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浙江省2009年4月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:100051. If this method doesn’t ______, we’ll have to think of another way.A. come down B. come to C. come across D. come off2. The patient ______ eating anything for five days.A. went through B. went without C. went on D. went in for3. The plane ______ so smoothly that the passengers could hardly feel it.A. took off B. took on C. took down D. took up4. ______ friends helped him to get appointed ambassador to France.A. Efficient B. Influential C. Impressive D. Effective5. It’s a great pity that those fine old houses had to be ______ to make way for the new road.A. pulled up B. pulled together C. pulled down D. pulled on6. He was on the point of slipping down the slope when he heard someone shouting to him to ______ the rope.A. hang about B. hang together C. hang up D. hang on to7. Before he went to Europe on a business trip, Mr. Ford ______ the day-to-day management of his company to his brother.A. turned over B. turned out C. turned in D. turned up8. It’s shameful to ______ in face of danger.A. hold in B. hold back C. hold up D. hold out9. He ______ freedom of speech for everyone, regardless of color, race or creed.A. stood for B. stood up to C. stood out D. stood by10. When Alfred Nobel died, an annual peace prize was established ______.A. at his service B. with his consentC. in his memory D. on his part11. It’s hard to ______ the knowledge that he is a failure.A. live up to B. live by C. live out D. live with12. She has such a distinctive appearance that I could ______ her ______ anywhere.A. pick … up B. pick … out C. pick … at D. pick … on13. You have been ______ since the early hours of this morning, and I think you should stop for the good of your health.A. working up B. working on C. working away D. working off14. Our representative, Mr. Brown, ______ an important customer on the West coast last week and renewed a contract.A. called for B. called forth C. called on D. called up15. Mother hasn’t ______ you for quite some time. She is beginning to think you must be ill.A. heard about B. heard out C. heard of D. heard from16. Examinations are not the only means of ______ a student’s ability.A. assessing B. assuming C. asserting D. assigning17. Sam wanted to quit his job, but when he ______ the matter he decided not to.A. thought ahead B. thought outC. thought about D. thought back18. The applause ______ and the actors were able to continue.A. died down B. died out C. died off D. died away19. In evaluating applicants some colleges ______ heavily ______

235 评论(13)


高级英语学习宗旨高级英语学习的重点已从基本的英语语音,词汇,语法的掌握上升到:一、 阅读理解及词汇应用:能够区分、应用同、近义词;很好地理解文章的主题与内容。二、 提高英语的表达能力:学员应能用英语解释英语难句,进行有一定难度的英汉互译,用英语对文章内容进行归纳,并对文章进行简要的分析、评论。高级英语学习方法学习时应该注意下列一些方面:首先,牢记教材是根本。以前,教材单调,教辅条件简陋,照样培养出学贯东西的语言大师来。现在英语读物多了,时尚的学习工具多了,英语并没有变得容易学了。究其原因是人们的心态变了,变得浮躁了。对什么都这山望着那山高,今天这个时髦得学习方法,明天那本最新教材。殊不知一切方法都建立在一定的基础上的,一个人的兴趣、悟性、修行没有到达那个层面,再美好的东西跟你也是无缘。而且从高级英语考试大纲规定来看,以教材为本这一思想也是显而易见的,试卷中60%分值的题目都是根据教材中课文内容设计的。也许有人会说,这岂不是说要死读书不成。我们学习英语不是要提高交际能力,提高听、说能力吗?试问没有一定词汇量的积累,一定的句法结构,一定的语法水平,你如何张嘴,如何听懂别人说的话。不要用任何借口放弃(或说逃避)对教材学习应该付出的那份心血和艰辛。其次,要培养自己对教材中三十二篇课文的兴趣和热爱。这些课文不但是帮助我们学好英文语言知识,而且帮助我们学到很多为人处世的道理。从“Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society”,我们知道:摇滚乐是‘一种社会心理的表现’; ‘Rock is the music of teenage rebellion’; ‘By a man’s heroes ye shall know him.‘从“The Trouble with Television”, 我们可以看出电视对社会和文化的负面影响:人们的注意力下降,读写能力出现危机等。从 “On Human Nature and Politics” , 我们知道从事政治活动的人有四个动机,那就是:占有欲,竞争欲,虚荣心及权利欲。(这里只举三篇课文为例)通过精读、熟记这些课文,我们不但可以扩大词汇量、掌握许多句型结构,而且在与他人交谈时不再是只会一点‘乒乓英语’ —— 几个来回,‘短平快’就说不下去了,而是能够使自己说的话既有深度,又有广度,同时有能通过《高级英语》自学考试。以后,我们谈到摇滚不只会说‘闹心’,谈到电视只会说‘费时’,谈到国际政治只会说‘虚伪’,而是可以做到探讨每一个话题的多个方面。这样一举多得的事何乐而不为呢?

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