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一单选 一单选( 以下英文给的是选项的内容,请参照作答,文字万能版本,防止题支选项顺序调换)1 routine --habit 2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points 6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A 2、 It is ……A 3、 Unexpectedly ……C 4、 A good manager ……C 5、 Everything ……C 6、 Besides ……B 7、 The biologist ……B 8、 Scientists ……A 9、 ——,jane is ……D 10、——I admire ……D 二、完型 Courage is an essential attribute in、learning a foreign language。…… 11-----20 DABCB, ABDCB 三、阅读 段落一 Karen was 14,depressed and not doing well at school。…… 21------25 CDBDD 段落二 the amount of time kids spend online is a source of frustration for many parents。…… 26------30 AABCD 段落三 American scientist have found that some birds are more intelligent than believed。…… 31-----35 AAABD 四、单词翻译 36、古代的、古老的ancient 37、生涯、经历career 38、毁坏、损伤damage 39、特别、尤其especially 40、渐渐的、逐步的gradually 41、车库garage 42、诚实的、正直的honest 43、保险、保险金insurance 44、汁、液juice 45、商人merchant 46、谈判、协商negotiate 47、发生、出现our 48、停止、放弃quit 49、包围、环绕surround 50、薪金、薪水salary 51、治疗、对待treatment 52、技术、技巧technique 53、美德virtue 54、值得做的worth 55、屈服、屈从yield 五、变换格式 56、(bee)bee 57、(curious)curiosity 58、(watch)watching 59、(be)was 60、(expect)expectation 61、(agree)agreeable 62、(crowd)crowded 63、(rich)Enrich 64、(praise) has been praised 65、(appear) appeared 五、翻译 66、我们都被大自然的美深深的吸引住了we are deeply impressed with the beauty of nature 67、如果想省钱,你就不要买那块昂贵的表。If you want to save money ,do not buy the expensive watch 68、那篇小说是她创作时心情的真实反映。The novel really reflects his mood when he wrote it 69、应歌迷要求,年轻歌手又唱了一首民歌。The young singer sang a folk song again at the fans request 70、一些科学家认为需要有更多的资料才能证明这一事实。Some scientists believe that more data car prove the reality. 六、翻译短文 每种文化都有自已的理想行为,美国也不例外。在那里,孩子们被鼓励要开放、直接。美国人认为开放是诚实的表现,他们对于 沉默和保守提出怀疑。他们觉得你一定在隐藏什么如果你没说出来。他们觉得由于沉默而受威胁,这一点他们不相信也不理解。 然而,许多其它文化并不看重开放和直接。事实上,他们不喜欢这些品质因为对它们而言,开放和直接孩子好像很粗鲁。 在它信眼里不像成人的行为。那么并不令人吃惊的是许多种文化的误解也由于开放和直接所致

1.DCBAC 6.ADBAD 11.CADBA 16.CBABB 21.BACDA 26.DDBCC 31.DACCA 36.ability 37.boast 38.cancel 39.dangerous 40.excessive 41.facility 42.graze 43.hardly 44.involve 45.lawyer 46.major 47.national 48.operation 49.perate 50.refuse 51.survival 52.technique 53.upstairs 54.veteran 55.winner 56.careless 57.frightened 58.explosive 59.are finding 60.strength 61.is covered 62.were 63.planned 64.asleep 65.paint 66.Computer can help solve many problems in scientific research. 67.Good books is the result of hard work. 68.The problem is whether she can overe these difficulties by herself. 69.Everybody who heard that news jumped in excitement. 70.You will sueed as long as you don't lose heart. 每个人都赞成孩子的语言学习是从听开始的。当然,每个孩子在开始讲话前所听的数量是有很大不同的,会说话比较晚的孩子都是听的比较长的时间。大多数孩子在他们能够说话前都是顺从一段时间语言指示。在他们会说话前,很多孩子都是通过手势或者噪音来问问题。事实证明他们喜欢做噪音,在前几个月一两种噪音被认为是高兴,失望,交往等等的特别指示。但是三个以上的噪音就不能被认为是孩子要交往,他们几乎不会被认为是语言的早期形式。大家一致同意孩子们从三个月开始,就会用声音来表达开心,六个月的时候就能在他们的语言中增加一些新的声音。这种自我模仿都会导致孩子们故意模仿对他们发出的声音或者话语。这些模仿能被认为是说话吗?

