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自考外贸函电试题难度不大,考生只要能够自觉对教材内容进行学习,复习的时候刷一刷真题,一般都能考过。 自考到底难在哪 1、自考最难的地方,就是搜集信息。自学考试是举手制,任何事情都是要自己主动去关注,包括报名,买资料,备考,考试,申请论文,毕业,学位等等信息,没有人通知你什么时候该做什么,你自己如果没有关注到,很可能就会错过时间点。 网上的信息非常庞杂,教育考试院官网的信息有时候也不好找。 2、英语和数学。英语是所有专业都需要考的。数学的话,理科,工科,经济金融这些专业一般要考高等数学。学不会数学的话,可以选择不考数学的专业,也有很多选择的空间。至于剩下的,没啥难的,只要你能识字,一般的教材都能看懂,自考的教材都不深,都是一个领域最基础的知识。多看看教材,考前刷几套真题,一般没问题。 3、坚持。自考坚持难,这是大家众所周知的事实,也是自考整体通过率低的主要原因。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


英译汉: 1。请务必附上提货单、海上保险证明书作为装运单据的汇票,你画。 2。仲裁条款不阻止任何一方请求临时或音乐学院的措施 3。你方的价格是不足够的竞争力,这里的市场上,我们希望你能注意到一些价格的削减将会证明自己的生意 4。我们确认你的订单每s.s讯。“东风”为您港口启航9月15。 5。你需要的旧设计已经卖完了。我们打算向你提供我们的新设计作为一种替代,质量好,将提供最优惠的价格。 6。我方销售确认书号码HA178副本已附上你. 请签回一份存档。 7。我们想知道你是否可以按我们的要求,即每个桌布放在纸袋里,5件不同的颜色来一个盒子。 8。在我们先前的字母作为通知你方这批货物是在极低,我们的客户都不肯提货。 9。我们是一家国营公司,在中国纺织品出口业务,接受命令对客户的特殊要求。 10。请解释我们的情况,你的顾客,试图让他们同意延长有效期到11月底。汉译英:1. Payment by seller's bank acceptable to the good reputation of confirmed irrevocable l/c2 for the excellent quality, reasonable price, the area of goods that there will be a steady demand.3 because from Shanghai to your port, we have direct ship to the textiles transshipment at Hong Kong.4. As long as it is within the scope of coverage, insurance company shall be responsible for compensation.5. Due to recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current price level.compositionRespect of Mr. :Very pleased to hear from your letter of August 10 permanent Forever (about) the inquiry brand bicycles.This reply, we reported three cars yongjiu brand price CIF New York 60,00 dollars for each car, the offer before the end of this month we receive your reply. Prices quoted for excluding commissions of the net price. If your order is more than 500, we will give a 2% discount.Yongjiu brand its superior quality and reasonable price, all over the world to sell very well. We suggest you place as soon as possible so that we can guarantee the availability timely delivery arrangements.XXX xx.

31. via32. until


英译汉:1.请你务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案。 2.一条仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院 3.你的价格在这里没有足够的竞争性市场,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务 4.我们确认派遣您的订单每s.s. “东风”的航行的港口9月15日。 5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打算提供您与我们的新设计作为替代,这是质量好,将提供一个优惠的价格。 6我们的销售确认No.HA178在已封闭的重复给你.请你签署并返回一个拷贝为我们的文件。 7.我们想知道如果你能根据我们的要求包货物,即每台布在一个纸袋, 5个不同颜色的方块。 8.正如我们在以前的通知信中指出,发运货物你是在极端条件下,我们的客户都不愿接收。 9.我们是国有企业在出口的纺织品和能够接受的订单对客户的特殊要求。 10.请解释我们的情况,您的客户和争取他们的同意,延长到期日至11月底。汉译英:1. Payment accepted by the seller to use the credibility of good banks out of insurance against irrevocable letter of credit 2. On these high quality goods at reasonable prices, there will be stability in this region needs. 3. Because from Shanghai to the port side there is no direct access to your boat, we need at the Hong Kong textile transshipment. 4. As long as it is within the scope of responsibility in the insurance, the insurance company should pay compensation. 5. A result of the recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current level of prices. 作文:Dear Sir: Very pleased to receive you on August 10 permanent (Forever) inquiry letter bicycles. It is back, we reported that 300 permanent license in New York Bicycle CIF price of USD 60.00 each, the offer to the end of this month we received, whichever is your replies. The prices of the net for the non-commission . If you order quantity of more than 500, then we will give 2% discount. Permanent license bike its good quality and reasonable prices all over the world are selling well. We recommend that you order as soon as possible so that we can arrange delivery to ensure timely delivery. Sincerely, XXX.

