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◎一般句式 例:He came here at 5 pm.yesterday.

◎否定句 例:He did not come here until 5 pm.yesterday.

◎倒装句 例:Not until/till 5 pm.did he come hereyesterday.

◎强调句 例:It was not until/till 5 pm.that he camehere yesterday.


表列举:for example、for instance、that is to say

表补充:besides、in addition、moreover

表对比:on the one hand…on the other handin spite of

表原因:because of、thanks to、due to、owing to

表结果:therefore、thus、as a result、so

表结论:to conclude、in a word、in brief、to sum up



-We are good friends and we should help each other.(并列连词)

-As we are good friends,we should help each other.(从属连词)

-Being good friends,we should help each other.(非谓语动词)






S十V十O1十O2 主谓双宾结构

S十V十O十C 主谓宾补结构





He runs quickly.


They listened carefully.


He suffered from cold and hunger.


China belongs to the third world country.


The gas has given out.


My ink has run out.



在此句式中,V是系动词(link v.),常见的系动词有:look,seem,appear,sound,feel,taste,smell,grow,get,fall ill/asleep,stand/sit still,become,turn等。例如:

He is older than he looks.


He seen interested in the book.


The story sounds interesting.


The desk feels hard.


The cake tastes nice.


The flowers smell sweet and nicc.


You have grown taller than before.


He has suddenly fallen ill.


He stood quite still.


He becomes a teacher when he grew up.


He could never turn traitor to his country.



He looked me up and down.


He reached his hand to feel the elephant.


They are tasting the fish.


They grow rice in their home town.


He's got a chair to sit on.


Please turn the sentence into English.




I saw a film yesterday.


Have you read the story?


They found their home easily.


They built a house last year.


They've put up a factory in the village.


They have taken good care of the children.


You should look after your children well.




He gave me a book/a book to me.


He brought me a pen/a pen to me.


He offered me his seat/his seat to me.



Mother bought me a book/a book for me.


He got me a chair/a chair for me.


Please do me a favor/a favor for me.


He asked me a question/a question of me.



They robbed the old man of his money.


He's warned me of the danger.


The doctor has cured him of his disease.


We must rid the house of th erats.


They deprived him of his right to speak.





They made the girl angry.


They found her happy that day.


I found him out.


I saw him in.


They saw a foot mark in the sand.


They named the boy Charlie.


I saw him come in and go out.


They felt the car moving fast.


I heard the glass broken just now.


He found the doctor of study closed to him.


225 评论(9)


