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(1)信号转换 (2)确保信源和信宿两端同步 (3)提高数据在传输过程中的抗干扰能力 (4)实现信道的多路复用 47.简述在数据传输中,防止阻塞产生的办法。 48.ATM网络具有哪些主要特点。 49.试比较信息网络与计算机网络的异同。 50.简答分组交换的特点和不足。 五、综合题(本大题共2个小题,每小题10分,共20分) 51.设信号脉冲周期为0.002秒,脉冲信号有效值状态个数为8。请回答下列问题: (1)如果用4进制代码表示上述信号,一个脉冲信号需要用几位4进制代码表示。 (2)用4进制代码表示上述信号,其数据传输速率是多少。 52.某商场欲建立一个进、销、存系统,并对它们进行综合分析。进、销、存分属三个部门,利用C/S结构设计这 个系统,画出设计基本结构图,并说出其相对于专和服务器设计思想来说具有哪些优点。 参考答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.B 5.C 9.C 13.D 17.A2.A 6.C 10.D 14.B 18.D 3.C 7.D 11.B 15.C 19.C4.A 8.B 12.C 16.A 20.B 二、填空题(本大题共20个空,每小题1分,共20分) 21.资源22.联机多用户 23.基带24.模拟数据 25.缓存(或缓冲)26.选择路由 27.逻辑28.结构 29.网络操作系统30.网络层 31.安全防护32.接口 33.ODBC34.物理 35.IEEE802.436.物理 37.网络体系结构38.分支式 39.传送40.群 三、名词解释(本大题共5个小题,每小题3分,共15分) 45.[参考答案] 四、简答题(本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分) 46.[参考答案] (1)信号转换 (2)确保信源和信宿两端同步 (3)提高数据在传输过程中的抗干扰能力 (4)实现信道的多路复用 47.[参考答案] (1)通过对点对点的同步控制,使计算机之间的收发数据速率同步(2分) (2)控制网络的'输入,避免突然大量数据报文提交(2分) (3)接收工作站在接收数据报文之前,保留足够的缓冲空间(1分) 48.[参考答案] (1)支持复杂的多媒体应用(1分) (2)相对传统LAN拥有保证的服务质量(1分) (3)良好的伸缩性(1分) (4)提高生产率 (5)改进现有应用的性能 (6)为用户网络提供带宽 (7)保护用户投资 (8)高频宽 (9)低延时 (10)节省费用 49.[参考答案] 相同之处: (1)都由计算机系统和通信系统联合组成(2分) (2)都是数据通信,所传输的是数据(2分) 区别: 信息网络的目的是进行信息交流,而计算机网络的目的是实现网络软、硬件资源的共享。(1分) 50.[参考答案] 优点: (1)节点暂时存储的是一个个分组,而不是整个数据文件 (2)分组暂时保存在节点的内存中,保证了较高的交换速率 (3)动态分配信道,极大的提高了通信线路的利用率 缺点: (4)分组在节点转发时因排队而造成一定的延时 (5)分组必须携带一些控制信息而产生额外开销,管理控制比较困难 五、综合题(本大题共2小题,每小题10分,共20分) 51.[参考答案] (1)设一个脉冲信号需要用4进制代码表示的位数为M,则: 因为:log44 所以:M=2(2分) (2)设数据传输速率为S,则: S=(1/0.002)?M(3分) =1000bps(2分)

2011年1月高等教育自学考试中英合作考试财务报表分析(二)试题答案(课程代码 00806)第一部分 必答题 (满分60分)一、本题包括1-20二十个小题,每小题1分,共20分。1、A 2、A 3、D 4、C 5、B 6、A 7、A 8、A 9、D 10、D 11、B12、A 13、C 14、A 15、A 16、B 17、B 18、A 19、D 20、A二、本题包括第21-22题两个小题,共20分21、利润表示了基本每股盈余和稀释后的每股盈余。参照EBS公司情况,解释:(1)这两个项目的差异;(2)如何计算基本每股盈余和稀释后的每股盈余;(3)每年数据相同的原因。(1)每股盈余反映实际发行在外的普通股的每股盈余;稀释的每股盈余反映包括全部潜在普通股股东后的股份加权计算的每股盈余。(2)每股盈余=普通股股东可获利润/普通股股份加权平均数稀释的每股盈余=普通股股东可获利润/包括潜在普通股的全部普通股加权平均数(3)当没有潜在普通股,即没有可转换债券、认股权证和股票期权时,每股盈余等于稀释的每股盈余。22、解释资产负债和利润表中准备金的含义资产负债表中的准备项目是非流动负债,它们是由过去事项导致的现时义务,其在金额或时间上具有不确定性,包括坏账、递延税款及其他准备。将来发生的义务,则不应计入准备。准备由董事会做出最佳估算,但有可能被少提,常被用于平滑利润。利润表中的准备金是一种费用。三、本题包括23-25三个小题。23、参照EBS公司情况,解释:(1)如何让计算资本报酬率,描述比率的每部分内容资本报酬率是利润与资本之比,即资本报酬率=利润/资本分子的利润是息税前正常项目经营利润,即要扣除非常项目利润,但不扣除所得税和利息。分母的资本可以是总资产、长期资本(长期负债+股东权益)、运用的资本。(2)解释资本报酬率的重要性,并说明对谁重要资本报酬率是衡量公司运用的资本产生的回报率的指标,可以使不同规模和不同资本结构的公司进行比较,通常被看作“首要比率”。它是对所有报表使用者都重要的一个比率24、计算EBS公司2010年的资本报酬率,并简要评价。资本报酬率=13024/1/2(147 051+27 952+114 377+23 197)×100%=2.08%EBS公司的资本报酬率很低,比一般的银行贷款利率还低,表明该公司的盈利能力较差,运用资本的回报很低。25、解释资本负债表中的商誉数据从何而来商誉是收购子公司的买价与被收购公司账面净资产之间的差额。第二部分 选答题(本部分包括第四、五、六、七题,每题20分。任选两题回答,不得多选,多选者只按选答的前两题计分)四、本题包括26-28三个小题,共20分26、简要回答财务报表公允表达的含义财务报表公允表达是指所有的财务报表都要公允反映企业的财务状况、经营成果和现金流量,它通过遵循国际会计准则来实现。公允表达要求:(1)按照国际会计准则选择和应用会计政策(2)信息的提供坚持相关性、可靠性、可比性和可理解性原则(3)提供额外披露,帮助使用者理解交易或事项对企业财务状况和经营成果的影响27、简要回答国际财务会计准则概念框架列示的五个财务报表要素的定义。资产是企业所控制的、由于过去发生的事项而形成的资源,这种资源将导致未来经济利益流人企业。负债是由于过去发生的事项而形成的、企业现有的义务,这种义务的清偿将导致未来经济利益流出企业。权益是企业的全部资产减去全部负债后的剩余利益。收益是会计期间内经济利益的增加,其形式表现为由资产流入、资产增值或是负债减少而引起权益的增加,但不包括与所有者出自有关的类似事项。费用是会计期间内经济利益的减少,表现为资产的流出或损耗,或债务的发生而引起权益的减少,但不包括与向所有者分配有关的类似事项。28、一个连锁超市拥有资产10,526百万元,负债5,938百万元。发行了面值1元的普通股1,800百万股,每股的市场价格为4.50元。(1)计算和解释公司的资本市值公司的市场价值=1 800×4.5=8 100(百万元)(2)解释为何公司的资本市值数据不同于公司资产负债表上的净资产公司的资本市值是由股票价格决定的,而股票价格反映投资者对公司未来的预期,而不是反映公司的净资产。当公司资产优良、未来盈利能力强,分配股利多,投资者对公司前景看好,股票价格就会高于每股净资产。同时,股票价格可能因炒作而含有泡沫成分。