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正在看的自考英语是:综合英语二上册习题翻译题答案。was moving house, he gave away many of his books to his students.6 乔治喜欢把自己的过失归咎于别人。George likes blaming others for anything be himself has done wrong.7 仅仅过了半年,他就厌倦了公司职员的工作。Only after half a year, he was tired of working as a clerk in the company.8 我的教授不许我在圣诞节期间在实验室工作。My professor would not hear of my working in the laboratory during Chiristmas.9 我现在不能作出任何承担,但是我会考虑这件事的。I cannot give any commitment at the moment, but I will see about it.10 他破产了,只得求助于朋友的资助。He went bankrupt and had to go to his friends for financial help.Use find, talk and get1 在我桌上我发现了一个寻呼机。是你的吗?I found a beeper on my desk. Is that yours?2 平安到达后请给我来个电话。Please gibe me a phone call when you get to the place safe.3 我已经替你找到了一套带有家具的公寓。I have already found a furnished apartment for you4 关于如何改善雇员的工作条件,他们谈了几个小时。They talked for hours about how to improve the employees’ working conditions5 你去超市时能把我买两个柯达胶卷吗?Would you please get two Kodak roll films for me when you go to the supermarket?6 我发现住在乡下是一种很有趣的经历。I find that living in the countryside is an interesting eXPerience.7 你得想办法找人把漏水的龙头修好。You have to find someone who can fix the dripping tap.8 我到家,发现爷爷在自言自语。When I got home, I found my grandpa was talking to himself.9 老师告诉他他儿子在考试中作弊,他很生气。When the teacher told him that his son cheated at the exam, he was very angry.10 同事门到达之前,他就把一切都准备好了。Before his colleague arrived, he had got everything ready.11医生们发现每天喝点酒的人要比那些从不喝酒的人健康。Doctor find that those who drink a little very day are more healthy than those who never drink.12光说没有用,咱们还是开始干吧!There is no point in talki

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