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上你所在省的自考网上看下上面有个叫例年试题库的里面全部都是例次考试的试卷你可以下下来做做看Example: 1. 信封的写法在信封正面左上方写下发信人姓名、地址,在信封中间偏右一点,写下收信人的姓名、地址。姓名单独占一行,地址和名称按从小到大的顺序。一般信封的写法有两种形式,第一种为并列式(block form),即每行开头要平齐,例如:Li MingChinese DepartmentBeijing UniversityBeijing, P. R.ChinaMrs. Mary Smith26 Long StreetLondon, N. W. 16Great Britain第二种为缩进式(indented form),即每行开头都要向右推进两到三个字母,例如:Li MingChinese DepartmentBeijing UniversityBeijing, P.R. ChinaMrs. Mary Smith26 Long StreetLondon, N. W. 16Great Britain2. 信的构成英文信一般由六部分组成。下面的实例可以说明英文信的构成,实例之后还有对英文信结构的详细说明。发信人地址→Chinese DepartmentBeijing UniversityBeijing, China100030th Jan 2004Prof, Mary Smith26 Long StreetLondon, H. W. 16←收信人地址Great BritainDear Madam, ←对收信人的称呼信的正文结束语→Sincerely签名→Li Ming(1)写信人地址和发信日期写信人地址和发信日期通常写在信纸右上方,先写地址,后写日期。日期的写法英美不尽相同,以下几种写法皆可:Jan. 30, 2002 Jan. 30th, 200230th Jan. 200230 Jan, 2002(2)收信人姓名和地址收信人姓名、地址写在左上方,低于写信人地址和发信日期一至两行,一般要在收信人姓名前加上尊称或头衔,如Mr., Mrs., Prof., Director等,如:Prof. WangChinese DepartmentBeijing University(3)对收信人的称呼对收信人的称呼自成一行,写在收信人姓中、地址下面空一行外,信纸左边顶格写,称呼一般以Dear开始。(4)信的正文信的正文是信的主体部分,一般在呼语下面空两行开始写,每段的第一行都要空一个字母,正文部分既要内容完整,条理清楚,又要注意必要的礼节。(5)结束语和谦称在信的结尾处发信人对收信人往往使用一种谦称。这部分写在正文下面一至两行处,一般在信纸中间或偏右的地方写起,首字母要大写,末尾用“,”。常用谦词有:Yours truly, Truly yours, Faithfully yours, Yours faithfully, Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully, Yours lovingly, Yours, Yours ever等。(6)发信人签名信末的签名一般低于结束用语一至两行,从信纸中间偏右的地方写起。一般要签全名,除非是自己十分熟悉或亲密的人。有时,还要写上发信人的职务或头衔。另外,有时信中还有附件,这时要在信的左下角注明Encl(enclosure)或Enc.,如:Enc. Drive License附驾驶执照如果在写完信后,又有需要补充的内容,可在左下方写P. S. (postscript) 。二、英文书信实例1.求职申请信要写明你要申请的工作或职务,你的学历、能力或你的特长。求职申请信的写作要做到简单、明了,要用简洁的语言清楚地反映你的才能、成绩、经历。申请信主要用于申请入学、学术交流等。这类信件应写明本人的意愿、申请的理由。求职申请信的常用句型有:①I’d like to apply for the job (post, position) advertised...②In answer to your advertisement, I wish to apply for...③I have had the experience of...④I am very interested in (keen on) ...⑤I shall be much obliged if you will give me an opportunity for interview...⑥I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university to pursue my Ph. D. Degree.[例1]Graduate School of Stanford UniversityStanford UniversityP. O. Box 616U. S. AMay 12, 2002Foreign Affairs OfficeBeijing UniversityBeijing, P. R. ChinaDear Sirs,I am a post�graduate student at the Graduate School of Stanford University. I focus my studies on Chinese culture. Upon graduation, I would like to come to your university as an English instructor or tutor.I have been studying the Chinese Language and culture for the past two years in Stanford. I would like to continue my studies in China as an English instructor. In addition to my extensive educational background, I have computer and baseball coaching experience, which may also be of benefit to your university.Enclosed is a resume concerning my educational background.I look forward to your reply.Sincerely yours,John Smith[例2]English DepartmentBeijing UniversityBeijing, ChinaFeb. 16, 2002The Graduate SchoolHawaii UniversityP. O. Box 135Dear Sir,My name is Gao Ying. I was enrolled in English Department of Beijing University in 1994. During my four years of study, I was a top student, and received good grades in all my courses. After my graduation, I continued to study in American literature and obtained my M. A. degree in 2001.With a view to further studies, I am writing to you to apply for admission to your university to pursue my Ph. D. in the field of world literature.Thank you very much for your consideration. I am looking forward to hearing from you.Sincerely yours,Gao Ying2.邀请信一般分为正式和非正式两种。熟悉的朋友之间可采用非正式的形式,即正文用第一人称写,称呼也可以随便一些。写邀请信时要做到语言朴实,态度热情,要说明邀请的原因、活动地点和时间。用词要清晰明了;信函内容应简短,不要使用太多描绘性语言。如果要求被邀请者答复,则要在信上注明“RSVP” (“请答复” )或“Please reply”。被邀请人在收到信后应立即答复。如果接受,应先表示感谢和被邀请的喜悦心情,而且需要重复写明出席的时间和地点。如果谢绝,除了表示谢意之外,还需要表达失望或遗憾之感,然后具体说明不能履约的原因。邀请信及其回复的常用句型:①We would like to invite you to...②How about coming...③I’d be very pleased ( happy, delighted ) to accept ( come to ) ...④Thank you for your...⑤Thank you for your invitation. ...but unfortunately...⑥I am sorry but I simply can’t come...[例1]邀请信March 12, 2004Dear Wang Hong,We are planning a party to celebrate Professor Zhang�s fiftieth anniversary of this teaching career and of course we want you to come. It is next Saturday, March 23rd, at eight o�clock in the university dinner hall.I do hope you can make it. I am looking forward to seeing you.Affectionately yours,Gao Ming[例2]应邀Dear Gao Ming,I will be delighted to take part in the party on Saturday, the 23rd of March at eight o’ clock. How nice of you to ask me!I am also looking forward to seeing you and Professor Zhang.Very sincerely yours,Wang Hong[例3]谢绝信Dear Gao Ming,It was sweet of you to ask me to attend the party. But now I must regretfully write that I will be out of the city next Saturday, and I therefore can�t accept your kind invitation for the party on that day.I feel sorry to miss a meeting with you and Professor Zhang.Best wishes to you and Professor Zhang.Sincerely yours,Wang Hong3.祝贺信是表示庆祝的书信。在西方风俗习惯中,遇到重大的节假日,比如新年、圣诞节、生日等以及亲朋好友之间遇到了什么喜事都应写信致以问候或赠送礼品。贺信的写作要注意主题明确,中心突出,情感真挚但切记不要言过其实,评价要恰当,要表现出真诚的喜悦和祝贺。另外,代表单位的贺信应较为正式,措词要严谨、谦恭。祝贺信常用语:①Congratulate you on...②It was great to hear that you...③With my whole congratulations and best wishes for...④Luck and success in the coming year!⑤Please accept our best and sincere wishes for the New Year!⑥Hearty congratulations and all good wishes on this wonderful day in your life![例]March 12, 2004Dear Wang Ying,We are glad to learn that you are graduating from Beijing University and planning to find a job in a computer company in Beijing.Congratulations on the job well done while at university and good luck to you during your new career.I wish you success in all your undertakings and hope you�ll enjoy your new career.Anytime you come back home, I wish you would come to my home. Then, we may recall our old happy days. I sincerely hope you will find happiness and success in your new job.Sincerely yours,Li Ping

