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1.或许爱上的不是你,而是恋爱的感觉罢了. Maybe I didin't fall in love with you, it is just the feeling of being in love2.许多人都这样对我说 Many people told me this.3.我很想保护你,但是又无法在你身边,或许我们只是有缘无份. I want to protect you, but I can't stay beside you. Maybe we are not destine to be.4.爱情对我来说,只是麻醉剂. To me, love is just Anesthetic5.感谢你曾经给我的回忆和快乐. Thank you for all the memories and happiness that you brought to me6.我有了很多朋友,缺少了爱情我想我也可以活得很快乐. I have many friends, even without love I think I can also be happy.7.我想你会对我说:对不起,我不是有意伤害你的. 不,在爱情上不存在谁对得起谁,谁对不起谁,更没有对错. I think you will say to me: I am sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you.No, in love there is no such thing as who is not sorry for who, who is sorry for who, there is no wrong or right.8.你知道么?我可以因为你的一句话,一个动作.开心一整天,、. Do you know? Because of you every word and every movement I can be happy all day9.爱得死去活来,反而把自己变得渺小. When fall in love too deeply, oneself will seem insignificant10.放过你,也就是放过自己..Maybe letting you go is also letting myself go...

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287 评论(13)


高级英语学习宗旨高级英语学习的重点已从基本的英语语音,词汇,语法的掌握上升到:一、 阅读理解及词汇应用:能够区分、应用同、近义词;很好地理解文章的主题与内容。二、 提高英语的表达能力:学员应能用英语解释英语难句,进行有一定难度的英汉互译,用英语对文章内容进行归纳,并对文章进行简要的分析、评论。高级英语学习方法学习时应该注意下列一些方面:首先,牢记教材是根本。以前,教材单调,教辅条件简陋,照样培养出学贯东西的语言大师来。现在英语读物多了,时尚的学习工具多了,英语并没有变得容易学了。究其原因是人们的心态变了,变得浮躁了。对什么都这山望着那山高,今天这个时髦得学习方法,明天那本最新教材。殊不知一切方法都建立在一定的基础上的,一个人的兴趣、悟性、修行没有到达那个层面,再美好的东西跟你也是无缘。而且从高级英语考试大纲规定来看,以教材为本这一思想也是显而易见的,试卷中60%分值的题目都是根据教材中课文内容设计的。也许有人会说,这岂不是说要死读书不成。我们学习英语不是要提高交际能力,提高听、说能力吗?试问没有一定词汇量的积累,一定的句法结构,一定的语法水平,你如何张嘴,如何听懂别人说的话。不要用任何借口放弃(或说逃避)对教材学习应该付出的那份心血和艰辛。其次,要培养自己对教材中三十二篇课文的兴趣和热爱。这些课文不但是帮助我们学好英文语言知识,而且帮助我们学到很多为人处世的道理。从“Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society”,我们知道:摇滚乐是‘一种社会心理的表现’; ‘Rock is the music of teenage rebellion’; ‘By a man’s heroes ye shall know him.‘从“The Trouble with Television”, 我们可以看出电视对社会和文化的负面影响:人们的注意力下降,读写能力出现危机等。从 “On Human Nature and Politics” , 我们知道从事政治活动的人有四个动机,那就是:占有欲,竞争欲,虚荣心及权利欲。(这里只举三篇课文为例)通过精读、熟记这些课文,我们不但可以扩大词汇量、掌握许多句型结构,而且在与他人交谈时不再是只会一点‘乒乓英语’ —— 几个来回,‘短平快’就说不下去了,而是能够使自己说的话既有深度,又有广度,同时有能通过《高级英语》自学考试。以后,我们谈到摇滚不只会说‘闹心’,谈到电视只会说‘费时’,谈到国际政治只会说‘虚伪’,而是可以做到探讨每一个话题的多个方面。这样一举多得的事何乐而不为呢?

145 评论(13)


因为知识,我们进入太空,我们延长了预期寿命。更多的是因为知识,我们超越生死,不再怀疑。下面我给大家分享一些高中英语翻译知识点 总结 大全,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读!






1. 挨家挨户from door to door

例:医生挨家挨户上门巡访,省去了许多老年人去医院的麻烦. (save)

Doctors’ door-to-door visits save many old people’s trouble of going to hospital.

