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Unit13(第38讲—第40讲) 15、effective adj. 有效果的,有成效的 1) We have to take effective measures to control pollution. (我们得采取有效措施控制污染。) 2) I hope the medicine can be effective. (我希望这药有效。) 本课简介 态度友善、衣着得体、热切助人的保险代理人的来电或造访常令美国人不安,甚至戒备,这是为什么呢?本文作者列举了美国人不愿谈论保险的三个原因。其一是保险昂贵,各类保险成了大多数美国家庭的一大花费;其二是保险总令人想到自己生活于其中的世界充满了不安全因素。人们得面对疾病、伤害、死亡、经济损失等种种不幸;其三是保险是一个困难而复杂的问题,能完全弄明白这个问题的人少而又少,掩饰无知的方式是避免谈论。然而,这正是由于上述三个原因,人们有必要对保险问题多多了解,才能成为明智的消费者,才能理智地正视保险问题,才能避免成为“保险盲”。 本课主要语言点 1. Yet few Americans really enjoy visiting with these eager, helpful men and women. 在前一单元中,我们已讲到过few 通常否定,意思是“很少的,几乎没有的”,本句中的few 同样表示否定意味。 动词enjoy 的后面跟名词或者动名词,不能跟动词不定式,如: 1)He enjoys classical music. (他喜欢古典音乐。) 2)She enjoys going to concerts. (她喜欢赴音乐会。) 3)Painting is something that Mary really enjoys doing. (画画是玛丽真正喜欢做的事。) visit with 是美国用法,意思是“访问;在…处做客、逗留”,如: 1)She will come and visit with you for a few weeks. (她会来你这儿做客住上几个星期的。) 2)He hasn't visited with his uncle since 1990. (他从1990年至今没有拜访过他叔叔。) eager 是一个形容词,通常用于词组 be eager to do sth. 1) They are eager to get the information. (他们急切地想得到那信息。) 2)The little boy was eager to tell his parents that he won the first prize.(那个小男孩急切地想告诉父母他得了一等奖。) 2.We are on guard when they visit our homes. guard 这个词既可做名词用,也可做动词用。做名词用时,意思是“看守;守卫;警惕;”做动词用时,意思是“保卫,保护;看守。” 1)He works as a door guard for that company. (他在那家公司做门警。) 2)They will give him an armed guard. (他们会给他配备一队武装卫兵。) 3)I was immediately on guard when father mentioned that incident. (父亲提起那件事,我就立刻提防起来。) 4)Police were sent to guard his house. (警察被派去守卫他的房子。) 5)She had been locked in her room and guarded day and night. (她被锁在房间里日夜看守着。) 6)The old man told his son to guard against conceit. (那位老人嘱咐他的儿子谨防骄傲。) 3.Three reasons why we are unwilling to discuss insurance can be suggested. 本句的主要成份是:Three reasons can be suggested. Why引导的是一个定语从句,修饰reasons.如: 1)The reason why she refused my help is unknown. (没人知道她拒绝我的帮助的原因。) 2)The room where Mary used to live has been painted blue. (玛丽曾经住过的那个房间已被漆成了蓝色。) 3)The day when John came was cold. (约翰来的那天很冷。) 4. In effect, they pay as much for the insurance as they do for the car itself. in effect 意思是“实质上;实际上”,如: 1)They have in effect been severely punished. (他们实际上已受到严厉惩罚。) 2)In effect, she has no choice. (实际上她没有选择。) 3)What in effect I'm saying is that he couldn't keep his promise. (我实质上要说的是,他不可能信守诺言。) 请注意pay和spend两个动词的用法: 1)He paid 100 yuan for that used bicycle. (他出100元买那辆旧自行车。) 2)He spent 100 yuan on that used bike. 5. Insurance also reminds us that we live in an unsafe world. 在词汇部分,我们已讲过remind这个词的词意及用法,再巩固一下: remind sb. of sth. 1) I remind him of his promise. (我提醒他许下的诺言。) 2)Her smile reminds me of her mother.(她的微笑使我想起了她的母亲。) remind sb. about sth. 1) Don't forget to remind him about the meeting. (别忘记提醒他开会的事。) 2)He called to remind me about the return ticket. (他打来电话提醒我回程票的事。) remind sb. to do sth. 1) Remind me to turn off the computer. (提醒我关电脑。) 2)Mother reminded him to air the quilt when it is fine. (母亲提醒他天气好时晒晒被子。) remind + 从句 1)I was reminded how his attitude had changed. (我注意到他的态度改变了。) 2)Remind his that he has to go to the parents' meeting. (提醒他去参加家长会。) 6.…in our hearts we hope that we might be spared. spare做形容词用时,意思是“多余的;空闲的;俭朴的”。如: 1)In his spare time he wrote some short stories. (他用余暇写了一些短篇故事。) 2)Sorry, I don't have any spare cash. Can I write a check? (对不起,我没有多余的现钱,我可以开支票吗?) 3)He is keen on this spare lifestyle. (他喜欢这种俭朴的生活。) 在本句中,spare用作动词,意思是“饶恕;使免遭”。