答案在网上是找不到的 你可以买本北大燕园的测试卷做下 上面也有例年的试卷及答案的

43223 34123 41422 21333 24414 23141 13234 36abroad37adverse38enpire39cerenony40density42april43outlook44tighten45consume46mixture47fruitful48vision49nitrogen50unixersal51license52intention53sufficient55vertical 五.完型填空 56.signin57.earlier 58.colorful 59.to speak 60have seen 61.taken 62.conversation 63.harmful64.carefully 65.consume 六.汉译英 66.People pay more and more attention to the quality of life 67.You should speak politely, naturally even if you are angry 68.Many people oppose to building a new reseaurant in the center of the city because of the high cost 69.He knows little about insurance 70.They are unconscious that they have pleted a great scientific discovery 七,将短文译成汉语 据说有一个有趣的希望实验。说的是科学家把小白鼠放进一个金鱼缸里面,直至淹死。第一次实验:100只小白鼠平均挣扎的时间是8分钟。第二次实验:重将100只小白鼠放入金鱼缸中,8分钟后科学家放下一块木版,“救”了100只小白鼠。过了几天再把这救活的100只小白鼠再放进水缸,这次平均挣扎的时间竟然是24分钟。因为它们被救了一次,它们有了希望,有了求生的欲望


一、单选题: 1、It took a few seconds for her eye to ( ) to the darkness. A:allocate B:adopt C:adjust D:apply 2、Tt is strongly held that new ( ) must be introduced to protect the light of the immigrants. A:constructions B:concessions C:meastures D:statistics 3、He was specially asked to write a play that would be ( ) to the local munity. A:flexible B:capable C:responsible D:aessible 4、The volunteers would rather go by train than ( ). A:drive B:to drive C:to be driven D:driven 5、Never before ( ) so rapidly developing as it is today. A:has been our country B:our country been has C:has our country been D:our country has been 6、Country life is better than city life ( ) it offers frash air and noiseless encironment. A:so that B:in that C:as for D:in which 7、Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prine Minister ( ) the crisis. A:handles B:conducts C:observes D:directs 二、单词 1、拥有者n.o 2、拥有、具有vt.p 3、相反的.adj c 4、下定义、解释vt.d 5、网路n.n 6、明显的adj. e 7、社会学 n. s 8、身份、统一 i 9、种族的 adj.r 10、令人厌烦的adj.b 11、和谐、协调 n.h 12、总结、概括 v.s 13、谦虚的、adj.m 14、旅行、旅程 n.j 15、八月 n. A 三、变形 1.for the (secure) of passengers,all hand bagage is carefully checked. 2.untrained and nervous,she is neverth eless (pride) and determined. 3 studies show that if workers have short but frequent breaks,they will bee more (product) 4.it is best to write abought things you have experienced (person) 5.their new advertising campaign has been very (suess) 6.the government is planning to (simple) the tax laws 7.the minister was under great (press) to resign 8.this is an (exception) case, I have never seen anything like it before. 四、翻译 1、 这就是我们去年开会的地方。 2、 由于发生了地震,这个地区的交通中断了。 3、 只有这样你才能找到一份高薪水的工作。 4、 为了通过英语考试,她不得不熬夜复习。 五、翻译、 Many people think that only child is luckly because of the material goods and attention the he or she receives.But only children have their problems ,too. For one thing ,they have no privacy .Parents always feel entitled to know everything that’s going on in an only child’s life.Also only children never have the opportuning to put the blame on a brother or sister for something they have done wrong 参考答案 1-10 B C A C B C D B A C 11-20 A B B B B C A B D C 21-25D C A B D 26-30 B D A C A 31-35B A D C D 36.使活动,使起作用vt activate 37.令人厌烦的adj boring 38.总结,概述v summary 39.讨论 discuss 40.相反的adj converse 41.网路n. neork 42.明显的adj evident 43.褪色 fade 44.种族歧视 racial 45.和谐 harmony 46.满意 satisfaction 47.身份-n identity 48.下定义,解释vt define 49.采访 interview 50.社会学 sociology 51.适度 modest 52.旅行,行程n journey 53.拥有者n owner 54.描绘 portray 55.拥有,具有vt possess 56suessful 57security 58resolving 59proud 60personally 61simplify 62aeptableed 63productable 64pressure 65exceptional 66.由于发生了强烈的地震,这个地区的交通中断了 As a result of the strong earthquake, the region's traffic has been disrupted 67.只有这样你才能找到一份高薪的工作。 This is place where our last meeting has taken place. 68. 如果我不是忙着找工作,我可能已经看到你 If I was not busy looking for work, I might have e to see you 69.为了通过英语考试,他不得不熬夜复习 In order to test the adoption of English, he had to stay up all night to review 70.只有这样你才能找到一份高薪的工作 So long as can you get a job of higher salary 71许多人认为独生子女幸运的。因为她/他享受优越的生活环境和细心的照顾。但是,独生子女也有困扰,首先,他们没有私人空间。父母总感觉有义务知道孩子所发生的一切,其次,只有一个孩子则当他们做错事情时,不能把责任推卸给姐和哥。再次,独生子女会没有哥姐的陪伴,他们可能孤单,而且他们在以后的生活中可能因交朋友产生困扰。因为他们不能学到和兄妹很好的交往 由于独生子女享有的物质和受到的观注,很多人认为他们很幸运.但是独生子女也有他们自己的问题.其中一个就是他们没有隐私.父母总是觉得有权利知道孩子发生的任何事情.同时,独生子女也没有机会在他们做错事的时候,把责备推到兄妹身上.第三,独生子女没有兄妹的陪伴.他们可能会很孤独,他们在以后的生活中可能也会在交朋友方面遇到麻烦,因为他们从来没有学会怎么与兄妹很好的交往.



