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自考问答 > 自考本科 > 自考改变人生的例子英语作文

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Changing a moment of my life. We all have momments of regrets, what if we could change these exact moments of our life? For instance, you were buying the lottery tickets all your life but for some reasons, in one particular week you forgot to buy it. The numbers came up, which were what you always choose, how apt and how unfortunate! You have upsetted her badly and she had walked out of you but afterwards, she had a second thought and would like to give you a sceond chance. So she went back to your place to see you, but you happened to have gone out to the shop to buy some milk. She stood outside of your place for a long time without any answer. This time she was really furious and you have never seen her again ever since! Once when you have two shares to choose from, and you couldn't make up your mind which one you would like to invest in. So you closed you eyes and used a pen to point one out. Unfortunately, the one you picked and bought was a bad choice. It went from bad to worse, which you have nearly lost all of your investment, but the one you missed out went from strength to strength. It is now more than ten times of its original value, how horrible!What if you could change all the above particular moments of your life? Say if you didn't forget to buy your lottery tickets that week, you didn't go to the shop when she came back to you and you have picked the other share instead, wouldn't that be wonderful? But if things had already happened then you won't be able to change them anymore. They are fate and fate cannot be altered. If your really want to change the momment of your life, there are only two things that you can do, which are study hard and work hard. Only through these two conditions can you change your momments of life when come to a certain critical and decisive point! The more equipped and more talented would always prevail! 希望会对你有帮,和令你满意。

112 评论(10)


the moment in my life that created/change my identity?那是一生中改变你身份(或个性)的一小段时光,Sir.

169 评论(13)



Criticism has no effect on me, so everyone cares about me and can't control me. Only my mother believes that I will change.


I really changed because of her.


At the end of last semester in grade five, my grandfather's chrysanthemum blossomed. My mother said she would take me to my grandfather's house to see the chrysanthemum. I made an exception and went with her. When I arrived at my grandfather's house, the chrysanthemum blossomed in late autumn and stood proudly.


My mother said, "Look at the chrysanthemums, which are blooming in this cool autumn, silently and selflessly dedicating their lives to everyone, blooming beautiful flowers and working hard".


I've learned that life should be like that chrysanthemum. I have been working hard and striving for the society and the country all my life.


233 评论(11)


改变我人生的一刻 To change a particular momment of my lifeWe all have momments of regrets, what if we could change these exact moments of our life? For instance, you were buying the lottery tickets all your life but for some reasons, in one particular week you forgot to buy it. The numbers came up, which were what you always choose, how apt and how unfortunate! You have upset her badly and she had walked out of you but afterwards, she had a second thought and would like to give you a second chance. So she went back to your place to see you, but you happened to have gone out to the shop to buy some milk. She stood outside of your place for a long time without any answer. This time she was really furious and you have never seen her again ever since! Once when you have two shares to choose from, and you couldn't make up your mind which one you would like to invest in. So you closed you eyes and used a pen to point one out. Unfortunately, the one you picked and bought was a bad choice. It went from bad to worse, which you have nearly lost all of your investment, but the one you missed out went from strength to strength. It is now more than ten times of its original value, how horrible!What if you could change all the above particular moments of your life? Say if you didn't forget to buy your lottery tickets that week, you didn't go to the shop when she came back to you and you have picked the other share instead, wouldn't that be wonderful? But if things had already happened then you won't be able to change them anymore. They are fate and fate cannot be altered. If your really want to change the momment of your life, there are only two things that you can do, which are study hard and work hard. Only through these two conditions can you change your momments of life when come to a certain critical and decisive point! The more equipped and more talented would always prevail!

301 评论(13)


In the twinkling of an eye,my college life has passed almost two years.I became maturer and maturer in respects of the school work,relations between others,even the principle of conduct in society.At present,I have a good state in study,and I am also falling in love.I make an important decision today,that is I will study harder to get a job when I graduate from college,after that I will marry to my girlfriend

132 评论(9)


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