自考问答 自考本科自考百科广东自考
自考问答 > 自考百科 > 广东省自学考试英语二真题






一单选 1、 Elderly ……A habit 2、 It is ……C rate 3、 Unexpectedly ……C declined 4、 A good manager ……C with 5、 Everything ……C points 6、 Besides ……B additional 7、 The biologist ……D in place of 8、 Scientists ……A with 9、 ——,jane is ……D Rich as she is 10、——I admire ……D Much as二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCD, ABDCBsystem standard 都没选Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes — that is the way we learn. Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.Curiosity is not only a possible motivation. It is also a great help in your learning. Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture or different cultures. It is no good learning strings of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English — watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspapers and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and above all, read — not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays. They will show you how language is really used. The English language is not an abstract system; it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge. If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously. But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge. 11 D either 12 A way 13 B insisted 14 C as a result 15 D for(without)16 A varieties 17 B understood 18 D purpose 19 C ignore 20 B until 三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD21 C confidence 22 D always failed in her study 23 B an educational psychologist 24 D support Sally without neglecting her other children 25 D develop into an artist 段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26------30 AABCD26 A the time children consume 27 A have their children properly use the internet 28 B a strong desire to do something 29 C isolated 30 D negative Internet Addiction The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids were spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.Maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult. The engaging nature of Internet communications and interactive games means many children and teens have trouble keeping track of time when they're online.Unfortunately, parents and teachers are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community. (Mental health practitioners continue to debate whether this behaviour is an "addiction," with some preferring to identify it as "compulsive behaviour.")Children and young people can easily become 'hooked' on online activities such as multi-user games, instant messaging, pornography and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children, according to the Computer-Addiction Services at Harvard Medical School, are those who are "lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at home to relate to after school."Children who are unpopular or shy with peers are often attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. Although playing these games with thousands of other users may appear to be a social activity, for the introverted child or teen, excessive playing can further isolate them from friends and peers.段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31-----35 AAABD31 A Griffin , the grey parrot 32 A birds have a very good memory 33 A have some memory skills 34 B understand human brains 35 D remember, communicate and process informationAmerican scientists have found that some birds are more intelligent than experts had believed. The scientists say birds have abilities that involve communication and different kinds of memory. In some unusual cases, their abilities seem better than those of humans.The findings were presented at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, Massachusetts.Irene Pepperberg presented her research about a Grey parrot named Griffin. He lives in her laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.VOICE ONE:Mizz Pepperberg says Griffin can arrange objects in order of size. She says the talking bird also can combine words in the right order. For example, he will combine words when asking for a piece of food.The researcher says experts had thought that only humans and other mammals with large brains have the ability to combine objects and words. She believes that bird brains have the ability to understand that complex tasks must be done in the correct order.VOICE TWO:Some birds have other memory skills. For example, they collect and store thousands of seeds in autumn, and find them later in winter.Alan Kamil (CAMEL) and Alan Bond of the University of Nebraska are studying the memories of birds called jays and nutcrackers. Their experiments suggest that these birds use natural objects to find the seeds they have stored. The researchers say the birds use at least three objects, such as rocks or trees, to find the stored seeds.Mister Kamil also was able to train a jay to choose one object instead of another. The bird used this skill to receive a prize, such as food. Scientists also say some birds can learn as many as two-thousand different songs. They say songs may have developed as a way for birds to communicate with other birds.Verner Bingman of Bowling Green State University in Ohio also presented research at the science meeting in Boston. Mister Bingman believes that birds must have a special guidance system in their brain. He says that understanding how a bird's brain operates may help us better understand how a human brain processes information.((THEME))


