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《高级英语(三)》期末考试A卷福师2022年2月课程考试《高级英语(三)》作业考核百分 注意:全卷请在答题纸上作答,否则不得分! I. Among the four choices, choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the italicized word.(20%) 1. He tarried to tell his hostess how much he had enjoyed the party.(B) a. neglected b. attempted c. lingered d. struggled 2. He was greatly vexed by the new and unexpected development. (B) a. astonished b. annoyed c. enlightened d. contented 3. His face flushed because he had run all the way from the dormitory. (A) a. red b. shaking c. pale d. wet 4. Can you vouch for Fred’s integrity? (B) a. withdraw b. deny c. believe d. attest to 5. The crew gave an exuberant shout when the boat got under way. (D) a. stentorian b. boisterous c. enthusiastic d. shrilling 6. Unfriendly aliens may be deported. a. kept out b. sent out c. put into prison d. tried in court 7. To curtail expending: a. reduce b. increase c. plan d. disclose 8. To reproach a child: a. beat b. encourage c. praise d. blame 9. Floods abate: a. intensify b. diminish c. spread through d. rise 10. To redeem the mortgage: a. pay b. raise c. buy back d. accept 11. To censure a book: a. evaluate b. condemn c. pay for d. favor 12. The minister’s equivocal answer led to an outcry from the Opposition. a. evasive b. inalienable c. persuasive d. overriding 13. After years of delay eh problem has now become urgent. a. procrastination b. dilation c. dilution d. prolonging 14. As he got older, his belief in these principles didn’t vacillate. a. dither b. shake c. waver d. wobble 15. impeccable a. faultless b. acute c. impending d. mysterious 16. makeshift a. adaptable b. malice c. shift d. provision 17. enigma a. enormity b. clumsy c. mystery d. rapture 18. pageant a. weary b. spectacle c. heaven d. ostensible 19. hectic a. Cogent b. heinous c. feverish d. avid 20. offset a. Journey b. decline c. start d. compensate II.Fill in the blank with the proper word given (Please write down your answer on the Answer Sheet. 20%) included, excluded, like, dislike, companion, accommodation, traffic, hope for, thankful to, whatever, wherever, liners, berths I was prepared to ___1___Max Kelada even before I knew him. The war had just finished and the passenger ___2____ in the ocean-going ___3__ were heavy. ____4__ was very hard to get and you had to put up with ___5___ the agents chose to offer you. You could not ____6___a cabin to yourself and I was ___7___be given one in which there were only two__8__. But when I was told the name of my __9__, my heart sank. It suggested closed port-holes and the night air rigidly__10___. III.Translate the following paragraph into English (Please write down your answer on the Answer Sheet 30%) 跌倒的是一个女人,花白头发,衣服都很破烂。她从马路边上突然向车前横截过来,车夫已经让开道,但她的破背心没有上扣,微风吹着,向外展开,所以终于兜着车把,幸而车夫早有点停步,否则她要栽一个大跟头,跌到头破血流了。 IV. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(Please write down your answer on the Answer Sheet. 30%) I like the clutter about the place, the way everything blossomed or seeded or rusted; I like the hundred half-finished projects, the smells, and the way the animals always broke loose. It is calming to herd animals. Often a regular rodeo breaks out - two people and a clever cow can kill a morning – but still, it is calming. You laugh for a while, exhausted, and silence is restored, the beasts are back in the pastures, the fences not fixed but disgusted as if they were fixed, ensuring the animals’temporary resignation: and a great calm descends, a lack of urgency, a sense of having to invent something to do until the next time you must run and chase cattle.https:// (出处: 无忧答案网)

152 评论(10)


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考高级英语教材下册,自考高级英语真题的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考高级英语什么辅导书最好?0600高级英语教材是分上下册的。一考通的辅导是上下册一起出在一本辅导的,不够详尽。燕园是分开的。自考通也是分开上下册的。但是自考通试卷赠送串讲小本,燕园没有的。自考通的辅导每一课都是名师讲解归纳重点,然后是每一课的历年真题精选讲解,再之后是每一课的课后练习,还有复习思考题详解。答案标明在哪一页。试卷是历年考题加上预测模拟试题。试卷命中率特高。试卷还赠送串讲小本密押题。本科了应该下重点本钱了,建议辅导和试卷一起买吧,祝你早日拿到学士位哦。我也是自考生!多多交流,共同进步!关于自考本科的高级英语高级英语上册就是你在考试表上看到的“一”,高级英语下册就是你在考试表上看到的“二”,高级英语这门课程是分两次考的,正像你说的那样高级英语考试是第一次考上,第二次考下的,不用两本书一起复习。八年级下册英语教材哪里有卖北京版小学五年级下册语文课本 联系出版社的销售网点就可以,一般出版社的门口都有自己的门店哪里有全套自考英语教材音频买啊!谢啦我是在北京网校买的英语自考语音教程,由北京航空航天大学胥国红教授等主讲,主讲教材就是自考生必考的英语。一共150多课,每课45分钟,讲解非常全面,完全结合教材课程。逐课讲解。如有需要,可以单课试听。我的邮箱:wangjunsheng6688@sina.电话:地址:辽宁朝阳东风朝柴公司自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

181 评论(13)


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