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今天教务老师给大家收集整理了英语阅读二自考教材的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考英语二需要看哪些书【天津】看教材就行.英语二不考听力.不过你要想考研的话听力你得练,自考英语主要考查阅读能力,阅读题占的多也比较多,这方面你要加强,怎么用最短的时间理解短文并正确回答问题单词尽量多记,虽然拼对一个单词才0.5分,但是也不能丢.英汉互译要加强,多做题,买个练习册多练练,语法比如虚拟语气,较难的地方要多加强,要熟,死记硬背也行.别地,没了,呵呵祝你通过吧!本回答由网友推荐自考英语本科 阅读二 是哪一本教材?你是问的英语专业的吗?好像英语阅读二是专科的啊。你在看看清楚。0596–英语阅读[2005年版]附:英语阅读自学考试大纲全国高等教育自学考试指定教材组编:全国高等教育自学考试指导委员会课程代码:0596出版社:高等教育出版社版次:2005年版作者:马龙龙裴艳丽要是非英语专业的,就是英语二了,英语(二)/大学英语自学教程(上册00012、下册00015)(全新)全国高等教育自学考试指定教材–公共政治课作者:高远出版社:高等教育出版社出版日期:上册1999年12月下册1998年6月开本:32版次:2次备注:英语二(课程代码:0015/00015)是自学考试本科的公共课,英语二包括两本书(大学英语自学教程上册和大学英语自学教程下册);很多同学总会问为什么上册是0012,会不会发错了?在这里告诉大家,没有发错的。由于大学英语自学教程上册同时又是专科公共课英语一(课程代码0012),所以大学英语自学教程上册书的封面上印的代码是0012。英语二考的是上下两册的内容(大学英语自学教程上册0012和大学英语自学教程下册0015)我是英语专业的,专科还差一科听力,现在是本科的,但是阅读二,不是本科的吗?我不会报错了吧?你在看一下吧,估计是报错了。省份不同可能也不一样,你看一下你的教材皮上的专业课名字就知道了。本回答由网友推荐教材有哪些?2015年江苏自考英语?2015年江苏自根据 教材信息 购买教材 根据考试科目安排 报考科目 根据报考科目科目教材信息购买教材 教材信息已经公布报考自考办 报考购买求英语自考教材所有书名求英语自考教材所有书名还有在哪里可以买?求自考书店/新华书店/大型书市/淘宝网/专业网校书店。 上述书店一般有历年自考真题以及针对性的模拟题。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:










【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考成绩怎么取得?自考成绩单打印需要考生上所在省份的教育考试官方网站内登录自学考试网后台,然后选择申请打印成绩单,点击已考科目进行打印。除此之外考生还可以持自学考试准考证、身份证前往自学考试办打印,自学考试办的负责人会帮忙打印并盖上自学考试办的公章,同时考生还可以领取纸质自学考试的成绩单。自考成绩怎么样查询?查询自学考试成绩的渠道有三种,一种就是携带好相关证件和资料,去当地自学考试中心直接进行查询;第二种就是可以通过所在省的自学考试网上进行查询;第三种就是需要能够通过书籍短信查看具体的发送代码进行查询。自学考试成绩一般在考后20至30天内出来。自考成绩查询流程:1、登陆当地的教育考试院的网站。2、进入管理系统页面后,点击“考生入口”进入个人主页。3、按照要求输入准考证号、密码、验证码,点击“登录”进入。4、进入到管理系统个人首页后,点击分类列表“报考”项里面的“查看已通过课程”。5、这时右边首页会显示出考生目前已通过的笔试成绩和实践课成绩。如果无法进行网络查询,考生也可以携带自己的相关证件和资料,前往当地的自考中心进行查询。自考考试一些省份单科成绩保留期限是永久有效的,考生可以长期的进行考试,但有一些地区如果在8年的时间未拿到毕业证书,单科成绩抵达8年的有效期是会失效的,需要重新报考。自考的及格线和单科合格证:课程考试合格者(所有课程都是60分为及格),考后一个月从自考办取得单科合格证书,自考考试科目一般10门以上20门以下,每一门考试合格后,方可申请毕业。(部分省市实施单科合格证有效期为8年)不及格者,可参加下一次该门课程的考试,不限制参加考试的次数。申请学位时,一般院校对考试分数有要求。60分算及格,但对多数省份来讲,申请学位时,一般存在平均分在65分到75分不等的要求。自考考试次数原则上并没有要求,考生可多次考到适当的分数。下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2020年10月自考00844日语阅读(二)真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:661.52KB 2020年10月自考00012英语(一)真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:570.75KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

