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自考问答 > 自考百科 > 2021年四月自考英语作文题目






2021 年6月第1套:人类对电脑科技上瘾 作文题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled "Are people becoming addicted to technology?". The statement given below is for your reference. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文:   Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction. First, no one can deny the fact that technology is of great importance to our daily life. However, as a matter of fact, its adverse effect should not be ignored by the public.   Confronted with such phenomenon, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, it is obvious that the universities and mass media should increase publicity and education to encourage people to apply technology more appropriately. For another, we should bear in mind that we are supposed to take a reasonable attitude toward modern technology, and make its advantages over-weigh disadvantages.   Personally, I believe that only by doing so can we better ourselves in every aspect of our life. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because technology makes our life rich and colorful. 2021 年6月第2套:暴力网络游戏与暴力倾向 作文题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on whether violent video games online will cause students’ volent behaviors. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文:   With the progress of the times, the use of smart phones, computers and other electronic products is becoming more and more common among students. And many students like violent video games online. This raises a question, whether violent online games will lead to students’ violent tendency? From my point of view, the answer is no.   First of all, through online games, students can relieve the pressure in real life and find like-minded people to communicate with, which will reduce students’ irritable tendency in real life. In this way, these video games will not increase students’ violent tendency. On the contrary, to a certain extent they will reduce students’ irritable behaviors. Moreover, online video games are virtual and the violent elements in the games are unrealistic, and these violent scenes can hardly be implemented in real life. So the violence in online games has little impact on real life.   To sum up, from my point of view, violent online games will not lead to students’ violent tendency. The development of science and technology is bound to change people’s way of life, which will bring about a lot of influence on people’s life. It is only necessary for us to learn to use it properly. 2021 年6月第3套:科技是否使人变懒 作文题目:   Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on whether technology will make people lazy. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考范文:   With the continuous progress of science and technology, great changes have taken place in the way people live. This progress has brought great convenience to people. Nonetheless, it has also made many people lazy.   First, the widespread use of Internet technology, especially smart phones, allows people to know what is happening outside without going out. People just need to pick up a mobile phone, connect to the Internet, and open the corresponding software, then the major events of the world will be caught in their eyes. They no longer have to open books and newspapers or go out to get information. Second, the appearance of takeaways has also made people lazier. People can get whatever they want to eat without cooking for themselves or even getting up to go to a restaurant. In addition, online shopping is more enjoyable for people. Many people forgo the tiring activity of going to the mall, instead, they lie in the sofa and just move their fingers. Therefore, the decline in exercise has left many people in declining health.   To sum up, the ever-changing technology brings convenience to people, but it also makes people lazy. Consequently, while improving the quality of life, people should learn to use science and technology correctly instead of relying on it blindly. 感谢观看,记得点赞收藏哦~~ 点赞的都能过!!!




注意: 词数100左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


假定你是李华,你校计划举办介绍中国传统文化的主题班会,并在英语网站上展示,请你给外国朋友Chris写封信,向他了解哪些中国传统文化更吸引外国朋友,内容如下:阐明写信事由; 征求建议;表达感谢。

注意:词数100 左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






以上内容参考 百度百科——2021年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试



许多刚毕业的大学生找不到工作,在校学生则担心他们的未来。 多个调查显示,三分之二的中国毕业生想在政府或者国有企业工作, 而不是为中国令人瞩目的经济增长提供动力的民营企业。政府和国 有企业被认为能免受经济萧条的影响。如今几乎没有大学生愿意放 弃政府的铁饭碗而下海、加入初创企业或自己创业。

Many recent college graduates can’t find a job and students are fearful about their future. Two-thirds of Chinese graduates say they want to work either in the government or state-owned firms,which are seen as recession-proof, rather than at the private companies that have powered China’s remarkable economic climb, surveys indicate. Few college stu¬dents today, according to the surveys, are ready to leave the safe shores of government work and jump into the sea to join startups or go into business.


