文化的误解也由于开放和直接所致 这是江苏的,好像全国也是,供参考。





自考英语题型改变原自考英语(二)考试题型: 1、单项选择题10题,10分 2、阅读理解15题,30分 3、完形填空10题,10分 4、词形变换20题,10分 5、汉译英5题,15分 6、英译汉1题,15分 2013年10月自考英语(二)题型调整为 :1、阅读判断10题,10分 该项实则为判断题,正确选A,错误选B,没有提及选C,所以永远没有D选项哦 2、阅读理解5题,10分该项大家都很熟悉,但较之以往考试,分值大大降低 3、概况段落大意和补全句子10题,10分 4、填句补文5题,10分 5、填词补文10题,15分 6、完型补文10题,15分,相当于之前的完形填空 7、作文30分 总体而言相对于之前的自考英语,新改革的英语考试更为简单,祝大家好运喽,11月中下旬就可以查询今年10月的自考成绩了喔!


一单选1 routine --habit2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A2、 It is ……A3、 Unexpectedly ……C4、 A good manager ……C5、 Everything ……C6、 Besides ……B7、 The biologist ……B8、 Scientists ……A9、 ——,jane is ……D10、——I admire ……D二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in、learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCB, ABDCB三、阅读段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。……26------30 AABCD段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。……31-----35 AAABD四、单词翻译36、古代的、古老的ancient37、生涯、经历career38、毁坏、损伤damage39、特别、尤其especially40、渐渐的、逐步的gradually41、车库garage42、诚实的、正直的honest43、保险、保险金insurance44、汁、液juice45、商人merchant46、谈判、协商negotiate47、发生、出现occur48、停止、放弃quit49、包围、环绕surround50、薪金、薪水salary51、治疗、对待treatment52、技术、技巧technique53、美德virtue54、值得做的worth55、屈服、屈从yield五、变换格式56、(become)become57、(curious)curiosity58、(watch)watching59、(be)was60、(expect)expectation61、(agree)agreeable62、(crowd)crowded63、(rich)Enrich64、(praise) has been praised65、(appear) appeared五、翻译66、我们都被大自然的美深深的吸引住了we are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature67、如果想省钱,你就不要买那块昂贵的表。If you want to save money ,do not buy the expensive watch68、那篇小说是她创作时心情的真实反映。The novel really reflects his mood when he wrote it69、应歌迷要求,年轻歌手又唱了一首民歌。The young singer sang a folk song again at the fans request70、一些科学家认为需要有更多的数据才能证明这一事实。Some scientists believe that more data car prove the reality.六、翻译短文每种文化都有自已的理想行为,美国也不例外。在那里,孩子们被鼓励要开放、直接。美国人认为开放是诚实的表现,他们对于沉默和保守提出怀疑。他们觉得你一定在隐藏什么如果你没说出来。他们觉得由于沉默而受威胁,这一点他们不相信也不理解。然而,许多其它文化并不看重开放和直接。事实上,他们不喜欢这些品质因为对它们而言,开放和直接孩子好像很粗鲁。在它信眼里不像成人的行为。那么并不令人吃惊的是许多种文化的误解也由于开放和直接所致 这是江苏的,好像全国也是,供参考。





News 1

A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019。 If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network。 The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth。 The network is part of a mission to the moon。 This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon。 The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019。 Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon。 The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network。 This is because fifth generation networks are still in testing and trial phases。 This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable enough to work on the moon‘s surface

Question 1:What are scientists planning to do?

Question 2:Why did scientists choose to set up a 4G network in their mission?

News 2

It‘s responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heywood。 The fire was reported at 9:26 pm at an old shopping center on Michigan Avenue near St。 Mary’s Church。 Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs responded to the scene。 Crews had the fire under control in about 45 minutes and managed to contain the fire to its point of origin。 There were some people inside the building when the fire broke out but there were no reports of any injuries。 Fire investigators have responded to the scene but have not yet determined the cause of the fire。 Firefighters will remain on the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn‘t start up again。 The shopping mall had not been in use since 2002。 In 2014 City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing。 However the plan was dropped due to lack of funds。

Question 3:What does the news item say about the fire?

