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全国2006年7月高等教育自学考试 英语翻译试题 课程代码:00087 (请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上) 一、 单项选择题 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) (一)本部分共有10小题,在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个在意义和表达方面与原文最接近,选择译文。错选、多选或未选均无分。(20分) 1. Tombs and temples of ancient Egypt follow the Nile well into Sudan. A. 古埃及的坟墓和寺庙跟随着尼罗河一直到苏丹。 B. 古埃及的坟墓和寺庙很好地跟随着尼罗河,然后进入苏丹。 C. 尼罗河沿岸直到苏丹境内很远的地方,到处可以见到古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。 D. 从尼罗河到苏丹,有许多古埃及的坟墓和寺庙。 2. Anger and bitterness had preyed upon me continually for weeks and a deep languor had succeeded this passionate struggle. A. 愤怒和痛苦接连几个星期折磨着我,一种深深的无力战胜了这种激烈的斗争。 B. 几个星期以来,我又气又恨,感到非常痛苦,这种感情上的激烈斗争过去之后,我感到浑身无力。 C. 愤怒和辛酸折磨着我,已经有好几个星期了,经过激烈的挣扎,我感到浑身无力。 D. 我又气又痛苦,接连几个星期都这样。这种激烈的挣扎把我折磨得一点力气都没有。 3. It was an old woman, tall and shapely still, though withered by time, on whom his eyes fell when he stopped and turned. A. 这是一个老妇女,虽然受时间的折磨显得有些憔悴,仍然个子高挑,身材匀称,当他停下转身时,目光落在她身上。 B. 他站住,转过身,定睛一看,是个年迈的妇女,她虽然受时间的煎熬显得有些憔悴,仍然身材高挑,一副好模样。 C. 他站住,转过身,定睛一看,是一个虽然受时间的折磨显得有些憔悴,仍然身材高挑,一副好模样的年迈的妇女。 D. 这是一个个子高挑,身材匀称的老妇女,但受时间的折磨显得有些憔悴,当他停下转身时,他看到了她。 4. I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. A. 我记得儿时的名字、小草和秘密的小花。 B. 我记得在我儿时,我的名字是以小草和隐藏的小花命名的。 C. 我记得儿时给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的名字。 D. 我记得童年时给各种小草起的名字和一些隐蔽的小花。 5. Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land. A. 我从未听说过美国音乐在国外比国内要演奏得好。 B. 我在国外时,从未听到美国音乐比现在还要演奏得好。 C. 我从未听到过美国音乐在国外演奏得比这更好的。 D. 我在国外从未听到过演奏得这么好的美国音乐。 6. 他在中国旅游过的地方,除了泰山以外,都是我没有到过的! A. In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of Mount Tai. B. He had gone to many places in China, which I had never been to except Mount Tai. C. The many places he has been to in China are what I haven’t been to apart from Mount Tai. D. I have been to Mount Tai. But I haven’t been to many places which he has been to in China. 7. 回家的感觉真好,可以吃到妈妈亲手做的家乡菜。 A. I feel good to be at home. I can eat the hometown dishes my mom makes. B. I feel so nice back home that I could eat the home dishes made by my mom. C. It feels great to be home. I can enjoy the local dishes my mom makes. D. The feeling of going back home was really great. I can enjoy the taste of my hometown dishes cooked by mother. 8. 中国从美国的进口额,1978年为9亿美元,到1982年增加到近30亿美元。 A. China’s imports from America were $900 million in 1978 and then it rose by $ 3 billion in 1982. B. America’s imports from China jumped from $900 million in 1978 to $ 3 billion in 1982. C. China’s imports from America amounted from $900 million in 1978 to $ 3 billion in 1982. D. China’s imports from the US rose from $900 million in 1978 to $ 3 billion in 1982. 9. 中国有12亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。 A. China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s average. B. China’s population is 1.2 billion and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the world’s average level. C. The 1.2 billion people in China have lower land natural resources than in the world each. D. The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has. 10. 最近天气暖和了,有不少人想趁周末出去走走。 A. It is getting warm these days. Many people want to go out for a walk on the weekend. B. It has been getting warmer these days. Many people like to take a short trip on the weekend. C. Recently the weather is becoming warm. Quite a few people want to go out to walk during the weekend. D. As the climate is becoming warmer and warmer, some people want to have a walk in the weekend. (二) 本部分共有5小题,在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,选择答案完成句子。 错选、多选或未选均无分。(10分) 11. 对初学者来说,翻译的标准是 A.忠实 B.文雅 C.传神 D.忠实和通顺 12._______不喜欢重复,如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里需要重复某个词语,则用_______来代替,或以其他手段来避免重复。 A. 汉语,名词 B. 英语, 副词 C. 英语,代词 D. 汉语,代词 13. 在“翻译三论”一文中提出“雅”应当作为“得体”来理解的是 A. 钱钟书 B. 周煦良 C. 傅雷 D. 王佐良 14. 费道罗夫在《翻译理论概要》中提出了________。 A.确切翻译的原则 B. 自由翻译的原则 C. 逐字翻译的原则 D.神似翻译原则 15. “Chinglish is the most important and difficult problem in translation” is expressed by A. George Steiner B. Sol Adler C. Eugene A. Nida D. Charles R. Taber 二、 词语翻译(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) (一)将下列词语译成中文(10分) 16. environmental law 17. industrial revolution 18. the gold rush 19. floods and droughts 20. British Association for the Advancement of Science 21. foreign exchange 22. self-reliance 23. infrastructure 24. copyright protection 25. World Cultural Heritage (二)将下列词语译成英语(10分) 26. 国民生产总值 27. 福利工厂 28. 战争与和平 29. 新民主主义 30. 十五世纪初 31. 儿童文学 32. 双边贸易 33. 知识经济 34. 个人所得税 35. 发展中国家 三、 改译题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分) (一)下列句子的中译文有一个或一个以上错误,请加以改正。(10分) Example: 原文:Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate. 译文:阿德莱德享有地中海气候。 改译:阿德莱德属地中海气候。 36. 原文: Chou arranged for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. 译文:周恩来把他们作为候补党员加入党在柏林的支部,直到他们的入党申请书被寄到中国并收到回复。 37. 原文: Brindley’s improvements were practical. 译文:布林德雷的改良是实际的。 38. 原文: The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert. 译文:公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,现在穿过庄稼地,现在像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。 39. 原文: The people of the United States also have experienced the benefits of world trade. 译文:美国人民也已经经历了国际贸易的好处。 40. 原文: India is a smuggler’s delight. 译文:印度是走私者的快乐。 (二)下列句子的英译文有一个或一个以上错误,请加以改正。(10分) Example: 原文:中国在任何情况之下决不首先使用核武器。 译文:At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons. 改译:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 41. 原文: 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一种鞭策。 译文:People who had learned from us now excelled us. It was a real challenge. 42. 原文: 本公约须经签字国批准或接受。 译文:This convention should be bound by the ratification or acceptance by the signatory states. 43. 原文: 中国的海域有丰富的海水资源。 译文:China’s seas have rich seawater resources. 44. 原文: 她口角边渐渐地有了笑影,脸上也白胖了。 译文:Little by little smiling appeared at the corner of her mouth, while her face became white and fat. 45. 原文: 罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂。 译文: Rome was located on seven hills with big and small five hundred churches. 四、 段落翻译 (本大题共2小题,每小题15分,共30分) (一)将下列短文译成汉语(15分) 46. A modern wife has now been given the choice of whether or not to stay at home and be a full-time housewife. Thirty years ago it was expected that when a girl got married she automatically stopped working to become a full-time housewife and mother. In the 1990’s, society does not expect that of woman. Women today have the freedom to continue with their careers and the freedom to choose whether or not to have children. Some couples deliberately choose not to have children in favor of pursuing interesting and well-paid careers, while others choose to have children at a much later time. (二)将下列短文译成英语(15分) 47. 单位里有了个钱多事少离家近的工作,领导要求希望得到这一工作的人马上提出申请。有人特意向一贯清高的乌先生传达时,乌先生没听完就溜了。事后他对朋友说:“这种事早就有内定的人选,提出申请,左右都会给领导落下话柄。三十六计,走为上计,走而不战是不算输的。”