助人为乐,是中华民族优良传统之一。通过“助人”,既向别人提供了帮助,又体现了一种自尊。帮助他人要摈弃私心杂念,不能处处为个人利益着想。遇事要多替别人考虑,主动伸手帮助那些需要帮助的人。做到助人为乐,要偷快面对生活,不能自寻烦恼。在帮助别人的同时,自己收获快乐,享受生活的乐趣。做到助人为乐,要积极行动起来,不能只说不做。要脚踏实地(be down-to-earth),热情周到地为他人服务,哪怕是简单的小事,也要从一点一滴做起。


The new energy vehicle-sharing project has been launched in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. This new type of service is expected to add new vitality into China's sharing economy in the next few years. To enjoy the car-sharing service, you need to first download the App, then register to become a member and upload photos of your ID card and your driver's license. After passing the review and paying the deposit, you can use the car-sharing service by scanning the QR code. The deposit is mainly used for paying fees arising from car damage, violations of regulations and administrative punishment. The car rental is charged according to the actual mileage and the usage time.


中国经济的高速发展,带来了消费文化的曰益流行,同时也催生了一批具有高学历,充分享受资本主义消费模式的年轻人,他们习惯于当月工资当月花。因而被称为“月光族”(the moonlight group)。“月光族”一词出现于20世纪90年代后期,是用来讽刺那 些出身富裕、接受高等教育、充分享受快餐文化(fast food culture)的 年轻人。


滕王阁(The Pavilion of PrinceTeng)是南方一座皇家建筑,位于江西省南昌市西北部的赣江东岸,塔高13米,2层结构,始建于唐朝永徽四年(653年),是首批国家4A级旅游景区。滕王阁与湖北的黄鹤楼、岳阳楼为并称为“江南三大名楼”,因初唐才子王勃作《滕王阁序》让其在三楼中最早扬名于世。历,滕王阁先后重建达29次,屡毁屡建,目前的滕王阁是1989年重修的。

The Pavilion of Prince Teng, the only imperia structure in the south of China, lies in the east coast of the Ganjiang River in the north-west of Nanchang, Jiang Xi province. The tower with a height of 13 meters and with a two-floor structure, was first built in the fourth year of Yong Hui in Tang Dynasty (A.D. 653), and is among the first national 4A class scenic spots. The Pavilion of Prince Teng, the Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei province as well as the Yue Yang Tower in Hunan province are generally known as "the three famous towers in south of the Yangtze River". The Pavilion of Prince Teng was the first known to the world due to the Introduction to the Pavilion prince of Tang made by Wang Bo, a talented poet of the earlier Tang dynasty. In history, the pavilion was rebuilt 29 times. The current pavilion was rebuilt in1989.



热,说建议每个人都去考四级哦,且他的热度是非常高的百度知道四级作文:考证热2021年10月20日四级作文:考证热 四级作文:考证热 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都尝试过写作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要...百分网2020年9月英语四级作文预测:考证热 - 四级 - 新东方在线2020年9月19日From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, sincecertificates do not necessarily prove one’s a...m.koolearn.com大家还在搜历年四级考试作文题目以及范文关于考证热现象的作文考证热现象分析考证热现象分析英语作文去年买的四级真题今年能用吗四级作文跑题扣60分吗英语四级直接做真题能过吗四级应该做真题还是模拟题四级作文:考证热(共14篇)5月4日篇1:四级作文:考证热 四级作文:考证热 Certificate Craze on Campus In recent years, to get a certificate has become anew craze among c...www.xiegaola.com2021年英语四级作文精选:考证热2021年7月10日【英语四级写作模拟试题】




热说建议每个人都去考四级哦,且他的热度是非常高的百度知道2022年12月英语四级作文话题及范文:考证热 - 四级 - 新东方在线9月16日2022年12月英语四级作文话题及范文:考证热 Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30...






Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.

英语试题中一个极其重要的部分就是写作,分为两个部分——Part A的应用文写作和Part B的看图写作。长期以来,Part A 应用文写作部分都是以书信的写作为主,除了2010年英语一考试考查过一次通知写作,2014年的考研英语也果然不出所料,仍然是考查书信的写作。书信的写作除了掌握英语信件固有的写作格式之外,书信中具体内容的写作是得分的关键。但由于书信的种类繁多,如建议信、邀请信、咨询信、感谢信等等,复习考研的同学常常因为要记忆不同书信类型写作模板,而对应用文写作望而生畏。这是一个学习书信写作的误区,其实只要抓住了书信写作的思路,复习考研的同学就可以轻松搞定考研写作的Part A部分。


抓住以上这个书信写作思路,不仅能大大减少考生备考的记忆负担,而且能透过纷繁复杂的写作指令,直击写作核心内容。比如2014年英语二的应用文写作题目“Directions: Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student. Write him to email to

1) tell him about your living habits, and

2) ask for advice about living there.”


