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你只管做 管它对不对 会打多少分 那是老师的问题.你要做的是准备好.然后自信的迎接考试.我也是读英语的.我现在在学法语.因为我喜欢法国.法语刚刚学起来会很难 但到最后很容易.日语相反.还有如果你只想过二外 其他的不管,那学日语.

139 评论(10)


第一部分 英语写作基础(答案) 第一章 句子写作 1.1 句子的种类 I. 1) Is there any water in the bottle? 2) Can she sing and dance very well? 3) Has he a brother in England? Or: Does he have a brother in England? 4) Does it often rain here in summer? 5) Did you always play together at that time? 6) Who is he? 7) How many times have you been to Beijing? 8) Where do they live? 9) What does your father like very much? 10) Why did he go to school yesterday? II. 1) “Shall we go by bus or by train?” “Better go by train.” 2) “Are we going to have the meeting today or tomorrow?” “Tomorrow.” 3) “You are not ready, are you?” “No, I am not.” 4) We can’t take these books out, can we?” “No, we can’t” 5) Take care not to catch cold. 6) Speak a little slower. I can’t follow you. 7) Let’s not waste our time arguing about it. 8) How pretty you are in that skirt! 9) What a beautiful city Hangzhou is! 10) How I miss my parents! III. 1) She has not had her lunch. 2) I was too excited to say a ward. 3) None of the problems is difficult. 4) You can find this kind of mobile phone somewhere. 5) He opened the door and we all went in. 6) Put on your coat, or you will catch cold. 7) It was late, so we went home. 8) He doesn’t earn much, but he spends money freely. 9) Turn off the light before you leave the room. 10) I hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 1.2句子的基本句型 I. 1)SVC 2) SV 3)SVC 4) SVOC 5. SVOA 6) SVO 7) SVOC 8) SVOiOd 9) SVOC 10) SVA II. 1) My ink has run out. (SV) 2) My plan has changed. (SV) 3) These flowers smell very sweet. (SVC) 4) The story sounds interesting. (SVC) 5) You should look after your parents. (SVO) 6) They didn’t accept my invitation. (SVO) 7) They named the boy jack.(SVOC) 8) I saw him come in and go out. (SVOC) 9) He offered her his seat / his seat to her. (SVOiOd) 10) Jack has caused his family some trouble.(SVOiOd) 11) My uncle has sent me a present. (SVOiOd) 12) He is sitting by the window.(SAV) 13) I went there the day before yesterday. (SVA) 14) My mother wants to retire this year. 15) David likes singing in the bathroom. 1.3 句子的统一与连贯 I. 1) They enjoy reading classic Chinese literature, such as the poetry by Li Bai and Du Fu. 2) When I was a little boy, I wanted to become a doctor. 3) We got to the airport in time and took the plane. 4) I booked the plane tickets and received them two days later. 5) He didn’t come yesterday because he was ill. 6) Come with me and help me do / with the work. 7) If you want to keep healthy, you should spend a little of your free / spare time on regular physical exercise. 8) As you are too weak to travel, you should stay at home during the summer vacation. 9) Teaching, however, is not so easy as others think. It takes me much time to prepare the lesson. And I often feel a bit tense in class. 10) It is difficult to learn English. If we want to have a good command of it, we must study hard. 11) John decided to stop smoking. He did not want to die of lung cancer. Or: John decided to stop smoking because he did not want to die of lung cancer. 12) It seemed so wonderful that she could speak so easy. But she suddenly paused because she was usually shy. II 1) tom is a student who does well in exams, attends classes, reads textbooks, and reviews class notes. 2) The teacher told his students to read the story, to write an outline of it and to develop the outline into a summary. 3) His speeches were either too long or too short. 4) Knowing how to study and learning how to plan time are very important for college students. 5) The new flat is not only more economical but also some questions. 6) Come to class prepared to take notes and to ask some questions.

