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今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语二教材网盘,自考英语二真题百度网盘下载的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!谁有完整的 好的 自考英语二的视频啊 最好是那峙青的有自考英语二视频课程,视频网盘Hhilaryhappy能否增加自考《英语二》高频词汇的词书《自考英语二高频词汇.pdf》百度网盘资源免费下载?pwd=ywq9提取码:ywq9请问哪里可以买到英语自考的教材上虞哪里有?英语自考等级考试教材四买自考教材,可去自考报名的地方预订或购买。请问有那个网可以看到自考教材或者说可以买得到呢?我明天去买。在海淀图书城就有都是半价你可以和我一起去上网可一查买的教材自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

144 评论(14)


这里的是目前网上最完整的。而且还有配套的LRC。只要你的MP3支持歌词,就会显示。可以边看边读。大学英语自学教程(上)——英语二Unit1 Text A How to Be a Successful Language Learner? Text B LanguageUnit2 Text A Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes Text B AdvertisingUnit3 Text A The Atlantic Ocean Text B The MoonUnit4 Text A Improving Your Memory Text B Short�term MemoryUnit5 Text A Fallacies about Food Text B Do Animals Think?Unit6 Text A Diamonds Text B The Difference between Plants and AnimalsUnit7 Text A Families Text B The Changing American FamilyUnit8 Text A Telecommunication Via Satellite Text B What People Don�t Know about AirUnit9 Text A Learned Words and Popular Words Text B How Should You Build up Your VocabularyUnit10 Text A Scientific Attitudes Text B Solving Problems ScientificallyUnit11 Text A The Great American Garage Sale Text B American StoresUnit12 Text A How Dictionaries Are Made Text B Reading Provides Necessary Survival SkillsUnit13 Text A Insurance Text B What Is Money and What Are Its Functions?Unit14 Text A The Importance of Being Kind and Polite Text B Why We Walk in CirclesUnit15 Text A How TV Violence Affects Kids Text B Why Don�t Girls Think Like Boys?Unit16 Text A Heart Disease: Treat or Prevent Text B Dieting Your Way to HealthUnit17 Text A Panic and Its Effects Text B Sleepwalking — Fact or FancyUnit18 Text A Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top? Text B You Have a ChoiceUnit19 Text A Animals at Risk:Who Cares? Text B The Killer SmogsUnit20 Text A You Can�t Do It Because It Hurts Nobody Text B Marriage In Iran and America: A Study in ContrastsUnit21 Text A The Language of Uncertainty Text B It Never Rains but It PoursUnit22 Text A Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness Text B People and ColorsUnit23 Text A Non�verbal Communication Text B Body TalkUnit24 Text A Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations Text B Life on the TundraUnit25 Text A American Men Don`t Cry Text B Stop Worrying Now!大学英语自学教程(下)--英语二01-A. What Is a Decision?01-B. Secrets of Success at an Interview02-A. Black Holes02-B. Worlds within Worlds03-A. Euthanasia: For and Against03-B. Advantage Unfair04-A. Slavery on Our Doorstep04-B. Return of The Chain Gang05-A. The New Music05-B. Different Types of Composers06-A. Improving Industrial Efficiency through Robotics06-B. Predicting Earthquakes07-A. Leisure and Leadership07-B. The Time Message08-A. Jet Lag: Prevention and Cure08-B. Coetrolling Your Concentration09-A. Aging in European Countries09-B. Children's Self-esteem10-A. The Campaign for Election10-B. The American Two-party System11-A. Sacrificed to Science?11-B. Let's Stop Keeping Pets12-A. Let Your Mind Wander12-B. To Sleep, Perchance to Dream13-A. Work, Labor, and Play13-B. The Workman's Compensation14-A. The Teacher's Last Shocking lesson14-B. The Seeds of Wrath15-A. The Computer and The Poet15-B. Changes to Come in U. S. Education

336 评论(11)


  • 自考本科英语二教材音频百度云

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    520美食吃货 2人参与回答 2024-09-20
  • 自考英语一教材音频百度云


    拽拽小蘑菇 3人参与回答 2024-09-20
  • 自考英语一教材音频百度云盘

    自考 课件 音频 视频 我都有一些 用过都说好 自考学习音频 Q one two one seven nine seven six seven n

    xiaomakuaipao 4人参与回答 2024-09-20
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    我大旗网 6人参与回答 2024-09-19
  • 自考英语二单词音频百度云盘

    自考英语二高频词汇(打印版)(1).pdf 链接:

    可乐狗DOGS 3人参与回答 2024-09-18