2. 爱不释手

can’t bear standing part with / putting it down / leaving it aside

例:这部有关第一次世界大战的历史小说引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。(so … that)

The historical novel about / describing World War I / the First World War is so attractive that I can’t bear (to do …) / stand parting with it / putting it down (back, aside ) / leaving it aside .

3. 安于现状

be satisfied with reality / present situation


We senior high students should have great ambition and (should) not be satisfied with reality / present situation.

4. 摆脱烦恼

get rid of / to be free from worries


Knowing (that) he is in a bad mood, I suggest his chatting with friends to get rid of / to be free from worries.

5. 彼此埋怨be to blame each other

例:遇到困难的时候,我们需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互帮助。(not …but)

When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.

6. 别无选择have no choice but to do


At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist / traveler (for help).

7. 不得而知remain unknown


It remains unknown whether Mary will attend the English Evening.

8. 不辞而别 leave without saying good-bye


We were greatly surprised that he has left without saying goodbye.

9. 不可估量beyond measure


Although the efforts made are beyond measure, those remote mountainous cities have been accessible to cars, which makes all the Chinese people / the whole nation feel very proud / full of pride.

10. 不甚感激appreciate it very much

例:如果你一收到消息就能给我答复的话,我将不胜感激。(the moment)

I would appreciate it very much if you could reply to me / give me a reply the moment you receive the message.

11. 不懈努力great effort

例:尽管各国政府已做出了不懈的努力,但要应对日益严重的全球性气候变暖问题还需制定更有效的 措施 。(despite)

Despite the great effort made by governments, more effective measures should be made to deal with the ever worsening problem of global warming.

12. 不假思索 without hesitation


Jim answered his teacher’s question(s) without (any) hesitation. Jim answered the question(s) asked by his teacher with no hesitation.

13. 不尽如人意be far from satisfactory


The economy of this area develops very fast but some citizens’ qualities are far from satisfactory.

14. 不容忽视should not be ignored / neglected


This accident made us realize that safety problems should not be ignored.


(The sense of) Fire protection should not be neglected (We should not neglect fire protection), or great damage might be caused to the lives and property.

15. 不知所措be / feel at a loss

例:网络在我们日常生活中起了举足轻重的作用,以至于当 不能上网 时人们感到无所适从。(loss)

Internet plays such an important role in our daily life that people feel at a loss when they can’t go online / surf the Internet / don’t have access to the Internet.


The fact that consumers have lost confidence in frozen food makes the manufacturers at a loss.

16. 彻夜未眠

didn’t fall asleep last night / be awake all night


Drinking only a cup of coffee will keep me awake all night.

例:昨晚听到他喜欢的 足球 队获胜的消息,他兴奋得彻夜未眠。(too … to …)

Hearing the news that his favorite team won the match, he was too excited to fall asleep last night.

17. 催人泪下people are moved to tears

例:昨晚残疾人的演出非常成功,让观众们感动得流下了眼泪。(so … that…)

The performance put up by the disabled / The disabled people’s performance last night was so successful that many people were moved to tears.

18. 寸步难行can do nothing without

例:电脑已触及到每个人的日常生活,难怪有人说当今世界不懂电脑,就寸步难行。(no wonder)

The computer has touched on everyone’s daily life. No wonder someone says that you can do nothing without the knowledge of computer / its knowledge.

19. 大为惊叹be greatly amazed / impressed

例:这些十八世纪的油画保存得这样好, 使参观者大为惊叹。(so … that)

These eighteenth-century oil paintings have been / are preserved so well that the visitors are greatly amazed / impressed.

20. 放任自流let him be


Parents often faced the choice that either they did what they felt was good for the development of the child or they just let him be.



the more ~ the more~

A good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply.


It is ~ that ~

It is not just books that can't be judged by their covers,and so it is with presents.


too ~ to ~

Our boss is too narrow-minded to endure different opinions.


not ~enough to do ~

She is not old enough to make sense of the real meaning of the proverb- Time and tide wait for no man.

她太小,无法理解岁月不等人这句 谚语 的真正含义。

not ~ but ~

A masterpiece is not something that can conform into an expectation but something that has to be an expression from the heart.


rather than

Ducks can swim by instinct rather than intelligence.

