自考问答 自考本科自考百科广东自考
自考问答 > 自考百科 > 广东自考英国文学选读真题及答案






今天教务老师给大家收集整理了广州高中自考本科教材,高中学历能直接自考本科吗的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!2010广东省自考英语教育本科教材有哪些?课程代码课程名称使用教材作者出版社版次8469高级英语(一)(B)新编英语教程(5册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社2003.38470高级英语(二)(B)新编英语教程(5、6册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社2004.18266翻译翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程宋天锡国防工业出版社2008重印第四版8268英语词汇学现代英语词汇学概论张韵裴北京师范大学出版社20048269英语语言学新编简明英语语言学教程戴炜栋、何兆熊上海外语教育出版社2002年7月第1版8475英美报刊选读英美报刊阅读教程端木义万南京大学出版社第二版8476英国文学选读英国文学史及选读吴伟仁外语教学与研究出版社19888478英语论文写作英语写作手册丁往道等外语教学与研究1994.6第二版8477美国文学选读美国文学史及选读吴伟仁外语教学与研究出版社19908479中学英语教学法英语教学法基础何广铿暨南大学出版社20018480外语教学心理学外语教学心理学朱纯上海外语教育出版社1994.98473第二外语《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册人民教育/日本光村人民教育/日本光村合作出版19888474第二外语简明法语教程(上下册)孙辉商务印书馆0012英语大学英语自学教程(上册)高远高等教育出版社1999年版8447基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](1、2册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19988448基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](3册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19998449基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](4册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19998450英语阅读新编英语阅读教程(1-3册)王守仁.赵文书上海外语教育出版社广州自考英语专业要买什么资料?可以买自考通,很小本的,里面有大岗,自考英语不容易哦,要花很多时间和精力去学习,贵在坚持。可以报个班比较好,毕竟有老师指出重点。我曾经也报考过自考,后来因为工作实在太忙也没有安排好时间,12门只过了一半,几年过去了都没毕业,其实还是需要选对专业,多学习,多复习,不然真的很难考得过。高中毕业了可以直接自考本科?高中毕业了可以直接自考本科吗高中毕业可以考高中起点的本科吖自考有高起本的专业吉林艺术学院的艺术设计专业就很好啊我就是因为当时不爱学习没考大学后来工作后发现没文凭吃不开啊我还嫌专科学历太低后来朋友给我推荐了吉林艺术学院的艺术设计专业 我在长春中道学校报的他们给我承诺说2年下证一开始我还不相信别人考自考都说难我什么都不会怎么可能那么快就通过呢2年后我真的拿到毕业证了而且是本科毕业证太高兴了好东西就应该大家分享嘛所以在这里给大家分享下今年自考会计本科的教材?新华书店。大型书市。中职学校书店。淘宝网。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


课程代码 课程名称 使用教材 作者 出版社 版次8469 高级英语(一)(B) 新编英语教程(5册) 李观仪 上海外语教育出版社 2003.38470 高级英语(二)(B) 新编英语教程(5、6册) 李观仪 上海外语教育出版社 2004.18266 翻译 翻译新概念 英汉互译实用教程 宋天锡 国防工业出版社 2008重印第四版8268 英语词汇学(英文) 现代英语词汇学概论 张韵裴 北京师范大学出版社 20048269 英语语言学(英文) 新编简明英语语言学教程 戴炜栋、何兆熊 上海外语教育出版社 2002年7月第1版8475 英美报刊选读 英美报刊阅读教程 端木义万 南京大学出版社 第二版8476 英国文学选读 英国文学史及选读(1、2册) 吴伟仁 外语教学与研究出版社 19888478 英语论文写作 英语写作手册 丁往道等 外语教学与研究 1994.6第二版8477 美国文学选读 美国文学史及选读(第一、二册) 吴伟仁 外语教学与研究出版社 19908479 中学英语教学法 英语教学法基础 何广铿 暨南大学出版社 20018480 外语教学心理学 外语教学心理学 朱纯 上海外语教育出版社 1994.98473 第二外语(日语)(B) 《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册 人民教育/日本光村 人民教育/日本光村合作出版 19888474 第二外语(法语) 简明法语教程(上下册) 孙辉 商务印书馆 0012 英语(一) 大学英语自学教程(上册) 高 远 高等教育出版社 1999年版8447 基础英语(一)(B) 新编英语教程[修订本](1、2册) 李观仪 上海外语教育出版社 19988448 基础英语(二)(B) 新编英语教程[修订本](3册) 李观仪 上海外语教育出版社 19998449 基础英语(三)(B) 新编英语教程[修订本](4册) 李观仪 上海外语教育出版社 19998450 英语阅读 新编英语阅读教程(1-3册) 王守仁.赵文书 上海外语教育出版社