你知道吗?阅读二的阅读理解这个难啊!竟然是英语6级的原题1999年左右的!我这只有阅读理解后3篇的答案, 11—15 BDABD 16—20 DBCAC 21—25 ABCBA

全部的答案只有最新版的燕园模拟试题后面的 历年真题(2008的)才有!资源有限!

97 评论(12)


全国2011年10月高等教育自学考试语言与文化试题课程代码:00838Ⅰ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement. (20%)1. In its broad sense culture is ______ Whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. ()A. social organizations B. the features of the worldC. the attributes of man D. human development2. ______ is,perhaps,the best known subject in which the interaction between language,thought and culture is investigated. ()A. Nonverbal communication B. Intercultural communicationC. Verbal communication D. Translation3. Culture is a loan word from . ()A. French B. LatinC. Roman D. Norwegian4. “Greenhouse” in English and “温室” in Chinese differ in their ______ meaning. ()A. social B. conceptualC. thematic D. reflected5. ______ is a grammatical category of nouns in English,as illustrated by the simple sentence “We are students”. ()A. Person B. CaseC. Number D. Degree6. Westerners tend to be ______ thinkers. ()A. holistic B. subjectiveC. analytic D. objective7. When English speaking people part,they are expected to say“ ______”. ()A. It’s nice to have met you B. I am pleased to meet youC. Thank you very much D. You are welcome8. If a compliment comes to a westerner for his good Chinese,he would reply“______ ”. ()A. No. No. That’s not true B. Thank you for encouraging meC. Sorry,I can’t speaking Chinese well D. Thank you. I am glad to hear that9. ______ contain folk wisdom rather than scientific accuracy. ()A. Idioms B. MetaphorsC. Similes D. Proverbs10. The proverb “Carry coals to Newcastle” is related to ______. ()A. navigation B. geographyC. literature D. Christianity11. The English equivalent for “开某人的玩笑” or “捉弄某人” is “______ ”. ()A. to kid somebody’s brain B. to make one’s faceC. to get one’s hand D. to pull somebody’s leg12. The colour word “______” is associated with profit in business. ()A. white B. blueC. red D. black13. “I’m disadvantaged,for I still don’t have a cent to my name. ” In the above sentence,the word “disadvantaged” means ______. ()A. unfavourable B. disagreedC. poor D. nameless14. Anything that is ______ by religion,tradition or social usage is a taboo. ()A. prohibited B. allowedC. unprohibited D. encouraged15. Man: Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? () Woman: It looks like raining. The above sentences are linked by ______. A. grammar B. lexicalC. phonetics D. meaning16. John overslept this morning. Otherwise he wouldn’t have been late for school. () The logical relationship between the above sentences is______. A. additive B. adversativeC. causal D. temporal17. The word “______” is American spelling. ()A. colour B. travellerC. metre D. defense18. Nike is the name of ______ in Greek mythology. ()A. a heroine B. the goddess of victoryC. the goddess of fortune D. a wealthy lady19. The nonverbal messages that are consistent with accompanying verbal messages,but add to or strengthen or clarify the verbal message serve the function of ______. ()A. regulating B. repeatingC. complementing D. accenting20. “Rubbing one’s thumb against one’s forefinger and middle finger” means ______ in English body language system. ()A. victory B. dirtC. OK D. moneyⅡ. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which alternatives can complete the statement. There might be more than one correct answer. (10%)21. ______can convey messages in face-to-face communication. ()A. Gestures B. Written symbolsC. Facial expressions D. Phonetic alphabets22. English words borrowed from Latin are normally used in ______ contexts. ()A. informal B. academicC. religious D. intimate23. ______ are a category of the subjunctive mood in English. ()A. Mandative subjunctives B. Formulaic subjunctivesC. Conditionals D. Assumptives24. In a telephone call,if the person wanted is not available,it is customary for the English speaking person to say “______”. ()A. Thank you for calling. B. Hold on a moment. C. May I take a message? D. Would you