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184 评论(11)


Learning to speak English well may be the best thing you can do to improve your life.the english language has now become an international language because it is used by people of the most countries in the world.in the open times if you want to do business with foreigners, you have to learn english, for most of them speak and write english. english is one of the working languages at international meetings. today most of the valuable books are written in english. in order to improve your knowledge, you should be able to read english. only those who read english can benefit from the reports of the meetings in the world and books written in english. english appears to be regarded as the standard language of man. if you know english you can understand people from other countries better and you can also do what you should do for the world peaceenglish is taught in most of the schools of our country, but many students don't know why they should learn it. it is hoped that all the students should pay more attention to the study of english and make good use of it.

170 评论(9)


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