你好,自考书籍主要是教材、大纲和辅导书模拟题,历次考试真题,可以网上试试,或是有卖那种历次考试真题的试卷的辅导资料的可以,或是模拟试题都是可以的。自考书籍要根据你报考的科目来选择教材,所有课程的教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有。根据 教材信息 购买教材 根据考试科目安排 报考科目 根据报考科目和科目的教材信息购买教材 教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有 报考时在购买。查询你报考课程的教材信息,根据教材信息购买教材,可以在网上购买也可以到自考办问问,或是大型书店都有。一、自考教材都是全国自考办指定的教材,一般考试大纲都是根据指定教材来出的,所以教材一定不能买错。自考教材一般在每次考试前发布考试安排与计划时同时公布各科目的指定教材,考生在选购时根据办发布的各课程的代码、主编、版本号等信息进行选购就可以了~ 二、购买自考教材或辅导教材的方式一般有三种:1、自考办教材服务部:正版教材、一般原价出售,无折扣2、自考实体书店:一般都是6~9折左右,根据书的质量有些差异,每个地区基本上都有几个自考书店的3、网上书店购买:个人比较推荐的方式,一般网上都还是非常容易购买的,而且折扣也比较大。你直接网上搜书名就可以了。


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了广州高中自考本科教材,高中学历能直接自考本科吗的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!2010广东省自考英语教育本科教材有哪些?课程代码课程名称使用教材作者出版社版次8469高级英语(一)(B)新编英语教程(5册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社2003.38470高级英语(二)(B)新编英语教程(5、6册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社2004.18266翻译翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程宋天锡国防工业出版社2008重印第四版8268英语词汇学现代英语词汇学概论张韵裴北京师范大学出版社20048269英语语言学新编简明英语语言学教程戴炜栋、何兆熊上海外语教育出版社2002年7月第1版8475英美报刊选读英美报刊阅读教程端木义万南京大学出版社第二版8476英国文学选读英国文学史及选读吴伟仁外语教学与研究出版社19888478英语论文写作英语写作手册丁往道等外语教学与研究1994.6第二版8477美国文学选读美国文学史及选读吴伟仁外语教学与研究出版社19908479中学英语教学法英语教学法基础何广铿暨南大学出版社20018480外语教学心理学外语教学心理学朱纯上海外语教育出版社1994.98473第二外语《中日交流标准日本语》初级上、下册人民教育/日本光村人民教育/日本光村合作出版19888474第二外语简明法语教程(上下册)孙辉商务印书馆0012英语大学英语自学教程(上册)高远高等教育出版社1999年版8447基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](1、2册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19988448基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](3册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19998449基础英语新编英语教程[修订本](4册)李观仪上海外语教育出版社19998450英语阅读新编英语阅读教程(1-3册)王守仁.赵文书上海外语教育出版社广州自考英语专业要买什么资料?可以买自考通,很小本的,里面有大岗,自考英语不容易哦,要花很多时间和精力去学习,贵在坚持。可以报个班比较好,毕竟有老师指出重点。我曾经也报考过自考,后来因为工作实在太忙也没有安排好时间,12门只过了一半,几年过去了都没毕业,其实还是需要选对专业,多学习,多复习,不然真的很难考得过。高中毕业了可以直接自考本科?高中毕业了可以直接自考本科吗高中毕业可以考高中起点的本科吖自考有高起本的专业吉林艺术学院的艺术设计专业就很好啊我就是因为当时不爱学习没考大学后来工作后发现没文凭吃不开啊我还嫌专科学历太低后来朋友给我推荐了吉林艺术学院的艺术设计专业 我在长春中道学校报的他们给我承诺说2年下证一开始我还不相信别人考自考都说难我什么都不会怎么可能那么快就通过呢2年后我真的拿到毕业证了而且是本科毕业证太高兴了好东西就应该大家分享嘛所以在这里给大家分享下今年自考会计本科的教材?新华书店。大型书市。中职学校书店。淘宝网。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

