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一、自主学习能使学生的小主人地位得到保证One, independent study can make the student's small host position is guaranteed自主学习突出了学习的主动权,课堂上不再是教师一统天下,而是学生围绕学习主题,提出问题,或共同讨论,开动脑筋,利用各种感官,自主地投入到学习中,学生成了真正的主人。Autonomous Learning highlights the initiative in learning, the classroom is no longer dominate teachers, but students learn about the subject, put forward the question, or discuss, brains, using a variety of sensory, independently into learning. Students become real masters.二、自主学习能保护并激发学生的好奇心Two, independent learning can protect and stimulate the curiosity of students好奇心是人的天性,可是在传统的教学模式中教师经常无意识地扼杀了学生的好奇心。好奇心的扼杀,直接影响到学生的学习兴趣和自主学习意识的形成。爱因斯坦说过:“我没有特别的天赋,只有对事物的好奇心。”受好奇心的驱使学生会问许多稀奇古怪的问题,教师应该给予重视和鼓励,不要害怕和阻止学生的“好问”,不要讽刺和贬低学生的“怪问”;教师要培养和表扬学生的勤于提问,不要限制和压抑学生的“多问”;教师要鼓励学生敢于提问,善于提问,而且问得颇有见地、切中要害。从根本上保护学生的好奇心。教师还应深入学科知识,创造情境,引导学生发现其中的深奥道理,激发、培养学生的好奇心。Curiosity is the nature of human nature, but in the traditional teaching mode, teachers often unconsciously stifle students' curiosity. The killing of curiosity directly affects the formation of students' learning interest and autonomous learning consciousness. Einstein said: "I have no special talent, only the curiosity of things." Curiosity drove the student will be asked many strange questions, teachers should give attention and encouragement, and don't be afraid to prevent students "good question", not irony and belittle students "strange"; teachers should cultivate and praised all of the students of diligent in question, not to restrict and suppress the students ask; teachers should encourage students to dare to ask questions and being good at asking questions, and I ask thoughtful and poignant. To protect students' curiosity at all. Teachers should also be in-depth knowledge of the subject, create situations, and guide students to discover the profound truth, inspire and cultivate students' curiosity.三、自主学习能使学生形成良好的学习品质Three, independent learning can make students form a good learning quality自主学习使学生真正成为学习的主人。学生主动掌握整个学习过程,自发、自觉地投身学习,自己对自己负责,学习的主动性会大大增强。在学习过程中,学生会很快找到适合自己的学习方法,提高学习效率,养成学生良好的学习习惯,这比学生在教师的强迫下学多少知识都更可贵。良好的学习习惯,又能保障进一步的自主学习,二者之间形成了良性循环,使学生受益无穷。在学习过程中,明确目标,开阔思路,丰富想象;需要学生根据学习情况不时调整自己的知识结构、思维方式与学习方式;需要学生具有较强的适应力和应变力;需要学生不断克服困难,不怕挫折,具有敢于怀疑,敢于成功的精神。学生在学习过程中,不知不觉地培养了良好的学习品质。自主学习,还可以使学生走出传统,走出书本,求真务实,勇于进取,乐于改革,欢迎新事物、接受新观念,充分发挥自己的潜力,尊重别人的劳动、贡献,注重效率。Autonomous learning enables students to truly become the masters of learning. Students take the initiative to master the entire learning process, spontaneous, consciously to join the study, their own responsibility for their own learning initiative will be greatly enhanced. In the process of learning, students will soon find their own learning methods, improve learning efficiency, develop good learning habits of students, which is more valuable than the students in the teacher's forced to learn how much knowledge. Good learning habits, but also to protect the further autonomous learning, the formation of a virtuous circle between the two, so that students benefit. In the learning process, clear objectives, open-minded, rich imagination; students need according to the learning situation from time to time to adjust their knowledge structure and the thinking way and the way of learning; students need has a strong adaptability and resilience; students need to continue to overcome difficulties, not afraid of setbacks, have the courage to doubt, dare to succeed. Students in the learning process, unconsciously cultivate a good learning quality. Autonomous learning, can also make the students out of the traditional and out of books, pragmatic, enterprising, willing to reform, welcome new things and accept new ideas, give full play to their potential, respect others work, contribution, pay attention to efficiency.在新课程理念下,教育的目的已不再是单纯地教给学生各类学科知识,更重要的是如何教会学生自主学习,让学生在教师的组织和引导下,掌握学习的主动权,养成自主学习的习惯,实现自我发展。Under the new curriculum idea, the purpose of education is no longer simply to teach students a variety of subject knowledge, more important is how to teach the students autonomous learning, let students under the organization and guidance of teachers, to grasp the initiative in learning, cultivate the habit of autonomous learning, self development.

213 评论(10)



122 评论(15)


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