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It is the___on Case assignment that states that a case assighor and a case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. A,case condition B,parameter C,Adjacent condition D,Adjacent Parameter 2001年10月全国自考现代语言学试题答案是CA,格条件B,参数C,毗邻条件D,毗邻参数<<现代语言学>>句法学中的原话是:Another condition is what is known as the Adjacency condition[毗邻条件] on case assignment, which states that a case assignor and a case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. 17.Theory of universal grammar 普遍语法理论Since early 1980s Noam Chomsky developed a theory of universal grammar (UG) know as the principle-an-parameters theory. UG is a system of linguistic knowledge and a human species-specific gift which exists in the mind or brain of a normal human being. UG consists of a set of general conditions, or general principles and also contains a set of parameters. 从八十年代初期开始,乔姆斯基发展了一种普遍语法理论,称为原则与参数理论。普遍语法是一个语言知识体系,是人类特有的天赋,它存在于正常人的头脑中。普遍语法包含一组广义条件,或广义原则,还包含一种参数。第四章、句法学 Syntax 16、Toward a theory of universal grammar[普遍语法理论] Since early 1980s, Noam Chomsky and other generative linguists proposed and developed a theory of universal grammar(UG)[普遍语法] known as the Principles-and-parameters theory.[原则及参数理论] General principles of Universal Grammar。One such principle, or conditon, is the case condition[格条件]. As is required by the case conditon principle, a noun phrase must have case and case is assigned by V(verb) or P(preposition) to the object position, or by AUX(auxiliary) to the subject position. Another condition is what is known as the Adjacency condition[毗邻条件] on case assignment, which states that a case assignor and a case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. The parameters of Universal Grammar。Adjacency parameter[毗邻参数]: UG is believed to contain a parameter with the values [+strict adjacency] and [- strict adjacency] set on the Adjacency Condition. Another parameter, the one that involves word order, concerns the directionality of Case assignment, known as the Directionality parameter.[方位参数] Two directionality values [rightward directionality]左向位 and [leftward directionality] 右向位。 第四章、句法学 Syntax 1、linguistic competence: Comsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language,and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 2、sentence : A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement question or command. 3、transformation rules: Syntactic movement is governed by transformational rules. The operation of the transformational rules may change the syntactic representation of a sentence. 4、D-structure : A sentence may have two levels of syntactic representation. One exists before movement take place, the other occurs after movement take place. In formal linguistic exploration, these two syntactic representation are commonly termed as D-structure. 5、Move а : Just as there is a general rule for all phrase structure rules,i,e. the X-bar schema, there is a general movement rule accounting for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement. This movement rule is called Move а 6、什么是X-标杆理论? X-bar theory is a general and highly abstract schema that collapses all phrasal structure rules into a single format: X〃→ (Spec) X (Compl). In this format, Spec stands for specifier while Compl stands for complement. This theory is capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rules and may well capture certain basic properties shared by all phrasal categories, i.e. NP, VP, AP, PP, across the languages of the world. 7、英语的句子中的三种基本类型是什么? Traditionally, three major types of sentences are distinguished. They are simple sentence, coordinate or compound sentence and complex sentence. (1) A simple sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a predicate and stands alone as its own sentence. For example, ① John reads extensively. ② Mary decided to take a linguistic class the next semester. Each of the two sentences contains a single clause and can stand structurally independent. (2) A coordinate sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word called coordinating conjunction, such as “and”, “but”, “or”. The two clauses in a coordinate sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence; neither is subordinate to the other. For example, ③ John is reading a linguistic book, and Mary is preparing for her history exam. ④ John likes linguistics, but Mary is interested in history. (3) A complex sentence contains two or more clauses, one of which is incorporated into the other. The two clauses in a complex sentence have unequal status, one subordinating the other. The incorporated, or subordinate, clause is normally called an embedded clause, and the clause into which it is embedded is called a matrix sentence. For example, ⑤ Mary told Jane [that John liked linguistics]. ⑥ [That John likes linguistics] puzzles everyone. ⑦ Mary showed interest in linguistics [after John gave her a lecture]. In the above three examples, the clauses in the square brackets are embedded clauses. They are subordinate to the clauses outside the brackets which are called matrix clauses. 8、Sentence structure The basic components of a sentence.Nomarly a sentence consists of at least a subject and its predicate which contains a finite verb or verb phrase. The referring expression is grammatically called subject.The part of a sentence which comprise a finite verb or a verb phrase and which says something about the subject is grammatically called predicate. Types of sentences:simple sentence, coordinate(compound) sentence[复合句], complex sentence 1、The simple sentence。A clause that takes a subject and a finite verb, and at the same time stands structurally alone is known as a finite clause[定式从句]. 2、The coordinate sentence.A coordinate sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word called coordinating conjunction[并列连词]. The two clauses in a coordinate sentence are structurally equal parts of the sentence. 3、The complex sentence.The incorporated, or subordinate, clause is normally called an embedded clause[从句], and the clause into which it is embedded is called a matrix clause[主句]. 1)An embedded clause functions as a grammatical unit in its matrix clause. 2)Most embedded clauses require an introductory word called a subordinator[从属连词]. 