还没出来吧 你要是去报名 不就知道了吗

不是 记得采纳





1. the fastest disappearance of wildlife has occurred in a.europe b.australia c. north america d. south america 2.the major threaths to wildlife in the mordern world come from a.industrialization and urbanization b.changes in climate, habitate or the genes c rapid increase in man's population d the use of pesticides 3. an endangered species is the one that A,kills other animals for food b , faces extinction thus needs protection c, is dangerous to human beings d. lives in places of danger 4.animals that kill other games for food are called predators para 3 the word game means a.animals that kill predators for food b,animals that feed on c arrion c,animals that are hunted for food d,animals that appeared on endangered species list 5.bounty hunters are those who a. take care of the wild areas b. kill predators for money c,preserve wild animals d,protet the habit of the wild life 第二篇, 6. this passage mainly discusses a.how earth day originated and developed b,why earth day was set on the day of vernal equinox c why john ms connell proposed the idea of earth day d what the major public concern was in the 1970's 7. earth day was first proposed to a .reflect public concern for industrial pollution at the time b.call for legislation on evironment c achieve a sustainable and enduring ecosystem d, raise the public awareness of nature and the ecosystem 8.the major concern of the first national earth day in the united states was a.deforestation and desertization b, air pollution and water pollution c agriculture waste and peticide use d.industrial pollution and its effect 9. according to the last paraphraph people have now realized a the establishment of the earth day can do little to save our planet b.the importance of protecting our evironment and the ecosystem c.john mc connell's proposal played an important role in saving our planet d.the issues of concern of earth day have expanded greatly into all aspectes of water air soil and noise pollution 10 the word enduring in the last sentence probably means a . lasting b.tolerating c, strenghthening d.deteriorating 第三篇 the writers got the name of insurance agent from a. a tv commercial b, one of his friends c,an insurance company d, one of his colleagues 12. why the writer phone the insurance agent a he wanted to fill out an application for a life insurance policy b. he had decided to buy a life insurance policy c,he wantd to explore the possibilities of buying a life insurance policy d he took great interest in the insurance company 13.after helping the writer fill out the application the agent asked if a .he was satisfied with his explanation b.he could pay the insurance premium immediately c,he could recommend other people to buy a life insurance d.he could go to the doctor's for a physical check up 14. what do you think about the secretary a. she is dishonest b , s he is experienced c she is sophisticated d, she is sympathetic 15..... all i can do is to avoid his calls and hope i dont run into someplace para 4 the expression run into him means a being caught by him b. getting him annoyed c, meeting him accidentally d, seeing him as scheduled 第四篇 16.according to the report when does a hand raised jackdaw hesitate to take a preferred food a . when he feeder is looking away from the food b when the feeder is unfamiliar to the bird c. when the feeder holds the food in his hand d when the feeder is looking at the food 17.according to the researchers , jack daws can notice human eye orientation probably because a. like humans they also use eyes to communicate b they are far more intelligent than other birds c.they are mostly hand raised by humans d .their eyes also have a dark pupil 18.according to the fourth para jack daws are good at interpreting all of the following cues except a. alternating one's gaze to another direction b. pointing to where the food is hidden c , keeping a long gaze at one direction d. directing one 's eyes towards the food 19. why does the author refer to chimpanzees and dogs in the last paraphraph a .to suggest that they are much better at interpreting gaze alternation b.to illustrate how unique jack daws are in being able to notice gaze orientation c to make clear that they rely on other means in determining