自考问答 自考本科自考百科
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Self-taught undergraduate

自考本科Self-taught undergraduate

法学院:barrister oragnization; faculty of law; law school; school of law

法律专业:legal profession

1、法学院:barrister oragnization; faculty of law; law school; school of law


杜克大学法学院 Duke University School of Law ; Duke Law School ; Duke University ; Duke University Law School

武汉大学法学院 Wuhan University School of Law ; Wuhan University Law School

圣路易斯大学法学院 Saint Louis University School of Law



You don't have to make it up yourself, you don't have to do anything but apply and do the work­—just like college or law school or McKinsey or whatever.

2、法律专业:legal profession

(1)legal profession

Legal profession refers to the vocational that is formed by the engagement of people who got professional skills and ethics after legal professional training.




The law major spent most of the weekend arguing with her over how she should express her love for him without interfering with his campus life.


The study of law will instill in the law student a critical method of analyzing facts and situations.



1、法学专业:Speciality of Law、Legal science specialized


Constitution Studies is one of the basic courses for the specialty of law.

2、法学系:Law Department 、department of law


Karen Fan graduated from the Economic Law Department of the BeijingInstitute of Technology and got her master's degree in International TradeLaw from the University of Essex in Great Britain.






问题一:我是法律专业英语怎么说 I am the legal profession 问题二:我的本科专业是法律英文怎么说? I major in law at undergraduate school. === 法律就是law... 别用其他的说法... 面试重点在仪态, 表达, 思想, 放轻松, 有自信去面对绩好了... 别用些太高档的字困扰自己! 问题三:法律专业学生~用英语怎么说~~ A LAW MAJ顶R 其实这样就可以了....当然如果要强调是学生的话.. 那还是多写点好... A STUDENT MAJORING LAW A STYDENT WHOSE MAJOR IS LAW 问题四:法学院和法律专业英语怎么说。 法学院:Law矗School 法律专业:Law Major School是某个大学里面的学院,Academy指的是独立的专科院校. **大学法学院:Law School of ** University 问题五:我读的是法律专业英语怎么说, 法律专业: Law Major 毕业前这样说:My major is Law. 毕业后这样说:I majored in Law at college. 问题六:法律专业的一些课程的英语怎么说? 马克思主义哲学 Marxist philosophy 大学语文 College Chinese 体育 PE 法理学基础 Jurisprudence foundation 中国宪法 Chinese constitution 民法原理与实务 Civil law principle and practice 刑法原理与实务Criminal law principle and practice 公务文书写作Document writing of public affair 计算机应用 Application of puter *** 理论和 *** 重要思想Deng Xiaoping Theory and important thought of 'Three Represents' 军事理论 Military theory 经济法概论 Outline of economic law 知识产权法Law of intellectual property right 合同法 Contract law 信息检索Information retrieval 职业道德(含思想品德修养)Professional ethics (including moral training) 行政法概论 Outline of administrative law 诉讼原理与实务Lawsuit principle and practice 公司法畅企业法 pany law and the Enterprise Law 劳动与社会保障法labour law and social security law 金融法 Financial law 国际经济法International economic law 企业管理概论 Outline of business administration 专业见习 professional probation 税法 Tax law 竞争法petition law 法律文书写作Legal document writing 问题七:法律专业另外的一些课程用英文怎么说? Patent Law and Trade Mark Law Legal Documents Writing Notarization and the Lawyer System Interational Private Law Legal Studies on Envi钉onment and Resources Conservation Labor Law Maxian Political and Economic Principles Science of Civil Law Tax law Science of Criminal Law Administrative Action Law History of Chinese Legal Thoughts Graduation Thesis pany Law Introduction to International Economic Law Contract Law Marriage and Family Law (1) Labour Reform Law Introduction to Mao *** Thoughts Study of Civil Procedures Law History of Foreign Legal Systems Study of Criminal Procedures Law Law on Intelligent Property Rights 问题八:请问“法学学士”用英语怎么说?谢谢! LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) 楼上的,是法饥学士,而不是法国学学士 问题九:我是法律专业英语怎么说 I am the legal profession 问题十:我的本科专业是法律英文怎么说? I major in law at undergraduate school. === 法律就是law... 别用其他的说法... 面试重点在仪态, 表达, 思想, 放轻松, 有自信去面对绩好了... 别用些太高档的字困扰自己!


高等教育自学考试(Self-taught higher education examinations),简称自学考试、自考,1981年经国务院批准创立,是对自学者进行的以学历考试为主的高等教育国家考试。

self-taught exam


Self-examination undergraduate diploma



Self-study examination 自考Higher education examination for self-taught people 高等教育自学考试Marketing speciality of economics 经济学市场营销专业The junior college graduated 大专毕业金山,请参考

自考self-taught examination自考本科a/the bachlor degree of self-taught examnination

Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations自考Self-Taught Undergraduate自考本科


问题一:“自学考试”正式的英文名字怎么说啊? 自学考试 1.Self-study examination 2.The examination system that is held every year for people who study by themselves问题二:"自考本科"用英语怎么说 自考本科 Self-taught undergraduate问题三:高等教育自学考试的英文怎么说 higher education for self-taught examinations 问题四:自考本科用英语怎么说啊,谢谢 Undergraduate Self 自学考试 Self-examination问题五:请问:“全国高等教育自学考试”用英语怎么说? 20分 National higher Education self-taught Examination 问题六:自学考试的英语(二)是什么程度 恩,我考过的,怎么说呢?我是一个在校大学生,其实英语二并不是很难的,但是一定要好好准备,一般很难考高分,还有就是一定要买他要求的教材。 我个人认为它跟英语四级难度上差不多吧。虽然它阅读的词汇都是很简单的,但是在翻译题这种上面就很容易失分,但是4,6级毕竟主观题较少,客观题较多,容易回答,所以两者还是有很大区别的。 建议好好阅读英语(二)的书,这次09年10月份的最后一道英翻中就是第二课Music里面的。问题七:"自考本科" 用英语怎么说呢? 谢谢~~! 指学历:undergraduate self-educated 如已经取得学士学位,可以憨:bachelor self-educated问题八:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会英文怎么说 全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会 :The Examinations Board of CET-4 and CET-6 教育部高等教育司:the ministry of education of advanced education division 委托发布单位:the mission Publish unit


自考self-taught自考本科self-taught undergraduate course摘自百度翻译!

From tests the undergraduate course

指学历:undergraduate self-educated如已经取得学士学位,可以写:bachelor self-educated

Self-Taught Higher Education Examinations自考Self-Taught Undergraduate自考本科

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