26 C27 F28 G









For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.







The Yangtze River, as the longest river in China and Asia, is more than 6,000 meters long.

Flowing through 11 provinces, it originates the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and empties into the East Sea.

There are approximately 400 million people living in the Yangtze Basin, among which the ethical minorities account for about 6%.

The Yangtze Basin has been the economic center since Tang Dynasty, and was the birthplace of China's modern industry.

However, presently the economic development in the basin is imbalanced, generally developed in the Delta region and relatively backward in the upper basin.



第二句:翻译时留意用非谓语动词作随同状语;“注入”可译为empty into;“起源于”可译为originate。

第三句:翻译时可以用there be句型,这样后边可以用定语从句将前后两句连接起来;“长江流域”译为the Yangtze Basin ;“少数民族”译为the ethical minority。


第五句:翻译时留意省略后边的主谓让整个语句看起来更简洁;“相对落后”可译为relatively backward。







Moutai is China' s most famous liquor which was selected as the drink for national banquets right before the founding of the People' s Republic of China.

It is said that the villagers along the Shishui River started to make Moutai 4,000 years ago. In the West Han Dynasty, the people produced Moutai liquor of superior quality, which was paid as the tribute to the emperor. Since the Tang Dy- nasty, this local beverage has been shipped overseas by the marine silk road.

Moutai features mild flavour and unique fragrance, and helps relieve fatigue and achieve tranquility if taken proper- ly, thus winning great popularity among domestic and for- eign consumers.