五、本题包括29-31三个小题,共20分29、描述总括损益表的属性和目的,解释其重要性。总括损益表是反映公司全部损益,包括已实现损益和未实现损益的报表。本表的目的是揭示报告主体本期已确认并影响股东权益的全部利得或损失。损益表只反映已实现收益,不反映未实现收益,总括损益表可以弥补损益表的不足。总括损益表提供除与股东有关(股东投资和向股东分配)外所有权益的增加和减少的资料。30、解释公司所得税、个人所得税和递延所得税之间的差异公司所得税是公司就其应税所得缴纳的税金,个人所得税是个人就其所得缴纳的税金。公司所得税的纳税主体是公司,课税对象是收益;个人所得税的纳税主体是员工个人(公司代扣代缴),课税对象是工资收入。公司所得税是损益表中的一种费用,按照会计收益和所得税率计算;递延所得税是一种准备,是负债。公司所得税与应付所得税之间的差额形成递延所得税。31、某企业在年度内最后三个月的采购如下:10月1日 期初存货 30,000单位,单价4.00元10月 40,000单位,单价4.20元11月 40,000单位,单价4.5元12月 50,000单位,单价4.10元期末存货为40,000单位 分别用先进先出法(FIFO)和加权平均发计算期末存货价值。先进先出法:期末存货价值=40 000×4.1=164 000元加权平均法:期末存货价值=40 000×(30 000×4+40 000×4.2+40 000×4.5+50 000×4.1)/(30 000+40 000+40 000+50 000)=168 250六、本题包括32-33两个小题,共20分32、解释零售商和制造商的现金营业周期的含义零售商的现金营业周期=存货周转天数+应收账款周转天数-应付账款周转天数制造商的现金营业周期=原材料周转天数+生产时间+产成品周转天数+应收账款周转天数-应付账款周转天数33、以下是两个公司财务报表上的一部分A公司 B公司存货 260 689应收账款 734 195短期投资 39 59现金与现金等价物 185 627短期借款 390 154应付账款 858 2488应交税费 —— 202计算两个公司的速动比率并评价两个公司的流动性A公司速动比率=(734+39+185)/(390+858)=0.77B公司速动比率=(195+59+627)/(154+2488+202)=0.31速动比率反映企业的短期偿债能力,一般认为不应低于1。A公司速动比率为0.77,低于1,偿债能力偏低。B公司速动比率为0.31,大大低于1,偿债能力很差,清盘风险较大。七、本题包括34-36三个小题,共20分34、分析当前促进会计准则和体系趋同的因素证券市场国际化和跨国公司的跨国上市是促进会计准则趋同的根本动因。联合国、国际经济合作与发展组织、国际会计准则委员会和国际证券委员会组织是促进会计准则趋同的主要力量。35、解释公司进行财务报表粉饰或运用创造性会计的原因公司运用报表粉饰的原因可能有:(1)为增加利润;(2)为改善资产负债表列报;(3)为维持股价;(4)为夸大管理业绩;(5)为平滑利润;(6)为改善借款可能性;(7)为增强市场预期;(8)为反对接管。36、X有限公司获得了一笔利率为8%的400万元贷款用于新建一家超市,预计建设期为一年。公司已经为获得土地支付了250万元,为材料、劳动力和其他直接成本支付了150万元。X公司依据国际会计准则23号的要求,将与这些资产构建有关的借款成本予以资本化。计算当超市完工时,可以资本化的总成本为多少。购买土地 250万元材料、劳动力和其他直接成本 150万元借款费用(400×8%) 32万元资本化总成本 432万元




管理与成本会计复习资料一、单项选择题1、 某企业生产A产品500件、B产品50件、共同发生材料费用19500元,A的单位消耗定额为15千克、B的单位消耗定额为45千克、则该材料费用的分配率为(A)A .2 B. 3 C.10 D35.5 定额消耗量A=500*15=7500B=50*45=2250分配率=19500/(7500+2250)=22、 领用原材料一批,计划成本50000元,材料成本差异率为4%,则发出材料的实际成本为(D)A. 2000元 B. 48000元 C. 50000元 D.52000元50000+50000*4%=520003、 企业预付下一年的报刊阅读费50元,应借记(B) p45A. 预提费用 B.待摊费用 C.管理费用 D.制造费用4、辅助生产费的分配方法中,有利于明确各方经济责任的方法是(D) p59A.直接分配法 B. 交互分配法 C. 代数分配法 D. 计划成本分配法5、某企业生产产品经过两道工序,各工序的工时定额分别为20小时和80小时,则第二道工序在产品的完工率为(B)p70例3A.20% B. 60% C. 80% D.100%6管理会计的基本分析方法为( C )A. 现金流量法 B. 比率分析法 C. 差量分析法 D.增量分析法7、在其他条件相同的情况下,变动成本法计算的期末存货成本较之全部成本法计算的(A)p195 A. 更低 B. 更高 C. 相同 D. 不能确定8、某企业用全部成本答计算的期末存货比期初存货成本多40000元,而用变动成本法计算的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多6000元,则两种成本法计算的营业利润之差为(B)A.0元 B. 34000元 C. 46000元 D.40000元9、某企业生产的产品售价为10元,单位变动成本为4元,全厂固定成本每月为1500元,则企业的保本点为(B)A. 150件 B. 250件 C. 350件 D. 375件10、在影响利润变动的各个因素中,一般情况下,敏感性最大的是(B)A.销售数量 B. 销售单价 C. 业务量 D. 利润二、多项选择题1、在制定标准成本时,可选择的标准成本包括(AB)A. 理想标准成本 B. 正常标准成本 C. 现实标准成本 D. 平均标准成本2、管理会计与财务会计的区别在于( ABE)A.核算重点不同 B. 运用的方法不同 C. 根本目的不同 D. 服务范围不同E. 报告的种类与时间不同3、制造成本包括(BCD)p83A.产品法 B. 订单法 C. 品种法 D.分部法.. E. 分类法4、 工业企业的生产按生产组织的特点可以分为(ACE)p79A.大量生产 B. 多步骤生产 C. 成批生产 D. 单步骤生产工具 E.单件生产5、按成本差异形成的过程进行分类,可以将成本差异分为(AB)p429.A. 价格差异 B.用量差异 C. 纯差异 D.混合差异 E.可控差异6、下列各项中,会引起营业净利润增加的有(BC)A..减低单价 B. 降低单位变动成本 C. 降低固定成本 D.减低预计销售量 E.增加所得税税率7、相关范围的存在使得成本形态具有(BCE)p178A.相关性 B. 相对性 C. 暂时性 D.可控性 E.可转化性8、按照决策条件的肯定程度可以将决策划分为(CDE)p293A.战略决策 B. 战术决策 C. 确定性决策 D.风险性决策 E.非决定性决策9、下列各项中,属于定价决定方法的是(AC)p324—325A.成本加成定价法 B. 收益比率定价法 C. 边际分析法 D.利润无差别点法E.利润增量法10、下列各项中,属于年金的有(ACDE)A.按直线法计提的折旧 B.按工作量法计提的折旧 C. 定期支付的工资D.定期支付的广告费 E.无形资产的每年摊销额三、名词解释1. 费用要素2. 产品成本项目3. 辅助生产费用4. 计划成本分配法5. 成本计算对象6. 制造成本法7. 成本还原8. 本量利分析9.安全边际10.机会成本11. 边际成本12. 财务预算13. 弹性预算14. 零基预算法15. 责任会计16. 成本中心四、 简答题1. 生产费用与产品成本的差异是什么?p212. 简述成本会计的基本程序 p26-283. 确定期末在产品成本的方法有那些?4. 