1、利弊分析型作文模板:思路:1、描述现象 2、介绍观点(第二段,利;第三段,弊)3、作者观点/结论?2、图表型作文模版:思路 第一段,结合图表,将图表的信息描述清楚,点出主题。








我根据自己的想法,进行了以下简单分类,几种不同类型的作文模板,各有不同组织框架,根据框架行文风格可分为:对比类:对同一事物的不同选择;面对困难、机遇、责任、失败、追求 批判类:对社会不好现象的批评;污染、浪费、交通、抄袭、啃老、食品 议论类:对社会热点问题的议论;网友、崇拜、就业、网络、中西文化 正气类:弘扬社会正气,高尚品德等。

A- You won't believe who I met yeaterday!B- Who? David Beckham? A- Seriously, I met Jason yesterday afternoon on my way home. You konw Jason, the fat little boy in our class when we were in primary school. B- Yeah, I remember him, he used to be very fat and short,and we called him "Little Potato." He's very cute.A- But he doesn't look at the Jason we knew at all now! He's even taller than me and looks like a grown man.B- Wow, what happened? A- I also asked him, and he said he started playing basketball every day 2 years ago, and now he's very healthy and not fat at all. B- Good to hear that. Little Jason bees Tall Jason. Maybe we should also do some exercise.

Non-mercial advertising, promotion is in order to achieve the purpose of doing some kind of advertising, not for profit, such as political, legal, cultural publicity, as well as notices, bulletins, instructions, notices, etc., also known as non-economic advertising. Non-mercial distinction beeen advertising and mercial advertising1, non-mercial advertising and mercials advertising the most obvious difference is that the content and sponsorship of different advertisers.2, the profitability of mercial advertising pany, and his advertisements are usually tangible goods or services, on the contrary, non-mercial advertising usually emphasizes motivation, creativity, attitudes and views.3, the o goals of advertising is more significant difference, mercial advertising is looking forward to selling products or services, non-mercial advertising is an attempt to change public attitudes, or the popularity of social movements.Commercial1) anizational behavior: convenience store advertising, bottled water aspirated, beauty salon, various intermediaries ...2) the long-term profitability of individual behavior: Amway, Avon, insurance, family kitchen (private kitchens) ...Non-mercial1) The temporary personal profit behavior: own rental for sale, second-hand transfer ...2) non-profit personal behavior: grants, donations, non-profit Central Purchasing ...3) institutions of public welfare behavior: charity, volunteer recruitment, etc. ...


她是我成长的摇篮, 她让我有了无数伙伴。


她是我温馨的家园, 她让我体味到了友爱的甘甜。


她是我辛勤劳作的田园, 她让我品尝到了收获背后的辛酸。


她是我成长的乐园 她让我享受到了阳光的灿烂。

英语:(I love my class, because I am her one. She is the cradle which I grow, She let me have the innumerable partners. I love my class, because she brings the infinite warmth to me. She is my warm homeland, She let me appreciate the friendly affection sweetness. I love my class, because she has brought the successful hope to me. She is my industrious practical training countryside, She let me taste behind harvest bitter. I love my class, because she entrusts with me the infinite happiness. She is the paradise which I grow She let me enjoy the sunlight brightness. ) 还是自己写得好啦,最好不要抄别人的,那样不好的。


Miss Wang is my English teacher. She looks very young.She's about thirty years old, and she wears glasses.She's funny . But she is strict with us. She wants us to study hard, Her lessons are interesting. We are very happy in her class and we all like her lessons. She is a good teacher, and we all like her.7.Music Lovers Wanted(招聘音乐爱好者)We need more music lovers in our club. Do you like music? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the violin, the piano, the guitar or the drums? If your answers are “yes”, then you can join our music club. Please call Gina

A:The final exam is ing,how do you study for final exam?B:First,I will review all the knowledge I learned this term.Then,I'll find some key points I don't really understand,and go through them.If I have some problems,I will ask the teacher next day.A:Oh,it's really a good way to study for the final exam.For me,I would like to do some exercises,and check the test we had before.I'll focus on the mistakes I have made.So that I won't do the same thing again.B:That's a good idea.

more problem Interracial marriages can cause many problems within the family. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, and custom, and social class level, many disagreements can occur. Religion can be a problem. If the o has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddudists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. After all, their offspring will encounter problems too. Childrens who are mixed are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a munity. They often have a hard time fitting in. Interracial marriage is not a good idea, but it is still alright to marry someone who is different than you.

