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Unit3(第7讲—第10讲) 4. One idea was that it reached out to “the edge of the world”。 Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot. 这两个都是表语从句和主句中的系动词连用的句子。结构为:主语+系动词+表语从句。请看下面的例句:My idea is that we contact him as soon as possible.(我的想法是我们应该尽快跟他联系。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) My suggestion is that we should put off the meeting.(我的建议是我们应该把会议延期。) 2) One advantage of solar energy is that it will never be used up.(太阳能的一个优点是用之不竭。) 3) 问题是你不在时谁照管孩子。(The problem is who will take care of the children while you are away.) 4) 看起来天要下雨。(It looks that it is going to rain.) 请注意辨析another 和other: another由 an+other构成,只和单数可数名词连用。other可用于所有名词前。another+单数名词表示不定的“另一个”,the other+单数可数名词表示特指的“另一个”。 请看下面的例句: 1) This idea is not very practical, will you think of another one?(这个主意不太实际,你能另想一个吗?) 2) This book is too difficult. Show me another one.(这本书太难了,给我看另外一本。) 3) Of the three books in my bag, two are published in China, the other is published in the United States.(我包里的三本书中,两本是中国出版的,另一本是美国出版的。) 4) Tom is here, but where are the other boys?(汤姆在这儿,其他的男孩在哪儿呢?) 5) I like this coat better than the other one.(两件上衣中,我更喜欢这一件。) 6) This camera is more expensive than the other one.(这架照相机比另一架贵。) boiling hot意思是“滚热的,酷热的”。此处的boiling不是形容词而是副词,表示热的程度,修饰hot. 5. Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth. 此句中,that引导的名词性从句作形容词的补足语。例如: 1) I am afraid that I can not finish the article in two hours.(我担心我两小时内写不完这篇文章。) 2) He was afraid that he couldn't give you a definite answer.(他担心他不能给你一个明确的答复。) 3) I am afraid that I have made a mistake.(我担心自己犯了一个错误。) 4) We are confident that we can overcome all the difficulties.(我们相信自己能克服所有的困难。) 对“be + 形容词 + that引起的从句”这类结构,语法家们有的认为that从句做宾语用,有的认为that从句做状语用。根据句子的逻辑意义来判断也许比较方便一些。如:I'm sorry that you failed the exam again. 这个句子中的that从句起状语作用,相当于“…because you failed the exam again.” 6. The Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific,… 在第一单元中我们讨论过副词的同等比较。本句中as big as 则是形容词的同等比较。在这类句子中,可以有表示程度的状语。例如: 1) This book is not half as interesting as that one.(这本书还不如那本书一半有趣。) 2) My monthly income is only half as much as his.(我的月收入只有他的一半多。) 3) This year our university will enroll three times as many students as it did the year before last.(我们学校今年的招生人数将是前年的三倍。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) 我的英语口语还不及你的一半流利。(My spoken English is not half as fluent as yours.) 2) 这只手提箱还没有那只手提箱一半重。(This suitcase is not half as heavy as that one.) 3) 这个房间是那个房间的两倍。(This room is twice as large as that one.) 7. But suppose no more rain fell into it and no more water was brought to it by rivers. suppose 常常做动词用,意思是“假定;猜想;认为”。例如: 1) Let's suppose it to be true.(让我们假定这是真的。) 2) I suppose he is very nervous.(我猜想他很紧张。) 3) I supposed him to be an honest man, but he often tells lies.(我以为他很诚实,他却经常说谎。) 在本句中suppose(也可以用supposing)是一个连词,意思是“假设(= if);假使…结果会怎么样”。例如: 1) Suppose he is ill, what shall we do?(假如他病了,我们怎么办?) 2) Suppose a tiger should come out of the cage?(如果一只老虎从笼子中跑出来怎么办?) 3) Suppose something should go wrong?(如果出了什么问题会怎么样?) 8. It would take the ocean about 4000 years to dry up. it takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 是很常用的一个句型。例如: 1) 我骑自行车到学校要花半小时。(It takes me half an hour to get to school by bike.) 2) 他花了两个星期时间才看完那本书。(It took him two weeks to finish reading that book.) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) It took the boy three hours to finish his homework.(那个男孩花了3小时才写完作业。) 