什么是产品成本计算的品种法?它有何特点?5. 什么是产品成本计算的分批法?有那些特点?6. 什么是约束性固定成本和酌量性固定成本?两者的区别对成本控制而言有何意义?7. 什么是混合成本?它有什么特点?8. 什么是变动成本法?其理论依据是什么?p187—1929. 变动成本法有什么特点?10. 什么是本量利分析?11. 本量利分析的基本假设是什么?12. 简述决策的一般程序?p294—29513. 简述理想标准成本、基本标准成本、正常标准成本的内容和各自的优点和缺点?p423-42414. 简述全面预算对企业经营的作用。五、计算题 (例题参考)1、资料:某车间本月生产甲、乙、丙三种产品,共同领用原材料12000千克,每千克计划单价8元,材料成本差异率为2%,本期三种产品的实际产量分别为400件、500件和600件,单件材料消耗定额为50千克,30千克与75千克。(教材p37表3---1)要求:根据以上资料,采用定额消耗量比例法计算甲、乙、丙三种产品应分配的原材料费用。2、教材p96例23、 资料:某企业连续10年的生产产量和总成本资料如下表:期间 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10产量 23 22 25 27 29 25 24 24 21 20总成本 77000 72000 84000 89000 93000 85000 79000 78000 71000 69000要求:1。计算产量与总成本之间的相关系数; 2。用回归直线法求解成本性态方程。4.资料:大元公司去年各月制造费用的有关资料如下:项 目 1月(低点) 7月(高点)业务量(机器小时) 2700 7900制造费用总额(元) 76000 129600该制造费用中包括变动成本、固定成本与混合成本三类,会计部门对7月的制造费用总额进行了分析,各类成本的组成如下:变动成本总额:53000元固定成本总额:48000元混合成本总额:28600元要求:1。分析1月制造费用所包含的各类成本,2。用高低点法将制造费用中的混合成本分解为固定成本和变动成本两部分,写出混合成本公式。3。若公司预期业务量为9000机器小时,计算并确定各类成本及制造费用的总额。5. 教材p205例题6. 教材p255—256. 练习题2。7.资料:某企业生产三种产品,各自的预计销售量比重分别为15%、40%、45%。单位售价分别为24、35、50元,单位变动成本分别为17、27、38元。固定成本总额为:68450元。要求;计算该企业的综合盈亏临界点销售额以及各种产品的盈亏临界点销售额。8. 资料:某企业生产需要配件A,过去一直外购,单价27元,目前该公司尚有剩余生产能力可以生产该配件。根据预测,自制配件的单位变动成本为16元,其中直接材料9元,直接人工6元。变动制造费用1元,但每年需要增加专属固定成本9800元。要求;1。用本量利分析法计算成本平衡点。2。如果企业每年需要配件2480件,企业应当选择外购买还是自制。3。如果企业每年需要配件15200件,则企业应当选择外购买还是自制。9.资料;某工厂用同一台机器可以生产A产品,也可以生产B产品,它们的预计销售单价、数量和单位变动成本资料如下:产品名称 A产品 B产品预计销售数量(台) 166 140预计销售单价(元) 42 27单位变动成本 33 20要求:用差量分析法分析该工厂究竟生产那一种产品较为有利?10.资料:某企业在生产中需要一种设备,企业如果自己购买该设备,需要支付设备买价548000元,该设备使用寿命为7年,不考虑净残值,若企业采取租赁的方式进行生产,每年将支付78000元的租赁费用,租赁期限为5年。假设贴现率为10%,所得税为30%。要求:用净现值法分析企业应当购买还是租赁的方式取得设备?(除上述计算题外其余按习题集里的要求做练习及看例题、要点。)




自考00156《成本会计》历年真题答案 [真题]2017年04月自学考试00156《成本会计》历年真题.pdf [真题]2016年10月自学考试00156《成本会计》历年真题.doc [答案]2017年04月自学考试00156《成本会计》历年真题答案.pdf [答案]2016年10月自学考试00156《成本会计》历年真题答案.pdf

管理与成本会计复习资料一、单项选择题1、 某企业生产A产品500件、B产品50件、共同发生材料费用19500元,A的单位消耗定额为15千克、B的单位消耗定额为45千克、则该材料费用的分配率为(A)A .2 B. 3 C.10 D35.5 定额消耗量A=500*15=7500B=50*45=2250分配率=19500/(7500+2250)=22、 领用原材料一批,计划成本50000元,材料成本差异率为4%,则发出材料的实际成本为(D)A. 2000元 B. 48000元 C. 50000元 D.52000元50000+50000*4%=520003、 企业预付下一年的报刊阅读费50元,应借记(B) p45A. 预提费用 B.待摊费用 C.管理费用 D.制造费用4、辅助生产费的分配方法中,有利于明确各方经济责任的方法是(D) p59A.直接分配法 B. 交互分配法 C. 代数分配法 D. 计划成本分配法5、某企业生产产品经过两道工序,各工序的工时定额分别为20小时和80小时,则第二道工序在产品的完工率为(B)p70例3A.20% B. 60% C. 80% D.100%6管理会计的基本分析方法为( C )A. 现金流量法 B. 比率分析法 C. 差量分析法 D.增量分析法7、在其他条件相同的情况下,变动成本法计算的期末存货成本较之全部成本法计算的(A)p195 A. 更低 B. 更高 C. 相同 D. 不能确定8、某企业用全部成本答计算的期末存货比期初存货成本多40000元,而用变动成本法计算的期末存货成本比期初存货成本多6000元,则两种成本法计算的营业利润之差为(B)A.0元 B. 34000元 C. 46000元 D.40000元9、某企业生产的产品售价为10元,单位变动成本为4元,全厂固定成本每月为1500元,则企业的保本点为(B)A. 150件 B. 250件 C. 350件 D. 375件10、在影响利润变动的各个因素中,一般情况下,敏感性最大的是(B)A.销售数量 B. 销售单价 C. 业务量 D. 利润二、多项选择题1、在制定标准成本时,可选择的标准成本包括(AB)A. 理想标准成本 B. 正常标准成本 C. 现实标准成本 D. 平均标准成本2、管理会计与财务会计的区别在于( ABE)A.核算重点不同 B. 运用的方法不同 C. 根本目的不同 D. 服务范围不同E. 报告的种类与时间不同3、制造成本包括(BCD)p83A.产品法 B. 订单法 C. 品种法 D.分部法.. E. 分类法4、 工业企业的生产按生产组织的特点可以分为(ACE)p79A.大量生产 B. 多步骤生产 C. 成批生产 D. 单步骤生产工具 E.单件生产5、按成本差异形成的过程进行分类,可以将成本差异分为(AB)p429.A. 价格差异 B.用量差异 C. 纯差异 D.混合差异 E.可控差异6、下列各项中,会引起营业净利润增加的有(BC)A..减低单价 B. 降低单位变动成本 C. 降低固定成本 D.减低预计销售量 E.增加所得税税率7、相关范围的存在使得成本形态具有(BCE)p178A.相关性 B. 相对性 C. 暂时性 D.可控性 E.可转化性8、按照决策条件的肯定程度可以将决策划分为(CDE)p293A.战略决策 B. 战术决策 C. 确定性决策 D.风险性决策 E.非决定性决策9、下列各项中,属于定价决定方法的是(AC)p324—325A.成本加成定价法 B. 收益比率定价法 C. 边际分析法 D.利润无差别点法E.利润增量法10、下列各项中,属于年金的有(ACDE)A.按直线法计提的折旧 B.按工作量法计提的折旧 C. 定期支付的工资D.