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自考问答 > 自考百科 > 2018年自考英语二作文答案












Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.





Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.

很多小伙伴问,关于成人自考英语二有哪些题型?成人自考英语题库的相关问题,今天本站编辑就给大家整理了关于成人自考英语二有哪些题型?成人自考英语题库全部问题,希望对你有帮助!成人自考英语二有哪些题型?【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料:tg/?bdlk 】成人自考英语二题型包括七个部分,分别是阅读判断、阅读选择、概括段落大意和补全句子、填句补文、填词补文、完形补文以及短文写作。一、阅读判断。阅读判断一般位于试卷的第一题,给你一段短文,根据短文内容对于每个句子作出判断,一般有10个句子判断选项,正确的选A,错误的选B。需要大家读懂文章大意,才能作出正确选项。二、阅读选择。阅读选择也是一段短文,题目的设置是通过阅读短文,从所给各题的 4 个选项中选出 1 个最佳选项,选项不再是判断对错,而是挖空的形式,属于细节题。三、概括段落大意和补全句子。概括段落大意,简单来说就是根据段落大意,然后根据每个段落的意思,选择一个符合意思的词语。一般有五个选项,而补全句子需要从六个选项中选择五个选项填入对应句子,将其补全。四、填句补文。一般短文会设置 5 处空白,而短文后会设置 6 个句子选项,要求考生根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。五、填词补文。除了填句补文以外,还有填词补文。这种题型在英语四级和六级的考试中,也是有的,主要对于考生单词词汇量要求比较高。六、完形补文。或许大家对于完形补文比较陌生,但是完形填空大家一定知道,其实完形补文也差不多,需要考生根据空白括号后的单词提示,根据上下文,正确填写单词形式,进而补全文章。七、短文写作。凡是英语考试,必然会要求写英语作文,就像考语文一定要作文一样,作文写作字数一般要求在100 词左右。根据指定的话题完成写作任务。成人自考英语二下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年04月自考07008采购与仓储管理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:306.54KB 2020年08月自考07008采购与仓储管理真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:331.78KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:tg/?bdlk自考APP软件哪个比较好,做题和搜题都可以的那种?自考搜题软件哪个好用?学姐的这份自考心备考自考的时候大家是不是有很多迷茫的地方,很多的地方有着似懂非懂的感觉,这种感觉其实是正常的,我的一个表姐就是自考提升的学历,今天我就把从她那里取到的经“传授”给你们!首先我们要说的第一件事就是备考的方式,很多的小伙伴可能会选择报一个培训机构,也有极个别的小伙伴会选择孤军奋战,自学备考,无论你的打算是怎样,接下来的几点请你一定要认真看!第一点,报一个班比自己学习要好很多,因为培训机构会有很多更加高效的学习资料给到你们,从头到尾基本上都是会为你负责,基本上就不用操心很多,也不会很影响自己的个人时间。第二点,不要轻信他人,其实很多人都是所谓的“熟人”介绍,但是自己并没有认真考察,所以还是建议大家一定要好好的考察再做决定,毕竟有些机构并不是很负责。第三点,那就是就是平常我们应该怎么样学习和备考了,其实自考是很很需要技巧的,最好还是要制定一下相关的计划,因为是每次考两门,所以只需要在考试前1-3个月开始备考就好,因为提前太多会很容易忘记,还浪费了时间。关于自考的搜题软件表姐只给我推荐了两个,她说有这两个基本上就够了,一个是学习英语的沪江开心词场,另一个就是优题宝。沪江开心词场 对于英语的学习是很有帮助的,里面有一套比较完整的学习体系,还能够制作属于自己的记单词计划,整体来说还是蛮不错的。优题宝 科目真的是很全,所以基本上自考的专业都是可以用的上,备考遇到不会的题目就可以搜答案,答案准确,解析也很详细,很值得入手。自考英语二考试试题(历年真题)?00015英语(二)真题和答案29份:2004年04月,2004年10月,2005年04月,2005年07月2005年10月,2006年04月,2006年07月,2006年10月2007年01月,2007年04月,2007年07月,2007年10月2008年01月,2008年04月,2008年07月,2008年10月2009年01月,2009年04月,2009年07月,2009年10月2010年01月,2010年04月,2010年07月,2010年10月2011年01月,2011年04月,2011年07月,2011年10月2012年01月 我有这些试题及答案专科英语等级考复习软件有什么如今与英语相关的工作岗位都比较吃香,一方面英语专业人才仍是社会稀缺资源 ,另一方面是英语相关的工作岗位薪资待遇好,发展前景也更广阔。因此许多热爱学习英语的考生会选择学习这门专业。自学考试专科英语专业一共需要考试的课程科目有十二科,如果大家每次报考四科并且全部通过的话,是可以在一年半的时间里就能申请毕业的。这是最短的时间,但也是对大家要求最严格的时间,因为需要大家每科的成绩都达到合格线才可以顺利拿到自考英语专科毕业证书。所以无论大家是为了更好找工作,还是为了之后考研等深造的话,都是需要尽快拿到毕业证的。有关如何备考,推荐以下几款英语学习app,助力大家早日通过考试!一、 欧陆词典背单词最棒的词典,词库免费!非常智能的跨平台取词功能以及非常完善的离线词库绝对是两大亮点,除了通常我们常用的词库,这各种专业领域的词库也是一应俱全。很方便知识扩展。自考英语核心词有4400个,词组400个,按照自己的时间分配每天的单词量。个人建议20-30个就可以。另外,背单词还是要运用艾宾浩斯的遗忘曲线来,也就是说今天背20个单词,明天背第二批20个,也要同时先复习第一天的20个单词,相当于第二天就是旧20个+新20个。不要害怕遗忘,也不需要强迫自己一定一次性背完。先背最重要的单词,最常用的,边看边写边背。二 、每日英语听力一款用于提高英语听力的应用软件,用真实语境的例句,来深入了解从而掌握英语的学习语言环境。每日英语听力拥有每天更新的海量听力库,并独家提供智能语音高亮跟随功能。与拥有海量词库的《欧路词典》无缝集成,查词典、背单词轻松搞定。要注意的是,听听力集中注意力非常重要,在做听力题时一定要保证自己的注意力高度集中。有一些同学会奇怪,自己的词汇量不少,基础也不差,为什么还是在练习听力的时候,感觉困难重重。明明知道的单词,却听不出来。对于这种情况的同学,很有可能是因为在背记单词的过程中,没有掌握正确的单词读音,或者忽略了连读,因为有时候两个单词连在一起读的时候,会省略th的发音,或者是其他清辅音的发音。建议在练习中用下面这几种方法解决:重新复习音标,修正自己单词发音,并且大声朗读这些单词注意重读音节部分进行听力材料跟读,提高自己的语感和读音的准确性注意连读部分,进行归纳总结三、希赛自考题库自考英语刷题工具,这个app有含历年真题、模拟考卷、章节练成人自考本科学位英语题型?【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料:tg/?bdlk 】成人自考本科学位英语题型题型一:阅读理解阅读理解部分主要考查自考生对材料的主旨的掌握,能够理解字面意思并能 根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;一般有三篇短文,总阅读量不超过900个词。每篇文章后有五个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个。题型二:完形填空完形填空考核考生的综合运用语言的能力,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选出一个,使短文的结构和意思恢复完整。题型三:挑错挑错题是测试学生掌握词汇、短语及语法结构的熟练程度,其重点是固定搭配和句型。考试范围与第二部分相同。该题型由10个单句组成。每个句子含有标着A、B、C、D的四个画线部分,其中有一处是错误的,要求考生从四个画线部分中挑出其错误的部分。题型四:翻译翻译题考核学生词汇、语法、句型等方面综合运用语言的能力。 要求考生把前面阅读理解文章中画线的五个句子译成中文或把中文翻译成英文。题型五:词语用法和语法结构词语用法和语法结构题型考核学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括全日制文理科本科教学大纲中词汇表及语法结构表一至三级的主要内容。自考学位英语自考学位英语考试题型下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2016年10月自考02275计算机基础与程序设计真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:396.3KB 2013年10月自考06092工作分析真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:128.4KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:tg/?bdlk自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:





Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.



今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语二词汇教材,自考英语二教材答案的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!00015自考英语二教材问题《新00015英语二》百度网盘资源免费下载?pwd=cxdb提取码:cxdb新00015英语二|全国统考00015英语历年真题|黎芸自考英语视频版|考证保障班《00015-英语55课时》|教材视频精讲含同步讲义|单词表|自考经验小技巧.docx|00015英语二作文模板之二(2).doc|00015英语作文模板之一.doc|0015英语(二)大纲词汇表.doc|00015英语二词组表.doc|00015英语二词汇表(整理版).docx|第9章Unit9FacingLife’sChallenges|第8章Unit8TheGreatMinds|第7章Unit7InnerVoice自考英语二哪些题目会从书上出,题型都有哪些,考试和复习时间该怎样分配英语(二)是自考本科段中公共课目的必须课程,也几乎是自学考试所有非英语专业的课程中最难通过的一门。英语满分为100分,60分即为合格,考核形式为笔试,包含题型有:阅读判断、阅读选择、概括段落大意及补全句子、填句补文、填词补文、完形补文和短文写作,共七个大题。根据题型,前四题考查考生英语阅读理解和判断能力,五六两题考查考生对于基本语法的掌握,最后一题重点在于考查考生的英语遣词造句的能力以及词汇掌握度。因此我们应从以下几个方面去着手准备:1、词汇:英语要求考生需要掌握3500-4000个单词,教材上以及真题练习出现的高频词汇必须引起重视,反复牢记心中。2、语法:我们可以看到填词补文和完形填空这两个大题主要是针对语法知识的考查,因此我们得加强语法储备和对词性的判断能力。3、练习:实践是检验真理的唯一标准,在备考时一定要多做真题练习,有一定的基础学习后只有通过做题才能发现不足,弥补问题。4、作文:英语话题作文多样,但是都接近生活和实际,可以以历年真题作文为导向多加练习。当然自考也不仅仅是靠英语,还有根据自己选择的专业有其他的科目,学员要学会合理分配各科目的学习时间,当然可以选择培训机构,比如明世教育的自考培训,老师可以辅导学员进行各科目的学习,针对学员弱势的科目系统训练,让学员更快的通过自考。感兴趣的话点击此处,免费学习一下自学考试英语教材你好,00012 英语(一) 英语自学教程 张敬源 外语教学与研究出版社 2012年版00015 英语(二) 英语自学教程 张敬源 外语教学与研究出版社 2012年版自考本科英语教材到底是哪本啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊以上就是今天分享关于自考英语二词汇教材,自考英语二教材答案的全部内容,更多自考历年真题及答案,自考视频网课,自考教材可以首页搜索科目购买哦,可以咨询在线客服!自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:




Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


It is well known that due to the booming economy and increasing family income, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for students. Although studying abroad is often praised by people for its advantages, there are still some disadvantages to be noticed.

First of all, to study abroad is expensive. Specifically speaking, those involved have to spend a large amount of money on tuition and living expenses, which is not affordable for everyone. In addition, to study abroad is a great challenge for those students who lack the ability of living independently. If they can not take good care of themselves there, their academic performance will be affected to a large extent. Last but not least, to study abroad may exercise a negative influence on students’ mentality. As we all know, to study abroad equals to stay away from family and friends for a long time, which is likely to produce some psychological problems for those students, such as being solitary and gloomy.

From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion that the disadvantages of studying abroad can not be neglected. What’s more, those students who are planning to study abroad should make enough preparations for these problems mentioned above. Only in this way, can they have a fruitful and successful study life abroad.






1-5 CBABC 6-10 AAABA11-15 BCADC16-20 AECDB 21-25 FBACE26-30 EBCAD 31-35 IKDJC36-40 AEGBC41.were born 42.resulted 43.groon 44.manufactural 45.been moved 46.addition 47.fever 48.machines 49.unnecessary 50.unemployment作文 My hobbyEveryone has his own hobbies. as for me,my hobby is to do sport in my space time.I am fond of play sports ,there are the following ressons.to begin with, todo sports is heathy,such as walking,runing,swimning and playiing different kinds of balls,What" more,it can improve our abilities.For example,we can tabe part in the abilities held in our school,And maybe we can get good grades,which will make us happy and confident,All in all,doing sports will also makes our spiritual life more colorful,It can make us refresh and love life better after doing sports. 不知道这个可不可以


思路:1、描述现象 2、介绍观点(第二段,利;第三段,弊)3、作者观点/结论?


思路 第一段,结合图表,将图表的信息描述清楚,点出主题。





对比类:对同一事物的不同选择;面对困难、机遇、责任、失败、追求 批判类:对社会不好现象的批评;污染、浪费、交通、抄袭、啃老、食品 议论类:对社会热点问题的议论;网友、崇拜、就业、网络、中西文化 正气类:弘扬社会正气,高尚品德等。




Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a significant role in our daily life.Generally,its advantages can be seen as follows.First----------------(A的优点之一).Besides-------------------(A的优点之二).

But every coin has two sides.The negative aspects are also apparent.One of the important disadvantages is that----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点).



The topic of①-----------------(主题)is becoming more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say A is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is more,③-------------理由二).Moreover,④---------------(理由三).



①When asked about lucky numbers,different people will offer different opinions.Some people think that②lucky numbers can bring good luck.They hold this view because③they believe lucky numbers will help them fulfill their wishes-to be rich or successful.④However,there are still many people who won't agree.They argue that⑤such kind of idea is only ignorant and superstitious belief.Besides,⑥they think numbers are just numbers and each number is equal in its importance.

⑦Personally,I am on the side of the latter argument.For one thing,⑧numbers,including lucky numbers,are just a tool for counting,They don't have magic power.For another,⑨whether we will have good luck or not depends on ourselves instead of lucky numbers,If we work hard and make good preparations,good luck will come to us.

⑩Therefore,lucky numbers don't bring good luck.It is our hard work and good preparations that bring us good luck.

A job interview is indispensable in the process of job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best use of the interview and leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind,he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many applicants.If,on the other hand,the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview,he is unlikely to stand a chance to succeed.

To be successful in a job interview,the job hunter should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities.

First,the applicant ought to attach much importance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,he is supposed to display his ability,especially his grasp of professional knowledge required by the position for which he is applying.Finally,a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of self-confidence in and a practical attitude toward the cause concerned.

If the interviewee succeeds in displaying these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during an interview,the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.


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