2) It takes less than 4 hours to get to Shanghai by train from Nanjing.(从南京乘火车到上海只要不到4小时。) 3) 他花了4天时间才走出密林。(It took him 4 days to go out of the forest.) 4) 照顾一个生病的老人要花许多时间。(It will take a great deal of time to look after a sick old man. 9. On the average the water is a little more than two miles deep, but in places it is much deeper. on the average在句子中的意思是“平均而言”。例如: 1) On the average, they drove 70 miles an hour.(他们平均每小时行驶70英里。) 2) On the average, they spend 20 yuan on food every day.(他们平均每天花20块钱吃饭。) a little 在句子中修饰more,表示程度,意思是“一点儿,稍许”。much在句子中修饰deeper,也表示程度,加强形容词比较级,意思是“…多”。例如: 1) I feel a little cold.(我觉得有点冷。) 2) He spent a little more than 20 yuan yesterday.(昨天他花了20块多一点儿。) 3) I feel much better now.(我现在感觉好多了。) 4) She is much more careful this time.(她这一次细心多了。) 请翻译下面的句子: 1) 干了一天的工作,我觉得有点累。(I feel a little tired after a day's work.) 2) 她对她的同学有点不友好。(She is a little unfriendly to her classmates.) 3) 听了那个消息他开心多了。(He was much happier after hearing that news.) 10. This “deep” measures 30,246 feet——almost 6 miles (9.6km)。 本句中的deep做名词用,意思是“深处”,“海渊”(水深超过3000英里)。 measure 在句子中做动词用,意思是“测量”,“有…深”。例如: 1) This room measures 10 metres across.(这个房间宽10米。) 2) The bridge measures 17 kilometres long.(这座桥长17公里。) 3) The water tank only measures 2 metres deep.(这只水箱只有2米深。) 11. One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises from the floor of the Atlantic. 本句中的 longest与课文前几段中出现的narrowest,saltiest,deepest一样,都是形容词的级形式。因为这几个词是单音节词或是以元音结尾的双音节词,所以,级的构成是在词尾加-est.对于大部分两个音节以上的形容词,级的构成是在形容词前面加most.请看例句: 1) He wants to make everybody believe that he is the happiest person in the world.(他想使每一个人相信他是世界上最幸福的人。) 2) This is the strongest horse I have ever seen.(这是我所见过的壮的马。) 3) The boss wanted to find the most careful employees.(老板想找最细心的雇工。) 4) 黄山是我所知道的最美的山之一。(Yellow Mountain is one of the most beautiful mountains I have ever known.) 5) 这条高速公路是中国最长的。(This express way is one of the longest in China. ) 6) 这本书是三本书中最有意思的。(This book is the most interesting of the three.) rise 是一个不及物动词,在句子中的意思是“升起;隆起”。例如: 1) The sun rises in the east.(太阳在东方升起。) 2) Give the child some medicine, his temperature is rising.(给孩子服药,他的体温在升高。) 3) The mountain peak rises above the clouds.(山峰高耸入云。) 请注意区别以下动词: 1) rise 不及物动词 (起立;上升,高耸;浮现) The old lady rose to her feet when she heard the doorbell. The tower rises to a height of 70 feet. An idea rises in my mind. 2) raise 及物动词 (举起;养育;提高;召集) If you have any questions, please raise your hands. When Father was in the army, Mother had a hard time raising three children. The management promised to raise the workers'salary after the negotiation. He failed to raise the money for his father's heart operation. 3) arise 不及物动词 (升起;出现;由…引起) Heavy smoke arose beyond the mountain. New problems arise when old ones are solved. His illness arose from malnutrition. 4) arouse 及物动词 (唤醒;激起,引起) The noise outside aroused him from sleep. The music aroused a feeling of homesickness in him. floor在句子中的意思是“海底”。在其他语言环境中,floor当然有其他的意思。如; 1) He lives on the seventh floor.(他住在7楼。) 2) The wood floor gives a feeling of warmth in the winter.(冬天时,木地板给我温暖的感觉。) 3) He was given the floor at the meeting.(他在会上得到了发言权。) 4)He decided to floor the kitchen with plastic tiles.(他决定用塑料砖铺厨房地面。) 12. The tops of a few of the mountains reach up above the sea and make island top 在句中做名词用,意思是“顶部,山顶”。例如: 1) He was the first to climb to the top of the hill.(他第一个爬上山顶。) 2) When we stand on the top of the mountain, the whole city is in sight.(我们站在山顶时,整个城市尽收眼底) 请翻译下面的句子,注意top的词类和意思: 1) He shouted at the top of his voice.