你好,自考书籍主要是教材、大纲和辅导书模拟题,历次考试真题,可以网上试试,或是有卖那种历次考试真题的试卷的辅导资料的可以,或是模拟试题都是可以的。自考书籍要根据你报考的科目来选择教材,所有课程的教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有。根据 教材信息 购买教材 根据考试科目安排 报考科目 根据报考科目和科目的教材信息购买教材 教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有 报考时在购买。查询你报考课程的教材信息,根据教材信息购买教材,可以在网上购买也可以到自考办问问,或是大型书店都有。一、自考教材都是全国自考办指定的教材,一般考试大纲都是根据指定教材来出的,所以教材一定不能买错。自考教材一般在每次考试前发布考试安排与计划时同时公布各科目的指定教材,考生在选购时根据办发布的各课程的代码、主编、版本号等信息进行选购就可以了~ 二、购买自考教材或辅导教材的方式一般有三种:1、自考办教材服务部:正版教材、一般原价出售,无折扣2、自考实体书店:一般都是6~9折左右,根据书的质量有些差异,每个地区基本上都有几个自考书店的3、网上书店购买:个人比较推荐的方式,一般网上都还是非常容易购买的,而且折扣也比较大。你直接网上搜书名就可以了。


你好,自考书籍主要是教材、大纲和辅导书模拟题,历次考试真题,可以网上试试,或是有卖那种历次考试真题的试卷的辅导资料的可以,或是模拟试题都是可以的。自考书籍要根据你报考的科目来选择教材,所有课程的教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有。根据 教材信息 购买教材 根据考试科目安排 报考科目 根据报考科目和科目的教材信息购买教材 教材信息已经公布,在报考时自考办就有 报考时在购买。查询你报考课程的教材信息,根据教材信息购买教材,可以在网上购买也可以到自考办问问,或是大型书店都有。一、自考教材都是全国自考办指定的教材,一般考试大纲都是根据指定教材来出的,所以教材一定不能买错。自考教材一般在每次考试前发布考试安排与计划时同时公布各科目的指定教材,考生在选购时根据办发布的各课程的代码、主编、版本号等信息进行选购就可以了~ 二、购买自考教材或辅导教材的方式一般有三种:1、自考办教材服务部:正版教材、一般原价出售,无折扣2、自考实体书店:一般都是6~9折左右,根据书的质量有些差异,每个地区基本上都有几个自考书店的3、网上书店购买:个人比较推荐的方式,一般网上都还是非常容易购买的,而且折扣也比较大。你直接网上搜书名就可以了。





In this part, there are some reading passages followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements each. For each of them there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best one according to your understanding.

The so-called Americanization phenomenon seems to be a consequence of the recent globalization in our world. If we find American products worldwide, it is also increasingly common to find Asian products in the United States.

Going to any country in Asia nowadays, we are going to see a lot of the American icons (图标) everywhere. A few years ago when I was in Ho-Chi-Min City, formerly known as Saigon, I was completely astonished at the number of billboards advertising products from multinational companies, many of them American. It is unforgettable for me—the vision of the spectacular Coca-Cola billboard on a Ho-Chi-Min Street.

Living in the United Slates now, I am discovering many Asian products in America, from food to movies. In one day in San Francisco, or Seattle, or Houston, we can buy Sisheido cosmetics from Japan at the Galleria Mall, have sushi(寿司) and sashimi(生鱼片) in one of the many Japanese restaurants in the city, go to the cinema and enjoy the beautiful American-Chinese movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and take home spring rolls from one of the many Chinese restaurants in town.

I understand that a great many people would like to hold hack the globalization process in the world because they think they are losing their own culture, but it is very difficult to stop this process. We can only try to be critical and choose what is best for us to have or to buy.

However, many people think that young people are not free to choose when they are constantly exposed to attractive advertisements that are specially made to capture the youth market. Peaceful protests could be arranged just to help people to think about the situation, but the tendency in our world is that we want globalization, but we don't want to lose our own culture.

16. The Americanization phenomenon is more possible to be the result of ______.

A. the influence of Americanization on the world

B. the influence of the West on the East

C. the globalization in the world

D. American products worldwide

17. What was the author in the passage particularly impressed by?

A. The wonderful American-Chinese movie.

B. The delicious Japanese food in American cities.

C. The high quality of Asian products.

D. The fantastic advertisement for an American product.

18. We can learn from the passage that one of the consequences of globalization that many people worry about is ______.

A. the spread of culture from one country to another

B. the destruction of cultural identities

C. the prevalence of American culture

D. the resistance to globalization worldwide

19. What attitude should we have towards the globalization process?

A. Disapproving.

B. Pessimistic.

C. Critical.

D. Indifferent.

20. Young people today can't really choose what they should buy because they _______.

A. are influenced by American culture

B. don't know what is suitable for them

C. are critical about everything in the world

D. are faced with too many powerful advertisements

In this part, there are some reading passages followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements each. For each of them there are four answers marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best one according to your understanding.

