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346 评论(14)


The discussion about the fate of Tess in Tess of the D’UrbervillesTess of the D’Urbervilles is Thomas hardy’s representative work, as a transitional writer, his work reflect the profound changes about the social economic, politic, moral, customs and the tragic fate about the people(especially the fate of women)which caused by the capitalism intrudes England rural towns, it reveals the hypocrisy of bourgeoisie moral, legal and religion.Tess of the D’Urbervilles concentrate on the ‘character and environment. The heroine Tess while clever beauty, diligent and kind, but as a victim of she finally was on the gallows. So what's the reasons? Here we analyze her tragic fate from the following 3 aspects:�Firstly, the tragic fate of Tess first comes from the capitalist society. In the furious conflict between individual and environment, Tess's fate is inevitably miserable. Tess lived in the Victorian period as British capitalism intrude england rural countries. Though she is diligent and kind, clever beautiful girl, but as a laborer, a powerless of agricultural workers without money and social status, naturally will be affected by the capitalist society of oppression and reproach. With the capitalist invasion, those who own a small piece of land and production material of peasants are forced to, then go bankrupt. Visible, Tess's tragic fate and her economic poverty are closely linked. This is one the social reason.Secondly, Unjust laws system is also a factor in Tess tragedy. In capitalist society, the legal system are protect the exploiting class profits while oppress powerless workers. From the story, we knew that Alec is a domineering, do evil young guy, he was protected by the injustice law while the beautiful and diligent Tess was killed, it shows the underclass counteractions people in society is impossible to get treated fairly. Thirdly, Tess's destruction is closed linked with the hypocrisy of religion .Alec's characters, revealed the hypocrisy of religion. He is on the business, is a bourgeois upstarts and carnal "person". He set a trap to seduce a Tess, but using the biblical allusions to blame them. Later he was turned into a good cleric. Who advised Visible, in capitalist society, religion is the reactionary ruling class anesthesia, cheating, and a fool of working people. Marx once said: "with artificial Christian." Religion is bourgeois reproach and defiled women provided theoretical basis.Fourthly, Tess is also a victim of the bourgeoisie hypocritical moral. From the story, Angel is the representative of bourgeoisie hypocritical moral, though he is a liberal thought of intellectuals, but he has a deep psychological ingrained in traditional ethics and morality. his own dissolute behavior was forgaved by Tess, but he did not forgive Tess on the situation the fault is not Tess, but Alec. He has not a little sympathy on tess, which force tess came back to Alec. Fifthly , tess’s tragic is also related by her own personality.Tess is a brand-new woman created by hardy, she has dual personality. On the one hand, she dares to against the hypocrisy of traditional moral and religious, On the other hand, cannot completely get rid of the traditional ethics of their own. Because Tess was born in a peasant family, remaining some of the old farmer on moral and destiny view that she appeared when traditional moral against the weak side. when she treated with the secular public opinion, she also think herself is guilty. Tess, as a certain historical period of the individual, must be particular historical period of social consciousness and moral concepts, she thought and action are bound by age and social consciousness.From above all, the tragedy of Tess have social reason also have her own personality reason, but all these reasons are directly linked with the bourgeoisie society, it’s the kinds of reflects of the society. Her destroy is inevitably in the bourgeoisie society.FINISHED!

106 评论(13)



187 评论(13)



122 评论(8)


英美文学选读不难的,只考26个作家,看看以前的真题就明白怎么考了。把重要的知识点整理一下,准备好笔记本和错题集,错题集用来记录自己做错的题,笔记本记录一些容易忽略细节和重点。 做题不一定要做难题,基础是根本,每次考试不要着重在一个题目上,要放宽心态,不要急,总之,要自信,相信自己一定可以的。

113 评论(8)


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