2013年英语二答案一:1-5 ABCAC 6-10 ABABB 二:11-16 DACAB 三:16-20ECADB 21-25CBFDE四:26-30BADCE五:31-35ABEHK 36-40CDFJL六:41used 42action 43tears 44deep 45powerful 46direction47communication 48responds 49effectively 50personal51作文My Favorite job If you are a junior (大三学生) or a senior (大四学生), you may be frequently asked, "What would you like to do in the future?" Whenever people ask me this question, my answer isalways the same, "To be a teacher."Teaching has been my favorite profession all the time. My dream of being a teacher was rooted in my childhood. The good natured, patient and strict teachers in primary school made a strong impression on me. As I grow up, I know more about my desired profession. Teachers are the engineers of human soul. That is to say, they play roles in the forming and shaping(塑造) of students' intellectual and psychological make-up. Teachers are lifelong learners while instructing students.Nowadays governments at all levels put more stress on the roles of education in information society, versatile (多才多艺的) teachers are urgently needed. To be a qualified teacher in the new century, I must prepare right now. Rosy(玫瑰色的) dream and firm will can not be automatically translated into(转化为) teaching methods and job skills. In short, I will make efforts to do well my favorite job teaching.


【自考快速报名和免费咨询: 】广东自考英语二零基础怎么过?自考英语二是公共课考试,哪怕你报考的不是英语专业,这个科目也是需要考试的,下面就跟着广东自考网小编一起来了解一下吧! 广东自考英语二零基础怎么过? 1、多做真题善积累 第二个月复习重点是做题,做题要选择英语(二)历年真题。因为真题的含金量最大,考生可以通过历年真题了解到考试重点和题型分布。对于以前做过的题目,不妨回头再做,有的题隔一段时间再做,可以加强复习效果。对于像完型填空、阅读理解等和书上内容无关的题型,只有多做练习才能提高成绩。 考生还可以留两套最新的真题到临近考试时测试用。在做题过程中,如果发现不懂的地方,要及时翻书,再把知识点夯实。 在做真题的同时,还要选择一些适合的模拟题来做。模拟题一定要找适合自考水平的题,如果选择太难或太易的题,对于英语(二)考试没有太大的作用。通过做题要掌握解题技巧,摸清出题思路,达到熟能生巧。 考生平时还要注意多积累课本以外的知识,这对提高阅读理解解题能力有较大帮助。例如,考生如果有时间就要多看看与自考难易程度相当的文章。不能选择四、六级、考、托福等考试的阅读来做,难度大会打击考生信心,可以看些《大学英语》、《英语sha龙》等有英汉对照的刊物来看。还有阅读的题材,在英语(二)中,阅读理解喜欢考教育、社会问题、风俗习惯、科普等题材文章,考生可以在这些领域多了解点。 2、课本知识学扎实 备考英语(二)最大的资本就是课本,考生最少要留一个月时间,把课文从头到尾复习一遍,力求吃透课本知识。1个月复习时间比较紧张,基础不好的考生还要多下功夫。课本学习重点是A课文,也不能放弃B课文,但如果时间紧,首先要保证A课文的学习,包括A课文后面的练习题都要认真做,因为A课文大约要占到80%的比重。在历年10月份英语(二)考试中看,从书中出题的比例很大,甚至最后一道英译汉也是从课文中选取的。 如果时间允许,要先复习英语(一),复习的策略是把考试大纲规定的单词背好,涉及到英语(一)的基础语法弄懂,课文就可以不看了。 单词背诵要贯穿始终,每天都要坚持背点,多重复,多回头看,多比较,可以采用联想、口诀、拆分等方法来记忆单词,日积月累才会收到良好效果。单词背诵主要以考试大纲为蓝本。可以把单词分为会拼、会用、会认三个层次,考拼写的一般不会太难,基本上中等难度,尤其字母和读音不太对称的喜欢考。词组一般要会用,剩下大部分单词会认就行。当然,每个单词都达到会拼会用就更好了。 3、查漏补缺进状态 考生可根据自己的情况重点复习,例如重点的语法。语法复习在英语学习中占有很重要的地位,但英语语法学习不能死学,一定要把记和练结合起来。有的考生往往把语法术语记得很熟,但是一到做题时就傻眼了。在英语(二)考试中,像虚拟语气,谓语动词、非谓语动词,各种从句等都是重点,如果考生在做题时觉得哪部分不清楚,都要及时回到课本中再熟悉,拾遗补漏。 临考阶段,考生最好把每一课中最重点的内容再复习一遍,例如可以把书中重点的句子背诵下来。这一时期,考生可以把留下的两套最新真题拿来测试,看看自己大概的水平。对于薄弱的地方,要利用最后一个月重点突击。 按照以往题型,考生在考试时的做题原则,应该是哪些分值多就要多花时间,如果有主观题要先做主观题,后做客观题。自考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考考点内容、不清楚自考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