如: 1)He begged them to spare his life. (他求他们饶他一命。) 2)You may spare yourself the trouble. (你不必找此麻烦。) 3)Call him and spare yourself a visit. (给他打个电话,省得你自己跑一趟。) spare 也可以表示“抽出时间;出让”。如: 1)Can you spare me 5 minutes? (你能抽出5分钟时间给我吗?) Spare me 50 yuan and I will return the money on payday. (借给我50元钱,发工资那天我就还你。) 7. …We would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch. 在world rather 后面应用动词的原形形式。如: 1)I would rather stay at home. (我宁愿呆在家里。) 2)He would rather go and play football than go to the cinema. (他宁愿去踢足球,而不愿去看电影。) 3)I would rather you didn't tell me the truth. (我宁愿你没告诉我真话。) 在第三句中,would rather 后面跟的是从句,从句中的动词用虚拟语气形式。 what we had for lunch意思是“午饭吃了什么”。如: 1)What did you have for breakfast? (你早饭吃了什么?) 2)I had nothing but a cup of coffee for breakfast. (早饭我只喝了一杯咖啡。) 8.Neither should we depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance. 当否定词放在句首时,句子通常用倒装。如: 1)Never in my life have I seen such a beautiful place. (我一生中从没见过这么美丽的地方。) 2)Tom doesn't like pop music. Neither does his wife. (汤姆不喜欢流行音乐,他妻子也不喜欢。) 3)In no case will he give up the experiment. (无论如何他都不会放弃那个试验。) 4)Not only was he a teacher, but also a poet. (他不仅是一位教师,还是一位诗人。) 9.It is better that we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them than to just hope that they will somehow go away. plan 一般可用作及物动词,而本句中的动词plan 作不及物动词用。 1)We will plan our weekend at noon. (中午时我们将安排周末的活动。) 2)I planned to go and meet him at the station. (我打算去车站接他。) 3)We should plan for our future. (我们应该筹划未来。) deal with意思是“处理,对付;论述” 1)This is a book dealing with the skills of reading, writing and speaking. (这是一本论述读、写、说技能的书。) 2)The man is difficult to deal with. (那人很难打交道。) 3)There will be a lot of difficulties to be dealt with when you start your own business.(你开始自己做生意时会有许多困难要克服。) 10.Quite the opposite 本句的意思是“恰巧相反”,有时我们也可以用just the opposite.如: They are very excited. I am quite the opposite. (他们很兴奋,我则恰好相反。) 本课主要词组 1. be interested in2. be eager to 3. be of help4. visit with 5. be on guard 6. at best 7. be unwilling to 8. first of all 9. a sum of10. pay for 11. in effect12. remind…of 13. would rather 14. depend on 15. look…in the face 16. plan for 17. deal with18. go away 19. neither…nor Text B What is money and what are its functions? 短语表达 1. be familiar with I am not familiar with the book he mentioned in his lecture. 2. throughout He never stopped learning throughout his life. We want to make this place known throughout the world. 3. a number of A number of ways have been suggested to control air pollution. A number of students have applied for this part-time job. 4. rule out The regulations rule out anyone under the age of 16. The possibility of suicide has been ruled out. Heavy rain ruled the match out for that day. 5. search for The police are still searching for survivors of the plane crash. They are searching the wood for the lost child. 6. worth This bike is worth 250 yuan. I don't think a two-day vacation is worth much. 7. respond to How did he respond to what you said? 8. rather than He is a writer rather than a teacher. Rather than cause trouble, he left. 9. in terms of She was asked to express her idea in terms of science. We usually measure the value of material goods in terms of money. 10. be conscious of I was not conscious of what was happening. He was not conscious of his mistake. 11. convert to Water can be converted to electricity. He wanted to convert the US dollars to RMB.

348 评论(13)


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