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【成考快速报名和免费咨询: 】猎考网分享:2022年成人高考考试真题及答案解析-专升本《英语》 ,答案来自考生回忆,仅供参考。选择题答案:1-5 DACBB 6-10 ABDCB11-15 ADBBD 16- 20 CBAAC21 -25 CADBD 26-30 ABCBC31-35 ABCBC 36-40 DACBD41-45 BACBD 46 -50 DDDAC51 -55 BABAD 56-60 ACHED61.作文:你(LiYuan)周一因为要去参加演讲比赛,不能上外教(Professor Smith)的写作课。给他发一封E-mail内容包含:1.请假并表示歉意2.解释不能上课的原因,如比赛的重压性3.承诺会自学所缺内容并按时交作业4.祝他愉快【范文】Dear Teacher,I have a compete this Monday;, so I have to give up your important class to join this compete.lam worrying about how to improve competition,so I decide to find a enough time to improve after this compete.Please understand the reason why I asked for leave. I have prepared for this contest for a long time. The competition for the speech contest is so fierce that I need to go all out. In the face of this pressure, I have to ask for leave from the teacher and hope that the teacher will approve Ipromise that I will make up the missing course content and submit the homework in time when I come back from the competition. I hope you will approve again Your studentLi Yuan 成考有疑问、不知道如何总结成考考点内容、不清楚成考报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:

262 评论(13)


My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying. It refers to the communicative barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the development of the society, this problem becomes much more obvious. There are a variety of reasons that lead to generation gap. The key one is the fast-growing society. Different generations play different roles in the society. The different experience ends in their different views. The old generation is conservative, while the young is liberal. Hence the conflict exists. To narrow the generation gap, we are required to pay much more attention to communication. We should open our hearts and try to understand others. In addition, we should follow the rhythm of the times to enjoy the new ideas, new conception, and new things! Then we will find that generation gap is not a terrible thing. In fact, we can benefit from it.

193 评论(12)


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    My View On Generation Gap Nowadays, generation gap is a very popular saying.

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