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医护英语水平考试(Medical English Test System,简称METS)是由国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心和中国教育国际交流协会联合举办,面向我国医药卫生人才(医、药、护、技)的全国性专业英语考试。





以上内容参考 百度百科——医护英语水平考试









“两证”是指护士资格证和护士执业证。护士资是护士的职称证书。初级是护士、护师资格证,中级是主管护师资格证,高级是副主任、主任护师资格证。它只是我们护理相关职称和能力的测评,并不能凭此证上岗执业。通过护士(执业)资格考试后,打印护士成绩单,在当地卫生局规定的时间和地点领取护士资格证,有些地方会直接发放到医院,在学校报名的也有的会发放到学校 。



如果单方面从试卷难度来看的话,肯定是英语四级更难一些,英语四级考察的是学生对于英语知识的综合运用,考试体系比较庞杂;而学位英语考察的内容则是成人考生英语体系的基础知识,而且一般来说大家都普遍认为学位英语的难度是在英语三级的水平。但是就复习难度而言的话,两者其实是相差不多的,因为学位英语的复习生大多是很久没有接触英语或者是英语基础较为薄弱,所以难度也是比较大的。 北京自考学位英语和英语四级区别: 1.词汇量 对于词汇量这方面,英语四级要求是4500个,而学位英语要求掌握的词汇量则是3600左右。但是即使是这样,学位英语对于成教考生来说难度还是有一定的,因为大家大多数是脱离学校多年,许久没有接触英语学习,所以在学习期间是并不比英语四级考生要容易多少的。 2.出题方式 学位英语的试卷出题是由各市学位委员会出题,出题相比英语四级相比要更加的随意一些,而且英语四级作为全国性的考试,在考试严格程度、监考、阅卷等各个方面都要比学位英语正规严谨一些。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:




【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】不可以。经过改革之后,国家规定大学英语四六级考试不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放,所以自学考试考生不能参加英语四六级考试。实际上英语四六级考试以前社会考生也可以报考的,但是后来经过改革,根据国家教委相关文件规定:从2018年1月的考试开始,大学英语四六级考试不再对社会考生开放,只对在校大学生开放。但是自考生可以考全国公共英语等级考试,一些地区的这个证书可以免考英语(二),而且自考本科想要申请学位证书,学位英语必须要考过。下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年10月自考11748商务运营管理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:374.24KB 2015年04月自考03410工程造价真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:224.42KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:






















Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his Division at Taxlong Company. He is soon going to have an evaluation interview with his supervisor and the personnel director to discuss the work he has done in the past year. Salary, promotion and plans for the coming year will also be discussed at the meeting. Chris has made several changes for his Division in the past year. First, he bought new equipment for one of the departments. He has been particularly happy about the new equipment because many of the employees have told him how much it has helped them. Along with improving the equipment, Chris began a program to train employees to use equipment better and do simple maintenance themselves. The training saved time for the employees and money for the company. Unfortunately, one serious problem developed during the year. Two employees the Chris hired were stealing, and he had to fire them. Chris knows that a new job for a purchasing and maintenance manager for the whole company will be open in a few months, and he would like to be promoted to the job. Chris knows, however, that someone else wants that new job, too. Kim is in charge of purchasing and maintenance in another Division of the company. She has also made several changes over the year. Chris knows that his boss likes Kim’s work, and he expects that his work will be compared with hers.

Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

29. What is Chris’s main responsibility at Taxlong Company?

30. What problem did Chris encounter in his Division?

31. What does Chris hope for in the near future?

32. What do we learn about Kim from the passage?


What kind of training does one need to go into this type of job?

That’s a very good question. I don’t think there is any, specifically.

For example, in your case, what was your educational background?

Well, I did a degree in French at Nottingham. After that, I did careers work in secondary schools like the careers guidance people. Here is in the university. Then I went into local government because I found I was more interested in the administrative side. Then progressed on to universities. So there wasn’t any plan and there was no specific training. There are plenty of training courses in management techniques and committee work which you can attend now.

But in the first place, you did a French degree.

In my time, there wasn’t a degree you could do for administration. I think most of the administrators I’ve come across have degrees and all sorts of things.

Well, I know in my case, I did an English literature degree and I didn’t really expect to end up doing what I am doing now. Quite.

But you are local to Nottingham, actually? Is there any reason why you went to Nottingham University?

No, no, I come from the north of England, from west Yorkshire. Nottingham was one of the universities I put on my list. And I like the look of it. The campus is just beautiful.

Yes, indeed. Let’s see. Were you from the industrial part of Yorkshire?

Yes, from the Woolen District.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question23. What was the man’s major at university?

Question24: What was the man’s job in secondary schools?

Question25: What attracted the man to Nottingham University?


Do you know why Mary has such a long face today?

I don’t have the foggiest idea!

She should be happy especially since she got a promotion yesterday.

What did the speakers mean?

Question 2

Hi,Johanna!Are you interested in going to an Art Exhibition on Sunday?

A friend of mine is showing some of her paintings there.

It’s the opening night.Free drinks and food!

Well,actually,I don’t have anything planned.

It sounds kind of fun!

What did the man invite the woman to do on Sunday?

Question 3

You did an excellent job in school!

You were indeed a great student!

Where did your drive come from?

Academic achievements were important to my parents as immigrants.

Education is where it all begins.

My mother in particular tries to get me interested in school.

what do we learn about the woman from the conversation?

Question 4

I hear the Sunflower Health Club on Third Street is good!

Not right now!I used to go there.

I thought it was great because it was real cheap.

But the problem was it was always crowded.

Sometimes,I had to wait to use the machines.

What does the woman say about the Sunflower health club?

Question 5

Tom is very excited!

Just yesterday he received his doctoral degree and in a few minutes he’ll be putting the ring on Sarah's finger.

He’s really such a luck dog!

Sarah is a lovely bride and tonight they are going to Hawaii on their honeymoon!

What do we learn from the conversation?

Question 6

Your chemistry examination is over,isn’t it?Why do you still look so worried?

I don’t know.It wasn’t that the questions were too hard,or they were too many of them.

But I’m still feeling uneasy because the exam didn’t seem to have much to do with the course material.

What does the man mean?

Question 7

Your wife told me that you eat out four or five times a week,I really envy you!

Don’t eenvy me!It’s for business.

In fact,I’m sick and tired of restaurant food!

Sometimes,I just prefer a home-cooked meal.

Why does the man say he often eats out?

Question 8

I was amazed when I heard Tony played piano so expertly!

From the way he talked,I thought he was just starting his lessons.

Oh,no!That’s the way he always talks!

What can we infer about Tony from the conversation?

Question 9

What do you think of people suing McDonalds for making them fat?

Well.Its food doesn’t make you fat.

But eating too much of it does!

How about chocolate and ice cream?

Are they all responsible?It’s silly!

What does the woman think of the lawsuit against McDonalds?

Question 10

I’m terribly sorry ma’am, but your flight has been cancelled.

I won’t be able to put you on another one until tomorrow morning.

Well,I certainly hope the airline’s going to put me up somewhere tonight.

What did the woman request the airline do?



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