(他放声高叫。)-n. 2) He is running at the top of his speed.(他正以最快的速度奔跑。)-n. 3) He is the top student in the class.(他是班上的尖子学生。)-adj. 4) This is the top news of the week.(这是本周的头条新闻。)-adj. 5) His father is a top diplomatic advisor.(他父亲是高级外交顾问。)-adj. 6) Mother is going to top the cake with cream.(妈妈准备在蛋糕上浇奶油。)-v. 7) He tops his father by half a head.(他比父亲高出半个头。)-v. 8) She needs a new skirt to match her top.(她需要一条新裙子配她的上衣。)-n. 与top有关的词组: come out top(名列前茅) come out on top(出人头地) from top to bottom(从上到下,彻底地) from top to toe(从头到脚;完全) on top of the world(非常幸福;心满意足) 13. Several hundred miles eastward from Florida there is a part of the ocean called the Sargasso Sea. called the Sargasso Sea 是修饰ocean的定语从句,在其前省去了which is. 请看下面的例句: 1) Opportunities are often thing (that) you have not noticed the first time around. (机会常常是第一次出现时没有被人们注意到的东西。) 2) There is much (that) the little boy can do.(有许多是那小男孩能做。) 3)He is the right person (that) I want to discuss the problem with.(他正是我想与其讨论这个问题的人。) 14. In the days of sailing vessels the crew were afraid they would be becalmed here. Sometimes they were. days常常指“时期,时代”,有时也表示“一生;生命”。请看例句: 1) In his boyhood days, he often went swimming and fishing with his friends.(在他的童年时代,他常常和伙伴们一起游泳,钓鱼。) 2) In the days of Queen Victoria, the British colony expanded rapidly.(在维多利亚女王时代,英国殖民地迅速扩张。) 3) He has experienced a lot of hardships in his days.(他一生中吃了许多苦。) crew是一个集合名词,指“全体船员”,后面的谓语动词可以用单数也可以用复数,此句中谓语动词用的是复数were,因为从句子中可以推断出是许多vessels(船)上的船员。Sometimes they were.句子中省略becalmed. 15. The Atlantic furnishes much food for the people on its shores. furnish sth. to sb. 意思是“为…提供”,我们同样可以用furnish sb. with sth.来表达这个意思。例如: They furnished blankets and food to the refugees.(他们为难民供应毯子和食物。) No one expected that he would furnish the information to the opponent.(谁也没有料到他会把消息提供给对手。) Luckily, they have furnished us with a car and all the necessary maps.(幸运的是他们为我们提供了一辆汽车和所有必要的地图。) 16. One of its famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland. the Grand Banks在句子中做同位语。请看下面的例句: 1) This theory was advanced by Einstein, a famous scientist.(这个理论是由科学家爱因斯坦提出的。) 2) This is Mr. Benjamin, dean of our department.(这是我们系主任本杰明先生。) 3) Qinghai Lake, the largest inland body of salt water in China, lies 3,198 metres above sea-level.(中国的内陆咸水湖青海湖海拔3,198米。) 本课主要词组及句型 词组: 1. separate from 2. keep sb. from doing sth. 3. be unwilling to do sth. 4. between A and B 5. make sth unusual 6. so…that 7. dry up 8. on the average 9. rise from 10. furnish sth for sb. 11. pile up 12. from…to 句型: A.定语从句: 1) The Atlantic is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New. 2) Ocean currents affect the climates of the land near which they flow. B.表语从句: 1) One idea was that it reached out to “the edge of the world”。 2) Another idea was that at the equator the ocean would be boiling hot. C.结果状语从句: 1) There is so much water in the Atlantic that it is hard to imagine how much there is. 2) We now have such fast ways of travelling that this big ocean seems to have grown smaller. D.形容词的比较级和级: 1) The Atlantic is only half as big as the Pacific, but still it is very large. 2) It is more than 4,000 miles wide where Columbus crossed it. 3) Even at its narrowest it is about 2,000 miles wide. 4) Also, it is the world's saltiest ocean. 5) The deepest spot is near Puerto Rico. E.be one of+复数名词 The Atlantic Ocean is one of the oceans that separate the Old World from the New. F.it takes sb. some time to do sth. It would take the ocean about 4,000 years to dry up. 