【自考快速报名和免费咨询: 】 广东自考英语二有哪些考试题型?广东自考英语是公共课目,一般考生们都需要进行考试,那么考生们在考试之前应该先了解一下有哪些考试题型,下面就跟着广东成人自考专升本小编一起来了解一下吧!广东自考英语二有哪些考试题型? 自考英语二包括七个部分,分别是阅读判断、阅读选择、概括段落大意和补全句子、填句补文、填词补文、完形补文以及短文写作。 自考复习计划 1.量化自己的学习目标 比如距离考试大概还有4个多月,那在制定这4个月的学习计划时,我们应该将学习任务具体到每一周,每一天。比如,这个月要看完《金融学概论》前四章的内容,并且完成相应的复习题。那么,你就要把这个任务平分到每周一章,再分到每天。 当然对于缺乏时间和自学能力较差的同学,我建议可以报班学习,跟着老师的步骤走。不要吝啬那几千块钱,它带给你的回报远远大于那个价值。 2.根据大纲泛读教材,找准考试重点 在了解了考试大纲以后,我们就可以分清主次,避免平均用力,最大程度的提高我们的学习效率。 3.依次熟悉题型 对教材知识有一定把握以后,我们就可以开始做题了。第一次开始做题时,先翻开练习资料,把该科目的每个题型依次熟悉一遍。了解每个学科对应的是哪些题型,再对每个题型进行多次练习。 比如,先练习单项选择题,再练习多项选择题,之后做简答等,完成全部题型的训练。 4.分析标准答案 做完一套练习题以后,在校对答案时,要学会分析参考答案。 有些同学在做完题后,很少分析答案是如何得出的,这样的学习效果是不佳的。 分析标准答案可以强化知识点的记忆,避免盲目陷入题海中。 比如,对于简答或论述类题目,我们要学会抓关键词,把答案中有关作用、意义、特点、特征和功能的勾画出来,这样有利于下次复习时强化记忆,更好地答题。 5.做历年真题,了解分值 每个同学最好都要在网上买一本历年试题,了解分值的分布情况,这样子有利于我们合理分配自己的学习时间。自考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考考点内容、不清楚自考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

