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最好是有一个电脑,在学校买笔记本还是比较好的 ,至于配置应该没有什么配置要求,现在的电脑配置都不会很低的




最好是有一个电脑,在学校买笔记本还是比较好的 ,至于配置应该没有什么配置要求,现在的电脑配置都不会很低的








I think we should buy self-computer to grade 2 high school students.First, computer is more and more popular now, when we study, we can’t do without computer .Next, students can get latest knowledge on internet from computer.Last, when students learn on the computer , it’s more interesting than read the textbook. 大概这么几点,自己修改一下吧。

很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)ONowadays, the Internet has become very common in our daily life, in that we can surf the Internet everywhere anywhere by computer or mobile.However, the debate on the pros and cons of the network has never stopped.Some people say that the network is a platform for information sharing. Due to it, we have a convenient channel for the dissemination of information and access to information.But some others argue that some people commit a crime by the Internet, so we should stay away from the Internet.From my point of view, I prefer to agree to the former view.现在,网络在我们的生活中已经很普通了,我们可以随时随地地利用电脑和手机上网。但是,关于网络的利弊的争论从来没有停止过。有的人说网络是分享信息的平台,有了网络,我们就有了传播信息和获取信息的渠道。但是,另外一部分人却说有的人会通过网络犯罪,我们应该远离网络。至于我个人的意见,我同意前者的观点。There are some reasons accounting for my point.Firstly, with network, we can exchange information frequently and conveniently.In the information area, information is wealth.In many cases, whether we can succeed in something, it depends on how much information we get.In addition, except for its serious functions, network is a good tool to entertain.Preciously, we only have TV or game machines to have fun, but now we have a functional platform for fun.On the Internet, we can watch TV programs and movies, or we can play online games as well as chat with friends freely, which is a good way to relax.以下的原因可以支撑我的观点。首先,有了网络,人们可以频繁、便利地交换信息。在信息时代,信息就是财富。在很多时候,我们是否能做成一件事,很大程度上取决于我们获取的信息的多少。此外,除了这样稍显严肃的功能之外,网络也是娱乐的好方式。以前,我们只有电视或游戏机可以娱乐,但有了网络,就有了一个多功能的娱乐平台。我们可以再网上看电视节目、电影,或者玩网络游戏,也可以自由地和朋友聊天,这是一种很好的放松的方式。In short, there is no denying that the Internet has its own disadvantage, but I think its advantages far overweight its disadvantages that we can make good use of those good but avoid those bad.简单来说,无可否认地,网络有它的缺点,但我认为网络的优点远远大于其缺点,我们应该利用好网络好的方面而避免其带来的负面影响。 ——来自{yh3057}英语牛人团





In the modern world, the computer has become an indispensable advanced communication tool. Computer can access information, entertainment, almost know everything, but it still has advantages and disadvantages, so what are the advantages and disadvantages? I believe that we all like playing computer games, watching comics, cartoons, movies and TV dramas, which can be done on computers. It's very interesting and fun, and it brings us endless happiness. But it's also very addictive. When people are doing happy things, they secrete a kind of liquid in their brain, which can stimulate the brain and produce pleasure. In the long run, they have dependence. This is addiction. They are trapped in the computer all day, and their academic performance and eyesight decline, which greatly affects their physical and mental health. The computer can be entertainment, but also access to information, copy documents, writing articles. There is something you don't understand, you can find it on Baidu, especially those difficult problems that you can't solve. With a click of the mouse, you can easily solve them and get the standard answer. However, it is easy to produce dependence and have adverse effects on the human brain.




Computer, a way to civilization and happiness for people who use it properly; Computers can also make people who use them inappropriately take risks and embark on the criminal road of theft and robbery. Today, we will hold a debate to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of computers, and then summarize whether there should be computers. The existence of computers has brought up many talents, who have become talents because of the rational use of computers. Now, computers can watch news, shop, check information, watch movies, video chat and so on. The computer has brought convenience for us all. We used to go shopping, but now we can go shopping as long as we surf the Internet; I used to go to the cinema to watch movies, but now I can watch them as long as I surf the Internet. So we think computers should exist. Although the existence of computer has brought up a lot of talents, it has also destroyed a lot of talents. Those who are talents in all aspects, because of some computer games, indulge in games, give up their studies and career, stay in Internet cafes every day and night, and ruin their future. So we don't think computers should exist. Although computers have many advantages, they also have many disadvantages. As long as we play healthy games appropriately and don't indulge in them, computers will bring up a talent.



With the rapid process of modernization, computer becomes more and more popular. Nowadays, almost every family has a computer. Because of computers, our daily life is improving.随着现代化进程的加快,计算机变得越来越受欢迎。如今,几乎每个家庭都有一台电脑。因为电脑的原因,我们的日常生活得到了提高。Computer has a great effect on our daily life. In the first place, computer has so many functions. As we have computers, we needn't buy books, radios, TVs and any other things, because computer can take place of them. Secondly, surfing on the Internet must be very interesting. Through the Internet, we can do everything we like. Thirdly, thanks to the Internet, we can get the further education at any time, so we don't have to get up so early in winter days.


在英语中,电脑的通用名称为“computer”,发音为/k_m_pju_t_r/,其中,“com”发/k_m/的音,“pu”发/pju_/的音,“ter”发/t_r/的音。如果需要描述电脑的种类或品牌,还需要根据具体的名称进行发音。例如,“Macbook”发/m_k b_k/的音,“ThinkPad”发/θ__k p_d/的音,等等。


读音:英 [kəm'pjuːtə(r)] 美 [kəm'pjuːtər]

n. 电脑;计算机


1、computer technology 电脑技术

2、computer graphics [电]电脑绘图;电脑图形图像

3、computer control 电脑控制

4、personal computer 个人电脑


1、There is an essential difference between computers and humans.


2、I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.


3、This computer company was established last year.


4、In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.




computer, commuter这两个词词形相近,但意思不同。


例句:The commuters have the privilege to take free buses.



例句:They exported computers to China.


1、电脑英语是computer。读法:英 [kəmˈpjuːtə(r)] 美 [kəmˈpjuːtər] 释义:n. 计算机;电脑;电子计算机2、computer是名词,可翻译为计算机;电脑;电子计算机。3、实际上是计算的名词形式,计算的英语是compute。4、例句:(1)An insecure computer system is an ope 翻译:不安全的计算机系统是操作系统2)My computer seems to have a mind of its own! 翻译:我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法

你好,电脑用英文表示是:computer、electronic brain、electronic computer以及 electron brain,这其中人们常用的是computer。





computer simulation计算机模拟、computer technology电脑技术、computer science计算机科学、computer network计算机网络、computer system计算机系统 、by computer 用计算机;通过电脑、computer bug 计算机程序错误、on a computer 用计算机

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