31. via32. until

1.Please务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案提请你。2.An仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院3.Your价格没有足够的竞争性市场在这里,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务4.We确认您的订单派遣每党卫军“东风”的航行的港口9月15日。5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打算提供您与我们的新设计作为替代,这是质量好,将提供一个优惠的价格。6.Our销售确认No.HA178重复已封闭,以you.Please签署并返回一个拷贝为我们的文件。7.We不知道如果你能包货物根据我们的要求,即每台布在一个纸袋, 5个不同颜色的方块。8.As通知我们以前的信中指出,货物发运是你在极端条件下,我们的客户都不愿接收。9.We是国有企业在出口的纺织品和能够接受的订单对客户的特殊要求。10.Please解释我们的情况,您的客户和争取他们的同意,延长到期日至11月底。1.Please be sure to attach the Bill of Lading and marine insurance certificate as shipping documents to the draft you draw.2.An arbitration clause does not prevent any party from requesting interim or conservatory measures from the courts3.Your price is not competitive enough for the market here, we would like you to note that some price cut will justify itself for an increase in business4.We confirm dispatch of your order per ss "Dongfeng" which sailed for your port on Sept 15.5.The old design you require is out of stock. We intend to furnish you with our new design as a substitute, which is of good quality and will be offered at a favorable price.6.Our Sales Confirmation No.HA178 in duplicate has been enclosed to you.Please sign and return one copy for our file.Chinese to English1. Payment accepted by the seller to use the credibility of good banks out of insurance against irrevocable letter of credit2. On these high quality goods at reasonable prices, there will be stability in this region needs.3. Because from Shanghai to the port side there is no direct access to your boat, we need at the Hong Kong textile transshipment.4. As long as it is within the scope of responsibility in the insurance, the insurance company should pay compensation.5. A result of the recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current level of prices.WritingDear Sir:Very pleased to receive you on August 10 permanent (Forever) inquiry letter bicycles.It is back, we reported that 300 permanent license in New York Bicycle CIF price of USD 60.00 each, the offer to the end of this month we received, whichever is your replies. The prices of the net for the non-commission . If you order quantity of more than 500, then we will give 2% discount.Permanent license bike its good quality and reasonable prices all over the world are selling well. We recommend that you order as soon as possible so that we can arrange delivery to ensure timely delivery.Sincerely, XXX.

英译汉: 1。请务必附上提货单、海上保险证明书作为装运单据的汇票,你画。 2。仲裁条款不阻止任何一方请求临时或音乐学院的措施 3。你方的价格是不足够的竞争力,这里的市场上,我们希望你能注意到一些价格的削减将会证明自己的生意 4。我们确认你的订单每s.s讯。“东风”为您港口启航9月15。 5。你需要的旧设计已经卖完了。我们打算向你提供我们的新设计作为一种替代,质量好,将提供最优惠的价格。 6。我方销售确认书号码HA178副本已附上你. 请签回一份存档。 7。我们想知道你是否可以按我们的要求,即每个桌布放在纸袋里,5件不同的颜色来一个盒子。 8。在我们先前的字母作为通知你方这批货物是在极低,我们的客户都不肯提货。 9。我们是一家国营公司,在中国纺织品出口业务,接受命令对客户的特殊要求。 10。请解释我们的情况,你的顾客,试图让他们同意延长有效期到11月底。汉译英:1. Payment by seller's bank acceptable to the good reputation of confirmed irrevocable l/c2 for the excellent quality, reasonable price, the area of goods that there will be a steady demand.3 because from Shanghai to your port, we have direct ship to the textiles transshipment at Hong Kong.4. As long as it is within the scope of coverage, insurance company shall be responsible for compensation.5. Due to recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current price level.compositionRespect of Mr. :Very pleased to hear from your letter of August 10 permanent Forever (about) the inquiry brand bicycles.This reply, we reported three cars yongjiu brand price CIF New York 60,00 dollars for each car, the offer before the end of this month we receive your reply. Prices quoted for excluding commissions of the net price. If your order is more than 500, we will give a 2% discount.Yongjiu brand its superior quality and reasonable price, all over the world to sell very well. We suggest you place as soon as possible so that we can guarantee the availability timely delivery arrangements.XXX xx.


我有啊,哥们 上次我找材料的时候无意看到上学吧 那个里有高等教育自学考试外贸函电的真题啊 历年的 带详解的 答案自己去找找看啊

Dear Sirs,Thanks for your letter of 20th September. Enclosed please kindly find our offer based on CIF Hamburg, Germany. We are looking for long business relationship with you. So we have provided to you. It is highly appreciated if we can get your early reply. Best regards.XXXX