一单选 1、 Elderly ……A habit 2、 It is ……C rate 3、 Unexpectedly ……C declined 4、 A good manager ……C with 5、 Everything ……C points 6、 Besides ……B additional 7、 The biologist ……D in place of 8、 Scientists ……A with 9、 ——,jane is ……D Rich as she is 10、——I admire ……D Much as二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCD, ABDCBsystem standard 都没选Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes — that is the way we learn. Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.Curiosity is not only a possible motivation. It is also a great help in your learning. Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture or different cultures. It is no good learning strings of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English — watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspapers and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and above all, read — not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays. They will show you how language is really used. The English language is not an abstract system; it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge. If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously. But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge. 11 D either 12 A way 13 B insisted 14 C as a result 15 D for(without)16 A varieties 17 B understood 18 D purpose 19 C ignore 20 B until 三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD21 C confidence 22 D always failed in her study 23 B an educational psychologist 24 D support Sally without neglecting her other children 25 D develop into an artist 段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26------30 AABCD26 A the time children consume 27 A have their children properly use the internet 28 B a strong desire to do something 29 C isolated 30 D negative Internet Addiction The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids were spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.Maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult. The engaging nature of Internet communications and interactive games means many children and teens have trouble keeping track of time when they're online.Unfortunately, parents and teachers are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community. (Mental health practitioners continue to debate whether this behaviour is an "addiction," with some preferring to identify it as "compulsive behaviour.")Children and young people can easily become 'hooked' on online activities such as multi-user games, instant messaging, pornography and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children, according to the Computer-Addiction Services at Harvard Medical School, are those who are "lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at home to relate to after school."Children who are unpopular or shy with peers are often attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. Although playing these games with thousands of other users may appear to be a social activity, for the introverted child or teen, excessive playing can further isolate them from friends and peers.段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31-----35 AAABD31 A Griffin , the grey parrot 32 A birds have a very good memory 33 A have some memory skills 34 B understand human brains 35 D remember, communicate and process informationAmerican scientists have found that some birds are more intelligent than experts had believed. The scientists say birds have abilities that involve communication and different kinds of memory. In some unusual cases, their abilities seem better than those of humans.The findings were presented at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, Massachusetts.Irene Pepperberg presented her research about a Grey parrot named Griffin. He lives in her laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.VOICE ONE:Mizz Pepperberg says Griffin can arrange objects in order of size. She says the talking bird also can combine words in the right order. For example, he will combine words when asking for a piece of food.The researcher says experts had thought that only humans and other mammals with large brains have the ability to combine objects and words. She believes that bird brains have the ability to understand that complex tasks must be done in the correct order.VOICE TWO:Some birds have other memory skills. For example, they collect and store thousands of seeds in autumn, and find them later in winter.Alan Kamil (CAMEL) and Alan Bond of the University of Nebraska are studying the memories of birds called jays and nutcrackers. Their experiments suggest that these birds use natural objects to find the seeds they have stored. The researchers say the birds use at least three objects, such as rocks or trees, to find the stored seeds.Mister Kamil also was able to train a jay to choose one object instead of another. The bird used this skill to receive a prize, such as food. Scientists also say some birds can learn as many as two-thousand different songs. They say songs may have developed as a way for birds to communicate with other birds.Verner Bingman of Bowling Green State University in Ohio also presented research at the science meeting in Boston. Mister Bingman believes that birds must have a special guidance system in their brain. He says that understanding how a bird's brain operates may help us better understand how a human brain processes information.((THEME))



【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考本科英语二题型包括七个部分,分别是阅读判断、阅读选择、概括段落大意和补全句子、填句补文、填词补文、完形补文以及短文写作。一、阅读判断。阅读判断一般位于试卷的第一题,给你一段短文,根据短文内容对于每个句子作出判断,一般有10个句子判断选项,正确的选A,错误的选B。需要大家读懂文章大意,才能作出正确选项。二、阅读选择。阅读选择也是一段短文,题目的设置是通过阅读短文,从所给各题的 4 个选项中选出 1 个最佳选项,选项不再是判断对错,而是挖空的形式,属于细节题。三、概括段落大意和补全句子。概括段落大意,简单来说就是根据段落大意,然后根据每个段落的意思,选择一个符合意思的词语。一般有五个选项,而补全句子需要从六个选项中选择五个选项填入对应句子,将其补全。四、填句补文。一般短文会设置 5 处空白,而短文后会设置 6 个句子选项,要求考生根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。五、填词补文。除了填句补文以外,还有填词补文。这种题型在英语四级和六级的考试中,也是有的,主要对于考生单词词汇量要求比较高。六、完形补文。或许大家对于完形补文比较陌生,但是完形填空大家一定知道,其实完形补文也差不多,需要考生根据空白括号后的单词提示,根据上下文,正确填写单词形式,进而补全文章。七、短文写作。凡是英语考试,必然会要求写英语作文,就像考语文一定要作文一样,作文写作字数一般要求在100 词左右。根据指定的话题完成写作任务。自考本科英语二下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2018年04月自考00522英语国家概况真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:359.83KB 1804自考00535现代汉语真题 格式:PDF大小:959.84KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:










At present, there is no doubt that network plays an increasingly important role in our lives . We are all aware that, like everything else, networks have both favorable and unfavorable aspects (have both advantages and disadvantages).

Generally speaking, there are several main advantages of network. With the development of technology, a lot of information is gathered together through networks. Information is shared and exchanged quickly.

By accessing networks through various means, people truly realized to find the information they need everywhere on the networks from time to time.

