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2010年4月自考英语二(00015),全国考生、江苏考生通用。建议考生记括号内单词,尤其是江苏考生。选择题:1、C:(distinct)2、B:(vividly)3、A:(stpatation)4、B:(accompanies)5、D:(almptified)6、D:(repaited)7、C:(deep)8、D:(will have been completed)9、A:(catch up with) 10、A:(bear)11、a:(might)12、b:(d开头的单词)13、c:(防雷同自己选)14、b:(since then)15、d:(C开头的单词)16、a:(by hand) 17、b:(carving)18、c:(it) 19、b:(action)20、b:(become)21、C:(sports ..to be hold)22、C:(they had .. food to out)23、c:(welfare helps..amanricans)24、d:(tend to...for growth)25、a:(the digenrous of..)26、C:(it coneerns the couple and their farnilies as well)27、D:(the young couple)28、B:(men used to be dominant in choosing a partner)29、D:(satisfying) 30、A(the process of an arranged japanese marriage)31、A:(they are too busy and academically unprepared)32、C:(the former have more problems than the latter)33、B:(provide aduit with guidance)34、D:(for educator interesed in adult learning).35、B:(in a life long proces)36、多种多样的(diverse) 37、同样的(likewise) 40、偏见(bias ) 41、商标(trademark)42、观众(audence) 43、城市的(urban)44、词典(distionary) 45、材料(material)46、科学的(scientific) 47、值得(deserve)48、延长(prolong) 49、缺陷、毛病(defect)50、图书管理员(librarian) 51、药片(tablet)52、命令、指令(command) 53、明智(sensible )54、原则(principle) 55、次等的、劣等的(inferior)56-60:treatment effective quickened different honesty 61-65:writhy irvegular seriousness tolerant rapidlly66f.I think it is hard to understand the black hole theory 67y.To finish the test ,the scientist hardly go to sleep before midnight 68t.The young man’s study could harly succead 69x.Even if the police could find the reason for the traffic allident70c.I would rather hope he could buy this house next year翻译:过去,工作与休息的时间被划分得很明确.人们按时离开办公室,当他们在上下班时完全无法联系,并且一回到家中就不再工作.现在,已经不再如此了.在如今竞争力强的工作市场上,雇主对产量的要求高了,期望员工们花更多的时间在工作上,并通过传真,手机,电邮或其他通讯方式与之联系.因此,员工们感觉到必须了解公司所发生的事,即使他们已经下班了.他们有加班的压力,从而完成自己的所有工作.他们工作更加努力,时间更长,并且换工作更为频繁,并且对工作安全担忧.

169 评论(13)


2020年自考备考已经开始,自考历年真题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道真题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。网给大家整理了 2019年4月自考《英语(二)》真题及答案解析 ,一起来试试吧!


My Brother

My brother is off at college, and at 14, I miss him terribly. My brother is a rare kind of guy. He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely. But it’s how he handles things and how he treats his friends and his family that make me feel more proud.

He applied to 14 colleges. He was accepted by all but one, the one he wanted, Brown University. So he took his second choice, and off he went to a first year. When he came home for summer vacation, he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job, and do whatever he could to bee known in the area. He’d work his heart out and do his best at everything. Someone,he was sure,would notice. This was a big deal for my parents as it meant agreeing to a year without college. But they trusted him and encouraged him to do whatever he thought it would take to realize his dream.

It wasn’t long before he was hired as an *** (业余的)play director at Brown. Now was his chance to shine, and shine he did. He put every bit of himself into the job. He met teachers and school officials, talked to everyone about his dream and never hesitated to tell them what he was after.

And, sure enough, at the end of the year, when he reapplied to Brown, he was accepted.

We were all happy, but for me the happiness went very deep. I had learned an important lesson-a lesson no one could have taught me with words. If I work hard for what I want, and if I keep trying after I’ve been turned down, my dreams can also e true. This is a gift I still hold in my heart.


1.  My brother had many good qualities.

2. Only one university accepted my brother.

3. My brother’s first year at college was terrible.

4. My brother would like to find a job in Rhode Island.

5. My parents disagreed with my brother’s plan.

6. My brother took every opportunity to promote himself.

7. My brother never told anyone what he was after.

8. My brother applied to Brown University three times.

9. My brother set a good example for me.

10. I wanted to go to college, too.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

1 .  A

2 .  B

3 .  C

4 .  A

5 .  B

6 .  A

7 .  B

8 .  B

9 .  A

10 .  C

1 .  由“He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely.”可以得出答案。

4 .  由“he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job”可以得出答案。

10 .  文中没有提到“我也想上大学”。

246 评论(8)


不一样 选择乱了 后面也乱的

117 评论(8)


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