From the distance, it looked like a skinny tube, but as we got closer, we could see it flesh out before our eyes. It was tubular, all right, but fatter than we could see from far away. Furthermore, we were also astonished to notice that the building was really in o parts: a pagoda sitting on top of a tubular one-story structure. Standing ten feet away, we could marvel at how much of the pagoda was made up of glass windows. Almost everything under the wonderful Chinese roof was made of glass, unlike the tube that it was sitting on, which only had four. Inside, the tube was gloomy, because of the lack of light. Then a steep, narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda and the light changed dramatically. All those windows let in a flood of sunshine and we could see out for miles across the flat land.



上班路上扶盲人老奶奶过马路 清晨去上班,803上遇到了一位盲人老奶奶,和我在同一站下,售票员扶她下了车,我扶她过了马路。


















至少写40字162009-8-29? 我扶盲人过马路作文200字722009-11-11? 大手拉小手 遵守交通规则的作文杂写啊···?1152009-12-27? 六年级下册第1单元作文第3道题看《假盲人》漫画写作文要500字上3542009-3-1查看同主题问题: 遵守 交通规则 过马路 盲人 作文 等待您来回答 关于初二年级下关于受教育权政治的视频或者图片 未受力时是运动的,物体突然受力会怎样 求一篇关于只看见别人的缺点而看不见优点的作文 英语 作文 生日 第25届奥运会会徽的含义是什么 关于初二年级下。

政治的视频或者图片 急需大学生运动会走方阵的解说词,要300字左右,不要复制的!!!!!好的还有追加哦 求篇作文!好心人帮帮忙。

其他回答共 1 条 检举 你可以参考以下几篇. 交通安全 宽

转载请注明出处 » 英语二大作文从哪几个方面写



您好,自考大学语文作文题目通常涵盖多个领域,包括社会、文化、教育、科技、环境等方面。具体的题目包括:1. 如何看待网络对青少年的影响?2. 你对当前教育体制的看法和建议。3. 论如何保护环境,实现可持续发展。4. 你眼中的中国文化传承与创新。5. 如何看待现代科技对人类生活的影响?6. 议论文化多样性与文化认同的关系。7. 你对未来城市发展的设想和建议。8. 如何看待当前社会的道德风气和价值观念。以上仅是部分可能出现的自考大学语文作文题目,考生需要根据自己的实际情况和备考情况进行针对性的准备。