Present pension structures no longer work. They were established in a more youthful period with relatively few older people who were often poor and ill, and generally spent only a short time in retirement. In rich countries today, older people are often well-off and in good health, and are spending around 20 years in retirement. Therefore there is the need for reform.

This survey has presented the arguments for more private funding and for fairer pensions. Such changes will create motives for individuals to take charge of their own retirement needs rather than leaving the task to the state. This, in turn, will make the provision of public pensions more affordable.

Even so, the state will continue to play a leading role in pensions. At a minimum, governments must offer a safety net, probably in the form of a defined benefit financed through taxation, for people who for some reason have not been able to provide for themselves and who would otherwise be miserable in old age. More broadly, there is a use for the state to offer a slimmed-down pay-as-you-go pension system, although as far as possible this should be organized along defined-contributions lines. Such provision widens the range of assets to include human capital because the effective return comes from total wages, and offers a safe in low return.

Governments also have to create a suitable framework for effective private pensions. Administrative (行政的) expenses have to be tightly controlled, and appropriate tax motives have to be offered to encourage voluntary pension saving. Where the state provides a generous safety net, private-pension saving may have to be made mandatory (强制的), otherwise many people will not bother.

So much for the developed countries, but what of the more youthful populations of the rest of the world? In 1994, the World Bank came down heavily in favor of more funding in private accounts. It thought the state's role should be to provide a smallish first pillar with the limited task of providing protection against old-age poverty, and to command a privately-funded second pillar to provide the bulk of pensions.