定期支付的广告费 E.无形资产的每年摊销额三、名词解释1. 费用要素2. 产品成本项目3. 辅助生产费用4. 计划成本分配法5. 成本计算对象6. 制造成本法7. 成本还原8. 本量利分析9.安全边际10.机会成本11. 边际成本12. 财务预算13. 弹性预算14. 零基预算法15. 责任会计16. 成本中心四、 简答题1. 生产费用与产品成本的差异是什么?p212. 简述成本会计的基本程序 p26-283. 确定期末在产品成本的方法有那些?4. 什么是产品成本计算的品种法?它有何特点?5. 什么是产品成本计算的分批法?有那些特点?6. 什么是约束性固定成本和酌量性固定成本?两者的区别对成本控制而言有何意义?7. 什么是混合成本?它有什么特点?8. 什么是变动成本法?其理论依据是什么?p187—1929. 变动成本法有什么特点?10. 什么是本量利分析?11. 本量利分析的基本假设是什么?12. 简述决策的一般程序?p294—29513. 简述理想标准成本、基本标准成本、正常标准成本的内容和各自的优点和缺点?p423-42414. 简述全面预算对企业经营的作用。五、计算题 (例题参考)1、资料:某车间本月生产甲、乙、丙三种产品,共同领用原材料12000千克,每千克计划单价8元,材料成本差异率为2%,本期三种产品的实际产量分别为400件、500件和600件,单件材料消耗定额为50千克,30千克与75千克。(教材p37表3---1)要求:根据以上资料,采用定额消耗量比例法计算甲、乙、丙三种产品应分配的原材料费用。2、教材p96例23、 资料:某企业连续10年的生产产量和总成本资料如下表:期间 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10产量 23 22 25 27 29 25 24 24 21 20总成本 77000 72000 84000 89000 93000 85000 79000 78000 71000 69000要求:1。计算产量与总成本之间的相关系数; 2。用回归直线法求解成本性态方程。4.资料:大元公司去年各月制造费用的有关资料如下:项 目 1月(低点) 7月(高点)业务量(机器小时) 2700 7900制造费用总额(元) 76000 129600该制造费用中包括变动成本、固定成本与混合成本三类,会计部门对7月的制造费用总额进行了分析,各类成本的组成如下:变动成本总额:53000元固定成本总额:48000元混合成本总额:28600元要求:1。分析1月制造费用所包含的各类成本,2。用高低点法将制造费用中的混合成本分解为固定成本和变动成本两部分,写出混合成本公式。3。若公司预期业务量为9000机器小时,计算并确定各类成本及制造费用的总额。5. 教材p205例题6. 教材p255—256. 练习题2。7.资料:某企业生产三种产品,各自的预计销售量比重分别为15%、40%、45%。单位售价分别为24、35、50元,单位变动成本分别为17、27、38元。固定成本总额为:68450元。要求;计算该企业的综合盈亏临界点销售额以及各种产品的盈亏临界点销售额。8. 资料:某企业生产需要配件A,过去一直外购,单价27元,目前该公司尚有剩余生产能力可以生产该配件。根据预测,自制配件的单位变动成本为16元,其中直接材料9元,直接人工6元。变动制造费用1元,但每年需要增加专属固定成本9800元。要求;1。用本量利分析法计算成本平衡点。2。如果企业每年需要配件2480件,企业应当选择外购买还是自制。3。如果企业每年需要配件15200件,则企业应当选择外购买还是自制。9.资料;某工厂用同一台机器可以生产A产品,也可以生产B产品,它们的预计销售单价、数量和单位变动成本资料如下:产品名称 A产品 B产品预计销售数量(台) 166 140预计销售单价(元) 42 27单位变动成本 33 20要求:用差量分析法分析该工厂究竟生产那一种产品较为有利?10.资料:某企业在生产中需要一种设备,企业如果自己购买该设备,需要支付设备买价548000元,该设备使用寿命为7年,不考虑净残值,若企业采取租赁的方式进行生产,每年将支付78000元的租赁费用,租赁期限为5年。假设贴现率为10%,所得税为30%。要求:用净现值法分析企业应当购买还是租赁的方式取得设备?(除上述计算题外其余按习题集里的要求做练习及看例题、要点。)

Text 4 The development of modem nationalism during the 16th century shifted attention to the problem of increasing the wealth and power of the various nation-states. The economic policy of the leaders of that time, known as mercantilism, sought to encourage national self-sufficiency. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred during the 16th through the early 18th centuries. Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power. Without the gold and silver mines in the New World from which Spain drew its riches, a nation could accumulate these precious metals only by selling more merchandise to foreigners than it bought from them. This favorable balance of trade necessarily compelled foreigners to cover their deficits by shipping gold and silver. Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war. With gold and silver, a ruler could hire mercenaries to fight, a practice followed by King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain when he used Hessian troops during the American Revolution. As needed, the monarch could also buy weapons, uniforms, and food to supply the soldiers and sailors. Mercantilist preoccupation with precious metals also inspired several domestic policies. It was vital for a nation to keep wages low and the population large and growing. A large, ill-paid population produced more goods to be sold at low prices to foreigners. Ordinary men and women were encouraged to work hard and avoid such extravagances as