293 评论(15)


今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语写作基础教材目录,自考英语写作基础作文的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!自考D050201]英 语 所有考试科目有哪些?英语专业简介专业代码:050201050207一、考试课程及学分层次序号课程代码课程名称学分备注专科段13706思想道德修养与法律基础223707毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论434729大学语文440794综合英语1050795综合英语1060593听力8实践分8分70594口语8实践分8分80595英语阅读690596英语阅读6100597英语写作基础4110522英语国家概况4总学分66本科段13708中国近现代史纲要223709马克思主义基本原理概论430840第二外语60841第二外语60842第二外语640600高级英语1250087英语翻译660602口译与听力6实践6学分70603英语写作480604英美文学选读610830现代语言学4本科段选考课程任选3门,专科段已考“英语语法”的本科段不能再选考。2083。1英语语法430832英语词汇学440833外语教学法450094外贸函电460836英语科技文选4必做6999毕业论文不计学分总学分58二、学习书目1.思想道德修养与法律基础《思想道德修养与法律基础》,刘瑞复,李毅红,高等教育出版社,2008年版2.毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论《毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论》,钱淦荣、罗正楷主编,北京大学出版社。3.大学语文《大学语文》徐中玉,陶型传主编,华东师范大学出版。4.综合英语《综合英语》,徐克容主编,外语教学与研究出版社。5.综合英语《综合英语》,徐克容主编,外语教学与研究出版社。《听力》,何其莘主编,外语教学与研究出版社。《英语口语教程》,吴祯福主编,外语教学与研究出版社。8.英语阅读《英语阅读》,俞洪亮主编,高等教育出版社。9.英语阅读《英语阅读》白永权主编,高等教育出版社。10.英语写作基础《英语写作基础》。杨俊峰主编,辽宁大学出版社。11.英语国家概况《英语国家概况》余志远主编,外语教学与研究出版社。12.中国近现代史纲要《中国近现代史纲要》,王顺生、李捷主编,高等教育出版社。13.马克思主义基本原理概论《马克思主义基本原理概论》,卫兴华、赵家祥主编,北京大学出版社。14.第二外语德语《德语速成》,肖佩玲、张人杰等编者,外语教学与研究出版社。法语《公共法语》,吴贤良,王美华主编,上海外语教育出版社。日语《中日交流标准日本语》,中央广播电视台教学节目用书,人民教育出版社。15.高级英语《高级英语》,王家湘,张中载主编,外语教学与研究出版社。16.英语翻译《英语翻译》,庄绎传主编,外语教学与研究出版社。17.口译与听力《口译教程》,梅德明主编,上海外语教育出版社。《英语中级听力》,何其莘、金利民等编,外语教学与研究出版社。18.英语写作《英语写作》,杨俊峰主编,辽宁大学出版社。19.英美文学选读《英美文学选读》,张伯香主编,外语教学与研究出版社。20.现代语言学《现代语言学》,何兆熊,梅德明主编,外语教学与研究出版社。21.英语语法《英语语法》,李基安主编,外语教学与研究出版社。22.英语词汇学《英语词汇学》,张维友主编,外语教学与研究出版社。23.外语教学法《外语教学法》,舒白梅、陈偌林主编,高等教育出版社。24.外贸函电《外贸函电》,方春祥主编,中国人民大学出版社。25.英语科技文选《英语科技文选》李碧嘉主编,高等教育出版社。参考资料:我想学英语专业。自考大专。请问要买点什么书?《毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想概论》《思想道德修养与法律基础》《大学语文》《英语国家概况》《英语听力》《英语阅读》《英语阅读》《英语写作基础》《综合英语》《综合英语》《英语语法》上面12门课程全部考过就可以毕业了。辅导书就是每门课对应的同名教材和考试资料。那考试的时候是同时都考吗?这些书一般哪里有卖?不是同时考,正常时每年4月和10月考,4月的两个周末4天,10月的两个周末4天。另外1月和7月还有两次增考。增考内容1月和10月开考科目基本相同,7月和4月的开考科目基本相同。因为每次考试只有两个周末,所以理论上最多每次可以报考8门,但是实际上最多只能报考6门,很少有人一次报考6门得,因为考试难度比较大,多数人每次只报考2—4门。自考书在自考办全部都能买到,报名时可以买,但是自考办的教材都是按定价卖,比较贵。你可以到本市的书籍市场买,多数都能买到,价格便宜的多。我是河北石家庄的,但是籍贯在福建。。能考试吗?是用上面那些书吗?可以的,你在哪里报考都可以,如果你在一个地方15门可没有考完,然后又要转到其他地方,那你也可以把自考的学籍转到其他地方考。自考很方便的,只要你能够坚持,肯定能过。我看了比人给你的回答,他们都是做广告的,现在做自考培训的很多,其实自考没必要参加培训的,只要自己肯花时间,肯努力,一定没问题的,而且自考这个过程能够锻炼你很多的能力,让你学会怎样坚持,怎样自主把想要的东西得到。希望你能够坚持。我的本科学历是自考拿到的,自考不光是拿个学历,更重要的是这个过程,很宝贵的,加油。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:

143 评论(15)



342 评论(10)


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