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成人高考英语科目有作文吗?成人高考文凭自从30多年前国家教育部出台,允许社会各界人士参加全国成人高考,满足大部分社会在职人员和中等在校生享受高等教育的机会。成人高考英语科目有作文吗? 成人高考英语是有作文的,而且占据的分值并不低,考生一定要引起重视。 那么成人高考英语作文应该怎样写呢? 第一,第一段和最后一段要写的很漂亮,尽量用一些比较高级的词汇。 第二,平时就要多多积累好的短语、句型和作文模版。 第三,要多多进行练习,最好将之前的高考真题都练一遍,在练习的过程中做好每一步。 怎样才能让成人高考英语作文得高分呢? 首先,你要对高考英语作文有个整体的把握,可以看看之前的考试题目,看看有什么出题规律。 其次,要多积累一些让人眼前一亮的词汇、短语、句型等,这些都会让你的作文加分。 最后,在写作文的时候要注意保持卷面的整洁,给阅卷老师留下好印象,分数自然就不会很低。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

自考学位英语考试内容主要包括四个部分:1. 词汇、语法结构, 2. 阅读理解,3. 翻译(英汉互译) ,4. 写作,5. 改错或写说明文。另外考试采用闭卷考试,成人学士本科生英语学位考试采用统一格式考试。客观题占65%,主观题占35%。考试时间为120分钟。 自考报名条件 1、凡具有本省正式户籍的公民,不受年龄、职业、学历的限制,均可就近报名并参加考试。外省在我省工作学习的人员,也可就近报名参加考试。 2、经国家教育部正式批准或备案的各类高等学校的专科毕业生,可直接申请报考本科段(独立本科段)。 3、考生专科(基础科段)、本科段(独立本科段)可同时兼报,但在领取本科毕业证书前必须先获取专科毕业证书。 4、实践性学习环节考核、毕业论文、毕业设计、毕业考核等,须按规定在本专业涉及实践课程理论考试全部合格后才能报考。 5、提倡在职人员按照学用一致、理论与实践相结合的原则选择报考专业。对某些行业性较强的专业(如公安管理、医学类专业等)将根据专业考试计划的要求限制报考对象。 自考网上报名流程 1、登录各地自考网上报名网站(新生需注册并填写相关资料,老生根据自己之前的账号进行登陆)。 2、到自考办网站规定的指定银行办理一张缴费用银行卡。 3、办理银行卡后的新生,和有银行卡的老考生按照报名网站规定的报名流程完成网上报名。 4、网上报名成功后的新生需要在规定时间到自考办指定的地点进行摄像制作准考证。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:









自考学位英语考试内容主要包括四个部分:1. 词汇、语法结构, 2. 阅读理解,3. 翻译(英汉互译) ,4. 写作,5. 改错或写说明文。另外考试采用闭卷考试,成人学士本科生英语学位考试采用统一格式考试。客观题占65%,主观题占35%。考试时间为120分钟。 自考报名条件 1、凡具有本省正式户籍的公民,不受年龄、职业、学历的限制,均可就近报名并参加考试。外省在我省工作学习的人员,也可就近报名参加考试。 2、经国家教育部正式批准或备案的各类高等学校的专科毕业生,可直接申请报考本科段(独立本科段)。 3、考生专科(基础科段)、本科段(独立本科段)可同时兼报,但在领取本科毕业证书前必须先获取专科毕业证书。 4、实践性学习环节考核、毕业论文、毕业设计、毕业考核等,须按规定在本专业涉及实践课程理论考试全部合格后才能报考。 5、提倡在职人员按照学用一致、理论与实践相结合的原则选择报考专业。对某些行业性较强的专业(如公安管理、医学类专业等)将根据专业考试计划的要求限制报考对象。 自考网上报名流程 1、登录各地自考网上报名网站(新生需注册并填写相关资料,老生根据自己之前的账号进行登陆)。 2、到自考办网站规定的指定银行办理一张缴费用银行卡。 3、办理银行卡后的新生,和有银行卡的老考生按照报名网站规定的报名流程完成网上报名。 4、网上报名成功后的新生需要在规定时间到自考办指定的地点进行摄像制作准考证。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:



初中优秀英语作文带翻译范文精选一:广州之旅 A Visiting to Guangzhou

This summer holiday, I had a great travel toGuangzhouwith my parents.Guangzhouis a beautiful city, and it is named as theFlowerCity. The main streets are wide and clean, which sometimes are crowded with cars. There are plenty of trees and flowers in the roadsides, which make the city green. We visited to the White Cloud Mountain,ChenClanAcademy,GuangzhouTowerand other tourist attractions. Except for scenery, the Guangzhou Food is very famous, the soup and morning tea especially. I tried many delicious foods there, and I find that all of them are my favorite. It’s a memorable trip that brings pleasure and leisure to us. I thinkGuangzhouis a city worth of visiting.