Question4:What had City Hall planned to do?

News 3

Potato chips in Japan are being sold for 6X their normal price。 This is after the country‘s main manufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage。 Storms and floods and its main potato growing region last year caused the worst harvest and more than 3 decades。 Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-ya are halting almost 50 products。

“We don‘t know when we’ll be able to restart”, a company spokesman said。 Snack lovers are panic buying and many supermarket shelves are bare。 Japanese laws limit the amount of imported potatoes that can be used in Japanese made products。 Japan says fear of disease is its main reason to block fresh imports。 It still only allows potatoes from selected US states。 This is only at certain times and on condition that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports。

But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather events more often。

Question 5:What problem is Japan facing?

Question 6:Why does Japan limit the import of potatoes?

Question 7:What might affect Japanese domestic produce?


Conversation 1

M: Mr。 Brown‘s lectures are so boring。

W: Yes, he is not a very exciting speaker。 But the subject is interesting。

M: During every one of his lectures, I try to listen I really try。 But after about 10 minutes my mind begins to wander and I lose concentration。 But I see that you seem to be OK。 How do you stay focused through the entire hour?

W: Well, what I do is keep my pen moving。

M: What do you mean?

W: It‘s a method of active concentration I read about。 One of the most effective ways to concentrate is to write things down。 But it has to be done by hand, not typing on a keyboard。 You see writing by hand forces you to actually engage with what you’re learning in a more physical way。

M: Do you review your notes afterwards then?

W: Sometimes but that‘s not important。 My notes may or may not be useful but the point is that by writing down what Mr。 Brand says I can follow his line of thinking more easily。 In fact, sometimes I draw a little too。

M: You draw in class and that helps me pay attention?

W: Yes, honestly it works for me。 I just draw little lines and nonsense really。 It was also in that article I read。 It can keep the mind active, prevent getting bored and help to concentrate。 Again the point is to listen hard while keeping the pen moving。 If I‘m at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud。 It has a similar effect to writing by hand。 It helps memorize information in a physical way。

Question 8。 What does the man think of Mr。 Brown‘s lectures?

Question 9。 What does the woman do during Mr。 Brown‘s lectures?

Question 10。 Why does the woman draw in class?

Question 11。 What does the woman say about reading out loud?

Conversation 2

M: And where is this?

F :These photos are from the Taj Mahal in India。 We went there about ten years ago for our honeymoon。

M: Was it romantic。

F: Yeah。 The Taj Mahal was a very romantic place。 The guide told us there is a famous love story behind this building that all Indians learn in school。 I think it was during the 1600 and the princess at that time died while giving birth to her 14th child。 The Emperor loved the princess so much and was so sad when she died that he ordered the palace to be built in her honor。

M: Wow ! That sounds very romantic。 It looks amazing。

F: Yes it‘s gorgeous。 It’s also larger in real life than it looks in the photos。 The building is very tall and there are gardens in a wall around it all。 It‘s all built in this white stone and some walls of the building are decorated with jewels。

M :It must have been very crowded when you were there。

F: Yes it‘s a very famous tourist destination。 So there are thousands of visitors every day。

M: Was the rest of India crowded?

F:Yes, very crowded in many cities。 It was sometimes so crowded that it was difficult to walk along the streets especially through busy markets。 And there are so many cars。 Traffic was terrible but the people were friendly。 The culture is amazing and we had a great time。

M:What about the food?

F: the Indian food is great。 There are lots of different dishes to try and every region has its own special food。

Question 12。 For what purpose did the woman go to India?

Question 13。 Why was the Taj Mahal built?

Question 14。 What does the woman say about the Taj Mahal?

Question 15 what is the woman‘s impression of Indian cities?


News Report One

1.C Set up a mobile phone network on the moon

2.A It is stable

News Report Two

3.B No injuries were yet reported.