216 评论(14)


自考英语写作重点是什么? 一、审清题目要求 书面表达一般属控制性写作,都提供文章的文体、人物的身份、事情发生的时间、地点、文章的主旨,这些都为写作提供了依据。写作前,首先要弄清文章的体裁,才能考虑用何种语言、语气。而且,恰当的体裁也无疑会给批阅者留下好的印象。所以动笔之前,一定要审清文章的体裁和题材。书面表达常碰到的体裁有记叙文、说明文、应用文、记叙文、说明文多用书面语,而应用文多用口头语。 二、掌握中心要点 审清了文章的主题、人称以后,接着要考虑文章的内容要点了。如果题目给出了汉语提示和要求,则可仔细从中找出要点;如果是图画、图表则要仔细观察,故事性的则按图画顺序去设计故事发展情节;介绍事、物的作文应注意图画中的箭头、事物、场景及前后对比变化,同时注意图画以外的提示。然后将内容要点一一列出,再用合理的词语、句型连词成句。根据评分标准,如果书面表达人称写错,全文要另外扣除7分,而每年期末考试各年级试卷统批中,总有一批学生在这方面失分,委实令人惋惜。因此,写作之前,确立人称是审题必不可少的步骤之一。 三、正确合理地使用词语与句型 句子结构的好坏直接影响意义的表达和文章的得分。所以,写作时,学生应尽量确保使用正确的词语与句型。这就要求学生平时要多背多练,有扎实的基础。同时要让懂得,如果自己基础较差,则在写作时尽量多用自己熟悉的句型。尽量回避自己不熟悉的单词、句型,用自己有把握的短语、句型,少追求文章的华丽因为评判一篇文章的好坏,错误的多少是一个重要依据。 四、使用正确的时态、语态 正确使用动词的时态、语态是书面表达的重点。一般说来,记叙文讲的是发生了的事情,应以过去时为主。通知是将要发生的事,以事实为主。说明文、议论文阐明的是事实、论点、论据,以现在时为主。当然,也有综合时态的,如有个题目写学校新旧变化,就兼用过去时和现在时。其实写作要想得高分不难,只要把握好这些技巧,这些都将是得分的关键点。平常的话,多看一些范文,记一些常用的句型和文章模板,相信你就可以轻松应对写作了。自考/成考有疑问、不知道如何总结自考/成考考点内容、不清楚自考/成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

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210 评论(14)


大作文第一段适用于柱状图和折线图:Anyone who takes a closer look at the data in the gragh can be surprised to find a interesting phenomenon. According to the gragh, the number of A increased by 某某数字(increased to 某某数字)in 某某年, and the figure of B decreased by 某某数字(decreased to 某某数字)in 某某年, with C staying at the same level. 大第一段百分比分析:适用于饼状图或者表格The XXX(图表类型)shows/depicts/illustrates +that XXX 主题词(关键词) in (年份). According to the data provided, it is clear that 关键词1 accounts for a significant of 百分比. It is followed by 事物2, which accounts for 百分比. 事物3 takes up 百分比. And others occupy merely 百分比.大作文第三段情况一:当图表展示的是好的方面:趋势分析+展望未来Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. Accordingly, let’s get prepared to embrace this irreversible tendency.大作文第三段情况二:当图表展示的是不好的方面——提建议+展望未来As has been mentioned above, countermeasures should be taken immediately so as to reverse the grim situation. First of all, relevant regulations should be established to severely punish those who violate ___ rules deliberately, be they ___ or ___. Furthermore, a widespread education campaign is bound to be launched to inform citizens that proper rules are of benefit to ____.Only by doing so can we exist in a harmonious and disciplined society.望采纳哦~

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