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Educational Comprehensive Notes: The First Principle of Pedagogy Chapter I An Overview of Pedagogy Section 1 Objects and Tasks of Education Pedagogy is a subject which takes educational phenomena and problems as its research object. 1. Education is a regular activity system. The law of education is the essential connection between various factors within education, between education and other things, and the inevitable trend of the development and change of education. 2. The task of pedagogy is to reveal all kinds of verifiable and logical factual laws of education (including macro and micro ones) according to the structural level of education, and on the basis of revealing the laws of education, to clarify the research of the principles, methods and organizational forms of education work, so as to reveal a science of the laws of education. 。 3. Education is also an activity system with value orientation. When people construct and participate in educational activities, they will consciously or unconsciously take their understanding and attitude towards life and their choice and pursuit of the meaning of life and social ideals as starting points, form educational values, guide and standardize human development and human education. Therefore, pedagogy with education as its object of study is a subject that explores educational values or the state of education as it ought to be. Many schools of pedagogy flourish because of their different methodological standpoints and educational values. 4. The focus of educational research often lies in discussing the concrete unity of various possibilities and value choices of educational activity system, reality and ought, objective observation and human's subjective initiative in creating history. 5. Education is an art. Educators have their own energy, experience, life experience and education style. Educated people are also living people in society. They not only have their demonstration basis, subjective will and current mentality in educational activities, but also need their self-construction and self-effort to grow up. In this way, educational activities are full of spirituality, emotion and free creation. In this sense, education can also be said to be an art. To sum up, there are many choices in the object and task of education. They can be educational laws or educational values or educational arts respectively. They can also include educational laws, educational values, educational arts and their unification. 第一篇 教育学原理 第一章 教育学概述 第一节 教育学的对象和任务 教育学是一门以教育现象和教育问题为研究对象的学科。 1、教育是一种有规律的活动系统。教育规律就是教育内部诸因素之间,教育与其他事物之间的具有本质性的联系,以及教育发展变化的必然趋势。 2、教育学的任务,就是依照教育的结构层次,去揭示教育的各种可验证的合逻辑的事实性规律(包括宏观的和微观的),并在揭示教育规律的基础上,阐明教育工作的原理、方法和组织形式的研究,去揭示教育规律的一门科学。 3、教育也是一种有价值取向的活动系统。人们在构建和参与教育活动时会自觉或不自觉地把自己对生活的理解和态度和对人生意义与社会理想的选择与追求作为出发点,形成教育价值观念,引领和规范人的发展和人的教育。因此,以教育为研究对象的教育学又是一门探讨教育价值观念或教育应然状态的学科。诸多教育学流派的林立,是由于所持方法论立场和教育价值观念的不同所致。 4、教育研究的重点往往在于讨论教育活动系统的多种可能与价值选择、实然与应然、客观观察与人的主观能动地创造历史的具体的统一。 5、教育是一种艺术。教育者有自己的精力、经验、人生体验、教育风格,受教育者也是社会的活生生的人,他们在教育活动中不仅有他们的显示基础和主观意愿、当下心态,而且他们的成长还要经过他们的自我建构和自我努力。这样,教育活动是充满灵性、情感、自由创造的活动。在这一意义上,也可以说教育是一种艺术。 综上所述,教育的对象和任务有多种选择,可以分别是教育规律或教育价值观念或教育艺术,也可以兼及教育规律、教育价值观念、教育艺术及其统一。 距离上次提交作业很快一周时间就过去了,就趁在的机会,放一些摘抄做笔记吧,看到那么多人都能够完美输出,自己实在是差距太大,还不能做到融会贯通,形成自己的语言。希望自己能够坚持下去,做不到日更至少要做到周更,感恩遇见。

120 评论(15)


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