tea, gin, ribbons, ruffles, and silks. It also followed that the earlier that children began to work, the better it was for their country's prosperity. One mercantilist writer had a plan for children of the poor: "When these children are four years old, they shall be sent to the county workhouse and there taught to read two hours a day and be kept fully employed the rest of the time in any of the manufactures of the house which best suits their age, strength, and capacity." As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with Smith, continues with the British economists Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo, and culminates in the synthesis of John Stuart Mill, who as a young man was a follower of Ricardo. Although differences of opinion were numerous among the classical economists in the three-quarters of a century between Smith's Wealth of Nations and Mill's Principles of Political Economy (1848), members of the group agreed on major principles. All believed in private property, free markets, and, in Mill's words, that "only through the principle of competition has political economy any pretension to the character of a science." They shared Smith's strong suspicion of government and his ardent confidence in the power of self-interest represented by his famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with individual pursuit of private gain. From Ricardo, classicists derived the notion of diminishing returns, which held that as more labor and capital were applied to land, yields after "a certain and not very advanced stage in the progress of agriculture steadily diminished." Through Smith's emphasis on consumption, rather than on production, the scope of economics was considerably broadened. Smith was optimistic about the .chances of improving general standards of life. He called attention to the importance of permitting individuals to follow their self-interest as a means of promoting national prosperity. Malthus, on the other hand, in his enormously influential book An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), imparted a tone of gloom to classical economics, arguing that hopes for prosperity were fated to founder on the rock of excessive population growth. Food, he believed, would increase in arithmetic ratio (2-4-6-8-10 and so on), but population tended to double in each generation (2-4-8-16-32 and so on) unless that doubling was checked either by nature or human prudence. According to Malthus, nature's check was "positive": "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race." The shapes it took included war, epidemics, pestilence and plague, human vices, and famine, all combining to level the world's population with the world's food supply. The only escape from population pressure and the horrors of the positive check was in voluntary limitation of population, not by contraception, rejected on religious grounds by Malthus, but by late marriage and, consequently, smaller families. These pessimistic doctrines of classical economists earned for economics the epithet of the "dismal science." Mill's Principles of Political Economy was the leading text on the subject until the end of the 19th century. Although Mill accepted the major theories of his classical predecessors, he held out more hope than did Ricardo and Malthus that the working class could be educated into rational limitation of their own numbers. Mill was also a reformer who was quite willing to tax inheritances heavily and even to allow government a larger role in protecting children and workers. He was far more critical than other classical economists of business behavior and favored worker ownership of factories. Mill thus represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state.36. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred _____.a) in the 16th centuryb) in the 17th centuryc) in the 18th centuryd) during the 16th through the early 18th centuries 37. Which of the following statements is not true? ___a) Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power.b) Mercantilists emphasized the importance of agriculture.c) Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war.d) Mercantilism also inspired several domestic policies.38. As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with _________.a) Smith who wrote the Wealth of Nations.b) Mill who wrote the Principles of Political Economy.c) Ricardo who wrote the Principles of Political Economy and Taxationd) Malthus who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population39.Which of the following statements is false? ______.a) All the classicists believed in private property, free markets and competition.b) All the classicists believed in the interference of government.c) All the classicists shared Smith's strong suspicion of government.d) All the classicists agreed with Smith's famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with individual pursuit of private gain. 40. Who represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state? ______.a) Adam Smithb) John Millc) David Ricardod) Thomas Robert Malthus


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【自考快速报名和免费咨询: 】广东自考英语二怎么学?关于这个问题广东自考网就简单为广大参加广东自学考试的考生说一下。希望可以帮助到小伙伴。 自考英语(二)本科段题目分为单项选择、完形填空、阅读理解、词汇、汉译英以及英译汉。 自考英语(二)题目特点 1、题型不灵活 2、要求词汇量很大 3、要求有一定的英汉互译驾驭能力 4、要求有牢靠的语法基础 词汇结构 考查内容:一半词汇,重在词义辨别;一半语法,重在句式结构和动词形式。 解题步骤:不要先阅读题干,这是盲目的,会造成时间的浪费,应遵循“从选项到题干”的做题思路:首先,通过浏览选项,可以明确考查方向,再通过比较选项,找到异同点;然后到题干中搜寻提示信息。 做题技巧:善于采取两分法,或者叫做两步排除法,通过两步思维,在四个选项中逐步缩小范围,最终选择。 完型填空 考查内容:集中考查三种关系,词语之间的搭配关系、句子之间的逻辑关系、上下文之间的照应关系。 解题步骤:(1)宏观把握,了解大意。(2)微观处理,逐个击破。 做题关键:捕捉关系,挖掘提示,实现在语境中做题。空格处往往是前后词、上下文关系的连接点、逻辑的交汇处。不能孤立地、静止地就词论词、就空论空,要普遍联系,机动灵活,提示可能在前,也可能在后,可能在近处,也可能在远处。 概括成四句话:利用语境找提示,捕捉关系看逻辑。冷静观察抓思路,沉着应对选常识。 阅读理解 考查方向:事实细节、主题大意、语义判断、指代关系、信息推断。 三重定位:考查信息定位、主题大意定位、逻辑词语定位。 考查信息定位:阅读题干,标明题干中的关键词、重心词、最有信息区别度的词。边阅读,边寻找关键词在文章中的位置,顺藤摸瓜,对号入座,确定文章的题区,阅读和做题同步进行,一步到位。正确选项是原文信息的替换表达,词语和句式虽有所变化,但语义对等。以事实为依据,做到答之有据,选之成理。做出选择时一定要找到原文对应信息,予以支持。如果凭主观臆断或者印象,经常会落入逻辑圈套。 主题大意定位:阅读要有全局观念,有意识地确定、归纳主题句,包括段落主题和篇章主题。这是一个段落或一篇文章的灵魂。正所谓“射人先射马,擒贼先擒王”。所有文字都和主题发生千丝万缕的联系,都是在解释、说明、支持、服务主题。不明确主题,其它所有文字似乎都支离破碎,是一盘散沙。明确主题,大到全篇、小到段落都会豁然开朗,一通百通。而且,一篇文章的五个题目,不管具体考什么,也几乎都和主题有着密不可分的关联。 逻辑词语定位:表明作者思维演进、语气变化的标志词语。他们能够承上启下,承前启后。重点捕捉逻辑词语,既有利于我们提高阅读速度,快速地明确作者的行文思路理解文章,确定语义重心,也有利于解题,因为题目答案往往出现在逻辑词语之后。借助于这种定位,就可以实现跳跃式阅读、搜索式阅读。做题步骤:采取两遍阅读法,即:(1)全面阅读,读选结合;(2)重点突破,检查核对。 以上便是广东自考英语二怎么学?的全部内容,关注广东省自考服务中心,我们将持续为您推送2021年广东自考报名指南、自考解答、考试资讯等信息。自考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考考点内容、不清楚自考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:



Text 4 The development of modem nationalism during the 16th century shifted attention to the problem of increasing the wealth and power of the various nation-states. The economic policy of the leaders of that time, known as mercantilism, sought to encourage national self-sufficiency. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred during the 16th through the early 18th centuries. Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power. Without the gold and silver mines in the New World from which Spain drew its riches, a nation could accumulate these precious metals only by selling more merchandise to foreigners than it bought from them. This favorable balance of trade necessarily compelled foreigners to cover their deficits by shipping gold and silver. Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war. With gold and silver, a ruler could hire mercenaries to fight, a practice followed by King George III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain when he used Hessian troops during the American Revolution. As needed, the monarch could also buy weapons, uniforms, and food to supply the soldiers and sailors. Mercantilist preoccupation with precious metals also inspired several domestic policies. It was vital for a nation to keep wages low and the population large and growing. A large, ill-paid population produced more goods to be sold at low prices to foreigners. Ordinary men and women were encouraged to work hard and avoid such extravagances as tea, gin, ribbons, ruffles, and silks. It also followed that the earlier that children began to work, the better it was for their country's prosperity. One mercantilist writer had a plan for children of the poor: "When these children are four years old, they shall be sent to the county workhouse and there taught to read two hours a day and be kept fully employed the rest of the time in any of the manufactures of the house which best suits their age, strength, and capacity." As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with Smith, continues with the British economists Thomas Robert Malthus and David Ricardo, and culminates in the synthesis of John Stuart Mill, who as a young man was a follower of Ricardo. Although differences of opinion were numerous among the classical economists in the three-quarters of a century between Smith's Wealth of Nations and Mill's Principles of Political Economy (1848), members of the group agreed on major principles. All believed in private property, free markets, and, in Mill's words, that "only through the principle of competition has political economy any pretension to the character of a science." They shared Smith's strong suspicion of government and his ardent confidence in the power of self-interest represented by his famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with individual pursuit of private gain. From Ricardo, classicists derived the notion of diminishing returns, which held that as more labor and capital were applied to land, yields after "a certain and not very advanced stage in the progress of agriculture steadily diminished." Through Smith's emphasis on consumption, rather than on production, the scope of economics was considerably broadened. Smith was optimistic about the .chances of improving general standards of life. He called attention to the importance of permitting individuals to follow their self-interest as a means of promoting national prosperity. Malthus, on the