Networks greatly facilitate the people’s live, work and entertainment. Even people staying at home, work, shopping, entertainment, information retrieval and etc. can be completed through networks.However, just as every things has two sides.

自考英语二作文怎么写? 1、首先,我们需要审题,明确文章立意,确定作文体裁,整理写作思路,全文内容紧扣主题。 2、然后,我们要清楚一篇英语作文的结构,搭出它的结构框架才能往里面填内容。一篇英语作文一般分为了开头段—中间端—结尾段。文章整体的结构确定后,对于每一段的内容也是有要求的,我们需要用一些过度的短语将每一段的脉络梳理清楚。 3、灵活使用英语长短句。过多的英语简单句会让你的作文显得过于简单,过多的长句会让你的作文过于追求形式而忽视实际要表达的意思。在英语作文中应该要将长句和短句结合起来使用才显得整篇文章富有美感,错落有致。 自考英语(二)如何备考 1、背单词 单词是英语的基础,不管是完形填空、阅读理解、词汇、汉译英等题目如何变化,只要考生你积累的单词足够多,那你就可以看懂文章,只有看懂了文章和题目,那做起题来,我们就有事半功倍的效果。 2、做真题 考试考什么,考的就是题,所以考生可以采用题海战术,多做题。尤其是真题,考生要边做边思考,同时边积累和归纳。但做题时,也不能一味的做题,要善于整理自己常常做错的题,同时看看有些题是常考的,把它们都整理归纳起来。 这样不仅可以了解试卷规则,同时还可以熟悉老师的出题风格,当你做得题足够多的时候,就熟能生巧,可以适应各种题型。考生在做题的也要归纳整理自己易做错的题,并观察有哪些题型是爱考的。这样坚持下来,想要通过自考英语是很简单的。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:




09年1月自考《英语二》答案1. 孩子看电视时最好有家长在身边指导。It’s a good idea for parents to direct beside the child while he or she watches TV.2. 越来越多的人类关注着周围的环境。More and more people are concerned about the environment around.3. 他现在正面临一个十分重要的问题。He is facing a very important problem now.4. 进一步的研究使我们确信这个结果是对的。Further research convinced us that this result is right.词性转换write→written play→to play the more→the most happy→the happierwatch→watched use→being used propose→proposal question→was questioned 1.rather … than 2.neither … nor 3.must be writing 4.on doing5.didn’t 6.enable sb to do sth 7.be critical of 8.take after 长得像 Over 接管 Up 从事 完形填空:BADBC ACBDA9单词拼写:环境:environment 发明:invention 潜在:potential 可以接受:acceptable 业余爱好:hobby质量:quality 冷漠:indifferent 相对:relative 生涯:career 信号:signal 预算:calculate 风俗:custom 征服:conquer 恢复:recovery 受害者: victim记得给分!