问题一:大学语文期末考试有作文吗? 有作文题,写议论文。字数:1200-1500。一般化都是给材料作文,主要考察你对材料的理解和把握,并有自己的见解和主张。 问题二:大学语文怎么考阿?? 一、明确目标。有的放矢。 命题是自学考试的核心,是实现专业考试计划规定的专业标准的关键。对考生而言,首先就要了解命题的原则与要求、题型、试卷的难易等等相关考试信息。在些基础上把握考试重难点,确定考试对策,这样复习才会有针对性的进行,从而收到事半功倍的效果。 进行总复习前,最关键的就是明白《大学语文》考什么,围绕目标才能针对性制定复习策略。依据大纲,《大学语文(本、专)》题型共有五种类型:即单项选择(20分),多项选择(10分)、词语解释(10分)、简析题(30分)、作文(30分)。可见,复习的重点可放在作文和简析题上,这两项分数的高低,关系到考试的成败,但不能忽视对基础知识的学习。 其次,考生如有可能应取得历次考试试卷。这既可熟悉题型,了解试题难易度,又可作为自测、练习之用,找出差距,尽快补缺补漏。由于自学考试试题大都来源于试题库,试题一般都覆盖到考试大纲的各章,题量也比较大。根据考试经验,历次考试的试题,大都出自试题库或者与其有很大的关系。因此,考生了解试题库的题型,可以大大增强复习的针对性和有效性。 二、熟悉题型。寻找策略。 俗话说,“知己知彼,百战不殆”。复习时了解考试题型,并辅之以有效的练习,才能加深印象,巩固所学知识,收到最好的效果。 1.单项选择 这部分20分,共20个小题,是考试中最容易拿分的题型了。因此考生应尽量做到不失分。单项选择主要考文学史知识,如作家生平、作品作者、作品中的人物、中心论点、主要内容、表现手法、修辞手法、文章体裁等等,四选一,无论知不知道,都有25%的机率选到正确答案,相对容易得分。答题主要有两种方法:一是根据自己的识记,直接选出正确答案,既省时又有把握;二是把握不准时应采取比较的方法,排除筛选,确定唯一正确的答案。如2001年4月份全国自考大学语文(本)第9题: 李广死后,“百姓闻之,知与不知,无老壮皆为垂涕。”对刻画李广形象来说,这种表现方法是 A、铺垫反托B、对比反托C、侧面烘托D、象征暗示(答案:C) 这道题考的是迁移能力。考生并不一定要熟悉原文,只须运用平时所学知识就可以做出正确答案。 2.多项选择 这部分共5题10分,多考综合比较的内容,在5个答案中选择2至5个正确答案,多选、错选、漏选均不得分,难度较大。考试内容与单项选择题差不多,只是在答案的设置上更多一些,主要是看考生掌握知识是否全面,这是平时是否用功的最直接证明。答题只能根据自己对教材知识点的熟悉掌握,采取比较法、排除法一一甄别,凭感觉来猜题、押题是行不通的。以2001年4月份全国自考大学语文(本)为例:第21题“下列文章,总体上运用对比方法来表达主旨的有()”、22题“下列作品中通过对话形式展开的有()”、第23题“下列诗篇属于用乐府旧题的有()”、第24题“苏轼《江城子》(十年生死两茫茫)中运用白描手法的词句有()”第25题“鲁迅《风波》的主要艺术特点有()”,这五道题都有一定的难度。21、22、23题考艺术手法,23题考文体知识,第25题考艺术特点。根据这些考试内容,考生在复习时就要注意从这几个方面去把握重点课文。 3.词语解释 这部分共5题10分,以古文中的词语为主,兼考现代文的疑难词语。答题必须在理解全句的基础上,对应直译,然后落实某一个词的意义,务必准确、简洁、切不可写几个似是而非的答案,鱼目混珠。如2001年4月全国自考大学语文(专)第29题要求考生解释“周武王之臣,三千人为一大朋,而周用以......>> 问题三:大学语文作文一般是什么类型 如此简单,还需要问吗?记叙文,说明文,议论文,书信,通讯。 问题四:大学语文作文一般都出什么题目的,都写些 通讯如此简单?记叙文,还需要问吗,说明文,议论文,书信 问题五:据说大学语文考试有作文 真的么 一般是公共课,期末考试就是一篇作文 望采纳 问题六:自考大学语文的作文怎么写 (一) 匆匆忙忙的走过人生近三十年,生命中与你擦肩而过地人,你可曾都会记得,周末在家,闲来无事,忽然明白了人生中的许多的事情是你无法预料的,就像走过你身边的人一样,你永远不可能把她(他)们永远留在你的记忆中,即使你可以,别人也不可能永远的把你留在他的记忆中,所谓的刻骨铭心,也许只是短暂的的记忆深刻,不可能一生一世,有时候会触景生情,而有时候忽然的想起,会让你伤感。