4.B Pull down the deserted shopping mall.

News Report Three

5.D Insuffeient potato supply.

6C It is afraid of the spread of disease.

Conversation One


9.D She takes notes.

10.A It keeps her mind active.

11.B It helps her better remenber what she leaens.

Conversation Two

12.A To spend her honeymoon.

13.A In memory of a princess.

14.D It has walls decorated with jewels.

15.B They are mostly crowded.


Passage 1

A Pew Research Center survey of more than 1000 Americans conducted in April 2016 finds that Americans continue to express largely positive views about the current state of their local public libraries。 For instance around three quarters say that public libraries provide them with the resources they need and 66 percent say the closing of their local public library would have a major impact on their community。 Although notably just 33 percent say this would have a major impact on them personally or on their family。 A majority of Americans feel libraries are doing a good job of providing a safe place for people to hang out or spend time as well as opening up educational opportunities for people of all ages and roughly half think their libraries contribute a lot to their communities in terms of helping spark creativity among young people and providing a trusted place for people to learn about new technologies。 As in past Pew Research Center surveys of library use the April 2016 survey also measured Americans usage of and engagement with libraries。 Overall, 53 percent of Americans ages 16 and older have had some interaction with the puppet library in the past year either through an in person visit or using a library Web site some 48 percent of adults specifically visited a library in the past 12 months。 A modest increase from the 44 percent who said that in late 2015。

Question 16:What do most Americans say about local public libraries?

Question 17:how can local public libraries benefit young people?

Question 18:what does the 2016 survey show about adult library users?

Passage 2

A Savannah cat is a crossbreed between a domestic cat and a medium-sized wild African cat called the Serval。 The unusual cross became popular among breeders at the end of the 1990s。 And in 2001, the International Cat Association accepted it as a new registered breed。 The savannahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own。 They have a spotted code similar to that of many types of wild cats and their ears are very large。 They are also commonly compared to dogs in their loyalty and can be trained to walk on a lead and to fetch, and often noted characteristic of the Savannah is its jumping ability。 They are known to jump on top of doors and high cabinets。 Some can leap about2.5 metres high from a standing position。 Cats are typically known for being very inquisitive and so are the Savannahs。 They often learn how to open doors and cupboards。 Many Savannah cats do not fear water and will play with or even dive into water。 Some owners even shower with their Savannah Cats, presenting a water bowl to Savannah may also prove a challenge, as some will promptly begin to bat all the water out of the bowl until it is empty using their front paws。

Question 19。 What do we learn about the savannah cat?

Question 20。 What is characteristic of Savannah cats?

Question 21 What do some people do with their Savannah cats?

Passage 3

When children start school for the very 1st time parents often feel a sense of excitement coupled with a touch of sadness at the end of an era。 This is the start of a new adventure for children playing and interacting with new friends sharing, taking turns and settling into a new routine。

But of course, this is not the start of your child‘s education which in fact began at birth。 Back then, u would have been your child’s most influential teachers。 During this time at home, ur child would have learnt more than at any other period in their life。 During your child‘s first year in school much time will be spent in learning to read and they need to know that this is fun and worthwhile。 Ur child will naturally copy u so it is important that u are seen reading and enjoying books newspapers and magazines rather than just absorbed in screens。 Ultimately an excellent education should be a close partnership between parents and teachers。 A child’s year splits fairly neatly into thirds: a 3rd at school, a 3rd asleep and a third awake at home or on holiday。

Irrespective of the quality of a school a child‘s home life is of key importance。 It is the determining factor of their academic success。 Ur child may have started on a new journey but ur work is far from finished。

Question 22 How do parents feel when their children start going to school?

Question 23 What does the passage say about children‘s education?

Question 24 What should parents do for the success of their children‘s education?

Question 25。 What does the passage say is the key factor of loinbo’s academic success?


Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of the Internet on learning and then explain why education doesn't simply mean learning to obtain information. Your should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. (如图所示,我们看到有一个学生和一个老师正站在教室里。当学生要求做一个随堂测试的时候,他手上拿着手机说到:"一旦我知道了如何使用Google,那不就是我所要需要的全部的教育么?"听到了学生这样的问题,老师显得尴尬而又惊讶。)


From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is a student and a teacher standing in a classroom. When given a quiz by his teacher, the little boy says, with cell phone in his hand that, "once I learn how to use Google, isn't that all the education I really need?" Having heard her student's question, the teacher seems to be quite embarrassed and shocked.We can learn from the cartoon that the Internet has exerted a great influence on people's education. One of the most obvious influences is that we can acquire relevant knowledge and information rapidly and precisely via search engines, professional websites and online education. The internet has been served as a big school, a huge library and an informative book. However, education does not simply mean learning to obtain information. Studying in school, daily communication with people around us, social activities and fulfilling a task or a project can also be effective and indispensable forms. They enable us to enrich our knowledge, broaden our horizons, cultivate skills in communication and practice or even refine our character.  All of these can not be achieved by the Internet education alone.The Internet has exerted a great impact on many aspects of people' life (of course including education). However, when enjoying the fruits of it, we should not overlook those traditional, essential and prevailing forms of education. By the way, do you think that institutions like shcools or libraries will vanish in the wake of the Internet ? (250 words)



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2010年10月 自考 英语(二)试题及答案(标准版)第一大题:1A:protect 2D:reference 3 C:span4B:otherwise 5A:superior 6C:from 7D:afford 8B:add to 9D:adapt 10A:necessarily第二大题:Cloze (完型填空)主要讲述图书馆经费的问题11.B (at) the same time 同时12.A (risen)13.C number of hours14 B provide15 C example16 A depend on 依靠17 B there is18 C costly 花费大的19 D disgree 不同意20 D but 但是第三大题:Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)第一篇主要讲述人工智能的发展在将来可能给人们带来的便利以及对人们工作的影响(不在需要这么多人工作以及退休提前)21.it is possible that in the future....... 选择D the need for service for workers will be ruduced22.the main aim of the second paragraph is to show that .... Aai will make services more efficient23.airline reservations are early example of .... A AI application24.it is implicated in the last paragarph that in the 21世纪后半叶。。。。。C niumerous workers were forced to retire earlier (得早退休)25。这篇文章的态度是。。。C objective 客观的第二篇这篇摘录自苹果公司总裁乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,讲述他一生被drop out(可理解为抛弃)的经历,26.biologcal mother的意思是:。。。。 B one's mother through birth(生物学母亲的意思是出生他的母亲)27.作者的父母...it is true that the authors' parents... D had no college degrees (没有大学学位的)28.the author quite school mainly because 作者退学的原因是:C he did not think his college tuition worthwhile他觉得大学学费花的不值得29.作者退学后C continued to pursue his interests继续追求她的兴趣30.作者认为 他的drop out是...D rewarding 有回报的第三篇讲述电子垃圾的毒性,第一世界国家开始处理 但是相当部分转移到第三世界国家危害环境31.toxins的意思是.... C poisonous substances 有毒物质32.laws about e-waste have been passed because ...通过电子垃圾相关法律是因为... B e-waste contains toxins and biodegrade slowly(有毒并且难以降解)33.第三段暗示.... B 大部分第一世界的电子垃圾得到妥善处理 34.the author believes that the unwanted electronic shipped to the third world... A does more harm than good in fact 意思:运往第三世界国家的电子产品坏处大于好处35.这篇文章主要讨论the passage mainly deal withA the dangerous caused by e-waste第四大题:Word Spelling (单词拼写)36.Slipping 37.physically 38.impact 39.ongoing 40.musician 41.gravity 42.tempt 43.suspect44.publication45.routine 46.thirtieth 47.senseless 48.voluntary 49.improvise 50.honestly 51.undertake52.initial 53.interval 54.location 55.Wednesday.第五大题:Word Form ( 词汇正确形式)56 enlarge57 employee58 choice59 consideration60 profitalbe61.coverage62 characteristic63 inspecting64 acquaintance 65.strenghten第六大题:Translation From English Into Chinese ( 汉译英)66.he talked to me just like we knew each other for many years.67.What you are doing today will be helpful to you in the futurn.68.He and I is complely consistent to this matter’s view.69.It seems that this plan is feasible.70.People lived in that area are working hard to turn the desert to the fertile land.第七大题:Translation from English into Chinese (英译汉)直到二十世纪初人们才认识到食物和饭菜中含有某种重要的物质,可以抵抗疾病的发生,这些重要的物质对身体发育,健康以及身体的一些正常的功能都有重要的作用。一个良好均衡的饮食习惯应该能够提供我们身体的一些正常的维他命的需要,那些能够幸运的买到充足食物的人不会发生维他命的缺乏,然而,因为多种原因,一些人不能保证一个平衡的饮食习惯,人们经常因为疾病而缺乏食欲,独居的人往往没有正常的饮食习惯,偏食的。答案来源:

2022年10月考期英语(二)试题答案仅供参考第一部分:阅读判断(每题1分)1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5. B6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10. A第二部分:阅读选择(每题2分)11. C 12. A 13.D 14.D 15. B第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(每题1分)16.D 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. F21. A 22. D 23. F 24.E 25. C第四部分:填句补文(每题2分)26.E 27.C 28. D 29.F 30.B第五部分:填词补文(每题1.5分)31.G 32. F 33. A 34.I 35. C 36. E37.B 38. K 39. H 40.L第六部分:完形补文(每题1.5分)41 .shown/showed 42. greater 43. playmates 44. morally 45. social 46. controlling 47. ability 48. affects 49. performances 50. necessity第七部分:短文写作(每题30分)参考范文:我们作文库原题上述内容来源网络,不是最终答案,仅供参考祝同学们10月考试必过!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


1、[在单选题Word中,__D______的作用是可以在屏幕上显示所有的文本内容。( a )、标尺( b )、控制箱( c )、最大化按钮( d )、滚动条2、[在单选题Word中,如果当前光标位于表格中某行最后一个单元格的边框线上,按Enter键后,输入_C_____。( a )、光标所在的行变高( b )、光标所在的列变宽( c ),在光标所在行下添加一行( d )、对表格不起作用3、[单选题]经常在微型计算机中提到的Pentium II或Pentium III是指其____A___。( a )、CPU类型( b )、主板型号( c )、时钟频率( d )、运算速度4、打开“单项选题”窗口控制菜单的操作可以点击控制菜单框或__D_______。( a )、按【Ctrl】【Space】( b )、双击标题栏( c )按【Shift】【Space】( d )、按【Alt】【Space】5、[选择题]光盘格式化后,光盘上的目录情况是___C____。( a )、多级树( b )、主子目录( c )、仅根目录( d )、没有目录,需要创建用户6、[单项选题]无法在Excel工作表的选定单元格中输入公式的是_C _____。( a )单击工具栏上的“粘贴函数”按钮( b )单击”插入”菜单中的”函数”命令( c )单击“编辑”( edit )菜单中的“对象.”( object . )命令( d )单击“编辑公式”按钮,然后从最左侧的函数列表中选择所需的函数7、[单项选题]在]PowerPoint中,可以通过在浏览视图下按住【CTRL】键并拖动滑块来完成___B_____操作。( a )、移动滑块( b )、复制幻灯片( c )、删除幻灯片( d )、选定幻灯片8、[单选题]局域网的主要特点是___C____。( a )、体系结构为TCP/IP参考模型( b )、需要调制解调器连接( c )、地理范围在几公里的有限范围内( d )、需要使用网关9、在[一本选题]ie浏览器中,点击___A___按钮查看刚才看到的网页。( a )、后退( b )、历史( c )、前进( d )、刷新10、作为[单选题]数据的表现形式,图表是动态的,在更改其中的___B_____后,Excel自动更新图表。( a )、y轴上的数据( b )、依赖的数据( c )、标题的内容( d )、x轴上的数据11、[单选题]计算机的发展方向是小型化、巨大化、多媒体化、智能化和____C___。