21. More private funding and fairer pensions _______.

A. can urge people to save more private pensions

B. may be financed through tax

C. can lessen the burden of the state

D. can provide more public pensions

22. To create a proper framework for effective private pensions, the government should _______.

A. increase the income to encourage voluntary pension saving

B. encourage voluntary pension saving

C. make good use of administrative costs

D. not command people to save private-pensions

23. According to the World Bank, we can learn that _______.

A. the state should provide the majority of pensions

B. the state should provide more protection against old-age poverty

C. the role that the state plays in pensions is small

D. private funding should provide the majority of pensions

24. What can we infer from the passage?

A. The state should provide protection for all the old people.

B. The state has to create a suitable framework to restrict the private pensions.

C. The state should protect those who can't support themselves.

D. The state will play a secondary role in pensions due to more private pensions.

25. It can be inferred from the passage the author is probably _______.

A. an official engaged in reformation of pension structures

B. a sociologist devoting himself to the research of social pension structures

C. an economist mastering pension structures in developed countries

D. a politician interested in older people




2012年7月高等教育自学考试中英合作商务管理专业与金融管理专业模拟考试 商务英语试题 (课程代码00796) (考试时间50分钟,满分100分) 本试卷分为两部分,共10页。1. 第一部分为选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“选择答题区”内按要求填涂,答在时间上无效。2. 第二部分为非选择题,应考者必须在“答题卡”上的“非选择答题区”内按照试题题号顺序直接答题,答在试卷上无效。Part 1 Questions 1-5 Where can you see these notices? For Questions 1-5, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.1Return FaresABCIn an airportIn a hospitalIn an office2Buy two and get one free.ABCIn a companyIn a supermarketIn a station3DO NOT DISTURB.ABCAt homeIn a zooIn a hotel4Interview in progress.ABCIn a parkIn an officeIn a hotel5Customers Lounges ABCIn a companyIn a hotelIn an airportPart 2 Questions 6-10 Complete the five conversations. For Questions 6-10, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 6Hello! It's long time not to see you, how are you?ABCI'm fine, thanks. I'm doing a survey, now.It is warm.I don’t like the fish.7How did you manage to get the ticket?ABCI don’t know.My friend helped me to get it.Disaster.8Do you know the news about the dogs?ABCYes, they are not allowed to walk on the street.But I like it.You know it.9What can I do for you?ABCI am looking for a pair of shoes.I don’t know.I would rather go.10May I leave a message, please?ABCHold on.No, you’d better go.You are lucky.Part 3 Questions 11-15 Read the sentences about a girl’s first train ride.Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 11-15, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. 11Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was to a children’s party. AinviteBinvitedCinviting12I decide to take by train. AherBhersCshe13Sally was very . AexcitedBexciteCexciting14Because she never travelled on a train before. AhasBhadChave15She sat the window. AInBonCnearPart 4 Questions 16-20 Look at the messages or notices below.Choose the best option (A, B or C) to answer each question. For Questions 16-20, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.16This notice says that there isA. no commission to pay for exchanging money after the end of August.B. a small amount to pay for exchanging money before August.C. no charge for exchanging money during August. 17Delegates who cancel 20 days before the conference must payA.100% of the fee.B.50% of the fee.C.20% of the fee. 18The management remind staff that these parking spaces are reserved for clients.Who are these spaces intended for?A staff B clients C management 19 A Phones may not be brought into the factory by employees. B Phone calls can be made only if a supervisor agrees. C Phone calls made in the factory must be supervised. 20Delivery driversIf you have not had asecurity checked,obtain theappropriate form frommain gate staffA Security checks are carried out by main gate staff.B Delivery drivers are required to have a security check.C Please give your security check forms to main gate staff. Part 5 Questions 21-28 Read the recruitment advertisement below. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For Questions 21-28, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.Experienced managers wantedWe need experienced managers – and we are happy to pay for them! We have opportunities for people (21)………you. We’re giving you the chance to make a real difference, for our clients and for yourself.We help world-class organizations get the best (22)………their employees by checking that they have the most effective mix of people, process and technology. Because we are growing (23)………..fast, we need to recruit people at all levels. We want people (24)……….have the ability to solve complex problems. You will help people in (25)……. companies create positive change in difficult situations. Our team believes in creating high performance change, so ideally you have already worked (26)……….multi-million pound international products. (27)………you are looking for rewards and responsibility, (28)……….is only one possible choice: contact us now!21.A.like B.as C.than22.A.to B.from C.out23.A.so B.such C.too24.A.whose B.who C.which25.A.others B.another C.other26.A.on B.off C.by27.A.Where B.Whether C.If28.A.It B.There C.This Part 6 Questions 29-35 Read the announcement below about working hours. Are sentences 29-35 ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B)?If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ (A) or ‘Wrong’ (B), choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (C). For questions 29-35, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet.FLEXIBLE WORKING HOURSThe Company is planning to introduce a new flexible system of working hours. At present all employees work from 8am to 5pm, with a total of one hour for lunch and other breaks. The building opens at 7:30 in the morning, and closes at 7 o’clock in the evening for those doing overtime.Under the new system, employees will work a minimum of eight hours, but they will have some choice about when they work. All staff must be at work in the office for a fixed period, from 10am to 4pm, with a total of 60 minutes for breaks. The building will be open between 7am and 9pm, and staff may plan their remaining work schedule to suit themselves, within those hours.We hope that this scheme will benefit employees with young families, and will give everybody the chance to avoid the worst of the traffic. We will try out the scheme for one month, and then we will send out questionnaires to assess employees’ opinions. Naturally it will add to our costs to keep the building open for the extra hours, but we feel this will be a good investment because it will bring benefits to our staff. 29. At present employees must stop work by 7pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say30. At present employees must take breaks at fixed times. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say31. Under the new system employees will be able to start work later in the day. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say32. Employees will be able to choose to work from 7:00am to 3:00pm. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say33. The company is planning to provide new facilities for employees with children. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say34. The company will consult employees before making the new system permanent. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say35. The company says that the scheme may be too expensive for the advantages it will bring. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say Part 7 Questions 36-40 Look at the book cover below. It lists useful aspects of a marketing textbook. For questions 36-40, decide which aspect (A-H) is relevant to each person. For Questions 36-40, mark one letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.Do not use any letter more than once. Key features ofStudent Guide toMarketingA All theories supported by reference to real-life casesB Each chapter ends by summing up the topic discussedC Important vocabulary explainedD Case studies for discussionE Examples of standard diagrams in marketingF Discussion and review questions for further studyG Guide to career opportunitiesH Subject index 36 Stanley offredi is interested in a particular topic and wants to know which page in the book to turn to. 37 Maurita johansson has changed jobs and wants to find the meanings of technical marketing words that are new to her. 38 Harry Chang hopes to learn enough by reading only the main points of what is covered in the book. 39 To get a new job writing market research report, Cristina Perez needs to discover what sorts of graphics are normally used. 40 Ali El hadioui needs some detailed examples of marketing practice for his class to talk about.

2012.10月自考 商务英语写作 题型第一题英语和中文商务术语一一对应,20分:这些术语挺简单,主要看一下单词栏那里的,幸好中英文都有,能一一对应就行了。第二题单选,四选一,20分;一段话中缺一个词,从下面选一个,挺容易混淆的。主要看一下句子的表达就基本可以选对。第三题商业句子英译汉,15分,5题,有些术语还真翻不出。考过商务英语翻译的可以借鉴。第三题商业句子汉译英,15分,5题,同上。第四题补充一封信,5分;第五题标注,5分;第六题按要求撰写一封信,20分。

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