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【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: 】自考学位证如何获得?符合学位证申请条件的考生可向有学位授予权的主考院校提出申请,由主考院校依照《中华人民共和国学位条例》的规定授予本科学位。学士学位是高等教育本科阶段授予的学位名称,它与自考毕业证是相互独立的,并不会影响自考本科毕业。自考本科毕业生符合学士学位审批条件,于发毕业证的同时(一般3月初)向当地教育考试院或自考办公室提出申请,填写学士学位表一式2份,交近期2寸免冠照片一张。市考试院或自考办对申请人档案材料(包括本科毕业生鉴定表、毕业论文原件及论文成绩单)和毕业生填写的学士学位评定表进行审定,无误后,于3月底报省考试院。省考试院整理汇总各市地申报的学士学位材料,进行初审,初审合格者将考生档案材料与学土学位名册于每年4月推荐给有授予权的主考学校;6月底主考学校学士学位主管部门和学术委员会按要求对申请学位者逐个评审,评审合格,授予学士学位,未通过者不再补授。下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 2017年10月自考00894计算机与网络技术基础真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:327.37KB 2018年10月自考00831英语语法真题试卷 格式:PDF大小:431.13KB自考/成考考试有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考考试当地政策,点击底部咨询猎考网,免费获取个人学历提升方案:

208 评论(14)



初中英语 语法




Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students will master the rule of the Simple Past Tense.

Ability aim:

Students will able to talk about the things happened in the past in their daily life.

Emotional aim:

Students will learn how to cooperate with others.

Key and difficult point:

Key Point: Students will master the structure of the Simple Past Tense.

Difficult Point: Students will use the structure of the Simple Past Tense in daily life.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Ask students a question: what are you reading recently? And ask some students to share with the whole class.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Review the knowledge about the past tense of verbs: write some verbs on the blackboard and ask students to change the verbs into their past tense.

2. Ask students to read the dialogue and pay attention to the background information about Mark Twain. Then ask students some questions: What’ Mark Twain’ real name? When did he born? When did he begin to work? And then invite some students to share the answers with the whole class and write down on the blackboard.

3. Then ask students when these things happened and then tell them the rule of past tense: Simple Past Tense refers to the actions or states happened at a certain moment in the past, or a certain period of time in the past. It is often used with temporal adverbial, such as yesterday, last week and so on.

4. Ask students to read the dialogue again and try to find other sentences which used the Simple Past Tense and share with class. Then tell students the rule of general and special interrogative sentences in the past tense: general interrogative sentences use auxiliary verbs (did) and special interrogative sentences use special interrogative words (what, when, how...).

Step 3: Practice

1. Ask student to role play the dialogue and ask two groups to show in class.

2. Play a game: magic box. There is a magic box which is full of all kind of verbs, ask students to choose one card and then make a sentence with it using the Simple Past Tense.

Step4: Production

Discussion: ask students to talk about what happened to them in the last weekend, they should use the Simple Past Tense and then invite two of them to show their conversation.4 in 1, 5 minutes will be given.

Step5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student to conclude the content of the lesson and summarize with the whole class.

Homework: ask students to practice the usage of Simple Past Tense learned today with desk mates after class.

Blackboard design:


1. Could you list any other temporal adverbials which can be used in The Simple Past Tense?


Usually, we can use yesterday, last night/night/month/weekend/year, the day before yesterday, in 1992 (a year in the past), in the 1990s, at the age of 16 and so on.

253 评论(11)


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