( a )、模块化( b )、功能化( c )、网络化( d )、系列化12、[在Windows中,“复制”操作的组合是__C_______。( a )、【Ctrl】x( b )、【Ctrl】v( c )、【Ctrl】c( d )、【Ctrl】、【Back space】13、[单选题]光盘驱动器是利用___A____技术存储信息的设备。( a )、激光( b )、电子( c )、半导体( d )、磁效应14、[单选题在Windows中,新文件夹的创建操作为___C_____。( a )右键单击资源管理器的“文件夹内容”窗口的任何空白部分,然后从快捷菜单中选择“新建”子菜单中的“文件夹”命令) b、在“资源管理器”窗口中,单击“文件”菜单中“新建”子菜单中的“文件夹”命令( c )在Word程序窗口中,单击“文件”( file )菜单中的“新建”( new )命令( d )在“我的电脑”驱动器或用户文件夹窗口中,单击“文件”菜单的“新建”子菜单中的“文件夹”命令15、[一本选题]计算机网络按规模分类,应按以下说法规范___C____。( a )、网络可以分为数字网、模拟网、通用网) b )、网络可以分为公网、专用网、远程网( c )、网络可以分为局域网、广域网、城域网( d )、网络可以分为光缆网、无线网、LAN16、[一本选题]匿名FTP服务的含义是___B ____。( a )、只能上传,不能下载( b ),允许没有账户的用户登录服务器并下载文件( c )、拥有帐户的用户可以登录服务器( d )、免费提供互联网服务17、[单项选题]文件夹中不能包含__C_____。( a )、多个文件( b )、文件夹( c )、文字( d )、一个文件18、[单选题]人们根据特定的需要,将预先为计算机编制的指令序列称为____B___。( a )文件( b )程序( c )、软件( d )、集合19、[一本选题]关于电子邮件,以下说法中错误的是________ C( a )、发送电子邮件需要电子邮件软件的支持( b )、必须知道收件人的电子邮件地址( c )、收款人必须有自己的邮政编码( d ),发件人必须有自己的电子邮件帐户20、[单选题]将硬盘数据传输到计算机内存中,称为______C__。( a )、印刷( b )、加注( c )、读盘( d )、输出自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

很多小伙伴问,关于自考历年真题官网在哪 自考365真题的相关问题,今天本站编辑就给大家整理了关于自考历年真题官网在哪 自考365真题全部问题,希望对你有帮助!自考历年真题官网在哪自考历年真题官网在正保自考365网站。根据查询相关信息得知,注册并登录正保自考365网站,网站首页的菜单栏显示免费题库,点击免费题库选择历年试题,就可以查找历年考试真题了。自考是个人自学,社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式,是我国社会主义高等教育体系的重要组成部分。自考历年真题官网在哪正保自考365网站。登录正保自考365网站,注册并登录,可以看到网站首页上的菜单栏(免费题库),选择(免费题库)中的(历年试题),就可以进入查找历年试题。自考的全称是高等教育自学考试,是个人自学、社会助学和国家考试相结合的高等教育形式,是我国社会主义高等教育体系的重要组成部分。那里可以免费下载到自考专升本的历年真题及答案???急!!你好,自考历次真题和答案可以网上看看有没有,一般自考辅导试卷有专门的历次考试试题的。自考书籍主要是教材、大纲和辅导书模拟题历次考试真题,可以网上试试,或是有卖那种历次考试真题的试卷的辅导资料的可以,或是模拟试题都是可以的。自考本科你们用什么软件刷历年真题1、自考友2、自考365(推荐,习题更新速度较快)3、自考优题库4、自考智题库5、自考尚题库自考365是真的吗是真的,这是一个正规的自考教育网站,知名度和信誉度是非常高的。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


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