英语口语考试万能句子 全国大学英语教学改革提出要 提高学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是听说能力 后,大家对英语口语能力的.重视达到了前所未有的程度。下面是我带来的英语口语考试句子,欢迎阅读!1. Why are you so late today? 2. We were (cut--caught) in a traffic jam this morning. 3. The traffic is always terrible during rush hours. 4. This express way links two major cities of the state. 5. The flier was under repair, and we had to make a . 6. The road was blocked because of a car crash. 7. There are hundreds of gas stations in the city. 8. My car broke down on the way home. 9. I had a (fly tire?) this morning. 10. Tim( is-was)( upside-- abscind供参考 )minded and hit the back of another car. 11. Runing the red light is to be (find--fined) by the police. 12. David got a car speeding by a . 13. Draving after drinking is extreme (dangers--dangerous). 14. You must fasten the seat belt while driving. 15. In China, cars go along the right side of the road. Dialog Exercise Nubmer one, excuses A. You are two hours late, Jack. What is the excuse for this time? B. Where, I.. I'm in a heavy traffic. All cars . I didn't know the flier over(). A. The (flier over --flyover)is under( a-/ )repair. You had to make a .That was the excuse yesterday. B. Where, my car broke down on the way. A. This excuse is (welling--可能是well in )thing. B. I drove (to--too) fast and was (cut--caught) by the (cup-cop). I.. A. I ( up-- am fed up), Jack. Go to work now. Don't let it happen again. Number Two, Car crash. A. Mrs. Fortune never comes alone. Angela lost her wallet last week.And she had a car accident this week. B. I feel sorry for her. Where did she catch it? A. At the corner of Oxford street. B. Was it serious? A. Fortunately, she was immediately sent to the hospital.Now, she can only stay in bed all day. B. How come she had an accident. She was always careful. A. But not the one who hit her. He was drunk. B. It is dangerous to drive a car after dringing(). Number Three, Late for (a while--work) A. Hello? B. Hello, where to? A. Do you think we can get to the Welled hotel before nine o'clock? B. , you know the bad traffic in the rush hours. A. We should make it if the lights are with us.Hurry up, I'm going to be late. Dammit, we are in a major traffic jam. What's wrong? B. The road was blocked because of a car crash. A. Can we make a ? B. Not now, I'm afraid. Take it easy, Sir. At least, we (car --are)moving. 英语口语考试句子阅读 The hair Core Sentences 1. You look good with your new hair style. 2. A hair saloon was just openned in our neighborhood. 3. How do you want to your haircut? 4. I want a shampoo and a . 5. This brand of shampoo is my favorite. 6. A. Is this all right? 7. Her hair has been . 8. Lots of young people have their hair dyed. 9. Can you do my hair in the style of the picture? 10. Would you like a ? 11. Give me a shape, please. 12. My sister had a . 13. As it now, please. 14. How about an care? Dialog Exercise Number one, At the beauty Sallon A. Morning, Linda, you have your hair cut? B. My beautician said this style makes me look professional. A. It does, you look great. Would you recommend a good saloon? I want dye my hair because there are too many white hairs. Also, I have a dander problem. B. What kind of shampoo are you using? A. No fixed brand. B. Why not try Slek? I'm using it now, and helps to improve hair quality. A. Ok, I'll give it a try. B. I trust my beautician a lot. So, why not go with me nex time. A. Good idea. Do they do facial care? B. Sure, you can also have care, and . Numbe two, Being End. A. Good evening, Miss. B. Good evening, I want to do my hair. How much is it for a wash, cut and a blow dry? A. Thirty UN. Don't you want do dyer here, it is quite fashionable to have color it here. B. How much is it? How long will that be? A. I suggest you to use this brand hair dye. It won't hurt your hair, and prevent , and the prices is fair, only one hundred eighty UN. B. Ok, I'll have a try. A. How about a ? with . B. No, I prefered stress hair. Would you show me the color bar? A. One moment, please. 英语口语考试句子学习 bank Core Sentences 1. How would you like to deposit your money? 2. I'd like to open a savings account with this bank. 3. How can I go about it? 4. The minimums depoist for desposit account is fifty yuan. 5. What's the interest rate? 6. It's one point two percent per year. 7. How can I close my checking account now? 8. I want to withdraw my balance. 9. You need fill out the withdraw slip. 10. How do you want you money? 11. An one hundred yuan notes, please. 12. May I have this check cleared? 13. How much do you want to exchange? 14. I have eight thousands Hongkong dollars, and I want to change them for Euros. 15. What's the exchange rate today? 16. I'd like to have the one hundred yuan bill broken up. Dialog Exercises Number one, Exchange Money A. Good afternoon. B. Good afternoon, I want to change some dollars into Renmingbi.What is the exchange rate for today? A. It's Renmingbi eight hundred twenty-seven yuan against US one hundred dollars. B. I want to change for two thousands yuan. A. In notes or checks? B. Cash. A. Please show me your passport and fill out this memo. B. There, I've gotten them finished, and this is my passport. A. All right, what denomination do you want? B. I don't care, any kind of denominations are ok. A. Here you are. Have a nice day. B. Thank you. Number two, Open an account A. Good morning, Mam, may I help you? B. Yes, please. I'd like to open a savings account. Will you tell me how to do it? A. Sure, Mam. We have now two kinds of savings account for our customers. Namely the current deposit account and the fixed deposit account. What kind would you like to open? B. Could you tell me the difference between the two? A. Yes, of course. The interest rate is higher for fixed account, but you cannot draw cash from the deposit before the maturity date, or you won't owned the interest as planned. B. Then I'd open a current deposit account. A. Please fill in this slip and go to account number four for services. your real name, please. B. Thank you very much. A. You are welcome. ;

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