英译汉:1.请你务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案。 2.一条仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院 3.你的价格在这里没有足够的竞争性市场,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务 4.我们确认派遣您的订单每s.s. “东风”的航行的港口9月15日。 5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打算提供您与我们的新设计作为替代,这是质量好,将提供一个优惠的价格。 6我们的销售确认No.HA178在已封闭的重复给你.请你签署并返回一个拷贝为我们的文件。 7.我们想知道如果你能根据我们的要求包货物,即每台布在一个纸袋, 5个不同颜色的方块。 8.正如我们在以前的通知信中指出,发运货物你是在极端条件下,我们的客户都不愿接收。 9.我们是国有企业在出口的纺织品和能够接受的订单对客户的特殊要求。 10.请解释我们的情况,您的客户和争取他们的同意,延长到期日至11月底。汉译英:1. Payment accepted by the seller to use the credibility of good banks out of insurance against irrevocable letter of credit 2. On these high quality goods at reasonable prices, there will be stability in this region needs. 3. Because from Shanghai to the port side there is no direct access to your boat, we need at the Hong Kong textile transshipment. 4. As long as it is within the scope of responsibility in the insurance, the insurance company should pay compensation. 5. A result of the recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current level of prices. 作文:Dear Sir: Very pleased to receive you on August 10 permanent (Forever) inquiry letter bicycles. It is back, we reported that 300 permanent license in New York Bicycle CIF price of USD 60.00 each, the offer to the end of this month we received, whichever is your replies. The prices of the net for the non-commission . If you order quantity of more than 500, then we will give 2% discount. Permanent license bike its good quality and reasonable prices all over the world are selling well. We recommend that you order as soon as possible so that we can arrange delivery to ensure timely delivery. Sincerely, XXX.

大学语文,毛泽东思想邓小平理论和三个大表, 法律基础和思想道德修养,


英译汉:1.请你务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案。 2.一条仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院 3.你的价格在这里没有足够的竞争性市场,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务 4.我们确认派遣您的订单每s.s. “东风”的航行的港口9月15日。 5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打算提供您与我们的新设计作为替代,这是质量好,将提供一个优惠的价格。 6我们的销售确认No.HA178在已封闭的重复给你.请你签署并返回一个拷贝为我们的文件。 7.我们想知道如果你能根据我们的要求包货物,即每台布在一个纸袋, 5个不同颜色的方块。 8.正如我们在以前的通知信中指出,发运货物你是在极端条件下,我们的客户都不愿接收。 9.我们是国有企业在出口的纺织品和能够接受的订单对客户的特殊要求。 10.请解释我们的情况,您的客户和争取他们的同意,延长到期日至11月底。汉译英:1. Payment accepted by the seller to use the credibility of good banks out of insurance against irrevocable letter of credit 2. On these high quality goods at reasonable prices, there will be stability in this region needs. 3. Because from Shanghai to the port side there is no direct access to your boat, we need at the Hong Kong textile transshipment. 4. As long as it is within the scope of responsibility in the insurance, the insurance company should pay compensation. 5. A result of the recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current level of prices. 作文:Dear Sir: Very pleased to receive you on August 10 permanent (Forever) inquiry letter bicycles. It is back, we reported that 300 permanent license in New York Bicycle CIF price of USD 60.00 each, the offer to the end of this month we received, whichever is your replies. The prices of the net for the non-commission . If you order quantity of more than 500, then we will give 2% discount. Permanent license bike its good quality and reasonable prices all over the world are selling well. We recommend that you order as soon as possible so that we can arrange delivery to ensure timely delivery. Sincerely, XXX.

英译汉:1。请务必附上提货单、海上保险证明书作为装运单据的汇票,你画。 2。仲裁条款不阻止任何一方请求临时或音乐学院的措施 3。你方的价格是不足够的竞争力,这里的市场上,我们希望你能注意到一些价格的削减将会证明自己的生意 4。我们确认你的订单每s.s讯。“东风”为您港口启航9月15。 5。你需要的旧设计已经卖完了。我们打算向你提供我们的新设计作为一种替代,质量好,将提供最优惠的价格。 6。我方销售确认书号码HA178副本已附上你. 请签回一份存档。 7。我们想知道你是否可以按我们的要求,即每个桌布放在纸袋里,5件不同的颜色来一个盒子。 8。在我们先前的字母作为通知你方这批货物是在极低,我们的客户都不肯提货。 9。我们是一家国营公司,在中国纺织品出口业务,接受命令对客户的特殊要求。 10。请解释我们的情况,你的顾客,试图让他们同意延长有效期到11月底。汉译英:1. Payment by seller's bank acceptable to the good reputation of confirmed irrevocable l/c2 for the excellent quality, reasonable price, the area of goods that there will be a steady demand.3 because from Shanghai to your port, we have direct ship to the textiles transshipment at Hong Kong.4. As long as it is within the scope of coverage, insurance company shall be responsible for compensation.5. Due to recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current price level.作文;Respect of Mr. :Very pleased to hear from your letter of August 10 permanent Forever (about) the inquiry brand bicycles.This reply, we reported three cars yongjiu brand price CIF New York 60,00 dollars for each car, the offer before the end of this month we receive your reply. Prices quoted for excluding commissions of the net price. If your order is more than 500, we will give a 2% discount.Yongjiu brand its superior quality and reasonable price, all over the world to sell very well. We suggest you place as soon as possible so that we can guarantee the availability timely delivery arrangements.XXX xx.