other hand, in his enormously influential book An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798), imparted a tone of gloom to classical economics, arguing that hopes for prosperity were fated to founder on the rock of excessive population growth. Food, he believed, would increase in arithmetic ratio (2-4-6-8-10 and so on), but population tended to double in each generation (2-4-8-16-32 and so on) unless that doubling was checked either by nature or human prudence. According to Malthus, nature's check was "positive": "The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race." The shapes it took included war, epidemics, pestilence and plague, human vices, and famine, all combining to level the world's population with the world's food supply. The only escape from population pressure and the horrors of the positive check was in voluntary limitation of population, not by contraception, rejected on religious grounds by Malthus, but by late marriage and, consequently, smaller families. These pessimistic doctrines of classical economists earned for economics the epithet of the "dismal science." Mill's Principles of Political Economy was the leading text on the subject until the end of the 19th century. Although Mill accepted the major theories of his classical predecessors, he held out more hope than did Ricardo and Malthus that the working class could be educated into rational limitation of their own numbers. Mill was also a reformer who was quite willing to tax inheritances heavily and even to allow government a larger role in protecting children and workers. He was far more critical than other classical economists of business behavior and favored worker ownership of factories. Mill thus represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state.36. The heyday of the mercantilist school in England and Western Europe occurred _____.a) in the 16th centuryb) in the 17th centuryc) in the 18th centuryd) during the 16th through the early 18th centuries 37. Which of the following statements is not true? ___a) Mercantilists valued gold and silver as an index of national power.b) Mercantilists emphasized the importance of agriculture.c) Mercantilists took for granted that their own country was either at war with its neighbors, recovering from a recent conflict, or getting ready to plunge into a new war.d) Mercantilism also inspired several domestic policies.38. As a coherent economic theory, classical economics starts with _________.a) Smith who wrote the Wealth of Nations.b) Mill who wrote the Principles of Political Economy.c) Ricardo who wrote the Principles of Political Economy and Taxationd) Malthus who wrote An Essay on the Principle of Population39.Which of the following statements is false? ______.a) All the classicists believed in private property, free markets and competition.b) All the classicists believed in the interference of government.c) All the classicists shared Smith's strong suspicion of government.d) All the classicists agreed with Smith's famous "invisible hand," which reconciled public benefit with individual pursuit of private gain. 40. Who represents a bridge between classical laissez-faire economics and an emerging welfare state? ______.a) Adam Smithb) John Millc) David Ricardod) Thomas Robert Malthus

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