这就是人生!为什么会写“过客”?因为我觉得自己近三十年之中所遇到的人,有的仍在身边,可有的却已经在记忆中消失了,也许使劲的想,会想起一点印象,可那印象已不再清晰,童年的伙伴,儿时的好友,少年时的同学,青年时的战友,乃至参加工作以后的同事,都在随着时间的流失,在你脑海中慢慢的消退,记住的,只有曾经的只言片语,留在心里的只有无尽的伤感。我是一个很善感的人,也一直觉得自己是一个很重感情的人,对待每一个朋友都是真诚的,可最近几天我突然觉得,人生之中的真诚要分清楚你面对的对象,所谓的对象不是指每一个人的,我就没有分清楚,所以我觉得自己很傻,就像一个初出世道的毛孩子,没有半点的明辨是非的能力,因为受过伤,也就不再那么的诚实,有的时候我也会给自己留一点余地,害怕以前的事情再次的发生,伤害到自己的内心,使自己不再对这个世界有任何的信任,我不想有那么一天,因为我的心里一直还保留着一份对于这个世界的美好认知,我不想失去它,看看每一个人都是真诚的,对待人都是真实的,没有欺骗和伤害,可这似乎又不太现实。人生中每一个和你有过一面之缘的或者私交甚密的人,都是你人生的过客,所谓的知己,不过是暂时的认知而已,我的人生中有过好多我很在乎的人,我的心里曾经很久很久的都有他们的记忆和印象,可慢慢的,我明白了,生命中,最重要的记忆是你现在拥有的,不是过去,留下那些没有用的记忆和过客的印象只会使你永远无法忘记那些伤心地事情和不会愿意再想起的事情,忘记它吧!好好地对待你身边的现在那些爱你的和你爱的人,他们将使你人生忠最美好的记忆,是陪伴你一生的人,不再是过客。二十九年的时光一晃而过,在我的生命中只有为数不多的几个知心朋友,是值得我去珍惜的,我曾经很害羞却有很自豪的对很多的人说过,我的人生中,我上了十年学,却只有一个同学,当了七年兵,却只有两个战友,我不知道是我的原因还是这个世界的缘故,也许这就是世界,这就是人生,也许有一天他们押回在我的记忆中消失的,可至少今天我在很努力的想把他们留下。看着女儿的照片,每一次拨通电话以后听着老婆高兴的沉浸在有女孩以后的忙碌与喜悦之中,我的内心是幸福的,我的人生是幸福的,有了她们,还有什么事情会让我觉得不开心呢?她们就是我努力的方向,就是我奋斗的目标,不是过客是伴侣。人生的伴侣,今生最真挚的朋友!最后想说的:是告诫我自己,也告诫所有朋友的,人生中你不可能留住每一个和你擦肩而过的人,所以要珍惜你眼前所拥有的一切,走好你人生向前的每一步,因为你永远不知道向前迈一步你会多幸福,你的人生会是什么样?既然这样,为什么不向前迈一步呢?为什么只盯着已经发生的事情呢?忘记过去那些本不属于你的东西吧!忘记那些伤害过和令你不开心的忘事吧!那不是背叛,是让你能轻松的面对你的明天!祝福所有的朋友,明天会更好! (二)我们出生在一个文明的国度,成长于一片礼仪的沃土,从小我们喝着礼仪的乳汁长大,穿着礼仪的衣裳前行。礼仪可以说是人际交往中适用的一种艺术,一种交际方式或交际方法,是人际交往中约定俗成的示人以尊重、友好的习惯做法。它体现着一个人的自身修养,又美化着我们自身、美化着我们的生活。它是国家文化精神的重要内容,是企业形象的主要......>> 问题七:自考大学语文作文怎么写 这个没办法教你, 文科类的东西 比较难以言语表述,不是数学题 说个公式能记住, 大学语文还是有些难度的,我可以说 不好好看书,几乎没有人能考过去, 关键的 除了文言文 还有很多的知识点, 最后的作文 也是有难度的, 不是小孩子的 那种“开心的一天”“我的老师”那么简单, 所谓大学语文 作文毕竟还是很有 深度的, 我考的时候 作文是“水”写一篇关于水的文章 不得低于800字,不能诗歌 可以是记叙文 小说 散文,论文 等・・・ 那么你就要 好好想想了 ,怎么写水有关的,可以反映环境的恶化,也可以写小说,下属每天给领导倒水・・・等等 自由发挥, 个人觉得 想要考好大学语文,作文不是关键,前面的题一定要有把握, 问题八:自考问题!要历年大学语文作文的题目和范文? 不知道你学的是专科还是本科,是哪个省的(每个省的题目不一样),建议进入下面的网址,你能找到你所需的。大学语文非常好过,尤其是作文,其实就是送分的,自己要有信心。

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