初中优秀英语作文带翻译范文精选二:我的变化 My Changes

Now, I am a middle school student in grade nine. It’s also the last year of middle school. Therefore, I must work harder this year because I want to get good scores in the senior school entrance exam. From this semester, I get up earlier than before because I want to do some more readings. After lunch, I also spend some time in study. I usually review the knowledge I learn in the morning. After dinner, I have class in school until 21:30. It’s for students to autonomous learning. Our teachers would come to the classroom, if we have any questions we could ask them. After school, I do not study at home. I think a good rest is important for me, so I go to bed early at night. Besides, due to the exam, I spend much less time in entertainment. I don’t think it’s bad for me, because a good senior school is my priority now. I must pay my most attention to it.


初中优秀英语作文带翻译范文精选三:军训 Military Training

In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And, the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong willpower. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to very student.


初中优秀英语作文带翻译范文精选四:电脑 Computer

Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions, so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies, listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and convenient. Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.


亮点是一篇 英语 作文 能否成为 优秀作文 的核心标准,例如在结尾 总结 点题的时候用一句 谚语 ,就能体现出这位同学的语言功底了。下面是我为大家带来的 初中英语作文 大全,希望你喜欢。

初中英语 作文大全 1

My best friend. Her voice, gestures, like flipping the stain, lingering in my mind.

She is plain, is always dressed in a white sportswear. Her name is meaningful because she likes to eat "is green didn't eat, eat is red, spit it out is black, watermelon." As a result, her name is chancy.

She studies very well. An enviable, many people because the wrestled with her. Read English in a cram school teacher roll call to let her. She picked up the English book from the table, straightened up, use the read out loud voice. She gracefully, articulate, read smoothly, their English. Chancy not only a good knowledge of English, mathematics or envy letting a person. The test, I got a step careless, at sixes and sevens. And she is easily captured the first. Class is to encourage me, help me solve problems you do not understand. Gradually, we both became best friends. Play together, study together, talk together. The sunset is always our shadows lengthen.


Sunny 3rd August

Today was the second day of our Hong Kong visit. I was very happy as yesterday. But I felt tired a lot. I didn't want to stay at guesthouse, so I planted to go window-shopping with my parents in Times Square. There were many kinds of goods, but you could choose the one you liked best easily。Also, there were many designer-label stores in Times Square, such as DNKY、MAXMARA、MAX&CO、BOSS and so on. Among others, there was a famous bookstore called PAGEONE.At last, I bought a beautiful skirtand some books。Then I was exhausted but I didn't care in the slightest


I went for a pleasant outing on Saturday with some friends from school.

We went to a lovely lake about a hundred kilometres north of here. We left by bus at seven o'clock in the morning and arrived at the lake at eight thirty. We spent the morning swimming and rowing small boats. Then we had lunch in a small restaurant by the lake.

After lunch we climbed a large hill behind the lake and enjoyed the beautiful view from the top. We got back to the bus at around four o'clock and then we came back to town. We had a wonderful time.


The basketball player I like best is Yi Jianlian.

Yi played power forward for the Guangdong Southern Tigers of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) in 2002 and subsequently won the Rookie of the Year Award. In his five-year career with the Tigers, he won three CBA titles, as well as playing with the Chinese national basketball team in the 2004 Summer Olympics and the 2006 FIBA World Championships. In the 2007 NBA Draft, he was selected by the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association as the 6th overall pick. Yi refused to sign with the Bucks for several months before agreeing to a contract with them on August 29, 2007.

Although there are so many great players in Chinese national basketball team, I like Yi better.


When people are in the public, they have the sense that they should not speak loudly in the public place and they should not jump the line and so on, these are rules for them, though it is not the law makes it, but the power of morality. Self-behave seems easy to do, but when the great temptation comes, self-behave will be changed quickly.

It has been reported that in Hong Kong, a police car which was loaded with crash attracted many people to grab the money when the crash slipped down from the police car. It was such crazy, the money should be handed to the band, while on its way to the bank, people grabbed some and then left quickly. Two days later, the police found back most of the money, some people who refused to return the money were caught into the prison.

Self-behave is not easy, people are easy to obey the public rules on the small issues, while when the great temptation comes, these rules are easy to be broken. The one who can refuse to the great temptation can say he is totally self-behave.

初中英语作文大全 范文 常考相关 文章 :

★ 初中英语作文范文五篇常考

★ 初中英语作文大全常考范文

★ 初中英语作文大全常考

★ 2019中考优秀常考的英语作文范文

★ 初中英文作文常考

★ 中考英语作文范文十篇

★ 初中英语作文范文4篇

★ 初中英语作文大全常考80词

★ 初中英语作文大全

★ 初中英语作文题目五篇常考





一家英文报社正在举办征文活动,请你积极参加.题目是“一次难忘的运动会”.内容要求:你或你的朋友参加了什么专案,结果怎样,感觉如何?提示词语:year, take part in, field event relay race, high jump, long jump, shot put, excited, take the first prize.

This year, I took part in the relay race, I was running the last lap. It was the final event on sports meet. Everyone was paying attention. All the runners got ready at the starting line.

As soon as the race began, everyone was too excited to stop cheering. When it was my turn, I could feel the Class 4's runner catch up with me. So I try my best to run faster, finally, our class won the first prize in the most exciting event.