3)An embedded clause may not function as a grammatically well-formed sentence if it stands imdependently as a simple sentence unless its form changes. 9、The hierarchical structure of a sentence.Sentences are organized with words of the same syntacitc catigory, such as noun phrase(NP) or verb phrase(VP), grouped together. 10、Syntactic categories Words and phrases are organized according to the syntactic categories they belong to. Lexical category[词类]and phrasal category[词组类]. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticality belong to the same syntatic category.[可以相互替换而又不改变语法属性的成分属于同一句法类型。] Lexical categories.Major lexical categories are open categories in the sense that new words are constantly added. Minor lexical categories are closed categories because the number of the lexical items in these categories is fixed and no new members are allowed for.English has four major lexical categories and six minor lexical categories. Major: noun, verb, adjective, adverb Minor: determiner[限定词], auxiliary[助动词],preposition, pronoun, conjunction, and interjection[感叹词] Phrasal categories.In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase(NP), verb phrase(VB), prepositional phrase(PP), and adjecive phrase(AP). Grammatical relations.Grammatical relations: Awareness of a distinction between the structural and logical functional relations of constituents. We usually refer to the grammatical relations as subject of and direct object of. structural subject[结构主语] and structural object[结构宾语] Only in terms of structural concepts,the subject usually precedes the verb and the direct object usually follows the verb.logical subject[逻辑主语] means the doer of the action.logical object[逻辑宾语] means the rcipient of the action. 11、 Combinational rules Phrase structure rules The combinational pattern in a linear formula may be called a phrase structural rule, or rewrite rule[重写规则]. 1) S -> NP VP .The arrow is read as "consist of ", or "is rewritter as". The rule in 1) is read as "A sentence consist of, or is rewritten as, a noun phrase and a verb phrase." 2) NP -> (Det)(Adj)N(PP)(S) "A noun phrase consist of, or is rewritten as an optional determiner, an optional adjective, an obligatory[必用的] noun, an optional prepositional phrase, and /or optional sentence. 3) VP -> V(NP)(PP)(S) 4) AP -> A(PP)(S) 5) PP -> P NP The recursiveness of phrase structure rules [短语结构规则的循环性] .Recursive properties: An S contains a VP that may contain another S; a VP may inclued an S that contains another VP; a PP consists of an NP that may be followed by another PP; and an NP may take a PP that includes an NP and/or a S! 12、 X-bar theory XP -> (Spec[指示词]) X (Compl[补语]) A format using the symbol" (read as double bar) and '(read as single bar) can then be abstracted, given both in a tree diagram (见课本81页) and in a formula (7) 7) X" -> Spec X' X' -> X Compl 13、Synatactic movement and movement rules[句法位移和移位规则] Synatactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new positon. Synatactic movement is dictated by rules traditonall called transformational rules[转换规则]. NP-movement and WH-movement NP-movement occur when a sentence changes from the active voice to the passive voice. WH-movement is obligatory[强制性的] in English which changes a sentencd from affirmative to interrogative. 14、D-structure and S-structure A sentencd may have two levels of syntactic representation. One exists before movement takes place, named D-structure (or the deep structure[深层结构]),the other occurs after movement takes place named S-structure (roughly meaning the surface sturcture[表层结构]) Transformational-generative line of analysis: it is believed that phrase structure rules with the insertion of the lexicon, generate sentences at the level of D-structure, while the application of synatctic movement rules transforms a sentence from the level of D-structure to that of S-sturcture. phrase structure rules + the lexicon ----> D-structure ----> movement rules ----> S-structure 15、 Move α -- a general movement rule 。Move α(or move Alpha) is move certain constituent to certain place. 16、Toward a theory of universal grammar[普遍语法理论] Since early 1980s, Noam Chomsky and other generative linguists proposed and developed a theory of universal grammar(UG)[普遍语法] known as the Principles-and-parameters theory.[原则及参数理论] General principles of Universal Grammar。One such principle, or conditon, is the case condition[格条件]. As is required by the case conditon principle, a noun phrase must have case and case is assigned by V(verb) or P(preposition) to the object position, or by AUX(auxiliary) to the subject position. Another condition is what is known as the Adjacency condition[毗邻条件] on case assignment, which states that a case assignor and a case recipient should stay adjacent to each other. The parameters of Universal Grammar。Adjacency parameter[毗邻参数]: UG is believed to contain a parameter with the values [+strict adjacency] and [- strict adjacency] set on the Adjacency Condition. Another parameter, the one that involves word order, concerns the directionality of Case assignment, known as the Directionality parameter.[方位参数] Two directionality values [rightward directionality]左向位 and [leftward directionality] 右向位。 17、 linguistic competence: Comsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language,and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication. 18、 sentence : A sentence is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement question or command. 19、transformation rules: Syntactic movement is governed by transformational rules. The operation of the transformational rules may change the syntactic representation of a sentence. 20、D-structure : A sentence may have two levels of syntactic representation. One exists before movement take place, the other occurs after movement take place. In formal linguistic exploration, these two syntactic representation are commonly termed as D-structure. 21、 Move а : Just as there is a general rule for all phrase structure rules,i,e. the X-bar schema, there is a general movement rule accounting for the syntactic behavior of any constituent movement. This movement rule is called Move а 22、 syntax studies the sentence structure of language. 23、Types of sentences simple sentence, coordinate(compound) sentence[复合句], complex sentence

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