一单选 1、 Elderly ……A habit 2、 It is ……C rate 3、 Unexpectedly ……C declined 4、 A good manager ……C with 5、 Everything ……C points 6、 Besides ……B additional 7、 The biologist ……D in place of 8、 Scientists ……A with 9、 ——,jane is ……D Rich as she is 10、——I admire ……D Much as二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in learning a foreign language。……11-----20 DABCD, ABDCBsystem standard 都没选Courage is an essential attribute in learning a language. It takes a lot of courage to speak a foreign language either in front of your friends or to native speakers, but don’t be afraid of making mistakes — that is the way we learn. Nowadays there are many different forms of English, each with its own constructions and accent, and, so long as you can make yourself understood and can understand what is said to you, you have succeeded in communicating, which is the purpose of any language.Curiosity is not only a possible motivation. It is also a great help in your learning. Remember that a language is not just a grammatical system, it is the outcome of a certain culture or different cultures. It is no good learning strings of grammatical rules unless you know as much as possible about the background of the language, so that you can understand the ideas which are being conveyed, the references which are being made, the inferences which can be drawn from the information explicitly given. So learn as much as you can about the different cultures which influence English — watch television programs, listen to the radio, try to obtain newspapers and magazines which are written by native speakers, look at advertisements, and above all, read — not textbooks, but novels and poems and plays. They will show you how language is really used. The English language is not an abstract system; it is a living form of expression which derives much of its meaning from the context in which it is used, and much of its effect from a whole network of extra-linguistic knowledge. If you live in a country where English is the native language, you acquire this knowledge naturally, just as in China you acquired your own cultural knowledge unconsciously. But, because you are unlikely to be able to visit countries where English is spoken as the native language, you have to make a conscious effort to acquire this cultural awareness and knowledge. 11 D either 12 A way 13 B insisted 14 C as a result 15 D for(without)16 A varieties 17 B understood 18 D purpose 19 C ignore 20 B until 三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。……21------25 CDBDD21 C confidence 22 D always failed in her study 23 B an educational psychologist 24 D support Sally without neglecting her other children 25 D develop into an artist 段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26------30 AABCD26 A the time children consume 27 A have their children properly use the internet 28 B a strong desire to do something 29 C isolated 30 D negative Internet Addiction The amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents. Initially, parents welcomed the Internet into their homes, believing they were opening up an exciting new world of educational opportunities for their children. However, many parents soon realized that, instead of using the Internet for homework or research, their kids were spending hours instant messaging with friends, playing online games or talking to strangers in chat rooms.Maintaining a healthy balance between entertainment media and other activities in their children's lives has always been a challenge for parents. The Internet has made this challenge even more difficult. The engaging nature of Internet communications and interactive games means many children and teens have trouble keeping track of time when they're online.Unfortunately, parents and teachers are usually not aware that there is a problem until it becomes serious. This is because it is easy to hide what you are doing online and because Internet addiction is not widely recognized by the medical community. (Mental health practitioners continue to debate whether this behaviour is an "addiction," with some preferring to identify it as "compulsive behaviour.")Children and young people can easily become 'hooked' on online activities such as multi-user games, instant messaging, pornography and chat rooms. The most vulnerable children, according to the Computer-Addiction Services at Harvard Medical School, are those who are "lonely and bored or from families where nobody is at home to relate to after school."Children who are unpopular or shy with peers are often attracted to the opportunities for creating new identities in online communities. Boys, in particular, are frequent users of online role-playing games, where they assume new identities and interact with other players. Although playing these games with thousands of other users may appear to be a social activity, for the introverted child or teen, excessive playing can further isolate them from friends and peers.段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31-----35 AAABD31 A Griffin , the grey parrot 32 A birds have a very good memory 33 A have some memory skills 34 B understand human brains 35 D remember, communicate and process informationAmerican scientists have found that some birds are more intelligent than experts had believed. The scientists say birds have abilities that involve communication and different kinds of memory. In some unusual cases, their abilities seem better than those of humans.The findings were presented at the yearly meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston, Massachusetts.Irene Pepperberg presented her research about a Grey parrot named Griffin. He lives in her laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.VOICE ONE:Mizz Pepperberg says Griffin can arrange objects in order of size. She says the talking bird also can combine words in the right order. For example, he will combine words when asking for a piece of food.The researcher says experts had thought that only humans and other mammals with large brains have the ability to combine objects and words. She believes that bird brains have the ability to understand that complex tasks must be done in the correct order.VOICE TWO:Some birds have other memory skills. For example, they collect and store thousands of seeds in autumn, and find them later in winter.Alan Kamil (CAMEL) and Alan Bond of the University of Nebraska are studying the memories of birds called jays and nutcrackers. Their experiments suggest that these birds use natural objects to find the seeds they have stored. The researchers say the birds use at least three objects, such as rocks or trees, to find the stored seeds.Mister Kamil also was able to train a jay to choose one object instead of another. The bird used this skill to receive a prize, such as food. Scientists also say some birds can learn as many as two-thousand different songs. They say songs may have developed as a way for birds to communicate with other birds.Verner Bingman of Bowling Green State University in Ohio also presented research at the science meeting in Boston. Mister Bingman believes that birds must have a special guidance system in their brain. He says that understanding how a bird's brain operates may help us better understand how a human brain processes information.((THEME))

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