I was happy that I won another prize for my class. This is the most unforgettable sports that I had.


For a nation's dream, we start from the 1840 sea surface; to a constant pursuit, we deep in the years to write a glorious. In global view shows choice of the Chinese road of national rejuvenation; concentrated panorama in history." Around the millennium change, eventful years, Chinese new century, great turning point, span, the future of six theme, reflects China's great achievements since 1840, arduous and tortuous road of revitalization of the nation and the Chinese people made in China under the leadership of the munist party. The "shock" "excited" tears ""…… This is my watch, taste right is felt when discourse. Process of reading and rejuvenation of the great, I reviewed the history of the Chinese nation 100 years the dream of power and unremitting exploration. Full and accurate historical data, magnificent momentum, a language, a precious historical pictures, shows a picture of the world national revival.


Over the past 100 years, the national revival as the Chinese people's pursuit. In Yanan, is the leadership of the munist Party of China National People's war shrine, national revival of the leaders in this map out a strategy. Time of change has left a string of visible footprint: the fight against SARS, the ruling idea practice people-centered, leaders and people in distress, won the people's love and support. Make a spurt of progress of the Chinese economy, important resolutions to improve the socialist economic system of some problems, the cornerstone of a national revival, let me realize the whole nation of truth, to realize the younger generation to shoulder the historical responsibility and the responsibility of national rejuvenation. Also let us see the hardships course of country forward, also see today a powerful china.

常见的英语作文类型分为议论文、图表文、记叙文、应用文等,不同类型文章的写作要求上相同,考场写法也有相通点。那么成考英语作文怎么写?有范文吗?成考英语作文怎么写 一、把握中心思想 既然我们要写一篇英语作文,那么一定要清楚的一点就是我们想要表达的意思是什么?然后将故事的发展顺序慢慢的进行率清晰,这就是我们最容易掌握的一个就是文章的主旨,也就是我们的需要把握的中心思想。 二、将语法与词语进行填充 既然我们上一步已经将文章的主旨率清晰了,那么接下来就是需要我们填空一些语法与单词,将他富有生命力。也就是我们在语文作文中的修饰,掌握好了修辞手法发相信一定能让阅卷老师眼前一亮,对你的文章有一个不错的好印象。 三、时态、语态表达清晰 一般我们的英语作文都是记叙文或者说明文。一般情况都是正在发生或者过去时,此时我们的时态的用法就需要特别的注意,根据评分标准来看,书面表达时态用错全文要扣5分。 成考英语写作方法指导 作文首段 大家在成考英语作文的写作中一定要将文章的第一段写的漂亮,也可以点名文章主旨,也可以写一些比较高级的词汇,名言,短语等。 词汇和短语的运用 这方面是很重要的,主要从以下几个方面下手: 1.长短句 文章开头可以用一句先长后短的句子,在文章主体部分,要先用一个短句解释主要意思,然后在阐述几个要点的时候采用先短后长的句群形式,最后结尾试一般用一长一短就可以了,这样的作文肯定会让人眼前一亮。 2.短语优先 写作时可以多使用短语,首先用短语会使文章增加亮点,如果老师发现文章中有一些精彩的短语,那么你的文章肯定会得高分了。其次使用短语可以用来凑字数,比如说I can not bear it可以替换成短语表达I can not put up with it;I want it可以用短语表达:I am lookingforward to it等。这样的话字数明显增加,表达也更准确。 3.多实少虚 多实少虚的意思也就是说多写一些实际的东西,不要空话连篇。这就要求一定要多用实词,少用虚词。虚词也就是指那些比较大的词。比如我们说一个很好的时候,不应该之说nice这样空洞的词,应该使用一些诸如generous,humorous,interesting,smart,gentle,warm-hearted,hospital之类的形象词。 成考英语实用写作技巧 1.扩展简单句 简单句虽然能够传达意思,但是却无法填充字数,所以大家要学会在简单句型上 3. 一、作文内容包括: (1)邀请他参加此次活动; (2)介绍活动的具体安排和内容(如时间,地点等); (3)告知需要做的准备(如着装,自备午餐等); (4)希望他参加并尽快给予答复。 二、英语作文范文: My name is Li Hua. I have the honor of being your guide. I'd like to give you a brief introduction to our field trip today. First, we'll start at 8:30 from school and get to the foot of the mountain at about 9:00.Then we'll the climb the mountain. It'll take about one hour to reach the top where stand some temples. We are free to look around the temples from 10:00 to 12:00. Besides, we'll have lunch there. After a short break, we'll go down the other side of the mountain at 2:00 pm. We plan to reach the riverside at about 3:00 pm. We'll go on to our trip down the river by boat and enjoy the scenery. Finally we'll be back at school at about 5:00 pm. That's all for today's arrangement. I wish you alla wonderful day. Thanks. A picnic will be held in this Sunday at 7:00 a.m.in the BeiHai Park. We will go to the park by bus at 6:00 a.m. , sodont be late.We will enjoy some shows provided by our students in the morning. And in the afternoon, we will do some games to enjoy us. Thank you for cooperation! LiYuan自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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