地理名称 1.(七)大洲和(四)大洋 Asia (亚洲) Europe(欧洲) Africa(非洲) North America(北美洲) South America(南美洲) Oceania (大洋洲) the Antarctic(南极洲) The Atlantic(大西洋) the Pacific(太平洋) the Indian(印度洋) the Arctic(北冰洋) 2.常用词 continent (大陆) continental shelf(大陆架) subcontinent(次大陆) iceberg(冰山) mountain range(山脉) volcano(火山) delta (三角洲) waterfall(瀑布) gulf(海湾) straits; channel(海峡) coast line (海岸线) beach(海滩) 3. 大西洋之最 1) The Atlantic is the second largest ocean in the world 2) The Atlantic is the saltiest ocean in the world 3) Puerto Rico Trench is the deepest in the Atlantic Ocean. 4) Gulf Stream is the strongest warm water current in the Atlantic Ocean. 5) The Grand Banks near Newfoundland is the most prosperous fishing region in the world. 6) The drainage area of the Atlantic is four times that of the Pacific or the Indian. 2. 主要属海和岛屿 the Mississippi 密西西比河 the Hudson 哈得逊河 the Amazon 亚马逊河 the Congo 刚果河 Baffin Bay 巴芬湾 the Nigeria 尼日利亚河 the Rhine 莱茵河 the Caribbean Sea 加勒比海 the Mexican Gulf 墨西哥湾 the Hudson Bay 哈得逊湾 the Mediterranean Sea 地中海 the Black Sea 黑海 the North Sea 北海 the Baltic Sea 波罗的克海 Iceland 冰岛 Greenland 格陵兰岛 Faeroe Islands 法罗群岛 Shetland Islands 设得兰岛 Bermudas 百慕大群岛 Azores 亚速尔群岛 Grenada 格陵纳达岛 Antilles 安的列斯群岛 Trinidad Islands 特里尼达群岛 Malvinas Islands 马尔维纳斯群岛 Bahamas 巴哈马群岛 Text B The Moon 短语表达 1. tie to(与…联系在一起;使束缚于…) He is seriously ill and has been tied to his bed for almost a month.(他病得厉害,已经卧床近一个月了。) Study ties smoking to many diseases.(据研究,许多疾病与抽烟有关。) I am sorry I didn't have the time to go shopping with you. I was tied to housework.(很抱歉我没能有时间和你一起去购物,家务杂事把我拴住了。) 2. except for(除了…之外) The room is empty except for some chairs.(房间里除了一些椅子空荡荡。) Your composition is well written except for some spelling mistakes.(除了几处拼写错误,你的文章写的不错) 3. be near to(靠近) The park is near to our school. Let's go boating.(公园离我们学校很近,我们去划船吧。) The police station is near to our community. It is within walking distance. (警察局离我们社区很近,步行就能到达。) 4. face towards(朝向) My office is in the building that faces towards the street.(我的办公室在那座朝街的楼里。) His new house faces towards the south.(他的新房子朝南。) 5. keep…in mind(把…记在心里) I am not sure if he would keep what you have said in mind.(我不能肯定他是否会把你说的话记在心里。) I will keep this in mind for future reference.(我会记住这个,供以后参考。) 6. light up(变亮;使容光焕发) Her face lighted up when she heard the news.(听到那个消息,她面露喜色。) His face was lighted (lit) up with excitement.(他因兴奋而满面春风。) 7. reflect(反射) Mirrors reflect light.(镜子反射光。) The white sand reflected the sun's heat(白沙地反射太阳的热气。)。 The light reflected from the water into my eyes.(光线投过水面反射到我眼里。) 8. …enough for sb. to do sth.(足以让某人做某事) The room is big enough for us to have a dancing party.(这间房够大了,我们可以在里面开舞会。) The basket is light enough for the little boy to carry.(这只篮子很轻,那个小男孩能提动。) 9. speak of(提到,说起) I have never heard him speak of his past.(我从来没有听他提起他的过去。) She always looks proud when she speaks of her son.(说到她的儿子她总是很自豪的样子。) 10. otherwise(不然;另外的) He reminded me of what I might otherwise have forgotten.(他提醒了我,不然我可能会忘记那件事。) He is a little careless, but he is otherwise quite suitable for the job.(他有点粗心,除此以外,他倒是很适合这个工作的。) He is honest, but his twin brother is otherwise.(他很诚实,而他的孪生兄弟则不然。) 11. nothing but(仅仅,除了…之外没有什么) There is nothing but a piece of bread in the cupboard.(食橱里除了一片面包什么也没有。) He asked for nothing but trust.(除了信任,他什么要求都没有。)

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没必要 可以去百度查你们英语重点要发现的知识点,然后认真的背下来,这样子就可以了, 望采纳

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