like to leave a message?25. English proverbs can be classified into ______ categories. ()A. Christianity B. sexismC. individualism D. metaphors26. Which of the following are metaphorical expressions about ideas? ()A. He is the father of modern biology. B. His ideas will live on forever. C. I’ve had a full life. D. Life is empty for him. 27. --- Pass me the salt. () --- Pass me the salt,please. --- Would you please pass me the salt? The above utterances are arranged in an order of increasing degrees of______. A. formality B. informalityC. politeness D. impoliteness28. In a normal text,sentences are connected . ()A. informally B. formallyC. hypotactically D. paratactically29. In Chinese newspapers,______ are not reported so frequently as in English newspapers. ()A. political achievements B. cultural achievementsC. crimes D. disasters30. Our body odours may be affected by ______. ()A. orientation of house B. exercise scheduleC. drinking water D. emotional stateⅢ. Fill in each underlined space with a proper expression. (20%)31. Value systems,world views,national traits,aesthetic standards and thinking patterns are often regarded as the central part of ______. 32. Major English speaking countries,especially the United States,are “countries on the ______”,which is illustrated by such words as “drive-ins”,“motels”,and “diners”. 33. Subjects and ______ are not so frequently omitted in English as in Chinese,as illustrated by the sentence “This book is very interesting,Would you like to read it?”34. In English speaking cultures,it is customary for the person calling or the elderly person to hang up the receiver ______. 35. “A Trojan horse” is an allusion derived from ______. 36. The English speaking people use the word “chicken” metaphorically to refer to a ______. 37. Many plant and place names such as “poker” and “Mississippi” in American English come from ______. 38. It is safe to say that Chinese advertising as a whole tends to be more ______ than English advertising. 39. The ______ zone ranges from touching to 18 inches. It is usually reserved for the very few special people in our lives who are very close to us. 40. Technical time refers to precise,scientific ______ of time counted in ordered, logical sequences. Ⅳ. Answer the following questions briefly. (12 %)41. What does the statement “Language is the carrier and container of culture. ” mean?42. Is “spiritual” a true equivalent to“精神上的”?43. How is the letter “i” pronounced differently when it occurs before “le” in American and British English?44. What does the gesture “touching or pointing to one’s own nose by raised thumb” signify in western culture?Ⅴ. Translation. (18 % )45. Men and women,old and young,all joined in the battle. 46. God help those who help themselves. 47. Many people intend to get white-collar jobs after graduation. 48. 请赐教。49. 敬请光临寒舍。50. 2011年11月1日上午8点火车将到达北京。Ⅵ. Discuss the following topics. (20 %)51. What is your interpretation of the proverb “An Englishman’s house is his castle” and people’s behaviours related to the proverb?52. How would you define “common core English” from the viewpoint of the speaking style?

184 评论(14)


Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



The Chinese language is used as native language by the greatest number of people in the world. One of the significant distinctions between Chinese and Western languages lies in that it is composed of characters rather than letters. The Chinese language is the oldest writing system still in use. In China, although people from different regions may not understand each other's dialects, they have little difficulty in communicating because Chinese characters are written in a uniform form. The Chinese language has played quite an important role in the unification of the Chinese nation in history. Nowadays, with China's rapid economic growth and increasing global influence, more and more people in other countries begin to learn Chinese.更多六级真题内容,环球青藤资讯将及时与您分享,尽请关注!

347 评论(15)


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