鸭会 游泳 ,不是靠聪明,而是靠本能。

Not until~

Not until the director persuaded him did he agree to play a role of the doctor.


unless ~

You will have difficulty in understanding the problem unless it is explained and analyzed from the historical perspective.


It has never occurred to/struck me that~

It has never occurred to me that a person who has experienced ups and downs of life should believe such a ridiculous trick.


the moment ~/ the instant ~

The contract will come into effect the instant it is signed.


It won't be long before ~

It won't be long before you know that having a good attitude is half the battle.


once ~

Once promised, he will surely be given a remote-controlled car as a birthday present.


only when ~

Only when the test-oriented education is switched into the quality-oriented education are the chances that the students will develop their versatile abilities.

只有应试 教育 转变成了素质教育,学生们才有可能发展多方面的能力。

so ~ as to do ~

Will you be so kind as to pull me through the difficult time?

你这样善良, 能帮我渡过难关吗?

so ~ that ~

The book is so instructive that it has become a must-read.

So instructive is the book that it has become a must-read.


~ as ~

Lose money as he did, he got a lot of experience, which contributed to his success in life.

虽然他失去了钱,但他得到了许多 经验 ,这促成了他人生的成功。

It must be pointed out that~

It must be pointed out that difficulties can bring out a person's best qualities.

必须指出,困难能显示一个人的最佳素质。(bring out a person's best qualities)

be just about to do ~ when~/ be close to doing ~ when~/ be on the point of doing ~ when~

I was on the point of buying that piano when my wife reminded me that this amount of money was for my son's tuition.

I was close to buying that piano when my wife reminded me that this sum of money was for my son's tuition.

I was just about to buy that piano when my wife reminded me that this sum of money was for my son's tuition.


not so much ~ as ~

It is not so much with their wishes as with their actions that they can shape the future.


prefer to do~ rather than do~

To face whatever you might prefer to hide rather than acknowledge requires courage


more ~ than ~

Being obliged to leave the stage due to his illness, he has an emotion, which is more of regret than attachment.

因病得离开舞台时,他有着一种情感, 这种情感与其说是留恋,还不如说是遗憾。

There is no doing ~

There is no denying that bad things do happen to us sometimes.


It can't be denied that~

It can't be denied that he has a gift for music however lazy he is.


There is no doubt that~

There is no doubt that he will win the election by a large majority


so long as ~/as long as~

However inharmonious they look in other people's eye, they can enjoy life so long as they love each other.


It is no wonder that ~

It is no wonder that children love to visit museums.


It is +adj. +of sb. to do~

It is mean of you to tip so little.


It is +adj./现在分词+for sb. to do~

As a doctor, it is necessary for you to pay a regular visit to your patients, assuring them that your attention is still focused on them.


There is no use/point (in) doing~ / It's no good/use doing~

It's no good helping him since he doesn't help himself.

There is no use helping him now that he doesn't help himself.


Not only ~ but also ~

Not only can knowledge help you conquer fear but also it can bring you real power.


It must be admitted that ~

It must be admitted that online study is another effective way of self-improvement.

必须承认网上学习是另一种自我完善的有效 方法 。

in spite of the fact that

In spite of the fact that the old man doesn't know much, he is warm-hearted and friendly.






建议先掌握高中英语词汇(包括音标、近 反义词 、单词用法等),同时学习语法(包括语态、语句和语词等);在此基础上,先针对词汇和语法的考察做专项练习。等到前2步完成之后,最后开始全方位的训练,在此过程中依然要狠抓每一个知识点。
















高中英语翻译知识点总结大全相关 文章 :

★ 2021人教版高中英语知识点

★ 高中英语学习基础知识总结归纳(2)

★ 人教版高中英语知识点总结最新

★ 高中英语翻译知识点

★ 高中英语复习知识点:高频单词/词组总结

★ 高中英语作文范文及翻译

★ 最新高中英语学习方法技巧归纳

★ 高中英语必修 课文完整翻译(人教新课标)(2)

★ 高考英语知识点总结归纳

★ 高中英语语法知识点总结

88 评论(12)


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    因为知识,我们进入太空,我们延长了预期寿命。更多的是因为知识,我们超越生死,不再怀疑。下面我给大家分享一些高中英语翻译知识点 总结 大全,希望能够帮助大家,

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