自考外贸函电试题难度不大,考生只要能够自觉对教材内容进行学习,复习的时候刷一刷真题,一般都能考过。 自考到底难在哪 1、自考最难的地方,就是搜集信息。自学考试是举手制,任何事情都是要自己主动去关注,包括报名,买资料,备考,考试,申请论文,毕业,学位等等信息,没有人通知你什么时候该做什么,你自己如果没有关注到,很可能就会错过时间点。 网上的信息非常庞杂,教育考试院官网的信息有时候也不好找。 2、英语和数学。英语是所有专业都需要考的。数学的话,理科,工科,经济金融这些专业一般要考高等数学。学不会数学的话,可以选择不考数学的专业,也有很多选择的空间。至于剩下的,没啥难的,只要你能识字,一般的教材都能看懂,自考的教材都不深,都是一个领域最基础的知识。多看看教材,考前刷几套真题,一般没问题。 3、坚持。自考坚持难,这是大家众所周知的事实,也是自考整体通过率低的主要原因。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:



1.Please务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案提请你。2.An仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院3.Your价格没有足够的竞争性市场在这里,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务4.We确认您的订单派遣每党卫军“东风”的航行的港口9月15日。5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打算提供您与我们的新设计作为替代,这是质量好,将提供一个优惠的价格。6.Our销售确认No.HA178重复已封闭,以you.Please签署并返回一个拷贝为我们的文件。7.We不知道如果你能包货物根据我们的要求,即每台布在一个纸袋, 5个不同颜色的方块。8.As通知我们以前的信中指出,货物发运是你在极端条件下,我们的客户都不愿接收。9.We是国有企业在出口的纺织品和能够接受的订单对客户的特殊要求。10.Please解释我们的情况,您的客户和争取他们的同意,延长到期日至11月底。1.Please be sure to attach the Bill of Lading and marine insurance certificate as shipping documents to the draft you draw.2.An arbitration clause does not prevent any party from requesting interim or conservatory measures from the courts3.Your price is not competitive enough for the market here, we would like you to note that some price cut will justify itself for an increase in business4.We confirm dispatch of your order per ss "Dongfeng" which sailed for your port on Sept 15.5.The old design you require is out of stock. We intend to furnish you with our new design as a substitute, which is of good quality and will be offered at a favorable price.6.Our Sales Confirmation No.HA178 in duplicate has been enclosed to you.Please sign and return one copy for our file.Chinese to English1. Payment accepted by the seller to use the credibility of good banks out of insurance against irrevocable letter of credit2. On these high quality goods at reasonable prices, there will be stability in this region needs.3. Because from Shanghai to the port side there is no direct access to your boat, we need at the Hong Kong textile transshipment.4. As long as it is within the scope of responsibility in the insurance, the insurance company should pay compensation.5. A result of the recent energy shortages and rising raw material costs, we may have been unable to maintain the current level of prices.WritingDear Sir:Very pleased to receive you on August 10 permanent (Forever) inquiry letter bicycles.It is back, we reported that 300 permanent license in New York Bicycle CIF price of USD 60.00 each, the offer to the end of this month we received, whichever is your replies. The prices of the net for the non-commission . If you order quantity of more than 500, then we will give 2% discount.Permanent license bike its good quality and reasonable prices all over the world are selling well. We recommend that you order as soon as possible so that we can arrange delivery to ensure timely delivery.Sincerely, XXX.


自考外贸函电试题难度不大,考生只要能够自觉对教材内容进行学习,复习的时候刷一刷真题,一般都能考过。 自考到底难在哪 1、自考最难的地方,就是搜集信息。自学考试是举手制,任何事情都是要自己主动去关注,包括报名,买资料,备考,考试,申请论文,毕业,学位等等信息,没有人通知你什么时候该做什么,你自己如果没有关注到,很可能就会错过时间点。 网上的信息非常庞杂,教育考试院官网的信息有时候也不好找。 2、英语和数学。英语是所有专业都需要考的。数学的话,理科,工科,经济金融这些专业一般要考高等数学。学不会数学的话,可以选择不考数学的专业,也有很多选择的空间。至于剩下的,没啥难的,只要你能识字,一般的教材都能看懂,自考的教材都不深,都是一个领域最基础的知识。多看看教材,考前刷几套真题,一般没问题。 3、坚持。自考坚持难,这是大家众所周知的事实,也是自考整体通过率低的主要原因。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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  •   外贸函电自考真题试卷
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