Tea has a history of 5,000 years. One legend goes that when Shen Nong was about to drink some boiled water, a few wild tree leaves fell into the kettle and gave off sweet fragrance. He drank a little and found it very refreshing, which led to the discovery of tea.

Since then, tea became popular in China. Tea gardens ap- peared everywhere, tea merchants became rich, and expen- sive and graceful tea set even became a symbol of social status.

Today, tea is not only a healthy drink but also part of the Chinese culture. More and more international tourists begin to understand the Chinese culture as they drink tea.




If you travel in Beijing, you must do two things: climbing the Great Wall and tasting Beijing roast duck. The well-known Beijing roast duck used to be available only in the imperial court, but now is supplied in hundreds of restaurants in the city.

Beijing roast duck originated in the Ming Dynasty 600 years ago, when chefs from all parts of the country were selected to cook for the emperor in the capital. People believed that it' s a great honour to cook in the palace for only those with outstanding cooking skills could be offered the job. In fact, it' s these royal chefs who have gradually perfected the cooking of Beijing roast duck.




26 C27 F28 G

找到了,已尽数打了出来,回答得有点晚,希望还能帮到你。五四运动The May 4th Movement第一次世界大战后,帝国主义对中国加紧侵略,北洋军阀政府对外妥协投降,对内残酷压迫人民,给中国带来了深重的民族危机。After World War I, the imperialists stepped up their aggression against China while the Northern Warlord government resorted to compromise and capitulation externally and to ruthless oppression of the people internally, thus landing China in a grave national crisis.一九一九年“巴黎和会”上中国外交的失败,激起了中国人民的极大愤慨。China’s diplomatic setback at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 aroused strong indignation among the Chinese people.五月四日,北京三千多学生在天安门前集会,他们高呼“外争国权,内惩国贼”、“废除二十一条”等口号,举行示威游行。On May 4, over three thousand Beijing students gathered in front of the Tian An Men, and then held a demonstration, shouting such slogans as “Defend our sovereignty, punish the traitors!”, “Abolish the Twenty-one Demands!”他们要求惩办卖国贼曹汝霖、陆宗舆、章宗祥,并火烧了曹宅,痛打了章宗祥。They called for punishment to be meted out to the traitors Cao RUlin, Lu Zongyu and Zhang Zongxiang. They set fire to Cao’s residence and beat up Zhang.北洋军阀政府出动军警镇压,捕去学生三十多名。They called out troops and policemen to suppress the demonstrators and thirty students were arrested.那时候,各地学生纷纷响应北京学生的反帝爱国斗争。Immediately, the students in one part of the country after another rose in support of the anti-imperialist patriotic struggle launched by the students in Beijing.具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子李大钊、毛泽东、周恩来等同志分别在北京、长沙、天津,指导了这个伟大的反帝运动。Comarades Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other intellectuals who already had some knowledge of communism guided this great movement in Beijing, Changsha, Tianjin respectively.六月三日,北京学生组织演讲队,开展大规模的宣传活动,军阀政府对学生的镇压变本加厉,捕去一百七十多人。On June 3, the students of Beijing formed groups of speakers and carried out extensive publicity work. The government intensified its suppression and arrested over 170 students.“六三”以后,主要是青年学生参加的五四爱国运动,发展成为无产阶级、小资产阶级和民族资产阶级共同参加的全国范围的革命运动。无产阶级成为运动的主力。From this point on, the May 4th patriotic movement, hitherto conducted mainly by the student youth, became a nation-wide revolutionary movement in which the proletariat, the petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie all took part, with the proletariat as the mainstay.上海、唐山、长辛店等地工人纷纷罢工示威,中国工人阶级第一次作为觉悟了的独立的政治力量登上政治舞台,显示了它的伟大力量。Large numbers of workers in Shanghai, Tangshan, Changxindian and elsewhere went on strike and held demonstrations. For the first time in Chinese history, the working class appeared as an awakened, independent force in the political arena, demonstrating its tremendous strength.在全国人民反帝爱国斗争的压力下,北洋军阀政府被迫释放被捕学生,撤销三个卖国贼的职务,拒绝在对德“和约”上签字,反帝反封建斗争取得了初步胜利。Under the pressure of the nation-wide anti-imperialist patriotic struggle, the Warlord government had to set free the students it had arrested, dismiss the three traitors from office, and withhold its signature from the “Peace Treaty” with Germany. This marked an initial victory for the struggle against imperialism and feudalism.五四运动是一次彻底的不妥协的反帝反封建的革命运动,它促成了中国工人运动同马克思主义的结合,在思想上和干部上为中国共产党的成立作了准备,是中国新民主主义革命的开端。The May 4th Movement was a thoroughgoing, uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism. It was instrumental in bringing about the integration of Marxism with China’s labor movement, and it paved the way, both in ideology and in the matters of cadres, for the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. It ushered in China’s new-democratic revolution.

你的改译部分是指翻译句子吗因为这科我是两年前考过的 没有改译 只有翻译句子

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