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英国本科留学,好的个人陈述的作用是不言而喻的。它可以提高你的录取成功率。接下来,我为大家带来了英国本科留学个人陈述模板英文,希望对大家有所帮助:Although I pursued an academic rather than creative path in school, I have always been fascinated by the patterns that occur in art, architecture and the natural world, and drawing and painting have heightened my appreciation of them. Creating art, whether it is realistic or abstract, has helped me to see the world more clearly. In October 2007 I began studying Classics and Modern Languages at Oxford University, but I had to leave in my first term as the problems my dyspraxia caused me were more severe than anticipated and I struggled to cope with day-to-day living and developed mental health problems. Studying this course would give me an opportunity to get back into Higher Education and to learn more about something which has always interested me. Although I have no formal qualifications in art, I have kept up my passion for it outside the curriculum. My favourite material to work with is charcoal, as I find it helps me to portray texture better than any other material, although I also enjoy working with paints, pencil, collage and I have recently begun to develop an interest in tapestry and relish the opportunity to explore new media which this course would offer me. I have recently been doing a life-drawing project on wood, which stems from my interest in the forms and textures in nature. I have also been inspired by the art I have seen as part of my study of other subjects. On a school trip to Spain, I visited various museums and was particularly moved by Picasso's Guernica at the Reina Sofia Museum and I was fascinated by Hieronymus Bosch's Garden of Earthly delights which I saw at the Prado. At the Prado, I was also privileged to see some of the works of El Greco, which I found deeply moving. As a practising Christian, the art of the spiritual matters particularly to me, and I want to learn more about both Christian art and the iconography and architecture of other major world religions. Another thing which left a deep impression upon me when I visited Spain was the Moorish architecture I saw in Toledo. I am also interested in the psychology behind art and how people are empowered by artistic self-expression. For this reason, I am a supporter of the work of The Autism Acceptance Project, an organisation which showcases the artwork of autistic adults. In my spare time, I have undertaken a variety of voluntary work. I helped with my school's Youth SVP scheme, which organised clubs to help local primary school with reading. I also was a Youth Leader at Edmund Rice Camp, a week-long summer play scheme for children aged between seven and eleven. This year, I have worked at The Croft Nursery School in Newcastle-under-Lyme with children aged three to four. I have enjoyed this immensely and feel it has improved my ability to collaborate with others. Alongside this, my love of the countryside has led me to complete the Duke of Edinburgh's award (bronze) and have participated in Student Cross, a 125-mile hike from Oxford to Walsingham. Learning about other cultures, both those of the past and of the present, is also a hobby of mine. For this reason I have always been engrossed by the study of languages and I am currently learning ancient Greek. I also enjoy reading a variety of literature and creative writing (both fiction and non-fiction) and have had several current events articles published online. My curiosity about language, literature and culture sets my enthusiasm for art in a broader context and is a source of inspiration.

139 评论(14)


您好,是的可以的。项目我给您罗列承认自考文凭的国外大学名单。据了解,澳大利亚、英国的高等学历基本上都承认中国的自学考试。美国、加拿大等国家的部分高等学府承认中国的自学考试。这些国外高等院校,承认北京市高等教育自学考试委员会颁发的学历证书,允许持有学历证书或单科合格证的自考生进入本校学习时,或攻读学位或免修、减修部分课程。名单如下: 美国内华达大学、美国休斯敦大学、美国实用中心大学、美国得克萨期州基督教大学、美国纽约州伦斯勒理工大学、美国纽约州克拉克桑大学、美国加州洛杉矶大学、美国纽约州立大学、美国中央俄克拉荷马大学、美国马林学院、美国克莱蒙特研究生院、美国南卡罗来纳大学、英国利物浦赫普大学学院、英国曼彻斯特大学、英国格林威治大学、英国伦敦大学学院、英国伦敦大学政治经济学院、英国邓迪大学、英国北伦敦大学、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学、澳洲国立大学、澳大利亚悉尼大学、加拿大蒙特利尔大学、加拿大高贵林学院、法国索菲亚昂蒂波立大学。自考生的新托福和雅思成绩要求首先来说新托福和雅思。对于新托福和雅思,一般来说,文科类专业对于其成绩的要求是最高的,大部分文科类专业所要求的语言成绩都是105/7.5以上,而且尤其看重写作成绩,而录取的平均分往往在110左右。商科类专业所要求的语言成绩也比较高,尤其是大部分商学院对于口语、写作等单项有一定的要求。而理工类的专业相对来说对于语言成绩的要求要低一些,一般为80分;虽然部分专业所要求的最低语言成绩比较低(比如Berkeley只要求68分),但“水涨船高”,被录取的申请人除非在科研、实习等方面特别突出,否则仅仅达到学院的最低要求是没有竞争力的。自考生的GRE和GMAT成绩要求之后说说GRE与GMAT,对于GRE与GMAT,分数高则更可能引起审核委员的注意。但如果自身有许多与申请专业相关的活动、实习、实验经历或是有特别“牛”的推荐信,GRE的重要性相对来说就可以低那么一点。另外, GRE不必非在国内考,国内一年只有二次考试机会(6月和10月),也可以选择去国外考。国外一般采用计算机机考,有特定的考试范围便于准备,一般只需准备一个月左右的时间,考到1300分以上相对容易些。而商学院的申请过程中GMAT如果没有达到700分,除非工作经验或实习背景很强,对于申请影响颇大。

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Britain has the first-class education system.Universities in Britain are prestigious throughout the world.People in Britain are hospital. 仅供参考。

252 评论(13)


留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas 阀tudy consultant 会计 - accounting 出国留学,用英文咋说 ab触oad study certificate 是出国留学证明的意思! study abroad是正解!留学生英文怎么说? 现在比较多的说法是International Student。。。 公派留学用英语怎么说 government-sponsored overseas study 留学生英文怎么说 留学生: [ liú xué shēng ] 1. student studying abroad 2. (foreign) exchange student 其它相关解释:例句与用法: 1. 她是个在英国的外国留学生。 She is an overseas student in Britain. 2. 学杂费昂贵,外国留学生负担不起。 The tuition and f矗es fall heavy on the international students. 3. 几年来, 几百个留学生在那所大学学习过。 Over the years, hundreds of overseas students have studied at that university. 留学中介用英文怎么说 Overseas Affairs Service Agency,这个是我曾经委托的一个中介的名字。 出国用英语怎么说英语 go abroad. 我想去英国留学。 英语怎么说? 我想去英国留学。 I want to study in UK. I want to go to England for further education. 留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas study consultant 会计 - accounting 你是留学生吗? 英语怎么说? Are you a student studying abroad?

302 评论(10)


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