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原文我打出来了 放翻译里面去翻译下,差不了太多Most of the arts in america are a combination of ideas and influences from many sources. Tap dancing certainly fits in this category.It is truly and American art, but it has been influenced by English and Irish dance steps as well as steps from AfricasSome historians argue that tap dancing was first done by slaves on Southern plantations in North America, and that originally steps were done wearing soft-soled shoes. Irish step dancing,which also involves intricate foot patterns,contributed the movement of the free leg to one side and the swing of the elbows outward. Wooden clog shoes were worn as tap dancing evolved, but for a long time the steps were done flat-footed。Tap dancing developed into the form we recognize today int he early 20th century. Metal taps were added to dance shoes, and a number of new techniques were perfected.One of the most important was the change from the flat-footed step to dacing on the balls of the feet.This is commonly attributed to dancer Bill.Another was the "cramp roll", in which thedancer would rapidly move from the ball of the right foot to the ball of the left, and then to the heel of each foot. This separation of the steps into distinct areas of the foot, and innovation by dance John, allowd dancers to improvise even more new patterns. Slides across the floor and movements up and down stairs further enlivened tap. So relaxed arm and shoulder movements. Challenges became a common part of dance routines,with dancers competeing very hard to outperform each other with new and difficult steps.Many dancers excellened at tap and contributed to its development.

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