people's intention d.to show that they communicate more frequently with humans than jackdaws 20. what does the research finding suggest we know embarrassingly less about birds than we assume b the closer we communicate with animals the better we understand them c.not all jackdaws are good at attending to human gaze d. we may have underestimated jackdaw's mental abilities 21. when he first learned that he was gradually going deaf beethoven accepted that fact that a .placidly b, courageously c,depairingly d.gracefully 22.how could i possibly admit an infirmity in the one sentence ... the word infirmity is closest in meaning to a . weakness b , strength c deafness , d disorder 23. beethoven's best piece of music was composed a . in his prime time b shortly before his death c.when he noticed a humming in his ears d.when he become completely deaf 24. which of the following is the best title for this passage a beethoven's life story b. beethoven's fateful hearing loss c the music of beethoven d .beethoven's courageous triumph over tragedy 25. this passage is arranged in a chronological order b . spatial ordr c . flash back d .general specific pattern 36. in giving explanations p _ description is very important 37.the prevalent a _towards working women should be changed 38.people should improve themselves to qualify for key positions in politics and b _ 39.distance education can improve students' l_ motivationand interactivity 40.though interpreted differently most people still agree that children be kept away from v _ 41.one of the main preoccupations of the arts and humanities is the o_ of human beings 42.warmer weather p_ less rain on land but more at sea 43. reader's criticism has long been i _ by scientific american 44.flowers e_ different feelings and emotions 45.the climatic v_ IN britain 26. a person or animal acompanying some one para 1 27.give an authoritative order 28.someting that distracts one mind 29.an innate behavior in response to certain stimuli 30. make practical and effective use of 31. to continue to function well 32.entertaining 33.suitable 34.jump or make a sudden movement forward 35. of the back part 46. after four straight years of lower crime levels some crime experts and law enforcement officials have even dared boldly to suggest that we are winning war against crime 47.while many police officials can legitimately feel gratified about the arrested crime rate _better that is down than up there is much more to the great crime drop story 48.there are actually two crime trends ongoing in america one for the young one for the mature , which are moving in opposite directions 49. in the overall crime mix the sharp decline in crime among the large adult population has eclipsed the rising crime rate among the relatively small population of teens 50.there have been tremendous changes in the social context of crime over the past decade which explain why this generation why this generation of youth the young and ruthless is more violent than others before it . 参考答案 C A B C B A D D D A B C DD C B A CCD CA CA C precise /progressive attitude business learning violence observation predicts/ presages / produces embody / express variation , companion command disturbance instinct utilize last amusing compatible spring hind 46. 在连续的四年的低犯罪率的情况下 一些犯罪学家和法律执行官员大胆的建议说,我们对于犯罪的情况已经取得了胜利 47.当许多警察人员合理的感觉到对捕捉率满意的时候,当然是低率比高率好,隐藏在背后的还有很多大犯罪情形 48.美国有两种犯罪趋势盛行,一种是青少年犯罪 一种是成人犯罪,朝着相反的方向发展 49.在整体犯罪中,多数成人犯罪的下跌掩盖了相对少数青年犯罪上升率 50.在过去的10年中,社会环境下的犯罪有惊人的改变,这就是为什么这代青年人— 残酷的一代,比以前更加暴力了


2022年10月考期英语(二)试题答案仅供参考第一部分:阅读判断(每题1分)1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5. B6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10. A第二部分:阅读选择(每题2分)11. C 12. A 13.D 14.D 15. B第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(每题1分)16.D 17. C 18. E 19. B 20. F21. A 22. D 23. F 24.E 25. C第四部分:填句补文(每题2分)26.E 27.C 28. D 29.F 30.B第五部分:填词补文(每题1.5分)31.G 32. F 33. A 34.I 35. C 36. E37.B 38. K 39. H 40.L第六部分:完形补文(每题1.5分)41 .shown/showed 42. greater 43. playmates 44. morally 45. social 46. controlling 47. ability 48. affects 49. performances 50. necessity第七部分:短文写作(每题30分)参考范文:我们作文库原题上述内容来源网络,不是最终答案,仅供参考祝同学们10月考试必过!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


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